Vote tally - You probably didn't need those organs - BnHA quest

Adhoc vote count started by ChildishChimera on Aug 22, 2017 at 2:34 PM, finished with 30 posts and 12 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
You probably didn't need those organs - BnHA quest
Post #33
Post #62


  • [X] It is a proven fact that cat ears are intimidating. The fact that it would simultaneously enable you to eavesdrop and serve as a homage to the early supervillain Don Fluffles is merely a bonus.
    [X] A tail would help with your balance, and would also, as your father so expertly demonstrates, increase your defenestrating capabilities by 350%.
    -[X] turn your skin and into a durable but incredibly flexible shell like hide. And refine and improve your muscles so you're pounding more than a few potential bullies' faces in no time
    -[X] Practicing and testing out your new..."add ons" in the backyard.
    -[X] well we can add the other stuff later
    -[X] And once finished practicing..find and eat some cockroaches,ants,and anything that it's unfortunate enough to came your way so long as it is not a pet..strays don't count.
    [X] Your drill is the drill that will GO BEYOND!
    -[X] And once finished practicing..find and eat some cockroaches,ants,and anything that it's unfortunate enough to came your way so long as it is not a pet..
    -[X] try to grow some scales like your dads or Nidhoggs
    -[X] make some wings,because flying is cool!