Zerban's House Of Vidya Megathread


Daemon Noble of D E M O G R A P H I C S
Hello everyone. As you may know already, I like to play videogames. I've done two screenshot LPs here already, streamed Bloodborne multiple times for the peeps in that thread, and stream all sorts of other games that also become edited videos on Youtube. All these different things are cluttering up my sig something fierce along with the quest(s) I run. So I asked the mods and figured... well, why not just make a central thread for that stuff?

I'll post all the LPs, screenshot and video, that I've done here. I'll post advance notice when I'm streaming. Self-evidently from the title, this is where I'll do everything vidya-related for you fine folks. Plus, a constant stream of Like crack people telling me to get off my lazy ass and do things will help my productivity! Everybody wins! Anyway, without further ado;

The game that started it all. The bane of my fucking existence. I did this back in the days when Twitch refused to work for me, so unfortunately it was done on Livestream...'s absolutely dogshit default resolution. So the videos are potato-quality. It's also before I got my new microphone. I would not blame you at all for skipping this LP. On the flipside, it's the one I've done the most actual editing in, so maybe it'll be halfway interesting to watch rather than just listen to like a podcast. Anyhoo.

My second stream project, done in a single sitting. Still shitty video and audio quality, not much editing, and I mostly ruined the footage for the final boss. Oops. I list it mostly for completeness' sake. I won't blame you for skipping this one.

This one starts out with shitty video quality, but at some point in it I finally upgrade to 720p. So there's that! I still suck at the game, having only previously played it seven years ago on PS3, but it doesn't get too bad. The game's pretty short too, so there's that too.

My new standard of video and audio quality. Telltale's up to their old tricks again, and it's going to take a lot of incest from the Lannisters and a lot of rape from the Night's Watch to keep them at bay long enough for Danaerys to finally make it to Namek with the Dragonballs. Beware of Choices Mattering.

An Early Access game I bought on impulse because of @DissMech shilling it all the time. Despite all odds, I thought it was kind of fun! Unfortunately the video's all shitty because I windowed the game to read Twitch chat and didn't realize that'd letterbox the footage to shit. If I ever continued the series, that'd obviously be fixed.

The LP that started it all. On Sufficient Velocity, that is. You know what I mean. Join me on my quest of penetration, gratuitous hot springs, and waifus getting pushed for Summerslam! Also for surprise good writing jumping out of cupboards at random intervals.

Wordpress archive. Original SV thread if you feel like slowly slogging through 100 fucking pages of this creepy anime bullshit.
The game that pleasantly surprised me constantly. One of those JRPGs that'd be phenomenal if it had completely different gameplay and a serious go under an editor's scalpel. As it stands, it's just shockingly quite a worthwhile experience.

Wordpress archive. Original SV thread if you feel like slogging through 59 pages of surprisingly non-creepy anime bullshit.
Reserved. Yes. Really. I have ninety minutes of footage ready to go, and it's always on the cards to come back to. Because despite being a fighting game for droopy-eyed armless children, it's still fun to laugh at the stupid shounen bullshit that Nayroodough lives and breathes.
Reserved. I have the raw footage, and the unedited Twitch VOD is on my Twitch channel too if you feel like catching it while you can. Watch this space.

My Twitch channel for all your upside-down, forward-in-time Superjail vidya needs. My ideal schedule is to stream and/or release a video every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (in Australia-time), but for any multitude of reasons (probably involving Australia's third-world Internet speeds) I may not be able to entirely hold to that. Either way, let's just have some fun with shit and maybe a few not shit vidya.
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In which Zerban plays ameteur Pig Proctologist and fights DeviantArt creations.
I think the saddest thing is that due to breaking Eileen's questline via skip, Zerban will never get to fight (no name given, unofficial titles include "that OP mothafuka", "strongest enemy in the game including bosses" "glorious teleporting nippon steel", "ow his gun took a third of my health OW HIS KATANA TOOK THE REST", and "the guy everyone exploitkills because holy shit how is this fair").

Zerban could take down Metal As Fuck Electric Werewolf. He just needs to fight unlocked.

True. A few more deaths will occur in learning how to aim it though.

In which Zerban plays amateur Pig Proctologist and fights DeviantArt creations.

I don't think he actually fisted any pigs today, unless he did so within the first 20 or so minutes (I wasn't there then).

The first instalment of the Kid Man saga! Hoo boy are you in for some shit. I don't know what's up with the video quality, I think The Evil Within just wants to look shitty. It doesn't help that the anti-letterbox option was integrated really hilariously.

The second instalment of the Kid Man saga. Playing this DLC was like having my soul Shang Tsung'd out of my body live on-stream. Next episode will be even more torturous, if you can believe that. Trust me. You'll be glad you aren't watching this live.
Would you be beginning a LP of that 'Lost Song' SAO game you mentioned soon, @ZerbanDaGreat? The thing seems to be released in English from what I can tell, and you mentioned doing it somewhere in May in the first post here. Unless the 'english sub' version I found via google is the one you were talking about when you said you were waiting for an improved translation?
Would you be beginning a LP of that 'Lost Song' SAO game you mentioned soon, @ZerbanDaGreat? The thing seems to be released in English from what I can tell, and you mentioned doing it somewhere in May in the first post here. Unless the 'english sub' version I found via google is the one you were talking about when you said you were waiting for an improved translation?

Given recent announcements I'll be safe and wait for it to come out in NA. Also I'm lazy.
