Yer a Wizard, SV (Or, First Time QM and the poorly done economic system)

Recent readers

In which a brand new and inexperienced QM has to deal with ever shifting canon, unfamiliar forum formatting, a highly opinionated fandom, and purposefully nonsensical monetary denominations.
Character Generation I
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The year is 1981, and England's newest Dark Lord, Voldemort, is dead. Killed by a toddler of all things. The irony would make you laugh were the circumstances different. Though, part of you is somewhat skeptical of the report that Dumbledore gave, the…

[ ] Kindly Old Man: Dumbledore is actually a decent person in this quest. The man's over a hundred years old and has three of the most demanding jobs in the world, with no one seemingly willing to take said jobs from him. He's not the first workaholic to be guilty of neglect.

[ ] Kinda Shady Old Man: Dumbledore is low-tier evil in this quest. He's got limits, but by the time he reaches those limits, people will have to question their loyalties.

[ ] Oh Christ, Get The Exorcist: Time to cherry-pick canon for every example of Dumbledore being a horrible person, and turn those into his high points. Welcome to Hard Mode, here's a cookie. (+1 Trait Point)

[ ] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).

Your fellow Wizards, however, shared none of your reservations. You've largely abandoned the prospect of falling asleep anytime soon, as the sounds of raucous partying overpower the admittedly weak privacy wards of the Leaky Cauldron's rooms. You briefly consider…

[ ] Taking some Dreamless Sleep: You want some sleep, and given your preference for Potions, you can make it happen. (+1 Intrigue, Gain Trait: Potions Aptitude)

[ ] Transfiguring some earmuffs: You're good enough that you can probably keep the transfiguration going for a few hours. By that point, everyone else should be asleep too. (+1 Stewardship, Giant Trait: Transfiguration Aptitude)

[ ] Shoring up the wards: All you need is two runes and some chalk, and you've got plenty of chalk. (+1 Learning, Gain Trait: Runes Aptitude)

[ ] Charming yourself: It's KWIY-uh-tus, not kwi-oh-TUS! (+1 Diplomacy, Gain Trait: Charms Aptitude)

[ ] Hexing the blighters: You agree that violence isn't always the best answer. What people seem to forget is that sometimes? Violence is always an answer. (+1 Martial, Gain Trait: Combat Aptitude)

… before shaking your head. Nope, sleep has eluded you once again, the temptress. It seems the only recourse is to drown your sorrows with copious amounts of discounted alcohol. Oh the humanity. Good thing the barkeep is probably just as wasted as his patrons, so he won't pay much attention to the underage…

[ ] Witch: Psst, you're a inny.

[ ] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie.

… grabbing a pint or two. Then again, this is England, and you vaguely remember they're a bit laxer on the whole drinking age thing.

Your first impression of the bar is 'loud.' The second is a bit of confusion at the exceptionally disparate clothing styles between the patrons, with some wearing robes and others dressed like your everyday joe. Then you resist the urge to bang your head into a wall as the realization hits you.

Right, there's a lot of social division over here with the whole 'blood purity' thing. You knew that there would be some noticeable divisions between the groups, but it never really clicked that something as simple as fashion would be part of it. It reminds you of the potential importance of your being a…

[ ] Pure Blood: For a certain definition of Pureblood. You've got a few muggleborn in your family tree, even the occasional squib. Still, magic has been in your blood for generations, and by most definitions, you're blood is pure… from a certain point of view. (+2 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, -2 Learning)

[ ] Half Blood: Look, your parents were working wizards. Your mother may have had magic in the blood going back centuries, but that didn't really mean much with her dad gambling away the family fortune and her brother having the business sense of a particularly dense squirrel. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)

[ ] Muggleborn: Hey, your parents were no-maj's, what's the big deal? Sure, go back fifty years, and the Salem Party would have kicked up a fuss about letting a pair of non-magicals be guardians of a magical. Thing is, that was fifty years ago. Grindlewald's attempts at starting a civil war had the unintended side effect of removing every Isolationist mover and shaker from the political field entirely, including the Salem Party. (+2 Learning, +1 Martial, -2 Diplomacy)

Then again, with Voldemort dead, they're probably about to go through the same process that the US did after Grindlewald. After all, it's not like his legion of very vocal supporters and undisguised agents could do something as stupid as, say, claim they were Imperiused, right?


