You Are the Player, and You Can Travel and Fight [Historical CYOA Gamer Quest]

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You are a teenage boy living sometime during the 20th century who suddenly gains the benefits of a modified Gamer system, along with the ability to open portals to infinite dungeons at will and ownership of a device that can transport him to a multiversal nexus.
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Before all of this began, you had never believed in the supernatural - or at the very least, you didn't think the supernatural would ever touch you for even a mere moment.

But now?

Now, you know otherwise.

Becuase on this day - April 8 of the year

(Select one starting year.)

[] 1901
[] 1911
[] 1921
[] 1931
[] 1941
[] 1951
[] 1961
[] 1971
[] 1981
[] 1991

- you became the Player.

You have no idea as to what the specifics of being the Player entailed, but what you do know is that you are looking at a screen of some sort that you and only you can percieve. The screen displays what you can only assume are statistics of some kind, although "statistics" doesn't completely fit the description of some of the inforomation displayed on the screen:

Level 1 (0/1000 XP) (0 XP total)

Strength: 0
Dexterity: 0
Vitality: 0

Health Points: 0/0
Stamina Points: 0/0

Skill Slots:
Skill Slot 1: [EMPTY]


Once again, you have no clue as to what any of it means, but it still intrigues you nonetheless. The other thing you found out a minute or two ago is that you can "open portals to infinite dungeons". While you most likely have no idea as to what a "portal" is, the meaning of the word "infinite", or even the meaning of the word "dungeon" in this particular context, you know that this (along with other powers that you may possess) will very likely change the face of -

(Select one home country.)

[] the United States of America
[] England
[] France
[] Germany
[] Poland
[] Russia
[] China
[] Japan

- forever.

- - -

Please use a plan format when voting in this quest.

This quest is based on a few of the options from Savestate's Indulgence CYOA, more specifically the three options "You Are the Player", "You Can Fight" and "You Can Travel". Keep in mind, however, that while the protagonist is quite overpowered when compared to the general power level of the planet he lives in, this is not even close to being true for the entire multiverse - in short, just remember the fact that there is always a bigger fish.
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Character Sheet
Heinz Sulzberger
Level 1 (50/1000 XP needed to level up) (50 XP total)

Dexterity: 0
Vitality: 0

Health Points:
Stamina Points: 0/0

Skill Slots:
Skill Slot 1:


Achievement I:

Description: Work at a carrot farm for one day.
Benefit: Recieve a single soulbound carrot that will respawn with you upon death

Achievement II:
Description: Travel to another universe using the multiversal nexus.
Benefit: +50 XP
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Now that you have gained these strange and unusual powers, what, exactly, are you going to do with them?

But on the other hand, perhaps that is a question that should be answered later - today, you have help your family out at the farm, and you know from experience that it wouldn't be a good idea for you to disobey your father.

- - -

It was a hard day's work out on that carrot farm, as always. But now that you're heading off to bed, however, you think that it would be a good idea for you to pick something for your first "skill slot".

What will you choose?

(Choose 1)
[] Unarmed fighting
[] Melee weaponry
[] Ranged weaponry
[] Persuasion
[] Tactics
[] Something else? (write-in)
[] Nothing - at least for now, that is.

Right before you went to bed, you noticed a different screen pop up that only you can perceive:

Achievement Get!

Work at a carrot farm for one day.

Recieve a single soulbound carrot that will respawn with you upon death.

This time, however, you think you might have an idea as to what the screen is trying to tell you, although you're still not sure as to whether or not you understand it correctly.

Plus, you have a carrot beside your bed - maybe you could eat it before you go to bed?

[] Eat the carrot
[] Save it for tomorrow

And one final thing - what do you plan on doing tomorrow, anyways?

[] Open a dungeon portal
[] Check out that strange device you found earlier today (and travel to the multiversal nexus)
[] Nothing out of the ordinary

- - -

And that right there was update two. To give you guys a frame of refrence, the main character's family's farm is located in a rural area nearby Leipzig.
The next day was a Saturday, and while you still had to work on youre family's farm on that particular day, it wouldn't take as much time as the day before. Nonetheless, as you were still determined that you would check out that strange, spherical device you had found lying on the dirt that morning, you hoped that your father wouldn't be too harsh on you if you wandered off for just a few minutes.

...unfortunately, you would be gone from your family's farm for much longer than a few minutes.

- - -

The multiversal nexus looked like something out of a peice of steampunk art (not that you actually knew what the word "steampunk" even meant at the time). Rusted gears and combustion chambers surrounded you on all sides, roughly forming walls that marked the edges of the nexus - or at least, the edges of the nexus that you were aware of at the time.

One part of the nexus stood out to you in particular: a raised platform about two yards in diameter - the only part of the room that wasn't littered with rusted shrapnel - and a large lever resting in the center of said platform. Out of curiosity, you decide to hop onto the platform and pull the lever with all of your might.

That was when the platform began to spin around in a clockwise direction, first at a crawl, then slowly speeding up until you were knocked unconsious by the sheer rotational velocity of the rapidly rotating platform.

When you woke up sometime later, you found yourself in a very unfamiliar place.

- - -

Achievement Get!

Travel to another universe using the multiversal nexus.

+50 XP

Fortunately, you brought that carrot you had saved for the next day with you to the nexus, and subsuqently to this exotic alien landscape chock full of fungi-esque plants and lizards starting at the size of your fist and only growing larger from there.

Somehow, you knew that you would have to be stuck here for at least the next five hours, for by then the nexus would have recharged enough energy to bring you back home.

Now, what is it that you plan on doing here first, now that you've put yourself into this mess?

(Choose up to two top-level options)

[] Open a dungeon portal
-[] Starting level of danger (write-in)
[] Eat your carrot
[] Pick a direction and begin walking
(Choose one suboption from below)
-[] North
-[] East
-[] South
-[] West

- - -

And so, here is the long overdue third update to this quest. I plan on making more updates as soon as the quest gets enough votes, so don't you worry about me dropping it again just because I got bored with it :p

And as a final note: if you only choose one option, you won't need to put it into a plan vote. I learned not to mandate that the hard way...
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