Your Avatars in the Arena: The Reboot: Electric Boogaloo (Currently not recruiting)

OP and Character List
You wake up to find yourself in a dark room and with no idea where you are. Fate has decided to choose you for treasure and glory. Many enemies will come for you to end you. Prepare yourself for trials by combat. Fight for your life.

This thread is to basically put your avatars through as many ridiculously challenging battles as I can think of for a few rounds before receiving a reward.

Rules likely to change:

1. No controling other people's characters.

2. No abusing OOC information IC

3. No killing other players Yet

4. No avatars who can instantly kill every enemy at once.

5. No pocket dimensions, reality marbles, etc.

6. No characters that can turn into anything large enough to crush an average human by stomping on one.

You can either play as you avatar or as an SI.


Character Sheet:




Universe of Origin:


Powers and Abilities:




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...I will now start my evil laugh, I don't know when I will stop.
...well, uh, I'm...kind of waterproof and reasonably ruggedized! ...easy to repair?

Hey, we've back on air. Neat.

Uh, can we sign up with a past avatar again? I don't know how I'm gonna manage Business Vader.

I, uh, promise not to be a hobo this time.
I've made Yumemi work for this before, though I had to turn her into a Pretty Cure in the first RP I ever ran on this forum in order to do it.
Username: UbeOne

Avatar: Homura Akemi


Universe of Origin: PMMM Rebellion

1. Dark Orb: Upon becoming a demon, her soul gem turned into this. It is still the container of her soul, and her only weak point, but it no longer accumulates grief. It is shown as a purple diamond below the neck.

Powers and Abilities: Upon entering the Arena, her magic was given restraints. As a result, she can only access a modified version of her original powers.
1. Flight: She can fly using her wings.
2. Time Stop: She is able to stop time, affecting all but herself and her allies, for a few seconds at a time. To enemies, it comes off as super speed or teleportation.
3. Healing Magic: It's not her specialty, but she can also do this.
4. Magic Blast: She can shoot purple magical bullets from her hands.
5. Weapon Summoning: She can summon, use and telekinetically control any real-life weapon that she needs, such as golf clubs, guns, and grenades. Up to three weapons can be remotely controlled at a time.
6. Enhanced strength, speed, endurance and durability: Part and parcel of being a demon.
7. High pain tolerance: Being technically a lich gives her this.
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It was either Braiking Boss, Nui Harime or Speed-o'-Sound Sonic.

Braiking Boss seemed easiest.


Username: @RadioactiveSpoon

Avatar: Braiking Boss


Universe of Origin: Casshern Sins

Equipment: Armoured trenchcoat-robe thing. Awesome hat. He only occasionally wears the hat.

Powers and Abilities:
He's a massive robot. He's solid and he's tough.
Given he's a robot, he doesn't have organs, or any other fleshy bits.
He can jump a couple times his own height. Similarly, he can use that leg strength to throw himself several meters forward at considerable speed, or to jump aside if he needs to evade. Outside of this leaping about, though, he isn't really much faster than you'd expect.
Crazy good at punching things. Punched a hole through one of his most powerful warriors, a robot even larger and more solidly built than him, killing him in a single blow. Was even able to briefly hold off Casshern himself, punching him hard enough to shatter the ground beneath them and embed him in a stone pillar some distance away.

Durability wise, he's a tough robot, and standard human-level blows won't really have much of an effect. A few centuries of rust and decay has lessened his power, however. If something manages to puncture through his armour and get at his internal systems, they'll find that beneath his outer armour he's actually pretty brittle. Subsequently, any sufficiently powerful piercing blow should put him down.

As for how much force is enough... well, he's steel. If you can break through a couple inches of steel, you can break through Braiking Boss's armour.
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Username: Hoshino Yumemi

Avatar: (...uhhh...) Hoshino Yumemi

Appearance: This being a visual novel it's probably better if you just have a look yourself.

Universe of Origin: Planetarian


- Bouquet O' Random Crap: Exactly what it says on the tin, it's a bouquet scrounged up from junk. Hell, there's probably something useful in there amongst all the cords, fluorescent bulbs, and other junk that got bundled together to make this thing.

