You are a Party Member in a Fantasy Adventuring Setting, SV. [D&D Inspired]

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In which SV must play the part of a party member in their quest to...well, do something of themselves in a high fantasy world where nothing is as it seems and everyone has a snarky narrator overhead. Maybe. Perhaps.
Character Creation Part ONe


Ten books I have published. More await!

You Are a Party Member in a Fantasy Adventuring Setting, SV.​

Plz, Try not to TPK.

Character Creation Part 1.

A raucous, boisterous noise fills the inn's room. There are dozens of customers within this place, some sit at the corner tables, acting grouchy or secretive or mysterious or just plain edgy. Others instead are noise-makers, drunken huggers and singers, narrating the mighty tales of their exploits to any who would hear them...and even to those who wouldn't want to do that.

There are some who stand in-between the two extremes, holding conversations as mutton and soup flow together with good wine or beer.

This is it; this is the Inn of Adventurers and you have stepped through in search of what may very well be your first party, hopefully the only one you'll ever have, or perhaps to become a leader of a party yourself. Then again, that does depend on how much of a leader you are, when compared to being a follower.

Not everyone should lead if they lack the ability to do so.

Not everyone should follow, if they cannot stand being ordered around.

Let us begin, then by finding out who you are.

You are...

[X] a human. Endemic, like weed. There is no place on this world where humanity has not reached. A plague would be kinder, but humans? Oh no, not humans. Dozens of humans can become thousands in the blink of a couple of generations.
[X] a pointy-eared creature. Elves, Non-Elves, Any-Elves. We all know the tales of the mystical creatures that live long lives in the forest and take hours to decide what to eat for dinner, only for it to never be an issue as nobody has the actual patience to stick around to let them finally order.
[X] a smoll creature. Halfling, Gnome, Hob-ahem, something small. Cute or not it doesn't really matter. Some have the penchant for being notorious as thieves, others as pranksters, some try to break the mold of the stereotype.
[X] a big creature. They said your mom or your da was an ork/troll/giant/something-something. You need to remember to bend your head to avoid doorways. You have reach, but lack flexibility. You know that there's this bad idea in people's minds that you can't count up to three, or that you eat raw meat with lots of blood with your bare teeth.
[X] a special creature. Half-Demon-Half-Angel-Half-Spiky-Bird or maybe you're a Half-Burned Toast with a hint of earthworm. You don't know your parents. You don't know the mechanics that allowed you to be born. Every day is a special day for the likes of you, of people pointing fingers, snickering or wondering just why they allowed such an entity to exist.
[X] an 'evil' creature. It's not your fault people believe that just because you have a skin color that differs from that of others, and your ancestors butchered/murdered/committed uncountable sins and heresies you must inevitably be like them. Sure, family gatherings usually have people screaming in pain, but it's not your fault, and you have gone no-contact with your family for quite a while.

You reminisce on how you got to this point, pondering what would lead someone like you in such a place. An adventurers' inn is like a different world, an ecosystem where people who seek to become more than chaff gather, so that they may sprout into beautiful stalks of wheat. Those who succeed become legends, but those who fail...are forgotten. How you got here, though, well, that's a tale by itself, is it not?

[X] You remember the day you stole your first apple pie. It wasn't meant for you, but nobody was watching it. You weren't even hungry, you just felt like the pie belonged better in your stomach than in someone else's. A few weeks later, you stole your first copper. Months passed, and silver became your aim. By the time your hands clasped pouches of gold, manacles slapped around your wrists and you spent a good time in prison, thinking about your lot in life. You emerged a changed person; for better or worse, that depends.
[X] You smashed the first pair of heads together during a tavern brawl. You weren't there for the drinks, but you enjoyed the chaos of life, and thus when it happened, you took advantage. You sang raucously the next day narrating the tale, and you realized that you relished a life where you burned fast, burned bright, and where everyone knew it. The next best thing to do was thus obvious.
[X] You understood a person's character so flawlessly, they were impressed. Many know how to read books, or understand somewhat people, but you knew how to truly read people. Your true self is hidden, though. Turns out, everybody likes someone different, and to wear a thousand masks means to lose sight of your true one. You know not why you are here. You forgot that. But you know that wherever you, you will be long as you remember the right mask.
[X] You had such a normal childhood, it went beyond being normal. Orphaned by the plague, forced to scavenge for scraps of food and being taken in as a laborer for the local clergy, you always dreamed of something more. Today might be the day you realize it, or it might be the day you fail.
[X] You wielded a sword from the day you were old enough, an instrument of death, a righteous duty to uphold. Everything was taken from you by the greed of others, the treachery of the invidious and the lust for power of those beneath you. 'Rule of the people' they called it, as they burned your castle down. 'You shall all die hanged' you swore as you ran away, so far away the lands that once belonged to you are nothing more that a mere 'oh yeah, that place exists'.
[X] Magic always came naturally to you. Your hands were always wet, or warm, or sparkling. You always sneezed and made flowers bloom. One day you cursed a man's chicken to be barren, and it turned into sand. The next day you ran away before the villagers could seize you, and make you guilty of all crimes against them. Time to put your magic to good use: risking your life for gold.

