You get a Lada Factory in 1400


More of a Zor than You
In this scenario, you are sent back in time to the year 1400 to an area of eastern Libya and are put in charge of a settlement known as LAZ (Liviyskiy Avtomobilny Zavod) which you command. LAZ has a population of some 50,000 people and is focused around the production of one thing...

Lada Rivas. More specifically VAZ-2105 if you want to get technical.

LAZ exists about a hundred kilometers inland around an oil field. Around LAZ are a few oil Derricks which provide LAZ with the petrolium to fuel it's refineries to run it's equipment, provide produce 150,000 liters of automotive gasoline as well as feeding the plastics production equipment with raw materials. There are also mines in which bulldozers collect iron ore to feed the electric arc furnace using steel mills as well as some farms in which wheat, barley, cotton, flax, Russian Dandelions (for rubber), peppers, tomatoes and maize as well as llamas, cattle and pigs being raised to provide meat. Tea plants are cultivated in greenhouses, but is considered a luxury item by the local populace. For water there is a subterranean pipeline which brings in water from the Mediterranean, which is then pumped up into black evaporation bunkers where condensation is collected to feed cisterns for both residential and industrial use, though it does need have to be de-salted periodically. LAZ proper is surrounded by a 4 meter tall concrete wall for security purposes. Inside are a number of apartment blocks for the workforce (which have running water, electric lighting, a bookshelf full of literature, a reasonably well equipped kitchen and each have a radio and record player), facilities relating to their accommodations (mess halls, bakeries, stores for minor goods, paper mills, bars, breweries, schools, libraries, a modern hospital, etc), you're personal residence, warehouses (some of which are filled with special metals in sufficient quantity to last you), administrative offices, a steel mill, an aluminum factory, machine shops for building equipment for the factory, various support plants making plastics, rubbers, glass and similar and at the heart of it is the assembly plant.

At peak production LAZ can make some 50 Cars a day as well as spare parts. Some 2,500 exist already and are used in various tasks around LAZ.

LAZ's population is multi ethnic, between the ages of 18 and 30, in good health, believe in the equality of all humans, are all well educated, speak modern English with a mix of Russian, Japanese and Australian accents (with a few hundred knowing contemporary middle eastern and european languages), have a good work ethic, identify themselves as the people of LAZ and are kami worshipers, believing in various spirits of nature with their own wants and desires (among them are machine kami) and a few small shrines. The internal economy of LAZ is based around script manifesting itself in steel coins and paper banknotes. Mostly they dress in LAZ jumpsuits and boots and wear conical Japanese style conical hats when outside to keep the sun off and kimonos on formal occasions.

The population is currently not prone to criminality but just in case (an in case of foreigners) composed of 80 men and women employed full time with steel shields and rubber truncheons. For defense there is the LAZ militia composed of 60 full time soldiers and 540 part-time volunteers. Each of these is outfitted with a conical jingasa helmet, a stamped steel breastplate, a katana and a tanegashima matchlock. These are the only weapons the twenty guys who work in the armory know how to make.

What do you do?

We will become the knights of the steel carriages, and maybe see about bringing freedom and other good things to others damn the consequences.
I will also use my miraculous car manufacturing powers and my automobile hordes to start my own crazy religion devoted to Homestuck, memes, and Undertale to confuse archaeologists as much as possible.

Praise be to based Temmie, woke laser eyes guy, and Roxy Lalonde.
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