Yutani MegaCorp Quest [SciFi, CK2]

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You are Kobe Yutani, newly appointed CEO of the powerful Yutani Corporation. You are the son of Hideki Yutani, founder of this powerful entity. An entity with its own planets, interstellar fleets, and standing armies. An entity that has bought a quarter of EarthGov's politicians and stands shoulder to shoulder with the rest of humanity's Megacorps. You have no enemies in the Boardroom or in the World at larger ... however you have no strong allies either. Your quest is one of profit before morality, before justice, before EarthGov's "laws".
Char Gen Part I - Protagonist & Co
You are Kobe Yutani, newly appointed CEO of the powerful Yutani Corporation. You are the son of Hideki Yutani, founder of this powerful entity. An entity with its own planets, interstellar fleets, and standing armies. An entity that has bought a quarter of EarthGov's politicians and stands shoulder to shoulder with the rest of humanity's Megacorps. You have no enemies in the Boardroom or in the World at larger ... however you have no strong allies either. Your quest is one of profit before morality, before justice, before EarthGov's "laws".

That said, you have a dream and it is of a united EarthGov, a united Humanity under a single banner. Yours. With enough wealth, you can buy control of EarthGov's "democratically elected" politicians. You can take control all of Humanity.

Of course, your peers have plans of their own for EarthGov and Humanity. Plans that, ultimately, do not include a powerful Yutani corporation. This may result in political struggles, assassinations, and perhaps even the horrors of humanity's first interstellar war. However, as long as you survive so does your dream for a united Humanity. For you have a secret, a secret none of the other corporations suspect. Your cybernetic technology has moved beyond simple human augmentation and has allowed the copying of entire brains into new hosts, hosts that do not have to be willing candidates for the procedure to be successful. It is through this means, this secret weapon, that you intend to survive even the most effective of assassins.

It would be virtually impossible, of course, to use such a tool against your fellow CEOs. You do not trust each other and maintain substantial bodyguards to protect yourselves against assassins and would-be kidnappers. However, this mental cloning technology still has its uses. It allows you to preserve your most valuable people against any reasonable threat.

Of course, you have other tools beyond your secret weapon. Corporations your father has publicly acquired over his years as the CEO of the mighty Yutani Corporation. These serve as the foundation of Yutani's economic and political power and as such must be protected against any threats to their revenue streams.

Beyond your corporate might, you also possess a unique set of skills. Skills earned over a long career as your father's right hand man.

Skills / Augmentations (Pick 3)

[ ] Psyker - A powerful psychic who can manipulate the Aether as well as the minds of his rivals. Most powerful Execs have one in their bodyguard somewhere but can you ever really trust someone who can mess with your head? Your father had you bio-engineered for these traits. This creates issues with Religious factions. May be taken multiple times. The first time you are an average Psyker, the second time you are in the top 10%, and the third time you are in the top 1%. Taking this two or more times will unlock specialized personal actions that would not normally be available to you.

[ ] Mil spec augmentation - Cybernetics is Yutani's claim to fame and you have the best combat gear money can buy installed into your host body. You have taken the years it took to master the augmentation and have combat skills in the top 1% of professionals fielded by EarthGov's SpecOps or the ICA. You do not need to rely on bodyguards to protect yourself against anything short of an anti-material rifle fired with a sniper's precision, although you keep them around for appearances. This does leave you vulnerable to cyberwarfare, although they would need to be in the top 10% of such experts to pose a real threat.

[ ] Spook - You trained at the knee of one of EarthGov's "famous" intelligence operatives. His skills are now your skills and you are confident you can survive poisonings, honey traps, and other potential threats to your position of a less than conventional nature. You may not be in the top 1%, but you are certainly in the top 10%. This has reduced the strain on your bodyguards' secondary function which is to protect you against unconventional threats. Combined with Mil Spec augmentation, you are literally a one man SpecOps team and this combination unlocks personal actions that would not normally be available to you. This also provides more extra information for Adviser selection (Char Gen Part II).

[ ] Scientist - You have a natural talent for science and that had catapulted you to the forefront of your father's R&D division before you took over as CEO. This provides substantial advantages to R&D as you can screen bullshit grants in seconds. It also unlocks highly secure but very slow "personal research" options if you want to develop a technology with paranoid levels of security. You are easily in the top 10% of Scientists. Highly recommended that you take this with the Spook and Hacker options as the combination allows you to create your own, isolated labs with ridiculous DCs to engage in corporate espionage. Normal corporate labs, even Massive Dynamic labs, are vulnerable to corporate espionage in terms of both human assets and cyber warfare.