A person alone however has little chances of being a true adventurer. Adventurers form parties. These parties face threats together, and grow as a group. Some parties are led by charismatic leaders, others hold some manner of democratic consensus, and a few instead give the baton of leader a spin depending on the situation. Some parties care only about the strongest, and others about the smartest.

The party you are looking for...

[X] Shall follow your every word, for you are clearly never wrong.
[X] Everyone should give their opinion, regardless of how long it takes.
[X] Should take turns. One day you may lead, one day you may follow.
[X] Should already have a leader. You don't want the responsibility of leading.

AN: I did a thing. Let's see how far *this* one goes :V
Character Creation Part Two
Character Creation Part Two

You don't want to lead. You really don't want to be the center of anyone's attention. You're big enough already, and when people look at you there's this whisper in the back of your head that they know it's you, the Chicken-Slayer. You ran from that accursed village -which, admittedly, you cursed to begin with- but you were just angry at being called a 'Giant Oaf'.

You could totally count up to ten, just like everybody else in the village!

Your ma or pa are fine, hopefully. They were also participating in the pitchfork and torches hunt for you, so they shouldn't have much trouble. Sure, it kind-of stung a bit, but obviously they were just playing a part. Maybe, now that you're no longer in the village, you could go look for your other parent? Or maybe find someone to teach you how to do better magic.

What's your end-goal for the time being, anyway?

[X] Find your ma/pa who's supposed to be as big as you.
[X] Find a magic teacher, so you can start doing proper magic.
[X] Get gold pouch, use it to buy yourself better equipment, maybe rent a room, get your feet firmly on the ground...
[X] Get into one of those 'Prestigious Guilds' people keep talking about. Entrance tests are hard, though. Real hard.

Even with that goal in your head, you're going to need to find a party that's willing to take you in. The few copper coins you've begged and scrounged for have gotten you a robe -all magic folks have robes, apparently, that's what the stories say!- but you couldn't get yourself a hat. Shameful, really.

A few parties are actually looking for someone to either carry their stuff -at which point your size and build would help- or to actually do magic against their enemies -where your magic would be of great service...if it actually works properly.

[X] Party McPro. If you promise to keep utterly quiet and carry their stuff, these shining smiling dudes will show you the way to success. It involves strange words like 'DPS', 'TANK', 'AGGRO' and 'HEALZ', but they'd never willfully send you ahead to 'Kite' enemies.
[X] Party Al Tray Bee. Everyone knows that you can trust Mister Bee. Sure, most of his party members seem to chuckle at some inside-joke, and he's changed quite a few of the new kids overtime, but he assures you, it was never because they died with a dagger in the kidney.
[X] Party Magi Puella. Miss Magi is just looking for a magic user who can carry the weight around. It's a group of graciously elfin girls; wouldn't want them to have to lug around their baggage train in dungeons now, would we?
[X] Party Norm Ality. Led by Sir Norm, a warrior of some renown, they've got all bases covered in their team, but don't mind taking in a complete newbie from time to time. It's no 'permanent' employment, and you wonder if you'll even get a share of the loot as 'experience' is really all they're willing to impart on you...
[X] Party Hang. Hang seems like the kind of guy your parents talked you out of seeing. There's a quick-cash scheme you can get into, but you just have to do an easy job first...
[X] Party Silence. There's four people. They all wear green masks. They don't speak. They glare at one another with burning eyes filled with passion. On their table a 'RIP AND TEAR ALL DEMONS' contract seems to have been taken. You wonder what a 'Demon' is, and if you can fight it.
[X] Party Okay Ish. They're young. You're young. You can all learn the ropes together. Or die badly. You wonder if whoever's gonna be the leader is actually going to make good decisions. Then again, it's not like you know any better than them.
[X] Party Edge. The brightest color they have is crimson blood red. They wear enough makeup to make them look like sludge-folks. They'll take you in, because who else would care about someone like you if not them? With time, maybe, you'll cry against the injustice of life together with them!

