Yes, Prince Arthas (Warcraft SI)

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"Ti táo a manákem, dína makíta ti panagdissó ti sakána ití dagá. Kitáenna ketdi ti sumarunó a...
Chapter 1
Cebu City, Philippines
"Ti táo a manákem, dína makíta ti panagdissó ti sakána ití dagá. Kitáenna ketdi ti sumarunó a baddekánna. - A wise man doesn't see his foot on the ground, he watches his next step." - Filipino proverb


Terenas Menethil the Second, King of Lordaeron, stole glances as he worked at the fidgeting boy that sat across his desk, desperately trying to look small and nonthreatening. He reached for the stamp near him and slammed it on the document that lay on his table. He signaled a servant to go near him and take the letter. "Have this sent to the good Admiral, please." instructed Terenas. The servant bowed and exited the room, leaving only him and the boy.

His little boy.

Terenas leaned forward, his hands clasped.

"Now, what's this I hear about you sneaking away from Muradin's lessons?"

"F-Father..." stammered Arthas. "I can explain!" He nodded and motioned for him to talk. He began nervously.

"I did not sneak out of Muradin's lessons because I was afraid of getting hit. I merely decided to supplant his lessons by going out of the castle and learning how the people lived so that I could prepare myself when I'll become a King! I have learned from watching you that kingship isn't just fighting but also ruling!" declared Arthas, youthful enthusiasm in his eyes. Terenas resisted the urge to smile so he instead gave a reply to his boy's declaration.

"Aye. You are right that kingship is also about ruling. But how can the people feel protected if the King does not know how to fight at all?" He asked. The boy was quick in his reply. "A king that fights does not deserve that title. If he only fights then he is nothing more than an orc. It is far more better for a people to have a king that does not fight, but lead. When it comes to fighting, you cannot reasonably expect the king to do it singlehandedly which is why the king hires or creates an army, to be the king's sword and shield. A weapon is deadly indeed. But the mind that knows how to direct it is far more deadlier."

Silence befell the room as Terenas stared at his son and heir, the only describable sound that being the crackling of the nearby fireplace. Finally, he spoke.

"A well thought out answer, Arthas." The boy smiled enthusiastically. Terenas's gaze hardened. "But have you also considered what would happen if the King's army has run out or abandoned him? What is the worth of leadership if you have no more men to lead? Can your leadership stop an orcish axe from hitting you? Can your mind halt a troll's spear from hitting the people closest to you?"

Artha's smile faded as quickly as it appeared, a gloomy expression on his face. It made Terenas guilty for having put down his son's enthusiasm but it was necessary to harden the boy. It was well and good for a King to love his people but the King must also be ready to spend them when necessary.

"Can it, Arthas?"

"No." murmured the boy. Terenas's tongue clicked. "I did not hear you. What did you say?"

"No. Father." said Arthas, louder this time. The elderly man stood from his chair and walked over towards his son. He lay his hand on Arthas's hair, ruffling them. "Son. I understand and wholeheartedly support your desire to learn much of your kingdom." He knelt next to the boy and looked into his son's eyes. "But you must not neglect your martial education. Other may see your efforts to be better at ruling and support it as wise. But there are also others in our kingdom see your refusal to train as weakness. And in that weakness, they will take advantage of you. As you have said earlier, it is better for a king to lead than to fight. But wouldn't it be even better if the king both knew how to fight and lead?" Understanding flooded his boy's eyes. "A quill does not win battles, and a sword does not write poetry. Mighty is the king that knows when to use the quill and when to use the sword." quoted Terenas, remembering his lessons. "Do you understand me?"

Arthas nodded glumly. Terenas kissed his son on the forehead and smiled. "Now go and attend Muradin's lessons, my son. In time, you will become a wise and powerful man. You may even surpass me. And when that day comes, I will be very, very proud of you."

"Yes father." said Arthas, bowing and murmuring "Your majesty" under his breath as he turned to leave. Terenas had returned to his chair when he suddenly remembered something. "Arthas." His son's hand was just about to open the door. He turned, a confused look on him. "Regarding your attempts to sneak out of the castle, I now forbid it. The only time when you can go out is when our family does or if I allow it. I will not have the heir of my kingdom disguise himself as a peasant so that he can watch how crops grow. Do you understand?" Shock, anger, and gloom flashed on his son's face. He moved to argue but then stopped, no doubt realizing the futility of arguing. So he simply bowed and exited the room.

