You are caught up in a War of the Worlds


More of a Zor than You
In this scenario, you wake on an old abandoned chair in a small cops of trees in an area of old fashioned style farmland. You are wearing a late 19th century style suit with a bowler hat and a black backpack with sixteen MREs, a canteen, a Zippo, a compass, a pair of binoculars, a bowie knife, a pair of galoshes and an extra suit folded up nice and neat. But things are weird beyond that. In front of you is a dirt road with a wooden sign saying that Harrisburg is three miles west on which an abandoned horse drawn wagon with abandoned luggage and a broken wheel that has been recently abandoned. There is also a strange red plant with cactus like fronts growing up sides of trees. You also hear indistinct yelling and see a trio of men running across the field. They are in the uniform of US Marines and are armed with old fashioned looking rifles and are yelling at each other and shooting. What they are shooting at is this...

A thirty meter tall Tripod striding over the landscape which takes notice of the marines and casually responds to by bringing a camera like device to bear which projects a Heat Ray on them, causing all three men to quickly be engulfed in fire and their rifles to explode. Soon enough they're dead and the Fighting Machine continues to stride over the landscape along it's course, the pests that troubled it effectively dealt with. As it marches away from you it exalts with a loud mechanical cry of "Ulla!"

Afterwards you see on the chair two things: a newspaper and a note.

The Newspaper is The Patriot and is marked at being from the 15th of August, 1898. It's headline speaks of several Cylinders which have landed near Altoona Pennsylvania as well as Somerset and Huntingdon and are believed to be from Mars, massacres which happened nearby these areas. Army forces which were incinerated attempting to repulse the invaders, or wiped out a deadly gaesous weapon. But most importantly it says that the invaders were marching on Washington DC. It advises anyone who sees these machines to run or flee and to seek US Government assistance.

The second is a card. It reads as follows...
Each Cylinder carries five of Them
Six Cylinders have arrived. Four more shall come in the next four nights.
A Fighting Machine has fallen
At the next opposition of Earth and Mars shall see another volley of ten cylinders will come to their foothold. Each with twenty five.
The opposition after that shall have a volley of twenty, the one after that shall have thirty.
Livestock can eat the Red Weed and there are chemicals which can kill it which terran plants can resist.
They have taken precautions against Terran microbes that shall be effective.
If you have need for regular medications those have been sorted out. You have a very strong immune system. You are in good health.
If you are transexual, Q has matched your biological sex match your gender

What do you do?

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Is this the Global Dispatches universe?

In any case, I am an Asian so more trouble on that front for me.
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I'm not seeing much of a 'what do' in this scenario.

You're basically a normal person without advantages caught up in an alien invasion. Since it sounds like you're dropped in, you don't have connections, or any resources, or any special knowledge.

So, try not to die, and probably fail.
Honestly, the whole of humanity is probably done for.

The only success against the Invaders in War of the Worlds was a ramming attack by a Torpedo Ram, and thst was succesfull only because the Invaders didn't really have any experience with large warships.
You're basically a normal person without advantages caught up in an alien invasion. Since it sounds like you're dropped in, you don't have connections, or any resources, or any special knowledge.

Honestly, the whole of humanity is probably done for.

At this point, probably. You've got 49 Walkers currently wreaking havoc on America, and you know that in two years 250 more will be coming. Then 500 two years after that, then 750 in another two years. The Martians are innoculated and their spread fungus has already compromised the biosphere. Pretty much the only realistic option available would be nuclear sterilization of the entire Northeast, and you're about 75 years too early for that to be an option.

Even if you somehow got to DC before them and convinced President McKinley to throw everything at them to stop the foothold, the tech base differential is too vast. Reverse engineering that one fallen Walker will take time humanity just doesn't have.

Edit: Getting to Nikola Tesla is your best option. Edison might be the accredited 'genius of the age' but you need a goddamn MAD SCIENTIST right now.
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I find Q and punch him for getting me into this mess. Then demand he either send me back or give me something to work with.
Run the other way until I reach the Mojave I'd imagine. Then find a cave and like, try to live?
Honestly, the whole of humanity is probably done for.

The only success against the Invaders in War of the Worlds was a ramming attack by a Torpedo Ram, and thst was succesfull only because the Invaders didn't really have any experience with large warships.

They lost a couple to artillery before they started deploying the black smoke

edit: other than running and hiding about the only things to do are spread the gospel of recoilless rifles, molotov cocktails/ napalm shells and gas masks. All of which are iffy on whether they'll accomplish anything, or if anyone will listen to me.
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An invasion of multilegged machines directed by a pitiless alien intelligence? Well, dear me, dear me, that just won't do.


*adjusts reaper-sized bowler hat* TO BATTLE! ROCKET SQUID AWAYYYYYYYYYYY
An invasion of multilegged machines directed by a pitiless alien intelligence? Well, dear me, dear me, that just won't do.


*adjusts reaper-sized bowler hat* TO BATTLE! ROCKET SQUID AWAYYYYYYYYYYY
Well, if we're using avatars...

"These clothes aren't very elephant or lady-like! Nagato-sama! What do we do?"

"Well, I think we should deal with these invading war machines that the note mentioned before addressing problematic fashion, Akastuki-chan."

*Big Seven Beat-down (TM) Noises ensue*
*Awed Kawaii Destroyer Noises ensue*
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Right time to start developing rifle grenades with hollow point charges and introduce our Lord and Savior tungsten core ammunition. We can take these bastards on, but it'll have to be at range and with guerilla war tactics. Does anyone remember if black smoke was a topical irritant like mustard gas, or if you needed to breathe it in? That'll decide the upfront response to the most dangerous aspect, the chemical warfare.
Right time to start developing rifle grenades with hollow point charges and introduce our Lord and Savior tungsten core ammunition. We can take these bastards on, but it'll have to be at range and with guerilla war tactics. Does anyone remember if black smoke was a topical irritant like mustard gas, or if you needed to breathe it in? That'll decide the upfront response to the most dangerous aspect, the chemical warfare.
It's described as being lethal to anyone who inhaled it so i'm going to go with that.

I don't do anything but laugh as the collapse in on themselves under neath our gravity and squared mass law.