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When the Magical Girl of Courage falls in her bitter battle at the Library's heart, she finds herself transposed. The golden grace of true light in her heart is all she takes along into the city of Mitakihara. New acquaintances and experiences await, yet no friends. Never friends. Not for Courage, who remains ever detached. But the clock is ticking. World's end draws near. The Magical Girl must redefine her purpose before that final moment. Her experiences will change her, as they are wont...
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You are an intruder in the greatest ritual this misbegotten land has to offer. The Fuyuki Holy Grail War has failed four times already. This fifth attempt will be the last.
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You are a magical girl. Love is a nailbat. Spread the love.
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A gender-reversed Beauty and the Beast-style story, with emphasis on the beast. An art student looking for love falls into an arranged marriage to a monster right out of his nightmares. Can he escape before the wedding, or could love actually bloom with a beast?
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You live in a world of endless night. You are a monster born out of a legend. When a mortal...
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A horrible affliction spreads in your hometown. Its victims become mentally unstable and vanish without a trace in the span of months. While most people don't know or think it is some weird urban legend, you have seen a victim of "unsanity" yourself and decided to investigate. The Wonderland is coming.
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Follow Magical Girl [REDACTED] as her need for answers leads her into the heart of her world, promising to find the Truth. She may be well in over her head, but will her Wild Curiosity drive her to insanity? This section is not fixed, and will be updated later to better reflect the story and its audience.
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Welcome to Last Minute Mage Quest! You’re a resident of the world of Geolocus, a world largely like our own… with the exception of all the magic and monsters everywhere. They’re living in their own modern age of information, with cell phones and cars and the internet. At the same time, magic, monsters, gods, and other worlds exist. You will be attending Bellafonte Academy, one of the most prestigious magical schools on the world. You’ll be dealing with your fellow students, an assigned...
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Lead your Nation into a brave new world
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You were once a Mage. Not just any mage, but one of the most powerful that the multiverse had ever seen. The memories come to you, barest trails of sand that bend and splinter into the breeze, old dreams that only became true thoughts as you continued to age. Your end come to your previous life, and let your power shattered, what traces were left of them following behind the last traces of your soul as you were reborn. Who you once were is gone now, never to return. But while your power is...
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The wounds of the civil war scar and the occult world stirs. How will our protagonist handle themselves in this treacherous land of lakes and monsters.
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At the summit of the dreaming-realm, the hidden world that underlies mundane reality, lies the prize occultists yearn for with all their being, the thing that will make it all worthwhile. Or so it's said, anyway. Ash is a novice, self-taught and casting about for meaning. They're not ready, and know it. They're making the Ascent, anyway.
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase The Institute is a secret organization founded and funded by Theodore Kazlev, to research the paranormal and protect mankind from extraordinary threats to our safety Take control of a fledgling group trying to make a strange world slightly better and not get caught by the feds at the same time Find wonders and horrors, learn more about them, even use them to achieve great feats Hopefully don't get murdered or worse
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Harry Potter, but with less paper-thin stereotypes, racism, transphobia, student tracking and plot holes in general. Plus audience participation.
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Your a young man who dreams of a life of fame and fortune as a musician. It sounds all fine and dandy but you actually have to work to get there. How will you get to the top is the question, will you get recognised by a label, go viral somehow, or perhaps sell your soul to something nefarious or maybe you will fail entirely and live and life you will regret…
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A quest to keep a glamorous, ghostly hotel alive and thriving. Or dead and thriving, whichever you please.
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Rule the nights of a city as a vampire Prince. Crush your foes, assert your domination and, most of all, extract servants and precious blood from the teeming masses of mortals.
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Conspiracies, alien overlords, the Illuminati, all these things are often scapegoats blamed by paranoid individuals for the world's problems. However, the likelihood of these rumors being true is exceedingly low. In truth, humanity doesn't require an elaborate conspiracy to suffer or experience misery. Humanity's own stupidity, greed, and immorality are more than sufficient to screw themselves over. However... What if I told you there exists a world where some of these seemingly farfetched...
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You are Anna Everett, and your life has been bound to the arcane through a choice that was none.
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Spire City is said to be the place to live, having the good fortune to house the first arcology and orbital tether that is responsible for its enormous wealth. A series of killings has dulled the enthusiasm however, what with the fact that the murders were left unsolved by the Spire City Atraeta Archival Protection Agency, or SCAAPA for short. Five years later, the same killings have seemingly started anew, and SCAAPA's operational branch only has four people to its name. With much-reduced...
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A woman -- desperate to escape her soul-crushing life filled with medical debt and student loans -- offers her child to an unknown, eldritch force in exchange for untold wealth and freedom from all responsibilities. A small mistake in the ritual results in you overtaking her body instead. Now with a small child to take care of, you must navigate the trials and tribulations of being a single mother. Be it the mysteries of human socialization, minimum wage jobs, PTA meetings, homework...
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A quest about delving into the occult and the dire and wondrous consequences of that
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Ciara O'Deorain is a seventeen-year-old girl living in America's most violent city. One day, she finds an old book that gives her the power to summon entities from other worlds and timelines.
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It wasn't supposed to be like this. Hachiman and Yui were enjoying their shitty community service as guidance counselors for elementary students in a shitty summer camp in Chibamura, Gunma. Tonight was supposed to be a test of courage event, and Hachiman had an epic plan cooked up to help a certain pariah of the class, Tsurumi Rumi. However, things went south before they realized it. And now, they were caught in the warzone.
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Transcending history and time, legends bring to us our basic humanity: the grand ideals...
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Gain eldritch powers start a cult and help reshape reality to the incomprehensible desires of the alien deity that has become your patron. Benefits of your new job may include: demigod-like powers, immortality and even free dental.
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Control the new head of a top-secret USA research initiative as you try to answer important questions such as: How did a single plant manage to kill more than 500 people in under 24 hours? Why do the laws of physics keep getting violated? And most importantly of all. What the hell is going on?!
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Welcome to Magnum Opus, a game inspired by various cyberpunk, urban fantasy, and Shin Megami Tensei, where you have to balance making your corporate bosses happy, dealing with the emerging occult underworld, your own ambitions, and your social life and family, all while playing as an increasingly amoral corporate scientist.
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As the ink dries on the National Security Act of 1947, a new intelligence organ of the United States Government is formed for the investigation and supression of supernatural threats officially it does not exist Good luck Director, Assume Nothing
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A year ago, a dimension-hopping wizard declared he would open a school on earth. Today, you're about to become one of his first students.
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