Terenas sighed as he slouched on his chair. His son was very much a child, not having grown his first chin-hairs yet but showed unnatural intelligence and curiosity, quizzing his tutors left and right. He even showed interest in things that children his age did not particularly care about like logistics and cooking! Cooking! When he questioned his boy why he snuck into the kitchen's late at night, he replied:

"But father, a army marches on its stomach! If it cannot eat, then it cannot fight!"

Terenas was stunned when he heard that. He never thought of feeding his troops that way before and confided in his generals regarding his son's observation. They all unanimously agreed on its wisdom and drafted plans to refine the logistics chain of his army. His generals had passed the idea as his but they all knew who had originally thought of it. Terenas was unsure what to think of his son. He certainly was bright and displayed many strange behaviors but Terenas at least knew that his heir wasn't...mad. Shame and guilt flooded him when he first thought that his son would grow to become mad but thanks to the insistence of his wife and the cool counsel of Uther Lightbringer, he eventually began to see his son's behaviors differently and instead saw them as his son's intellect bursting at the seams.

He sighed as he prepared to work on a batch of paperwork he had efficiently neglected. The work was monotonous and he had secretaries for the job but there were just some things that a king cannot ignore. But he at least was comforted in the knowledge that his heir, if nudged in the right direction, would grow to be a wise and competent ruler.


I stood outside my 'father's' office and sighed.

"That was exhausting." I thought as I began to walk towards the place that I feared the most, the Training Grounds.

It had been seven years since I was taken from my nice tropical existence into the magical place of Azeroth. The last thing I remembered from home was that I was busy cooking a delectable pot of adobo when I slipped and cracked my skull on the floor. When I woke up, I was in the body of Arthas-fucking-Menethil who was around around five in the middle of being babied by his...I mean my older sister 'Calia'. I was so confused when I found myself staring face to face with the older Menethil gal and thought that I was dreaming. When I realized that it wasn't a dream, I wanted to scream like y'know, a person who got sucked into existential hell, but fear had stopped me from making a scene and screaming into Calia's face.

And so, I struggled to come to term with my kidnapping and double-life. I shall call it kidnapping because fuck me the transition was not consensual and a double-life because it was a game of trying to convince other people that the cute, green-eyed kid was still a kid and not a some random Filipino dude whose last act on Earth was thinking about adobo. I can confidently say that I'm failing in my double-life because I sure as hell can't stop myself when I'm faced with things that I like. As I was basically inside the game which I had loved dearly, I basically gave up acting after one day and just rolled with my circumstances.

I mean, what the hell can you expect?

As I turned around the corner, I passed by a guard who was standing at attention. Summoning my best smile, I greeted him.

"Good morning, Hugo!" The guard turned to me, his eyes widening in recognition. "Is your family good?" He nodded swiftly. He was still in his post and guards weren't supposed to talk while on duty. I understood that and allowed the man to do his job. So I bade him farewell and continued walking. I guess the moment people figured out I was weird was when I started asking the staff their names and lives. It was pretty hilarious to watch them debate internally if they should respond or not. Most responded but a few just gave awkward nods. After I got a few of them in trouble for talking, I stopped distracting them and simply gave friendly remarks.

As I neared the dreaded Square of Sweat, Manliness, and Pain, I could hear the distinct Dwarven voice of Muradin the Terror loudly giving shit to someone. I could guess on who that person was. I pushed open the door that lead to the yard and sure enough I saw a really young and sweaty Varian Wrynn, future King of Stormwind and badass Supremo, lying flat on his ass and being given the mother of all insults by Muradin fucking Bronzebeard, Dwarfiest of all Dwarves and consummate trainer from Hell.

"Don't just swing your weapon blindly like that! What are ye? An angry boar?" The dwarf knelt next to him and tapped the black-haired boy on the forehead. "This is the the grindstone that would make this..." He held Varian's practice sword up. "...into a deadly weapon! Don't forget that laddie!" As I stepped into the yard, Muradin's eyes quickly darted to me and a bemused expression came upon him.

"Oho! Prince Arthas! Finally decided to take Varian's place as a training dummy?" I smiled sheepishly. "Now go and get your gear! I left them in the corner!" With that, Muradin pulled Varian up and began to torture the poor bastard again. I then donned my gear, a comfortable blue gambeson with the coat of arms of Lordaeron on its chest. I returned to the yard and once again found Varian seated on his ass being given shit by a 5 foot tall beard with legs. Muradin dismissed Varian and allowed him time to rest. He turned to me, a grin on his face.

"Lad. As you have skipped your lessons earlier and had Varian stand in for you, as well as had him finish his own time as well, it would only be fair if you trained twice as hard, twice as long!" My head turned to Varian who was limping his way to leave the yard. He stopped mid-limp, turned to me and offered me a sympathetic look. All manner of feeling left me as I turned back to Muradin who had a big shit-eating grin on his face.

