Zombie disease that only affects livestock

You wake up tomorrow to find that a bloodborne zombie plague has sprung itself on the world. It only affects cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, chickens and other poultry, but it is incredibly virulent and is dormant for two weeks before it turns them into fast, tough and angry killing machines. It could theoretically jump more species barriers but that's awfully unlikely especially to primates.
It has infected a random 5% of the numbers of each animal species. It is incurable save for killing, burning and salting.
What do you do? What about the world?
Clarification: Horses and work animals not mentioned aren't infected (although the virus could mutate to). If it's mammal/avian and raised for food in a large part of the west, it's susceptible from the start.
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Killing, burning and salting cures it? Bacon? Bacon. Probably. And steak. BBQ all around.

Seriously, though. I'd assume that those animals that aren't free range would be put down quite fast especially if the news is spread worldwide. Might be a sharp decline in meat eating. But someone somewhere will try eating them anyway. If it's 5%, would it be feasible to cull the infected? How strong would they be?
It's five percent to begin with and it has quite the incubation time.
Killing, burning and salting cures it? Bacon? Bacon. Probably. And steak. BBQ all around.
Seriously, though. I'd assume that those animals that aren't free range would be put down quite fast especially if the news is spread worldwide. Might be a sharp decline in meat eating. But someone somewhere will try eating them anyway. If it's 5%, would it be feasible to cull the infected? How strong would they be?
They're as strong compared to uninfected livestock as 28 days later zombies are compared to normal humans.