Yggdrigil's Path

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Four people get together for a day of relaxation to play a open book, few limits, game of Dungeons and Dragons their GM had come up with. They never finish.
China Dorthy
"Alright," as Edward sat and got comfortable holding his glass of cold mango smoothie in his hand. It was a relaxing day after school where four friends had come here to mess around in the backroom with some old DnD for some RnR. He had been surprised by how fanciful their new tabletop DnD was and how their usual GM had spared no expense. even got them some lamented cards.

He read off the instructions, "'The setting is an MCU AU comic mashup with hints of more grimderp and dark sprinkled here and there. I don't care who you pick, you have 1 to 5 slots for people powers or weapons which you'll mashup, since this is just for shits and giggles.'" There were a few other unimportant rules he listed off, mind glazing over. He figured the GM would explain what, 'Second Power comes within a week unless Player has surpassed original user'.

"Sombrero Alucard with a transformer for a bike." Said Jack the contemplative Latino teen to my left.

"Hmm, Esdeath with a random stand." The imposing girl with glasses and one of those classic braids, Jury, smiled.

"Why a random stand? There isn't much-"

"So, I can Jojo pose."

"Fair enough."

"Caster?" Said Dia the shy, squat redhead peered at us, as if we were going to say no.

"No one's going for marvel characters?" Ed asked.

"Their powers suck." Jack said.

"Ouch. Right in the multi-billion-dollar industry," said Edward. To which Jack rolled his eyes.

"I raise you One Piece."

"Conceptual Magic and I like Caster's backstory…I'm adding that Caster can summon almost any heroic spirit easily. I mean to the DnD... She'll eventually become a sorcerer maybe or take over Iron Man's role in the Marvel universe." Dia quietly murmured.

"Fare thee well Dr. S cubed. We hardly knew ye."

Jury shrugged, "Perhaps...three mystery cards with some plant as a stand. Find a spot in the Fantastic Four later maybe."

"I guess I'll stick to the theme of not Marvel and pick the talk-no-jutsu master with the Mystic eyes of Depth Perception and Excalibur."

"Death." She corrected, "Perception… Is kind of a drawback for a lot of reasons and redundant with Excalibur." Dia said trying to help.

"Hmm, then again…" Edward shrugged, "Two Mystery Cards it is."

Jack snorted. She nodded. Edward didn't understand her.

"The most hax but unhax power. I approve. Changing mine to Sans with Four Mystery Cards as well." Jack nodded to Edward upping the anty. Edward rolled his eyes.

"Neat now you can pun your attack moves legally," said Edward.

"They were illegal before?"

"Like drugs."

Dia watched the byplay in a thinker's pose, "Not all HS because that's too much...the two grail wars alongside some Apocrypha? With the exception of either Gilgamesh or Emiya. I'll leave that to the dice."


"Ugh I almost forgot about him, Diarmuid too, oh and the hack Cu… Just going to replace the lancers with Scathach."

"I have no idea who they are," said Jury, "you're just speaking gibberish to me."

"Magic Famous Historical Figures, regarded as Heroic Spirits when a whole bunch of them were just straight up tyrants or murderers."


"Where's our Gm?" Jack asked having gotten tired of waiting. A migraine from earlier in the day had come back with a vengeance.

"Don't know he said he'd be a minute."

Edward didn't know how long they waited but their eyes dropped as the sun went down. He himself had nowhere else to be that day so they just talked for probably the first time since they had met. They worked out some of the kinks of the story for it to be more balanced like having to do something crazy to gain a new ability. Once finished they talked a little amongst themselves. Dia liked to play the saxophone and promised them a mean solo the next time they would meet. Then he closed his eyes for just a second.


He opened his eyes to an empty classroom. Everyone else was gone.

He felt a strangely intense pang of loneliness he hadn't felt in a long time, which made him pause but not enough for him to ignore it.

'Well that's just rude.' He yawned and checked the time.


He blanched. He had fallen asleep until tomorrow!?

