You are made into a D&D style Deity, what's your Portfolio?


Shadow Cabal Made Man
New Jersey
You wake up one morning to find yourself in one of those infinite white spaces. You hear a voice that explains it is the Over-Deity of a Crystal Sphere and is gathering a large group of individuals to make up the pantheons of this new prime world. You are one of the selected. Based off of your personality what portfolio(s) would you have?

Me for example would probably be a God, either of lesser or intermediate rank and most likely N, NG, or CG, that had portfolios of learning, traveling, and new experiences. I am a scholar at heart and love to travel, I feel that you can learn a lot about the world and yourself by doing so, which would probably be the message I would give to my worshipers.

So what about you guys SV?
Lesser Chaotic Lawful God(dess) of pranks, transformation, and gadgets.


Pardon me, but I appear to be a gnome.
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If I'm totally honest, I'd likely be some specific niche of bardic deity. I'd probably have a portfolio that included at least a few of the following: Writing, Writers/Poets, Poetry, Books and Reading. I can't imagine I'd be higher than Intermediate at most, and I would likely be Neutral Good. To write is to solidify your thoughts and leave them for others. The whole experience can better both yourself and those around you, spreading knowledge or even just an entertaining tale.

So I imagine my clergy would wander about looking for new and interesting things to write about. They'd get along well with bards and enjoy the arts. I'd like to imagine they'd get along with most people in general. I certainly wouldn't encourage them to go and be a nuisance when telling others about me. So I guess as a rule my clergy would generally avoid starting any conflicts unless there wasn't any other option.
If I'm totally honest, I'd likely be some specific niche of bardic deity. I'd probably have a portfolio that included at least a few of the following: Writing, Writers/Poets, Poetry, Books and Reading. I can't imagine I'd be higher than Intermediate at most, and I would likely be Neutral Good. To write is to solidify your thoughts and leave them for others. The whole experience can better both yourself and those around you, spreading knowledge or even just an entertaining tale.

So I imagine my clergy would wander about looking for new and interesting things to write about. They'd get along well with bards and enjoy the arts. I'd like to imagine they'd get along with most people in general. I certainly wouldn't encourage them to go and be a nuisance when telling others about me. So I guess as a rule my clergy would generally avoid starting any conflicts unless there wasn't any other option.

The higher level clerics in your clergy would probably multi-class with either Bard or Archivist.
The higher level clerics in your clergy would probably multi-class with either Bard or Archivist.

The young acolyte sat uncomfortably as Mother Gabriella, the head of the monastery, wrote in her journal. He was new to the Order of Wings, but he had heard tales of Mother Gabriella. She had wandered the world, had grand adventures and even gotten married once upon a time! That was rather uncommon for followers of the Order, considering most were almost always too busy wandering to settle down with someone. But Mother Gabriella had fallen in love with a Bard, and they had wandered the land together until he had died and she had grown old. She had even picked up some bardic skills from her late husband.

Not that the deity disapproved of such things. According to the doctrine he encouraged all respect for the arts, even ones he wasn't personally involved with.

Mother Gabriella looked over her work and nodded, gently setting the journal aside for the ink to dry. She looked at the young acolyte with an appraising look, and the acolyte could't help but feel she was reading the entire story of his life. Which she might very well could have been, all things considered.

"So, young man," she said as she steepled her fingers. "Do you know why you're here?"

The acolyte gulped. "I… I think so, Mother."

"And could you tell me the reason?"

The acolyte nodded. "I, um… I asked one of the priests a question."

He paused for a moment, looking for the words to say. Mother Gabriella waved her hand for him to continue, indicating to stop stalling.

"I asked why our god is always depicted with a skinned wolf on his head. I mean, he's not a very martial deity, nor is he one of hunting. I just… I found it a little strange, is all."

Mother Gabriella scowled, and the acolyte felt a cold pit form in his stomach. Had he overstepped himself? He'd just been curious, is all. But from the look on the Abbess' face he was fairly certain he'd committed some form of faux pa.

Were they going to kick him out for this? He really hoped they didn't. This monastery was one of the few sizable groupings of the Order of Wings anywhere in the country. He so desperately wanted to be a writer, and there was no better instruction on the art than among the Order of Wings. They couldn't just give him the boot for asking a question. They just couldn't!

Please let me stay, he thought to himself. Please.

And then the Abbess smiled. "It's about time you asked that question. It's been, what, four months since you joined us? I'd feared you'd never get around to it."

The acolyte blinked. "What?"

"We're not ones to punish curiosity, young man," Mother Gabriella responded in the face of the acolyte's shock.

The acolyte managed to recover, though his eyes were still wide with surprise. "Then why all the dramatics?"

"Because what's life without a little excitement and fear?" Mother Gabriella said with mirth in her voice. "Oh, don't be mad. We do this to all the new adherents. It helps gauge their temperament and how thick their skin is. And you need a very thick skin to be part of our Order, let me tell you."

"I guess so…" the acolyte said softly, relief and annoyance warring within and in general resulting in him sulking.

"Don't pout," Mother Gabriella said. "It's all in good fun, and you're not in trouble. But as for your original question? Well, let me tell you a tale."

Quick and dirty little thing I whipped up in about ten minutes.​
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I always enjoyed the portfolio of Kelemvor.

How awesome would it be to reside in the Crystal Spire in the middle of the City of Judgement surrounded by the Wall of the Faithless in the middle of the Fugue Plane.

That and having clerics and paladins that look like this:

Name: Olorin

Aspect/Trait: Dreams

Rank- indeterminable

Derives sustenance from the dreams of mortals, and unlike most does not use all of it on himself. Instead the dreams of his worshippers are used to provide them with a guardian who watches over them whilst they sleep.

Pros of worshipping: Can not be back stabbed whilst sleeping. Can glean knowledge from dreaming. Never has nightmares.

Cons of worshipping: Always dreams when unconscious in any way sleeping/drugged/knocked out. If excommunicated by Olorin shall suffer nightmares until they are absolved of their sins. Becomes extremely susceptible to Pipe-Weed.