[ ] Hacker - You are a talented hacker who was breaking into corporate networks at the age of thirteen. You are easily in the top 1% of cyberwarfare specialists humanity has to offer. This provides bonus to Mil spec augmentation (higher DC to exploit its weakness) and Scientist options (higher DC for cyber intrusions into your extremely secure labs). It also unlocks personal cyberwarfare actions, such as breaking into a competing CEO's mil spec augmentation to lock them down for your hitman. Fewer people that know of an operation? Fewer leaks. This also provides more extra information for Adviser selection (Char Gen Part II).

[ ] Administrator - You are one of your father's best administrators and it shows in your ability to organize an entire MegaCorp's day to day operations. This is similar to a flat bonus to Stewardship in CK2. Given you are running a MegaCorp, Stewardship is a stat you will lean on heavily. That said, it lacks the synergy bonuses many of the other options make available to you.

[ ] Grand Admiral - You commanded your father's interstellar military and have experience in small scale skirmishes, rebellion suppression, and other small scale military activities. You've never fought an interstellar war like in some SciFi novel but then again, no human has. It is probably for the best that no one has experienced that kind of barbarity. All in all, this is a flat bonus to your Martial rolls.

[ ] Spymaster - You ran the covert side of things for your father and have a talent for recruiting the right sort of spy to do the job. You may lack the skills yourself but you have an eye for talent and that has substantially improved Yutani's covert operations capability. All in all, this is a flat bonus to your Intrigue rolls.

[ ] Politician - You are a talented diplomat and politician who holds sway at EarthGov. You served as Yutani's government liaison for years and 25% of Parliament answers to you. All in all, this is a flat bonus to your Diplomacy rolls.

Acquistions (Pick 3)

[ ] SpaceX - The greatest of the Interstellar corporations, SpaceX invented the Gellar Drive that enables safe transit through the wormholes. They were contracted by EarthGov to map the space you now occupy. As a result of your father's acquisition of their company, you possess the most advanced starships known to Man. You also have a steady income from its EarthGov fleet contracts.

[ ] Monsanto - An advanced agribusiness that removes your dependence on food imports from Earth. Their crop sciences division has developed strains of virtually every piece of human agriculture completely adapted to alien environments you find on your new worlds.

[ ] Massive Dynamic - A powerful corporation in its heyday, it remains operates humanity's most advanced and effective R&D laboratories for hard science. They rival SpaceX in space but their more diverse portfolio leaves them just enough behind to be noticeable.

[ ] Google - Once the most powerful corporation on Earth, it fell to corporate rot as all such things do. However, they remain the most talented Datasphere operators, software developers, and manufacturers on the planet. They also have an open door policy with EarthGov's cyberwarfare division which grants them access to the best experts on the subject that money can buy.

[ ] International Contract Agency - The official cover of a very dark organization that specializes in wet work and other black operations for the Megacorp that can pay. EarthGov's intelligence agencies subcontract work to the ICA when they want deniability when it comes to a particular mission. This subsidiary will give you an advantage in the more dangerous covert ops, an advantage you will need to use to full effect for this to be a worthwhile choice.

[ ] Fox News - Still the propaganda arm of the Conservative Party, your control of this entity pays dividends in the political arena. You can expect to swing an extra few percent in EarthGov's parliament when it is critical to your cause. This moves a majority from 3 to 2, if that 2 includes you.

[ ] CNN - The propaganda arm of the Labor Party, it is less effective at forcing politicians to take direct action on their behalf but very effective at broad propaganda to make its candidates seem favorable and likeable. A useful PR asset for any Megacorp that wants to win in the political arena. It reduces the cost of buying politicians and improves the effectiveness of PR campaigns.

[ ] Academi - Megacorps need military muscle and Academi provides some of the finest you'll find. They possess one of the few privately owned Dreadnoughts as well as few squadrons of destroyers and cruisers. They also possess a sizable land army that can be deployed from orbit. All in all, everything you need to have a military advantage over your rivals.