Immediately he got up and ran for his class. He didn't notice in his rush how much faster he'd been going almost as it he was flying. Simply chalking it up to adrenaline. He jumped the entire set of stairs down and then sliding the last set that was too far to jump. Slamming his feet onto the ground he got up from his crouch with barely any pain and slid across...to a locked door.

He checked the time. It was 8:46. He blinked. He was sure that normally it would take him ten minutes to arrive. Then again it's not like he usually ran. Deciding if he missed class he might as well chill by the convenience store until his next class like the responsible student he was.

He made his way outside.

And found a hell-scape.

He looked back and found his school sitting there in the middle of red desert wasteland.

"...Someone spiked my smoothie."


Name: Edward
Power: Chakra.
Attacks: ??
Other: ??


Jury sat up long hair curtaining her face, she blinked.

'Where-where am I?'

She pushed herself to her feet as shoving aside chairs and desks. She realized her so called friends had left her here lying on the floor and her stuff was gone.

'Oh, they were going to pay.'

She slammed the doors of their hinges sending them flying into a trash heap, her growl changed to shock. She didn't remember being able to do that before, she was then distracted by the sight before her to ponder on what it meant.

The front of the school where there had been roads, buildings and trees laid a giant trash heap as far as the eye could see. Her anger returned before she could fully process what she was seeing.

'If this was someone's idea of a practical joke, I'm going to-'


A ship had landed near her sending the hills of trash and debris tumbling. The lower half of the ship opened and a small figure walked out with black hair and white skin. She had marking all over her armoured body, and she guessed, a bottle of booze in her hand because she swayed like a drunkard. Then fell off the landing dock into the pile of filth.

"Where the hell am I?"


Name: Jury
Power: Hamon. Stand.
Attacks: ??
Other: ??


Edward was a little tired of red. It was everywhere. In his shoes, his pants his hair...and in every direction he looked.

It was driving him a little loco, as Jack would put it. Speaking of friends, he had a vague idea of what was happening but had decided it was unlikely they were near him when the 'event' happened.

Instead he focused on his new abilities, and not just any superhuman ones he could stick to walls. Or at least he could for a few seconds before destroying the walls with a blast from his feet. He would have had to be an idiot not to make the connections. He had Naruto's abilities, Chakra.

He may or may have jumped for joy and been high off his excitement for an hour. He would never admit such a thing of course.

After he had calmed down realized what he could do, he started to plan. As much as he wanted to pull crazy ninja stunts he needed to figure out where to go.

Shadow Clones were the best bet but realized he didn't really know how. He knew the hand signs for it, it was the titular character's signature, and sadly his only one he had ever used. It was kind of pathetic, though Edward couldn't blame him when Shadow Clones had a solution to nearly any problem.

Boar on the loose? Shadow Clones. Lost a Pet? Shadow Clones. People trying to kill you? Shadow Clones. Studying for an exam because you procrastinated until the very last second? Shadow Clones.

After about, ages by his account, (ten minutes) he had figured out how to do it. He felt it was strange that he figured out a forbidden technique so easily but then remembered a twelve-year-old who sucked at everything chakra related figured it out in under three hours. It would've been embarrassing if he had failed.

It was a good thing he remembered some trivia of how hand signs were just meditative procedures designed to induce a state of mind, and also help mold chakra through them. There were some other bits and pieces but it was enough.

He had done it. If someone were to ask how it felt to look at a clone, he would've said, "A mirror with Wi-Fi issues." It looked talked an acted exactly like the person, but weirdly in its own autonomy.

He noted that he had picked Naruto his issue would probably be chakra control. Every time he used the hand signs, he ended up making at least twenty clones. Efficiency is thy name but not his Edward would say.


Now he could try and find out where in the world he was, and why the sky was a perpetual sunset even with the sun at high noon. He made about fifty shadow clones and told them to run off in different directions, then slowly over the course of an hour made five hundred clones.

