You are a cloud of dust (Riot? Quest)

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by 6 ZeV Proton on Mar 4, 2024 at 5:16 AM, finished with 16 posts and 16 votes.
6 ZeV Proton threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: *BURP* Total: 2
2 2
Turn 16: You are a (grown?) planet with a somewhat hot atmosphere and three satellites
[X] Collapse: 62.5%
[X] :V *BURP!*: 12.5%
[X] Collect more gas: 12.5%
[X] Collect more ice: 6.3%
[X] Collect more dust: 6.3%

Concordance: 80.1%

After collecting some more gas, dust, and ice from the remains of the current belt, you manage at last to consolidate all your material after what feels like billions of revolutions around your protostar! You celebrate the momentous achievement of clearing your immediate sphere of influence of anything smaller than young Satellite II by letting loose a truly terrifying belch of dissolved gases including carbon dioxide and water vapor. Having gotten that out of your system, your surface seems more amenable to solidifying, and larger, more persistent islands begin forming. That's not to say replacing your oceans of lava with oceans of water would be immediately possible, of course; given the concentration of greenhouse gases in your atmosphere and its current pressure, liquid water would be just barely out of reach even with the formation of an insulating crust (to say nothing of what will happen if/when your star figures out fusion and heats everything up further).

The sacrifice of your regrettably short-lived rings does give you time to refine insights on internal heat transport into something actionable. If you're satisfied with your current size and present placement, you can begin increasing the heat flux from your core to increase surface volcanism (and solidify it faster). Inversely, you can reduce heat transport from your core to let your surface cool and let more of your core stay molten longer. With more of a push for surface cooling than for collection or relocation, next turn will entail selecting major plate boundaries[1][2]. Of course, if you'd rather grow some more or relocate to a different orbit, that's still possible too. Perhaps there's still time to grow into a giant with the resources in higher orbits...

[ ] Move to a higher orbit
[ ] Move to a lower orbit
[ ] Collect more gas
[ ] Collect more ice
[ ] Collect more dust
[ ] Collapse (unnecessary; nothing to collapse!)
[ ] Export core heat
[ ] Retain core heat
[ ] Look around in more detail (Specify target(s))
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Hot core should be good for magnetosphere?

[X] Retain core heat
[X] Retain core heat

We are big enough to keep a Nitrogen/Oxygen atmosphere and sustain a good magnetosphere, right?