Your Bender Invasion Force

Muhkat Lomorki

Draconic Sorcerer
ROB has decided to force you to invade a fantasy setting of your choice, and has you form an army of benders within these limits:

-1250 regular benders (i.e. bending mooks in AtLA)

-150 specialized benders (i.e. metal benders and lightning benders)

-5 unique benders (i.e. combustion benders, psychic bloodbenders, lavabenders)

So that you may also not die so quickly, he has made you a bender as well, and given you a sum of in-setting money worth 5 billion dollars USD.

You may choose where you start out, as well as when, as long as it is some time between the beginning and end of the story that takes place in the setting.

Will you succeed in your invasion? Or will you fail miserably and die?
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25 of each type of bending, near-even mix of metal and lightning benders with weight on metal, 1 combustion bender.

Invading Discworld, Ankh-Morpork in particular, where the invasion will fail miserably and leave with much less money than they came in with, and I will escape by dint of ditching the army at the first opportunity and either become a member of the Watch or just go a-wandering, depending.
That amount of benders is nowhere near enough to actually hold territory, even if you could defeat whatever force the natives can bring to bear.

And 1 million dollars isn't really enough to supply a war.
a million just makes it that much more challenging.

I choose to invade A:TLA.

With an army composed of 500 Air benders, 500 Water benders and 200 Earth Benders in an alliance to crush the Fire Nation and pillage them for money. The Air benders will be scared of the Fire Benders exterminating them again and so will make my army much cheaper., the Water benders are my food getters, and the eart benders are my defensive makers. I probably get the Avatar on my side, it quickly legitimizes my army.

I would really like having 150 metal benders. Can they bend money? I hope they can.

Personally, I dislike having any bending powers... ok im totally lieing if I had posers I'd be a water bender.

and in the first battle, I lose most of it to my terrible generaling skills.
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I choose the Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought there Universe and work alongside the Empire just as the JSDF packs up and leave.

Doesn't matter if I suck as a general, statesman and overall leader, my forces will be able to bulldoze through the Empire's Medieval tech army no problem if they decide to start something. Alternatively, I work for the Emperor instead and become a extremely influential person through sheer force of arms.
I would invade...
Oh god...
I can't even think of any setting that's reasonable enough to invade.

All the easy ones aren't worth the effort.
All the good ones are impossible with these numbers.
A Song of Fire and Ice doesn't sound so bad to invade. An even split between the elements with myself as an Earth bender.
A Song of Fire and Ice doesn't sound so bad to invade. An even split between the elements with myself as an Earth bender.
Not a bad idea. Unfortunately I lack sufficient forces to actually hold anything long term, so I´ll just sack King´s Landing and proceed from there to wherever I can find good loot for not too heavy resistance.
I read that as "Bender Bending Rodrigues" Bender.

And seeing that he already dreamt of (okay, it was actually from Farmsworth's alternate-timeline machine or something) building a Bender army from Mars and then invading Earth. So, yeah, let's stick with that.
I will invade.......Game of Throne