[ ] Fedex Transtellar - Half of interstellar commerce is moved on Fedex's starships. Starships are expensive and developing your own logistical network has high upfront costs as well as substantial ongoing costs. The net result is Fedex has a virtual monopoly on interstellar trade that is not conducted by a Megacorp. This is a substantial earner for anyone who controls it.

Please vote by plan. Thank you.

MegaCorp Creation

No Additional bonuses will be added to make up for gaps, this allows you to create a single weak NPC competitor if you want to but conversely will leave others stronger.

CEOs start at +10 to an action (60% Success Rate)
Advisers provide a +10 to an action (Increasing that to a 70% Success Rate)
A Flat bonus to an action (via some sort of specialization or just having Grand Admiral and performing a martial action) provides a +10 to an action (Increasing that to a 80% Success Rate)
Multiple bonuses (such as synergies b/t Skills) can push the Success Rate up to 100% although its relatively narrow when that would happen.
Contested actions are roll vs. roll and do not follow this formula.

CEO Skills ??

Takes Fox News if not taken.
Takes CNN if not taken.
Takes SpaceX if not taken.

CEO Skills ??

Takes Monsanto if not taken.
Takes Academi if not taken.
Takes Fedex Transtellar if not taken.

CEO Skills ??

Takes ICA if not taken.
Takes Google if not taken.
Takes Massive Dynamic if not taken.

EarthGov Parliament (c. 2200)

Pink = Yutani (100)
Purple = Weyland (100)
Green = OCP (100)
Yellow = Tyrell (100)

Map of Known Space ( c. 2200 aka Turn 1 )
Kobe Yutani / NPC Stats

Kobe Yutani
Diplomacy: +10
Intrigue: +10
Learning: +10
Martial: +20
Stewardship: +20
Psyker: +0
Personal Combat: +100

Mil Spec Augmentation: Top 1% in Personal Combat (+80 Personal Combat)
Grand Admiral: You may take personal command of military actions for a +10 bonus to that action.
Administrator: You may take personal command of a given stewardship action for a +10 bonus to that action.

Fleet Admiral William Adama (Martial Adviser)
Martial: +10

Fighter Operations Specialist: +10 to all rolls involving Fighters when he commands a military action.

Samantha Kind (Diplomacy Adviser)
Diplomacy: +15

Conservative Operative - +10 to Rolls to influence Conservative Governments, +10 to Contract Negotiations with Capitalists, -10 to Rolls to influence Labor Governments, -10 to Contract Negotiations with Unions

Q (Intrigue Adviser)
Intrigue: +10

Spook Scientist - +10 to Rolls to increase your Intrigue Tech Level

CFO Tanya Beckett (Stewardship Adviser)
Stewardship: +15

Labor Sympathizer: -5 to Contract Negotiations with Labor and Unions due to leaks.

Walter Bishop (Learning Adviser)
Learning: +20

PR Nightmare: There is a 10% chance on any given turn that he will create a disaster that lowers Board and/or Political support for you.
Personal Projects: 5 points (-5 to rolls effectively) of all R&D funding is being embezzled to furnish his personal lab. Every 20 R&D rolls, he produces something extraordinary (50%) or useless (50%).

Keiko Sato (Psyker / Bodyguard Commander)
Psyker: +30
Personal Combat: +60

Beta Psyker: Keiko is a Beta level psyker, capable of handling five ordinary Psykers or another Beta. 50/50 an Alpha melts her brain before you can escape but Alphas-for-hire are extremely rare and all of them are closely monitored by EarthGov. It is highly improbable that an Alpha will attempt to kill you. Betas on the other hand are too common for such careful monitoring.
Trained Psyker: Keiko is immune to disaster rolls that powerful Psykers (Alpha/Beta) sometimes experience.
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Yutani Corporation
Yutani Corporation

$1.2 trillion in revenue

Tech Levels
Intrigue: 100
Ship: 100
Army: 85

Core Business
+3 Actions
+600 billion in revenue via various projects.

Major Subsidiaries
+1 R&D Action (Starships & Space Engineering ONLY)
Starfleet Tech Level: 100 (instead of the standard 85 for other Megacorps, this is a +15 to fleet combat rolls vs. MegaCorps)
+200 billion in revenue via Fleet Maintenance Contracts for EarthGov. Up for renewal every Government Change.