"Now Lad, first lesson, owning up your debts to others!"

I whispered a silent prayer as I raised my weapon and fell into a combat stance. I've made my bed acting like a wise and charismatic prince.

Now I've go to lay in it.


A/N: An idea I had stored for quite some time. It is only now that I've gotten to write it.

why not just commision a power armor like those gnomes and gobs uses if you dont like fighting?
Good news is, as Arthas your going to be in position to make some actual good changes to the world. Bad news is, as Arthas your going to be watched constantly by Ner'zhul. When the Cult of the Damned and the Scourge start to make their moves, don't be surprised if you end up getting played like a piano. Just remember that no matter what, don't pick up frostmourne.
why not just commision a power armor like those gnomes and gobs uses if you dont like fighting?
The fighting bit was mostly because Pastah!Arthas is lazy and does not like getting hit by a dwarf who was extremely gung-ho in his training.
Good news is, as Arthas your going to be in position to make some actual good changes to the world. Bad news is, as Arthas your going to be watched constantly by Ner'zhul. When the Cult of the Damned and the Scourge start to make their moves, don't be surprised if you end up getting played like a piano. Just remember that no matter what, don't pick up frostmourne.
Or how about just not giving the Dreadlords the satisfaction of courrupting Arthas?

Dreadlord: Find your homelands salvation in Northrend!

Pastah!Arthas: Go fuck your self you discount Count Chocula!
The fighting bit was mostly because Pastah!Arthas is lazy and does not like getting hit by a dwarf who was extremely gung-ho in his training.

Or how about just not giving the Dreadlords the satisfaction of courrupting Arthas?

Dreadlord: Find your homelands salvation in Northrend!

Pastah!Arthas: Go fuck your self you discount Count Chocula!
Eh, that wasn't what happened. What happened was,

Arthas(pissed as fuck from having to purge Stratholme): It ends here Mal'ganis!

Mal'ganis: Trolls Arthas over how he's escaping to Northrend and there's nothing Arthas can do about it.

Arthas: Oh no bitch, you just made me cull the second largest city in my kingdom! You don't get to run, I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth if I have to! You here me? To the ends of the earth!

Arthas didn't hear anything about salvation till he already arrived on Northrend and learned that the Scourge was both bigger then he'd thought and that he'd bitten off more then he could chew by taking them on. The reason he went to Northrend was because Mal'ganis said he'd be there and Arthas was understandably nursing a massive hate boner for the guy after being handed the Catch 22* that was Stratholme.

*Think about it. You just learned that Stratholme, the second largest city in the kingdom had been fed infected grain. You have no idea how many are infected, you have no way to detect who's infected till they get sick, die and rise as murderous undead, you have no cure and no means of making one anytime soon and there's Cult members in the city who have undoubtable spread the plague as far and wide as possible. What do you do? Do you,

A: Purge the city to prevent the rise of the largest undead army yet seen in the Eastern Kingdoms?
B: Try to quarantine the second largest city in the kingdom while it quickly goes the way of Racoon City 2: Medieval Boogaloo. All the while the Cult of the Damned, which is led by freakin wizards, including an Arch Mage and Dreadlord, is free to teleport and portal into and out of the city, free as they please. And while your military forces are tied down keeping an increasingly large amount of undead abominations contained, you have no way of stopping Cult forces from simply building up another undead army behind you, pinning you in place between them and the city and devouring all your forces, yourself included, dooming the kingdom.

Sometimes there is just no good options and you have to pick the least bad choice no matter how horrific it is. And in light of that, it's easy to understand why Arthas would end up being blinded by his need for vengeance and justice into going to Northrend, and refusing to leave until Mal'ganis was dead, no matter what the cost. But then that's pretty much why Ner'zhul arranged all that to happen, having been observing Arthas for years meant that it was relatively easy for the Lich King to play Arthas like a fiddle.
Great start to a story. Week got a small peak at the butterflies that Arthas is already making and I can't wait to see more of it.
Great start. Can't wait to see the changes he brings as him doing literally anything beyond Canon is a net positive in Azeroth
B: Try to quarantine the second largest city in the kingdom while it quickly goes the way of Racoon City 2: Medieval Boogaloo. All the while the Cult of the Damned, which is led by freakin wizards, including an Arch Mage and Dreadlord, is free to teleport and portal into and out of the city, free as they please. And while your military forces are tied down keeping an increasingly large amount of undead abominations contained, you have no way of stopping Cult forces from simply building up another undead army behind you, pinning you in place between them and the city and devouring all your forces, yourself included, dooming the kingdom.