Every time he said that it was such a strange feeling. Almost surreal in nature, for so long it had been carved into his mind that this was fictional but now in his hands, he had actual powers. He hadn't had this much fun in quite some time. His clones were really weird too, sometimes they popped into existence and wanted to do really weird things. Luckily, they weren't too bad.

Even if his clones were him, and he was lazy, nor could he hold focus for very long, even if it was a supposed life-threatening situation. And of the five hundred clones only about one hundred remained, the rest had gone off to experiment with the powers or just explore. He would've been annoyed but he knew it wasn't a problem, he'd probably have Naruto's entire power set done in about a week.

A few memories of the clones came back his knowledge of chakra continued to increase dramatically, his world view continued to break and become remade he had to order them to slow down. Not because of any migraine or bleeding just he couldn't handle the complete rewrite of his understanding of existence continuously every few minutes.

One of his memories popped and he found that he had attracted some of the wrong attention. The dangerous kind. Another had spotted people traveling across a city to the south east of his sand dune.

Edward decided it would probably be best to get away from this place. The threat seemed to be running right at him.

The first time he had run, scared him straight. His widened as he took his second step twenty meters from his first one.

He felt like a baby again only trying to drive a NASA spaceship. That happened to be his body. After slowly learning how to run again at normal speeds he started to accelerate.

Soon enough he was moving at speeds he was familiar with, he'd say a little about a hundred kilometers an hour, judging by how the scenery passed by him and the buffeting of the wind. He'd used enough highways to have a guess.

Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough, he heard a sonic boom, a slow growing whistle. He made shadow clones all of whom instantly and jumped in a number of different directions. Not a moment too soon before a KRAKABOOM slammed into the ground behind him. He didn't bother looking, the clones would take care of it.

From the massive dust cloud, he could see from different angles, two glowing red eyes in the middle of a silver robot with glowing purple lines. It was massive, easily ten-meter-tall nearly surpassing three storeys. Fear shot through each clone as they eyed the tall monstrosity before dissipating, they weren't alive and weren't him after all. He was the one could die.

It then said something.

"Designation: Quicksilver."

Edward took a second startled it said anything. Once he realized what it said, he swore.


Jack had blinked he hadn't noticed anything off as he stared at the ceiling. Or so he thought. Edward was strangely quiet, which was nice, his voice wasn't annoying, he simply liked his quiet more than others. That and the damn migraine-

'Oh, it stopped.'

Once relaxed he felt something strange was amiss. He turned how head to see an empty classroom with the clock that had stopped ticking. Nothing had been moved, their stuff was still there, Only the game board they were using was gone and so was everything else but not their belongings, he was perplexed, why had they not taken their stuff? Whatever the case it was his now. He moved to pick up their stuff when he felt his body lighter than it had ever been and the wind pass through his teeth skull. That...didn't sound right to him. He raised a hand to pick it up, only to see his entire arm was skeletal.

He was a skeleton.

He screamed.


Name: Kojak Grimmjow
Power: Bone Kinesis. Mid Telekinesis. Mild Gravity Manipulation. Space-Time Warp. KARMA. Glyph Creation, Clairvoyance, Danmaku, High Cold Reading.
Attacks: ??
Other: ??


As anyone sane and with a brain would tell you, running from a Terminator on steroids whilst panicking and shutting off your brain is a bad idea.

Edward did exactly that.

He simply shut down. His heart beat twice as fast and breath came in short. There wasn't any way he was going to escape but he ran anyways. His clones had bought him enough to get a sense of what was happening, the robot had looked like a cross between a transformer and death on legs, and was essentially that. In about thirty seconds all his two hundred clones had dissipated. It wasn't entirely in vain as the last remaining thirty had figured out exactly how fast a ninja could move.

As the giant colossus tore through his clones. He made more and had them disperse in every other direction, ordering them to make more shadow clones, so he didn't just annihilate them easy. Ten were the only one that ran towards the city at breakneck speeds. Feet barely touched the ground as he covered dozens of kilometers in seconds.

