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Quests Archive

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Previously titled Isekai/Online. In which our heroine finds themselves in the world of the VRMMO The Wonders of Mundus: Mundane Phantasy Historia, to her confusion, and must rediscover who she pretends to be! A queer cyberpunk MMO isekai story.
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Ciel is tired of evil. The banal desires. The predictable ambition. She yearns for something more. Something different. Something closer to the books she reads at night.
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The world once destroyed, now a world to be healed. And our mythical heros, the chosen saviors, the seeds of a new humanity...were dropped into one monster free area, given a small population of humanity to coordinate, and instructed to create the worlds first Village. They did so, and more. And as the system challenged them, their area of influence grew, pushing back the walls of the time bubble for new people and resources. But there are always monsters. Some, you will never see coming...
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You are given a curious game by your friend.
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A quest set in the world of Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman. You are given 7 days notice that every structure in the world from chicken coops to cars to Buckingham Palace will be sucked down into the ground and you will need to fight your way through 18 levels of dungeon in order to reclaim your world.
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Recruit a diverse cast of characters, level up both your organization and its members, and venture out into the final frontier.
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This is the fourth Headway/Nexus Quest thread, formerly GMed by @jcw3, then by @SynchronizedWritersBlock, then by @bookworm702, and now by some rambunctious upstart named @jcw3. Taylor Hebert, ~two months before the locker, instead gets an outside-context Gamer-lite power and some limited multidimensional travel, and resolves to be a hero for three worlds.
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The Spire is a painful place. You think you're going to shatter its ugly mug.
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War has broken out and by the order of the duke you've left your village to join the army putting down your [wheat farmer] class to pick up the militia class. A war is a terrible thing and you must navigate your way through it but with some smart choices and a little bit of luck (or a lot of it) you might find your way to happy ending. If you survive that is.
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It seems like you're a Drak Dungeon under a dwarven Hold. Damn it all, Ancestors preserve you from the damn bearded munchkins.
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Take the PC of your choice and see how far you can get in the Universe of 40k before you die! But don't worry, its not all bleak! You can make the Galaxy a better place by killing your foes, leveling up your PCs ability to do paperwork until they make Gulliman look like a chump or even becoming so skilled in being a Fleet Admiral that Abbadon fears coming out of the eye of terror! Survive the lower levels and see if you snowball! Good luck. Keep in mind though, that you are guiding...
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For reasons unbeknownst to you, a mysterious patron has given you a Gamer system which could propel you to unthinkable heights, given time - but even this may prove inferior against the full weight of the Ruinous threat you and your world face.
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A quest about evolving and developing dungeons over time.
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From a young age, everyone’s parents try to teach them valuable lessons that they take with them...
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Liz wakes up in a fantasy world a boss monster. Hopefully she can live long enough to make it past level 1.
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Escaping a ruined Earth, the protagonist finds himself at the tip of the spear to establish a modern civilization in a new world. Note: Straight Protagonist Harem is planned because of the value of marriage alliances but it'll be capped at 3 women.
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You are Alisha Layala, a young woman with a chronic medical condition preventing her from being anywhere with gravity (artificial or otherwise). Taking a do-nothing job at a listening and research post at the edge of human space to fill a legal requirement for the company, you intend to spend your time in VR, checking out the MMO you've been waiting for: Eclipse Arc. A story about exploration, wonder, making friends, and attempting to abuse game mechanics.
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Generic Naruto Gamer Quest by an absolute noob of an author. Expect nothing so that hopefully anything counts as "above expected". I still have to learn both how to narrate and to use SV resources, just so you know. I hope we can all create an interesting story.
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You play as an Ork in Warhammer 40k, with looted Gamer powers, on a planet on the fringes of the galaxy. See what your WAAAGH will be able to do, see the gits of other factions fall beneath your cunning brutality and brutal cunning, see the galaxy buckle beneath your boots.
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In the lands of samurai there were scatterings of villages, inside one village a newly awakened has been given their class. A unique never seen before class, at least no one in the village has heard of it. Litrpg cyberpunk samurai. Use plans.
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You are an ever evolving hive mind in the world of the system. You will be invading a newly integrated world to eat and evolve. Their tyranids! Use plans!
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Welcome to the quest, it's based in the world of The Wandering Inn by Pirateaba, and inspired by Blood and Sand: A Wandering Inn Quest by New Role. I highly recommend giving both a read if you can, however there shouldn't be a major need to read either if you want to participate or read this quest. As we will be exploring and understanding the Innworld alongside whoever our MC is.
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The world is bound by the Sacred Law of Class and Level. You cannot be anything other than what your Class says you are, you cannot be greater than your Level, you cannot be mightier than your Skills. This is the law ordained by the Divines: that you use your Class well, that you act with honor and faith, that you seek to raise your Levels and use your Skills. Let the Warriors go to battle, the Mages to magic, the Workers to labor. By ancient law and divine decree, no new starting class...
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You stepped out of bed and into a hostile world of magic, monsters, and people. As always, it's that last group who cause all the problems. As a slave, your fate seems dire, but you have no intent to spend the rest of your life in shackles.
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I write this in hopes that history finds it in the hands of a worthy predecessor. Shortly I face odds I am uncertain I can triumph over or shenanigan my way out of. Learn from my mistakes, study hard, and always remember law is written for the smooth function of society not the good of the people within it.
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It's a system apocalypse! You know the drill. Fire up the old theory crafter, and get to gaming the System! Here, you can expect a slightly different take on the genre. One that I hope I get right.
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[You have been enrolled to the System! Your sponsor is Poglin.] [Your sponsor, Poglin, have unlocked the Strength, Endurance, and Intelligence for you.] [Divine gift! Your sponsor, Poglin, have granted you 1 Intelligence] You are a forklift. You are in a dark warehouse. You feel different. >_
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A quest where you play as a tree in a world where the arrival of actively genocidal WMDs are an all too frequent occurrence, opposed by the arrival of underaged WMDs taken from earth.
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You are a second class citizen for things you had no choice over. How do you overcome this and make a life for yourself anyway.
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Original fantasy LitRPG quest. Story-focused.
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