[X] Demand Tribute. Demand that the local citizens surrender then pay tribute, loading all available shipping with high value manufactured goods before sending them up into space with sacrificial crews. (Time taken and yield variable, depending upon Diplomacy and Subterfuge rolls, in the range of 5-75 Wealth)
[X] Press The Attack. Send your two cruisers into the teeth of the planetary defences and their handful of likely ill crewed vessels, go for the big prize.
[X] Slave Raid.Use the threat of your cruiser's guns and your marines to force tens of thousands of people in high value professions to board confiscated civilian vessels then take them back to the empire as serfs, both extremely valuable and hostages to the system's further behaviour. (Time taken variable, will require Diplomacy and Subterfuge rolls, will give 10-40 Political Capital and 10-60 Wealth).
[X] Loot Them. You have almost three battalions of power armoured marines backed by the guns of your cruisers. Storm the starports, seize civilian shipping, load everything of value you can confiscate over the course of a week. (Will take about 7 days, will grant Wealth depending upon Strategy rolls, in the range of 10-50).
[X] Press The Attack. Send your two cruisers into the teeth of the planetary defences and their handful of likely ill crewed vessels, go for the big prize.
-[X] Endeavour leading the charge. Peregrine is too exhausted to face opposition head on, so it would not. Endeavour shall strive to deal with local fleet and Peregrine will lurk in outer reaches of the system to avoid being jumped while listening broadcasts made by flagship for orders to jump in and engage.
[X] Siege. Reduce Linxia's orbital defences, this will leave the colonies around the gas giant completely at your mercy and allow you to loot them, you can bring in the captured cruisers once the defences are offline, sending the Cirrus back to guard them until that moment. (Reduction of planetary defences will take 1-3 days depending upon rolls. You do not know how much wealth might be on offer, but dozens of points worth).
[X] Loot Them. You have almost three battalions of power armoured marines backed by the guns of your cruisers. Storm the starports, seize civilian shipping, load everything of value you can confiscate over the course of a week. (Will take about 7 days, will grant Wealth depending upon Strategy rolls, in the range of 10-50).
-[X] Then destroy them on the way out
[X] Press The Attack. Send your two cruisers into the teeth of the planetary defences and their handful of likely ill crewed vessels, go for the big prize.
-[X] Only with Endeavour. Peregrine is too exhausted to fight further and will thus confine herself to taking on the tribute before returning to the rendezvous point and thence Ilam.