You get kidnapped by an Unusual (and Dangerous) Trio

Based on this idea from the Prototype Thread over on Spacebattles:

There you are, just minding your own business, going about your daily routine, when all of a sudden, a paper bag is slipped over your head.

Not only that, but you feel something pressed against the back of your head.


"Get moving, bub. Unless you want a 9mm massage therapy," says a guttural (but it seems like it's being faked) voice.

You do as your assailant commands and follow all of his directions.

It takes about a few hours, but you final stop and the paper bag is lifted from your head, which reveals...

An RV. A red RV with grisly decorations reminiscent of that one time Mal disguised Serenity as a reaver ship as well the interior windows of the Event Horizon, but an RV nonetheless.

"All right guys! I caught one."

Two dark shapes almost fly out of the gore-patted RV's door.

Right behind you.

With your kidnapper.

"Turn around," one of them orders.

You do so, giving you the first glimpse of your kidnappers.


They quickly explain to you that they've been traveling the country on a road trip, pretty much doing whatever the hell they want to do. When that got boring, they decided to look for a fourth wheel. You just happened to be at the right place at the right time. And now, with a fourth member of the band, they intend to go cause some more property damage.

Of course, they'll give you a choice: come with them or decide how you want to die (that won't really change their minds, they'll still kill you anyway they feel like after you've told them). But if you stay alive, they'll go anywhere you want... In the multiverse.

"Yes. The RV was fitted with a multiversal drive. Don't question it. It's just awesome." Deadpool tells you.

So how do you react?
2 of my favorite characters (and Deadpool) with essentially a Time-locked Tardis?
Rule number one, ask for super powers. Mercer at the very least can probably whip something up. Otherwise, I am probably gonna lag behind in the whole ''property damage'' thing.
After the panic and fear passes, go for it. I wanna find out what it takes to make a Goa'uld scream in terror with out having to resort to just violence.
...I'll take their offer. And then find a way to escape them the first chance that I get once I'm in a universe with friendly factions.
2 of my favorite characters (and Deadpool) with essentially a Time-locked Tardis?
That's the kind of attitude that keeps you alive!;)

Anywhere in particular? Anyone earned your (while your three new best friends') wrath?

Rule number one, ask for super powers. Mercer at the very least can probably whip something up. Otherwise, I am probably gonna lag behind in the whole ''property damage'' thing.
Alternatively, You could ask them for training. Walter's wire skills may even be learnable from Alucard. Not to mention explosives.

After the panic and fear passes, go for it. I wanna find out what it takes to make a Goa'uld scream in terror with out having to resort to just violence.
With the company you have...anything is possible. :evil:

...I'll take their offer. And then find a way to escape them the first chance that I get once I'm in a universe with friendly factions.
Eh, they might just find someone else. Or tear down said faction until nothing's left. Really depends on their mood.

How do you intend to get home? Just stay in your new universe?
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My initial reaction:

After that though....just try not to die horribly by doing whatever they say.
Go with them. Maybe I can escape in a nice world, but even if I can't, my final hours or days won't be boring.
Go along with it, try to trick them into going to a Universe with someone more than sufficient to put them down like wild animals. Probably die, quickly.
That's the kind of attitude that keeps you alive!;)

Anywhere in particular? Anyone earned your (while your three new best friends') wrath?
Wel, assuming "anywhere in the multiverse" means what I think it means, we're gonna start with Pandora, and work our way upwards from there. Fuck the Na'vi. Possibly literally, in Alucard's case.
Sounds good. First, training. Then going to Equestria for finding Waifus and liberating the local Populace with copious amounts of FREEDOM!
I'd be like 'Deadpool and Alucard? Awesome! Let's get me a suit of SPI armor, then head to the Twilight univers and kill some sparkly abominations!' Who is the guy in the middle picture anyway?
I don't want to die.

But can I truly accept an Alex Mercer who kills for fun/sports?
No I cannot, thus I deny reality.
Because prototype 2 never existed. He never went crazy and stayed with Dana.
I don't want to die.

But can I truly accept an Alex Mercer who kills for fun/sports?
No I cannot, thus I deny reality.
Because prototype 2 never existed. He never went crazy and stayed with Dana.
o_O What are you talking about? There was no Prototype 2. Just a bad fanfiction that just so happened to be made by game designers.

Anyway, yeah, this is morally ambiguous Mercer from Prototype, not... Whatever you're thinking of. ;)
Stop by Total Annihilation, get myself Patterned, hijack their RV, and ditch them.
Anyway, yeah, this is morally ambiguous Mercer from Prototype, not... Whatever you're thinking of. ;)

Morally ambiguous? From the fact that he's on a road trip with Alucard and Deadpool of all people, there has to be another reason other than 'Meh, why not?' as his motivation. Deadpool alone seems like a person that can cause him to lose his temper more than once. Then again, maybe he's searching for something in that whole multiverse, putting up with the company for an ulterior motive.

Does this Virus have a Soul?
Or something like that.

But I probably shouldn't look all that deep into this. Three immortals in an RV, it sounds like a bad sitcom. Throw all reason out of the window, because this RV ain't stopping for anyone. Not even those dudes they just ran over...
Rule number one, ask for super powers. Mercer at the very least can probably whip something up. Otherwise, I am probably gonna lag behind in the whole ''property damage'' thing.
Go along with it, try to trick them into going to a Universe with someone more than sufficient to put them down like wild animals. Probably die, quickly.
Combine these two plans.

Step #1 is to try and convince Mercer to do to me whatever he did to James Heller. Ordinary humans are way too squishy to survive the kind of awesomeness step #2 is likely to result in.

Step #2 is to try to convenience the trio to go somewhere where they might run into someone whose plot armor is even stronger than theirs.

Step #3, take good advice.
