[X] Extremely. You are rich thanks to your victories, help display this. Ensure that not just you but every one of your senior officers have brand new outfits in the latest styles and that the local media is saturated with your and their exploits prior to the event. (-10 Wealth, -5 Political Capital. Make the kind of impression that will seriously impress even baron tier nobility and rear admirals.
-[X] Ranca. The obvious choice, the heiress to a countess, a baroness, master duellist and black sheep of her ducal family who you are in an actual relationship with. That said her family does not view that positively and she does murder people far too often. number 2 choice
[X] Imperial Glorification. Ensure that the Sword is covered in statues, scrollwork, actually tasteful and well put together stuff but glorifying the Imperial House (-15 Wealth, +5 Political Capital).
-[X] Imperial Glorification. Ensure that the Sword is covered in statues, scrollwork, actually tasteful and well put together stuff but glorifying the Imperial House (-15 Wealth, +5 Political Capital).
[x] Very. You are already spending an absolute fortune on living expenses, hospitality and attendants. There is no need to go further than arriving in your pleasure cruiser starship with dozens of minions wearing the absolute latest in tastefully amazing dress uniforms and surrounded by senior and personally loyal nobility.
[X] Ludicrously. Ramorg has annoyed you and you are riding high off the acquisition of immense, planet changing wealth. Crush him. Completely overwhelm any effort he makes to ensure his reception is impressive with an entourage of thousands and a colossal media campaign, ensure Alfheim knows you have arrived and that you are the most important and amazing person ever. (-20 Wealth, -20 Political Capital. You are spending the equivalent of hundreds of billions of US dollars on a blitz PR campaign and also ensuring that the Imperial censors and officials are totally on board with this.)
[x] Scolly. While we have gotten better at social politics and our status as a rising star means many sins will be forgiven ultimately we are still something of an amateur at this. Bringing along a social expert and preferably without the announcing our loyalty to the throne in no uncertain terms is essential.
[X] Very. You are already spending an absolute fortune on living expenses, hospitality and attendants. There is no need to go further than arriving in your pleasure cruiser starship with dozens of minions wearing the absolute latest in tastefully amazing dress uniforms and surrounded by senior and personally loyal nobility.