- Data Ribbon: It's a light-up ribbon that's about as long as Yumemi is tall when just a bow. When unwound it'd probably be a few times her height. In addition to lighting up it can also change colors and patterns.

- Light-Up Clothing: Her clothes are also equipped with the same light-up technology, meant to navigate dark spaces during power outages and to usher people around an otherwise very dark planetarium. For the purposes of anything arena-related this means being able to deny the usage of darkness as an asset on command. The weakness, obviously, is that this cuts the other way, too.

- Communications Gear: Embedded in her ear units are high-performance communications systems for talking with all the other machines in the department store and the planetarium...when it was all still working, anyway. Back in the day before the apocalypse that was 30 years old at the very start of the visual novel, this could supposedly even tell a military robot to come to heel.

- Ear-Mounted Printer: One of these units is much bigger than the other. It includes a printer for printing coupons and tickets and the like, but could probably be made to print whatever other images could fit on the ticket-sized slips of paper Yumemi would be expected to hand out.

- Holographic Projector: When it's working, her larger ear unit can also project three-dimensional holographic images. Its true capabilities are unknown, but assuming this is a Yumemi that actually works, the possibilities are pretty broad.

- Crashproof Clothing Additions: Those shoulder guards are probably there to further protect Yumemi from manhandling by more rowdy customers. Who knows? Every little bit helps.

Powers and Abilities:

- Freakin' Robot: Yumemi is a freakin' robot, and in places, not a very sophisticated one. She may have a soft exterior but she's hard underneath, so for some, trying to hurt her is its own punishment. Her comms systems, printer and hologram projector are all integral parts of her structure, too, so getting them off her isn't as easy as trying to Senran Kagura her or something.

- Made Of Nintendium: Yumemi is a companion robot, but she's still a robot, and one expected to work in a public place. Call it a perk or an unfortunate side effect of the implications of her job, but she's considerably harder to break than she looks. She's also waterproof and, presumably, could only carry chemicals or disease as far as fluids or vapors might stick to her upon condensation. She falls over a lot and is barely affected by it. She also appears to be able to not react to pain, but as seen in the visual novel, she can feel, so she'll still register damage from a broken heart, and likely she can still be very alarmed by taking damage. Probably.

- Eight Kilometers An Hour: In Planetarian, Yumemi demonstrates she is acutely aware of her position and speed, up to her purported maximum walking speed of exactly eight klicks. Being able to take this sort of data on a moment's notice means her observational capabilities are either at least up to par, or perhaps might be even better than that.

- Drunken Robot Boxing: Yumemi's balance systems don't work, and it's a bug that was intentionally kept in her software by her original owners because it was supposedly endearing. Her loopy balance algorithms could be manipulated to keep her unpredictable enough to sneak in damage.

- Hey, You Down There!: Yumemi was meant to give presentations in a planetarium, and a pretty big one, too. It is assumed she can boost the volume of her voice to carry through, so talking over people is no problem for her. She has another bug in her systems that causes her to talk people's ears off, if that also comes in handy.

- Green Arrow, Red Cirle, Red Box: Yumemi can record and play back things she observes.

- Backup Plan: If all else fails, Yumemi can save her entire consciousness and memories to a memory card located in her head unit. She can quickly jump into other bodies given a compatible operating system, or if the hardware she gets slotted into can support her own.
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Username: Nox

Avatar: Chara


A 12-year-old of unclear gender and creepy red eyes...may or may not be an existential nightmare or a demon.

Universe of Origin: Undertale


-Real Knife: A weapon of absolute destruction, can pierce through any defense or shield and deliver true death to any being. Requires killing intent to function.

-The Heart: A trinket that dramatically reduces any and all damage down to it's minimum. Less effective against many small attack.

-Magic Food: food of the monster race, is dissolved rather than digested and grants a healing effect.

-Striped Shirt: fashionable, and tends to make others underestimate how scary you are.

Powers and Abilities:

-LOVE: stands for Level Of ViolencE, one's capacity to harm others and distance oneself from being harmed through a combination of violent desire and lack of empathy. Chara's LOVE is at the highest possible point at Lv 20.

-Soul Evasion: allows for high-level dodging of any and all attacks.

-Determination: never gives up, ever. Also allows for time-based resets, but that power may not be working right here.