Massive Dynamic
+1 R&D Action (Hard Sciences ONLY)
Starfleet Tech Level: 95 (ignored due to taking SpaceX)
+200 billion in revenue via Patent Royalties. Science advancements must be maintained to maintain revenue.

International Contract Agency
+1 Intrigue Action
Intrigue Tech Level: 100 (instead of the standard 85 for other Megacorps, this is a +15 to intrigue rolls vs. MegaCorps)
+200 billion in revenue via Clandestine Service Contracts for EarthGov. Up for renewal every Government Change.

Yutani: 6/6 Population, 4/4 Asteroid Mines, SpaceX Naval Shipyards, Corporate HQ
Seto: 1/6 Population, 0/4 Asteroid Mines
Obu: 1/6 Population, 0/4 Asteroid Mines
Konan: 1/6 Population, 0/4 Asteroid Mines
Osaka: 1/6 Population, 0/4 Asteroid Mines
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Fleet Status
Yutani Corporation

Fleet Tech: 100 (+100 to rolls)

4 Dreadnoughts
3 Fleet Carriers
3 Squadrons of Destroyers

1 Dreadnought-class Fortress
1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

1 Fleet Carrier
1 Light Carrier
2 Squadrons of Destroyers

1 Dreadnought-class Fortress
1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers


Fleet Tech: 100 (+100 to rolls)

12 Dreadnoughts
12 Fleet Carriers
12 Light Carriers
12 Squadrons of Destroyers

Forces are sometimes dispatched on "sector patrols" at the scale of 1 Light Carrier + 1 Destroyer Squadron.

Weyland Corporation

Fleet Tech: 85 (+85 to rolls)

4 Dreadnoughts
4 Fleet Carriers
4 Squadrons of Destroyers

1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

OCP Corporation

Fleet Tech: 85 (+85 to rolls)

New Detroit
6 Dreadnoughts
6 Fleet Carriers
6 Squadrons of Cruisers
6 Squadrons of Destroyers

1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

Grand Rapids
1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

Tyrell Corporation

Fleet Tech: 85 (+85 to rolls)

Tyrell Prime
4 Dreadnoughts
4 Fleet Carriers
4 Squadrons of Destroyers

1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers

1 Light Carrier
1 Squadron of Destroyers
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Political Situation
Yutani Controlled Space
Stability: 70%
Corporate Sentiment: 70%
Conservative Opinion: 70%
Labor Opinion: 20%
Psyker Concentration: 10 (increasing at a rate of 10 per year. This is a Doom Counter, if not properly managed.)
Psyker Threshold: 15 (The point at which Psyker incidents begin to occur)

Yutani Board Support
Chairman: Engu Zhao
Support: 70%

Faction Relationships for Yutani Corporation
Conservative Party: Allies

EarthGov Parliament (c. 2200)

Pink = Yutani (100)
Purple = Weyland (100)
Green = OCP (100)
Yellow = Tyrell (100)

Conservative Party
Prime Minister: Mark Spencer
Allied Corporations: Yutani, Weyland

Labor Party
Leader: Li Huang
Allied Corporations: Tyrell, OCP

Retired Conservative Party:

Retired Labor Party:
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[X] The New Pepsi Navy
-[X] Mil spec augmentation
-[X] Grand Admiral
-[X] Administrator
-[X] SpaceX
-[X] International Contract Agency
-[X] Massive Dynamic
Basically focusing on space, money, and beating the snot out of people. Oh, and goverment contracts
[X] Plan:SCIENCE!!!
[X] Spook - You trained at the knee of one of EarthGov's "famous" intelligence operatives. His skills are now your skills and you are confident you can survive poisonings, honey traps, and other potential threats to your position of a less than conventional nature. You may not be in the top 1%, but you are certainly in the top 10%. This has reduced the strain on your bodyguards' secondary function which is to protect you against unconventional threats. Combined with Mil Spec augmentation, you are literally a one man SpecOps team and this combination unlocks personal actions that would not normally be available to you. This also provides more extra information for Adviser selection (Char Gen Part II).