As cities tend to have walls, which are quite good not only in keeping people out, but also in keeping people in...
And he had Uther & Jaina incoming with more forces.

It was possible to do. Just really, really hard, and it would have taken a long time to sort the situation out. But that's not the problem.
The problem is that Stratholme is second largest. If every man Lordaeron can spare sorts out Stratholme situation, there is no one ensuring that it doesn't repeat in the capital, or that even more cities don't suffer the same fate.
It looks good so far; I'm waiting for the next chapter. I'm not waiting with bated breath, only because I'd suffocate well before it came out, but I am waiting.

Personal opinion: This Arthas should introduce Azeroth to Adobo.
He is still a knife-eared, bloodthirsty, long-nosed, silver tongued creep.

Anyway, Pastah!Arthas has the benefit of hindsight and is fully aware that he is being watched by that undead creepo. As the days go on, he hopes to avoid the pitfalls of OTL Arthas's madness. Such as letting that knife-eared, bloodthirsty, long-nosed silver tongued creep gettting under his skin.

Great start to a story. Week got a small peak at the butterflies that Arthas is already making and I can't wait to see more of it.
There's gonna be more butterflies to come and boy, what waves they will make!
Personal opinion: This Arthas should introduce Azeroth to Adobo.

And Cebu-style lechon, chicharon, ensaymada, Leche flan, bulalo, bico, pan de sal, siomai, and relleno.

Prepare your taste buds Azeroth. You're about to taste the new world!
Chapter 2
"Kung gusto ka makahibaw sa kinaiya sa isa ka tao. Tan awa ang mga tao na gipang kuyog niya - If you want to know a man's character, look at his companions." - Filipino proverb.

"Kung gusto ka makahibaw sa kinaiya sa isa ka tao. Tan awa ang mga tao na gipang kuyog niya - If you want to know a man's character, look at his companions." - Filipino proverb.


I yawned as I stretched my legs out and leaned back on the wooden bench that I was sitting on, the sun shining brightly on my face. I winced as my muscles began to sting. I held back my hand, silently cursing the asshole that put me in Arthas's body.

Muradin was a relentless teacher. He wasn't joking when he said I was going to train twice as hard and twice as long. While Varian got two hours worth of training, I on the other hand got three. For weeks on end, I suffered three long hours of dueling, exercising, and essentially getting as swole as I could possibly be. At the current rate Muradin was throwing at me, I essentially got fitter more in weeks in what would take months to do back on Earth.

I swear, if Muradin set up a gym back on Earth, he would have an army of the swolest people at his beck and call.

The pros of Muradin's program was that gains were guaranteed. The cons was that it hurt like hell. After one would run through training, one must always ensure a potion would be ready nearby to basically make one remember what being alive was like. Potions tasted like cat piss mixed with warm Heineken but goddamn would it revitalize you. One of the perks of being in a world of magic was the convenient as hell products that would get you through (if you were a rich bastard that could have them on standby) like the different types of potions that was really, really wonderful. There were potions that could instantly energize you like the ones I took. There were potions that could give you temporary buffs and then there were those type of potions. I did not take those.

The training wore on me and I longed to stretch my legs and wanted nothing more than to take a walk. Unfortunately, Terenas was a sneaky devil and ensured that I was being followed by servants. One day, I found an opening, my parents were being fussy all of sudden, talking about incoming visitors. The servants likewise were occupied and I was delighted to discover that the helpful 'maids' that I always came across whenever I walked were gone. And so, I begged Varian to help me leave. He accepted on the condition that I would let him kick my ass the next time we sparred. Pain and suffering awaited me but I was desperate so I accepted.

My mania was abruptly cut off when a shadow loomed over me. I looked up and smiled.

"Cut off one head." I started.

"And another will take its place." the figure replied.

We both upheld our hands and did the Vulcan salute.

"Hail Hydra." we both whispered. The figure nodded and I scooted over, letting her sit. I expected that. But what I did not expect was a jab into my ribs.

"What was that for, Claire!?" I wheezed through grit teeth as I fanned my side. The woman huffed, crossed her arms and looked away. "That was for making me wait here for weeks! Do you know how hot it gets in the afternoon?"

Claire was a year younger than me that I met in the capitol's streets in one of my nightly escapades, shivering in the night's cold, dressed in old worn clothes and begging for coin to buy food for her disabled mother and infant sister. Not for herself but for them.


I asked her. "What makes you think that I have the coin to help you?" Her face contorted in confusion. "But your're a Prince aren't you? Don't all princes have coin?"