This is also the final moment to decide something else. Something *quite* important. Something so earth-shattering important that the very foundations of reality hinge on this one decision.

[X] Your Name.
Party Generation Part One
Party Generation Part One

Your name's Helga. Only Helga, as really, poor folks don't get surnames. The party you picked, or more like, the one that decided to pick you, was graciously composed of four elfin-like girls with minute frames and delightful smiles. They are all color-coded too! There's the charming experienced leader with a sound head on her shoulder Miss Magi, but she's not alone! No, there's other party members!

There's Dokama, a magical archer, and Muraho, a magical object user, and Yakasa, a magical sword user, and Kokyo, a magical spear user.

They all use items and weapons as well as magic, but none seem to be using armor.

Well, you're Helga, and you're a magic user! Not even a good one, but one day you'll find a proper teacher, and then you'll learn how to use your magic all the way!

As you meet and greet the other party members, they all seem very friendly and happy to have you. That's when a friendly, white-furred weasel appears amidst their stuff on the table, with bright and cheerful red eyes.

"Hello Helga," the furry thing squeaks. "It's nice to have you with us!"

"This is Bery Kyute," Miss Magi says, "He's our helpful magical guide and mascot," she grins. "He can make wishes come true," she whispers next, "As long as you're okay with signing a contract with him beforehand," she adds.

The furry creature perches its head to the side.

"Do you want to make a contract with me, Helga?"

[X] Yes.
-[X] Write-In.
[X] No.

"Anyway! We should decide the first dungeon we'll be visiting!" Miss Magi takes immediately command afterwards, "Let's head over to the mission bulletin, so we can explain how it works to Helga."

Miss Magi takes the time to explain how it does, indeed, work.

It's not that complicated; there are a series of difficulty levels, ranging from Extremely Easy being the absolute easiest ever and Supremely Slaughtering being the extreme opposite.

The payout also differs vastly. Some of the Extremely Easy ones are paid for with 'Exposure', 'Experience', 'Youngsters these days needing *money* to live, back in my days we worked because we loved to work' and 'If you do not have money set aside already to survive the job market, why are you even trying?' while others have more humane pay ranges.

"In your case, since you don't have any equipment and don't know much about your magic..." Miss Magi thinks, "But then again, we also do need some coins ourselves for the expenses..." she taps her chin thoughtfully. "There we go! This mission sounds good enough of a compromise!"

Mission Level: Suspiciously Easy
Bring Candy to a Sweet Little Hungry Girl in a Haunted Mansion.
- 5 Silver Coins per Head.

[X] You have a bad feeling about this mission.
[X] You think this mission is going to be easy.

You have no money to make preparations for this mission.
As you prepare to embark for this first adventure, what fills your heart?

[X] Hope
[X] Dread
[X] Determination
[X] Nervousness
[X] Blood
Party Generation Part Two
Party Generation Part Two

Of course, when something magical and cute tells you if you want a wish, your first answer has to be yes. Why wouldn't it be yes? It's not like you're dumb like everyone else in the village. You're magic. You know how to make magic work, somewhat, and so you'd never in a hundred years be wrong with magical stuff, right? You do have bad feelings rumbling in your stomach though, and there's plenty of blood flowing in your heart and out...but no, no, this isn't the time to feel afraid is it? They're all nice and cute and cuddly-looking with frills and tiny and elfin and-

It's not like there's plenty of other people who believed the same thing and then got hurt by making a wish that would, without a doubt, end up being their downfall...

