As an alternative, I present the following:
1. What magic is available? (More details, the better)
[x] Any kind imaginable - Straight Fullmetal Alchemist Equivalent Exchange system. Mana is a function of one's mental and psychical energy (like Chakra) that is spent casting spells. The more the Mage attempts to manipulate the universe the more Mana the associating spell costs. Things like manipulating Time, Death and other universal constants cost deadly amounts of Mana.
2. What's significant about an unregistered mage? (And what the hell does unregistered mean?)
[x] Unregistered Mages do not have the education (Read: Brainwashing) and endorsement of the government. The Registered Mages are supremely disciplined and carry a magical brand to show their sponsorship. Not registering is illegal, but it tends to happen anyway to avoid the fate of the 'Zombie Slave' mages that the Branded are sometimes referred to as by degenerates.
1. Why is the Protagonist running?
[x] Magic is illegal in the Current Area - Our hero was discovered to be Unbranded, and a string of rumors involving Blood Magic has circulated. Cue chase scene.
2. What kind of specialization in magic does the Protagonist have?
[x] Forbidden - Blood Magic. Blood magic subverts the normal rules by being a source of Mana that the Blood Mage doesn't have to actually own to use. Sacrifices can power spells that would otherwise be prohibitively costed.
1. What happens next?
[x] The crow from earlier is nabbed by our hero to be used in a Spell, the Crow is slashed and its blood is used to create a wall of fire to deter his pursuers. This is handy foreshadowing later, when we learn that animal and other non-human Blood is the only thing our Hero uses despite being Mana-Inferior, drawing a line at only ever using his own Blood for a truly dire time.