I guffawed. "What makes you think I'm a prince?" She answered without hesitation. "Because I've followed you a dozen times and found you going back inside the castle and I checked your face whenever you were with the King and Queen when they went out in public."


Seeing as that my disguise was burned, I then ordered her to bring me to her family and she did. She led me into one of the cities poorer districts rife with crime, drunkenness, and a reputation for making people disappear only to show up a week later dead or worse. At that point, I was kicking myself in the foot for having been swayed by her story and for the entire walk thought that I would be drugged and end up somewhere shady but thankfully, I was led into a large house that had seen better days and inside was indeed a disabled brown-haired woman and a baby no older than seven months.

Oh the look on the woman's face when she realized that the heir to the realm was inside her house...

After that, I immediately bought the family groceries for food and since then, Claire has sworn her life to me. I found her to be a good friend.

And a really competent operative. Well, after some hands-on education.

"Anyway..." I coughed. "How goes the education drive?" I asked. The benefits of being royalty with near endless resources and boredom? You can start your own secret society. And I was not waiting to be King in order to get some good PR. Better to head to a battle armed and ready than to be armed after it starts.

Claire folded one leg over the other. "It is moving smoothly. The children can now read and write. They've also began teaching the younger ones as well." I hummed. "And the "Share the Wealth" program?" An energetic grin formed on her face. An infectious one. "You could say that we won't be seeing the loan-sharks hunting and hurting people ever again!" I grinned.

One of the universal plagues of the poor are loan sharks. Destitute folks, in times of crises like say sickness or having a relative imprisoned, would need cash and never mind the means as long as there would be cash. That is where loan sharks would come in and happily supply the poor with much needed money at low interest rates to be 'fair' and allowed partial payment with weekly collections. Of course, the poor couldn't pay back and thus became prime real estate for exploitation. For Claire, it was highly personal as her mother was a victim of loan sharks and they were the reason for her disability, having broken her legs when she couldn't pay them back.

So I devised a solution. The first step was to pay off the debts of people. I budgeted my considerable princely allowance (The perks of being the heir apparent of a prosperous kingdom untouched by war and the scourge) and paid first the debts of people who owed low amounts. Eventually, the expenses started wrapping up and I sure as hell didn't want Terenas to notice them so I turned to one of the few things I could reliably count on to make money.


Soon enough, I had Claire's mother set up a foodshop in a cleaner district, and soon enough, started flooding the Capitol with delicacies. Oh that glorious moment when I stuffed my mouth full of Piaya and Rosquillos! Lovely, sweet flavors of home. For staff, I had Claire's mother hire those people whose debts I had paid and once they found out who I was and why I was doing it, they did their jobs with unrelenting zeal.

Eventually, Claire's Bakeshop - I had her mother chose the name and she went with that- rose in popularity with the merchant classes being their most ardent customer. Some enterprising individuals even approached the disabled woman and offered to buy the recipes for the delicacies. I allowed the sale and split the profits between myself and her. With the extra profits and a slowly growing powerbase, I started my next step. I started paying the ones who owed higher cash to the loan sharks and quickly sheltered them under my umbrella. I started with the ones that I considered important, those who owned businesses and those who could help me, Claire being instrumental in identifying those helpful. Once paid, I flooded the business owners with cash and helped them recover their business. Once they were on stable footing, I had each individual, business or group donate at least a little bit of money in a shared 'communal' bank that could be used to help the poorer members of the community.

Afterwards, I was hands-off and let the entire thing run by itself. I didn't even need to intervene in getting rid of the loan sharks. They did it themselves by turning their community around.


"...The Broggs have donated 3000 to the warchest, Mr. Jessup has donated 120, Mr Dogg, has donated 420..." droned Claire, reading from a small notebook. I idly sat, letting her talk. "And finally, the Rondells who have donated five thousand. That makes a total 10,479 if we add in the donations of the previous families." She pocketed her notebook.

"Excellent work." I commented. Then I paused as I noticed something off with my operative. "Claire?"


"Did you cut your hair?" Her hazel-colored eyes widened and a nervous smile slowly crept on her face as she began to play with her braid. "U-Um, how did you know?" I leaned forward and poked her in the forehead. "You are my subordinate and I am your prince. Of course I can notice." A light speck of red formed on her cheeks and she giggled as she pushed me away. I huffed and crossed my arms, turning to look at sky.

Then I remembered why I had left the castle.

I turned back to Claire, still slightly red. "Claire. Listen to me." I said as I took her by the hands. "My father has discovered my secret trips." Seeing the growing panic on her face, I quickly added. "D-don't worry. He doesn't know about what we do. All he does know is that I take trips without his blessing and if I did ask him, he would ask me what I was doing. I can't have that. So I have to tell you that this may be the last time we'd see each other outside."