"I won't pretend to understand this work contract stuff, I wish that you will explain our agreement in plain words and to be able to walk away from from the contract without being screwed over if ye'r screwing with me."

"Okay," Bery Kyute says, swishing its fluffy tail right and left. "You'll get a magical weapon, and magical clothes, and you'll need to procure a type of energy in order to sustain said magical powers. If you don't, everything will stop working." Bery Kyute grins happily. "And sure you can walk away from this! Everyone can walk away." The creature nods, eyes blazing crimson. "But I'm sure you won't want to do that. After all, you get to become even more magical!"

Everybody else just smiles and nods cutely at that.

"What kind of energy?" you ask, because duh, you're a smart young half-ork-troll-big-thingie.

"Oh, no worries, it's something everybody has in abundance! And you'll find plenty all around!"

"You...still haven't answered."

"Well, its name is Xfizartha'ylkmon Paszanrethryn-"

You blink. "What?"

"Oh?" the thing inclines its head to the side, "It's the proper name for the thing in the language of the Plains. You asked to be told, so I did!"

The tail swishes back and forth, "Anyway, we have a deal then! Touch the fluffy tail and the deal is done!"

[X] Touch the Fluffy Tail.
-Pick One
-[X] Magical Club
-[X] Magical Greataxe
-[X] Magical Greatsword
-[X] Magical Flail
-[X] Magical Bow
-[X] Magical Cannon
[X] Chicken out of Touching the Fluffy Tail.
-[X] Still do the Suspiciously Easy Mission
-[X] Excuse yourself and go back to Party Selection
[X] Run out of there like the filthy coward you are, you Chicken-Slayer failure of a half-breed spawn (1/3).
Mission Start Part One
Mission Start Part One

You see the fluffy tail of promised power. You feel something tug at your braincells. Your hands are clammy, feet are weak, and you feel your mom's worm-meal clamp up in your guts.

"I-I changed my mind on this," you say. "I'm-I'm fine as I am."

"Okay!" Bery Kyute nearly chirps that out. Tail still lusciously swishing back and forth.

You end up traveling with the party of Miss Magi, but along the trip you realize something interesting. They seem to not go hungry. Or get tired, really. They just walk, and chat in a friendly way about stuff, or do cutesy stuff like follow butterflies or help old ladies cross the very dangerous crossroads filled with stampeding horses and whatnot but none of them seem to care about tiredness or hunger or even the temperature which progressively chills over the course of the day.

You do carry most of their stuff though; that's what you've been hired for in the end, so maybe it's that? You aren't really packed like a mule though, just a couple of light cloaks, and a series of everyday objects that might or might not be useful, as well as toiletries and some other clothes in case there was a need for formal wear in the middle of a dungeon or in the thick of battle.

[X] Ask them about it.
[X] Keep quiet.

Finally, you reach a split on the road. On one end you can see in the far off distance a cozy, sleepy village with people smiling and going back to their homes for their humble suppers, singing friendly songs of friendship and joy.

On the other end of the road-split, you see cawing crows and giant vultures with bloody beaks, thunderstorms threatening to split the sky in a dark foreboding chill and, most importantly, you have no idea which path you're supposed to take.

Miss Magi smiles charmingly at you and says, "Well, we have to go through the forest, it's a small house in the woods you see. But if you need to catch your breath or something quick to eat, you can go to the village and then catch up to us later."

This is your first mission with them, so maybe sticking to the plan first would net a better impression, but you are hungry. And tired. And your feet are killing you. You didn't walk a couple of hours; you walked a full day, and you do need a sip of water at least from a nearby stream or something.

[X] Push past your limits and follow through.
[X] Head for the village
-[X] Get some water from the well and try to get something to eat from someone/begging/stuff.
- OR
-[X] Use your magic to try to make it easier to get something to drink and eat
-[X] Find a place to rest for a bit.
-[X] Return immediately to press on.

You can also pick any of these, if you'd like:
[X] Run away from there like the filthy coward you are, you Chicken-Slayer failure of a half-breed spawn (1/10).
[X] Try to convince your magic to help you out so you don't have to act like the wimpy kid nobody ever picks for games (1/10)
[X] Try to hunt for food (1/10)