The memories of his other clones came back. Very telling of his abysmal fighting style and the absolute lethality of the machine. Even though he sucked he was still superhuman and had used the Rasengan to minimal effect, when he managed to get through his Forcefield. 'Of course,' Edward groaned, 'The Death Metal had a forcefield.'

Almost nothing had worked, if he hadn't been as fast as he wouldn't have gotten away. He made it to the city soon enough, and made sure to cover his tracks jumping off of broken buildings. It was surprisingly intuitive once he jumped off one. To switch trajectories, he even made sure to jump off his clones mid-air. He didn't doubt robots like that couldn't see heat signatures or prints left by his feet, even on walls dozens of storeys up.

He jumped into a broken skyscraper, the on that wasn't listing or leaning like the others, or destroyed.

Edward could hear the robot clearly, its footsteps loud, the mechanical noise reminiscent of a giant factory and construction machine rolled into one. He realized that all this noise, and the fact it had announced the power to him as it chased him, had to be either that it didn't care that its opponent knew the power being used or it was just psychological warfare. He was leaning towards the latter, if a robot could replicate powers and was trying to kill people why on earth wouldn't it be a stealth monster?

The more memories that had come back had his thirst for knowledge against his opponent, on anything about it to stop fearing it, was quenched momentarily. It let him know the Mecha could use multiple powers at once, which he thought was ridiculous, and it barely any weaknesses he could discern.

His clones were him; it was basically saying if he had already fought the thing two hundred times over and lost without leaving a scratch on it. The only hope he had was hoping his earlier clones back on the sand dune had come up with the Rasenshuriken, an explosion of wind and chakra might be able to wear it down. But he was in no way ready for that.

Then he had heard the sound of a jet lifting off. Edward closed his eyes and his heart stilled.

"This just isn't fair."

He was barely behind the pillar of the building when it broke fifty meters and looked straight at him from five city blocks over. Before he could even register its face, lasers fired from its eyes and he knew he was going to die.

Something intercepted the beam, absorbing it and redirecting it right back the robot. It simply ignored it and said, "Designation-"

Someone grabbed his arm, "It's time to go!" and his world warped before he could hear it finish.

He fell against the floor, surprised.

"Another second and you would've been dead," said the blonde biker chick who looked like she had forgotten a few leather pieces of her attire.

"Are you...Magik?" he blurted out not thinking straight.

She snorted, "I can use it, thought I didn't learn voluntarily, not with my first teacher at least."

"That's... not what I meant."

A second later another portal opened up and someone else came through wielding a half-a-meter-wide lightsaber-broadsword. The blade's width was wider than Edward was, yet the brown-haired girl held it without issue.
They stood in front of him and he tried not to make any sudden moves. It wasn't as if he knew exactly what their motives were-
"Hey, Bu-"
Adrenaline from his clone's deaths, wariness of the people in front of him and startled from the sudden sound behind him he whirled and uppercut the voice before he could even think twice. Sending the man through the house's ceiling.

He heard someone laughing behind him, but he couldn't relax not when he didn't know who they were.

The hole in the ceiling spoke, "Bub, you have 'till the count of three."

Edward felt he sounded very familiar, though decided it would be prudent to run first and figure out mysteries later.

"Logan," said the brown-haired chick who Edward suspected was Kitty Pryde, "He was just surprised."

A tall hairy man walked out of the hole, blades running down his arms, "I'll show him a surprise if he tries that again" Before his blades disappeared in his skin.

"Who are you guys?" Last he remembered; Logan-Wolverine only had three blades that were his claws. Not the Mr. One shtick he was pulling with blades coming out of his entire arm and some from his back. Not only that but Kitty Pryde never had a light saber. At least from what he remembered.

"I'm Shadowcat, that's Illyana, and the growling one is Wolverine. We're the X-Men."

Edward said something intelligent like, "I'm an Edward."
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A good start but I was a little confused due to the point of view shifts. The one where you went from Edward to Jury then back to Edward.