She stared at me, aghast and trepidation in her eyes. "B-but the others? Are you abandoning us? Abandoning me?"

I chuckled. "I only said we'd never meet outside again. Not 'we will never see each other again.'" A glint came into my eyes. "There is a way that we can meet." Her hazel-coloured eyes caught on.

"I still need to see you and I need our little venture for the future. So I can pull some strings and have Father hire you as a servant. In that way, we can both meet without me having to go out and risk discovery. I have considered in hiring one of your mother's workers but I find it more convenient to speak with you directly. So, what do you say?"

There was silence and I could see Claire thinking about the proposal critically. Then, she held up my arm and said. "Prince Arthas. You have saved my family from hunger, gave my mother work and my sister a future. I swore my life to you. Whatever you say...I shall do!" declared the brown-haired woman, eyes positively gleaming. I smiled and pulled back.

"Let's see what I can do then." I said. Then, the world around as shook as loud bells began to play. First, I thought nothing of it. Then, I remembered.



I stood fast, eyes darting around in a panic. Alarmed, Claire joined me, eyes full of concern. "What's the problem, Arthas?" My gaze was wild and full of fear. "My family is supposed to attend service today! AND I'M LATE!" She gave me a light kick. "Then what are you waiting for? Go!" I gave my friend one final hug and immediately ran as fast as I could back to the castle.

As I ran, I suddenly remembered something. I was transported into Arthas's body when he was five and lived as him for some seven years but despite the long amount I've been in Azeroth, I have never encountered Jaina Proudmoore...wait a minute. Didn't they both meet for the first time at Church?

Oh fuck.



A/N: Update time! I am pleased to see that this has taken off smoothly and I kinda admit getting some inspiration from writing this. It reminds of the time when I updated really, really fast with my previous fics like Now We Are Free and Resist and Bite back at Spacebattles. Maybe I should give this fic the same treatment...


Piaya (food) - Wikipedia - Is a really, really delicious piece of work. Think of flatbread filled either with honey or muscovado sugar. Ya'll should try it if you ever visit the Philippines.

Rosquillo - Wikipedia - Another great FIlipino pastry. A bowl of these cookies with tea or hot chocolate and you'd have a wonderful afternoon.

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Wow, canon hadn't started yet and you're already whipping it up sadistically.

Also really? A waifu already. What, who's next? That priest/nun/sorceress girl then the elf and who?
I feel for your adobo, friend. Watched and monitored. a minor gaff though.
The 'scourge' part. Are you referring to the orcish hordes or something undead?
Damn Arthus is already building up a power base separate from his family, seems like a solid idea. Will Arthus still become a paladin or will he choose another vocation? Magic of any flavour in Warcraft tends to be insanely versatile and powerful in any situation. Maybe he could ask his Father to pull some strings and get a Mage tutor (prob not the Guardian). Could use that as a reason for Jaina to visit more often.

With Arthus having a great grasp of the lore that he now finds himself apart of will he recognize Deathwing when he is parading around as a noble? I know Deathwing is fairly active during the first War both in and out of Dragon form.
Chapter 3
"Kung may tinanim, may aanihin. - What you plant today, you will harvest tomorrow." Filipino Proverb


The first thing that came into my mind whenever I saw the Cathedral of Light in Lordaeon City was its eerie similarity to the Vatican.

Built of white stone with roofs of green tint, it stood half the height of the Royal Castle. It's most dominating feature, like the Vatican, was a big dome. Its exteriors were decorated modestly, with statues of heroes built into the walls and banners fluttering about in the soft, Lordaeron breeze. As I stood in its shadow, a shiver went down my spine as my family and I came closer to its entrance, our movement guided by Church acolytes and Silver Hand paladins who kept the incoming crowd pacified.

Humans, since time immemorial, have always been in awe when ushered before things that are larger than them. And rulers, always looking to shock people into submission, have taken advantage of that evolutionary trait to display their power and make the peasants more susceptible to their rule. The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt built the Pyramids, the people of Rhodes built the Colossus, and if he had his way, Adolf Hitler would have had Speer build the world's biggest domed building in Berlin to accommodate both its people and his massive architecture fetish.

Speaking about architecture, I was surprised that urban planning was a thing in Warcraft. Lordaeron City had sewers that could make a Roman nod in approval and rubbish disposal was conducted by rubbish collectors every morning and evening. And Terenas, bless his heart, passed and enforced sanitation laws that warranted at least habitable levels of cleanliness. It did not fully stop the stench of waste from assaulting your senses though but the city was reasonably clean.