[X] Scientist - You have a natural talent for science and that had catapulted you to the forefront of your father's R&D division before you took over as CEO. This provides substantial advantages to R&D as you can screen bullshit grants in seconds. It also unlocks highly secure but very slow "personal research" options if you want to develop a technology with paranoid levels of security. You are easily in the top 10% of Scientists. Highly recommended that you take this with the Spook and Hacker options as the combination allows you to create your own, isolated labs with ridiculous DCs to engage in corporate espionage. Normal corporate labs, even Massive Dynamic labs, are vulnerable to corporate espionage in terms of both human assets and cyber warfare.

[X] Hacker - You are a talented hacker who was breaking into corporate networks at the age of thirteen. You are easily in the top 1% of cyberwarfare specialists humanity has to offer. This provides bonus to Mil spec augmentation (higher DC to exploit its weakness) and Scientist options (higher DC for cyber intrusions into your extremely secure labs). It also unlocks personal cyberwarfare actions, such as breaking into a competing CEO's mil spec augmentation to lock them down for your hitman. Fewer people that know of an operation? Fewer leaks. This also provides more extra information for Adviser selection (Char Gen Part II).

[X] SpaceX - The greatest of the Interstellar corporations, SpaceX invented the Gellar Drive that enables safe transit through the wormholes. They were contracted by EarthGov to map the space you now occupy. As a result of your father's acquisition of their company, you possess the most advanced starships known to Man. You also have a steady income from its EarthGov fleet contracts.

[X] Monsanto - An advanced agribusiness that removes your dependence on food imports from Earth. Their crop sciences division has developed strains of virtually every piece of human agriculture completely adapted to alien environments you find on your new worlds.

[X] Fedex Transtellar - Half of interstellar commerce is moved on Fedex's starships. Starships are expensive and developing your own logistical network has high upfront costs as well as substantial ongoing costs. The net result is Fedex has a virtual monopoly on interstellar trade that is not conducted by a Megacorp. This is a substantial earner for anyone who controls it.
[X] Sufficiently Advanced
-[X] Scientist
-[X] Hacker
-[X] Administrator
-[X] Massive Dynamic
-[X] Google
-[X] Academi
Eat sub-atomic space dust, other Megacorps.
[x] Cambridge Analytical
-[x] Spook
-[x] Administer
-[x] Politician
-[x] Fox News
-[x] CNN
-[x] Google

I would like to play for once as a high diplomancy and intrigue character.
[X] The New Pepsi Navy
-[X] Mil spec augmentation
-[X] Grand Admiral
-[X] Administrator
-[X] SpaceX
-[X] International Contract Agency
-[X] Massive Dynamic
[X] Plan:SCIENCE!!!

My only problem with this plan is that if switch Mosanto to Google we would basically in a way become Comstar. Imagine we control the FTL(SpaceX) We control the Information(Google) We control the commerce and have the most advanced fleet(Fedex Transtellar).
Also since we are a hacker if we pair it up with Google we could effectively turn our company into a informational blackhole, we choose what information comes in and out and we would have the fastest exploration, commerce, and expansion due to having SpaceX and Fedex Transtellar.
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[X] Unlimited POWER!!!!
-[X] Psyker
-[X] Psyker
-[X] Politician
-[X] Fox News
-[X] CNN
-[X] International Contract Agency

I am going for something like a Palpatine Expy with this plan. Our protagonist will focus on using his Psychic Powers and Private Intelligence Agency to dominate the government by manipulating both of the major political factions. This seems like both the seed for an interesting story and something that differs from most of the traditional builds for these types of quests.
I just wanna say i like this. Weirdly enough i can see the alien and predator franchise fitting in with the warhammer 40k setting.

It is just implied tho so i cannot really say if this is the 40k setting.

For character, I'd go for science, hacker, administrator.
Science so we can understand and innovate (kind of ooc, strikes of inspiration things), hacker or spook for synergy. Admin to be able to run the company tho maybe not totally required? Maybe.

For companies, spacex, google, fedex
Definitely get spacex for gellar fields. Also possible to use it as a bottleneck for ships due to its importance in ftl. Google for software development, and fedex for transportation.

I am not gonna vote tho. Threads where I vote tend to die XD
[X] The New Pepsi Navy
Because Nano Machines son, or peace through power diplomacy stuff.
Given we have two serious contenders and there doesn't look like there is a danger of a tie, I'll probably close the vote tonight so we can keep moving forward.
[x] Cambridge Analytical
-[x] Spook
-[x] Administer
-[x] Politician
-[x] Fox News
-[x] CNN
-[x] Google
Voting is open