And speaking about stuff assaulting the senses, my nose and by extension me was reminded that even if I was in medieval fantasyland, it was still pretty much medieval. And the crowd was sure as hell medieval. (Note to self: Build public bathhouses) It would also be appropriate to say that most of Lordaeron City would be attending mass and I could spot people of different races all heading towards the entrance. In a Filipino church, people would just head on inside like a mob. The Church of the Light however took order seriously. The acolytes and Silver Hand Paladins enforced a strict segregation of classes. Both to divide the classes and to keep the crowd from becoming a mob. The most important peacocks ala the nobility would head in first. That being the Royal family, followed by the highborn then the lowborn nobles. Then came the merchant classes and finally, the commoners.

Thanks to the exclusiveness of the program, each class would have a chance to exchange pleasantries with their fellows. And it was thanks to that exclusivity that I met Jaina Proudmoore.

To be honest, it was sort of inevitable. We were both highborn nobility with me being a prince and she being the daughter of the ruler of Kul Tiras. She was also juggling between her studies in Dalaran and her family in Kul Tiras; Lordaeron City was a place where she could meet them without necessarily going home. She was also Arthas's top-tier waifu.

My family had just entered the cathedral doors when I caught sight of her and she caught sight of me. We both shared glances. Hers were curious. Mine was surprise. Inside my head, I fought back the rushing feelings of a pre-teen meeting a pretty girl for the first time. My attempts were mildly successful as I managed to stop making a whole total fool of myself by spluttering expletives. I could not however fight down the big smile on my face and the wave I involuntarily sent my way to her. She waved back, her face brightening up. And like an idiot, I waved back.

"Arthas." came Varian's voice. "What are you doing?" My eyes widened in shock as I turned to look at an amused looking Varian Wrynn standing at my side, arms crossed. My face turned as bright as a tomato and I quickly rejoined my family who had moved on ahead and forgot about me. We took our seats and I sat there, mentally berating myself.

"By the Light, man! Do not lose your grip way too soon! What if she thinks that your a cree-"

I paused, a momentary epiphany coming on to me. Was I really thinking my own thoughts? Or were the thoughts I was having being influenced by whatever remained of the original Arthas? Frankly speaking, I was disturbed. All my life, I've never been too involved with thinking things from a philosophical point of view, always preferring to think rationally. Partly because I found philosophy to be a whole load of poppycock. Mostly because I was afraid of having existential crises. I liked my life simple and without worry. Existential shit distracted me from doing anything well. I mean, can you have a cold one with the boys and enjoy that moment despite your mind bombarding you with all sorts of fucked up shit that could happen to after experiencing death?

Thankfully, Varian proved able to distract me from disturbing thoughts when he sat down next to me and whispered in my ear. "Oh? Has the heir of Lordaeron found his future queen?" I glared at him, a light blush on my cheeks. "Go to hell, Varian!" I whispered back. The two-pronged bastard gave a most manly giggle which caused me to blush even more. Our tomfoolery ended when the choir began to sing. Service had started.

I sang along with my family. There were expectations of a prince and one had to meet them in order to be seen as a respectable member of society. As for the service itself, it was similar to a normal Christian service. The only notable change was that the service was for the Holy Light rather than Big J.

"May the Holy Light be in your heart and on your lips, that you may proclaim its virtues worthily and well..." droned the priest. He then went on to give his sermon. I sat there on the pew trying to look focused but my eyes and mind were wandering.

The seating was segregated by class. The ones closest to the pulpit were the VIP's. The nobility with the royal family at the top and the lowborns at the bottom. Seated with us also were members of the Knights of the Silver Hand; the future order of Paladins that I would one day join and get my ass kicked even more by Uther the motherfucking Lightbringer. Speaking about the Lightbringer, he was nowhere in sight though he was most probably be outside doing paladin things. Speaking of VIP's, there were also plenty of recognizable faces. There was Anduin Lothar in all his awesomeness. He looked grim. No doubt thinking of Stormwind. Then there was also Varian Wrynn at my side. Then there was Daval Prestor, the human disguise of fucking Deathwing seated there looking as if everything was alright in the world.

I wish I could say that I had a master plan to deal with Señor Deathwing but to be honest, I have no fucking clue how to fight a goddamn dragon. I mean, my hands were full and my brain near rupturing because I was trying to figure out how to approach the fucking Scourge and the bloody Burning Legion. So I turned somewhere else, desperate to forgot about the black-scaled dragon who could kill everyone in the cathedral if he wanted to.

The mass dragged on with extra hymns and songs. I looked up and fixed my stare at one of the gold and grey banners of the Church of the Holy Light. Asides from its really culty name, it was a pretty alright religion in my opinion. They did actual good and positively changed the lives of so many people. In my books, that was a religion worth believing. The scriptures were easy to understand; its focus on the three principal virtues of Respect, Tenacity, and Compassion. To me, it was meaningful and open in its message. And most importantly, the Church was dedicated to knowledge and the spread of knowledge. It had in fact, in its early history, built libraries and places of learning long before they built churches. And that spoke a lot to its character.

Of course, there would be excuses in the long run like the Scarlet Crusade but not every apple is rotten if one of the fruits turn bad.

Eventually, the mass was closed with a jovial tune sung by everyone. We all stood from our seats and turned to leave. It was at that moment that I learned that Jaina and her family was seated right across us and when we left, we both were walking side-by side. Based on the look from Queen Lianne, my mother, it was most probably planned. And based from the fact that both our families positioned us to walk together, it was most definitely planned.

Jaina had looked quite pleased in having been close to me. She smiled brightly and waved. Her blue eyes positively gleaming.

"I'm Jaina!" she greeted me. I raised mine up and flashed her my own smile. Terror and pre-teen angst near stopping my reply.

"And I'm Arthas!"

Of fuck my life and my pre-teen body!


A/N: And an update! Yeay!

And if ya'll spot errors, please do tell me. Thanks to work, I've written down my updates right around night time and I'm hella tired so I'm bound to make mistakes. Do tell me and I'll fix it at morning's light!
I feel for your adobo, friend. Watched and monitored. a minor gaff though.
The 'scourge' part. Are you referring to the orcish hordes or something undead?
The Horde is made up of cool dudes that can share you the secrets of life and know what honor is. The Scourge ala the undead are mobs of smelly, rotting, biting meatbags led by necrophiles, edgy bois, and black-winged, blood-drinking, backstabbing two-faced creeps.
Damn Arthus is already building up a power base separate from his family, seems like a solid idea. Will Arthus still become a paladin or will he choose another vocation? Magic of any flavour in Warcraft tends to be insanely versatile and powerful in any situation. Maybe he could ask his Father to pull some strings and get a Mage tutor (prob not the Guardian). Could use that as a reason for Jaina to visit more often.

With Arthus having a great grasp of the lore that he now finds himself apart of will he recognize Deathwing when he is parading around as a noble? I know Deathwing is fairly active during the first War both in and out of Dragon form.
Pastah!Arthas will still become a Paladin although there will be slight changes. The first slight change is that he won't plunge his father's kingdom to a gang of black-winged, blood-drinking, backstabbing two-faced creeps.
The Horde is made up of cool dudes that can share you the secrets of life and know what honor is. The Scourge ala the undead are mobs of smelly, rotting, biting meatbags led by necrophiles, edgy bois, and black-winged, blood-drinking, backstabbing two-faced creeps.

Except the horde is made of 1 race that glorifies war

1 race that uses biological warfare and is practically the new scourge (edgy boos and all)

1 race that only care about money

1 race that should be good and a moderating influence can only complain and obey

Trolls are pretty cool

And bloodelves are okey

Not much honor left in the horde nowadays
Hail Hydra.

Except the horde is made of 1 race that glorifies war

1 race that uses biological warfare and is practically the new scourge (edgy boos and all)

1 race that only care about money

1 race that should be good and a moderating influence can only complain and obey

Trolls are pretty cool

And bloodelves are okey

Not much honor left in the horde nowadays

Second one is non-existent, and first one could be dealt with - by, say, politicking.
Greed is pretty normal, too.

I don't see any problem.
i am imagining that despite your horror dread and angst it is one of the cheeriest responses imaginable
"Cut off one head." I started.

"And another will take its place." the figure replied.

We both upheld our hands and did the Vulcan salute.
One minor correction, the second line should be "Two more will take its place." Other than that I'm curious what other elements from Earth that Arthas has incorporated. I hope that he brings Jaina into the society.
The Horde is made up of cool dudes that can share you the secrets of life and know what honor is. The Scourge ala the undead are mobs of smelly, rotting, biting meatbags led by necrophiles, edgy bois, and black-winged, blood-drinking, backstabbing two-faced creeps.

Pastah!Arthas will still become a Paladin although there will be slight changes. The first slight change is that he won't plunge his father's kingdom to a gang of black-winged, blood-drinking, backstabbing two-faced creeps.
can get some sorta secondary specialty rune or Technomancy etc.....