Now where's the damn beer?

Q.M. Note: Hi! I'm Gabrian, and if you haven't gathered it from the tags and/or I screwed up the formatting, I have no clue what I'm doing! However, I had this idea and thought, "Wouldn't this be a frankly terrible idea?" And decided that I must therefore do the thing, and inevitably cause the bleaching of many brains as they try and probably succeed to forget the mess that will be this quest.

Therefore, please bear with me as I slowly but surely figure out how this site works, and move from there. In other news,

Voting Ends on July 27th, 12:00 P.M., Eastern U.S.

P.S., for this post I'll be taking the highest bidders in every category, but in future, votes will have to come through Plan Format. That's it, have a good night!
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Character Information
Name: Thomas Baffler


Age: 20

Wand: Acacia, 12 1/2", Quetzalcoatl Quill Core, Pliant

Diplomacy: (20)+1+2= 23
Martial: (13)+1-2= 12
Stewardship: (12)+1+2= 15
Intrigue: (17)+1+1= 19
Learning: (17)+1+3= 21

Personal Combat: 0

Animagus: ???

Current Occupation: Divination Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Runes Master (0/30):
-You are well versed in the runic styles of Europe, most notably Norse runes; though you are likewise competent in the use of the written spells of the Ancient Egyptians, the Jews, the Ancient Greeks, the Slavs, and a smattering of different Celtic groups. Due to your Master's experiences in WWII, you are also familiar with a large amount of Japanese jyukana.

Journeyman Divinator (0/20):
-Above average in divination abilities. You are knowledgeable of various divination styles, enough to tell which ones are just smoke and mirrors—except the smoke and mirrors one, that apparently works quite well—and which ones are genuine. In terms of competency, however, you rely on your Runes to supplement the two or three styles you can use reliably.

Journeyman Arithmancer (0/20):
-You are skilled enough in Arithmancy to apply it to current, well documented events and divine basic facts of other people, given enough information. Sometimes called the bastard child of Divination and Astrology, Arithmancy has begun to come into its own in the modern era, where information grows more accessible and reliable by the day. Is most often used to determine the most likely repercussions of recent events over the future.

Runes Aptitude:
-You are naturally inclined towards the study of runes and written spells. Practice in their use is almost guaranteed to produce results, oftentimes with far greater effect as well. (All DC for Runes related Research is reduced by 20)

Divination Aptitude:
-You are naturally inclined towards the study and use of Divination. Study of the many forms of divination, especially it's most famous aspect of future-reading, comes easily to you. (All DC for Divination related Research is reduced by 20)

Arithmancy Aptitude:
-You are naturally inclined towards the study and use of Arithmancy. Study of this highly advanced offshoot of Divination comes easily to you. (All DC for Arithmancy related Research is reduced by 20)

Half Blood:
-Your mother was a descendant of an incredibly old and illustrious line of Wizards, raised in wealth and with exceptional grooming. Your dad is the son of a used car salesman. You are at least better with money than either of your grandfathers. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)

-Had your life been much different, the words 'Lady Killer' would have been a rather apt description. While that may not be the case, you're still something of a looker. (+2 Diplomacy, +15 Attraction Opinion)

-Growing up, you were more often stuck inside a book than not. While you've gotten over the worst of your introverted tendencies, you still favor a quiet read to much else. (+3 Learning)

-The best books on Norwegian Runes are, unsurprisingly, in Norwegian. So, you learned Norwegian. Similarly, the best books about Egyptian Hieroglyphs are in Arabic, so you learned that too. Then there were the Slavs, and then the Jews, and you can't forget the Greeks, and the ancient Celts lived just about everywhere and— well, you get the idea. (Learning a new language is now significantly easier, Earned by having greater than 20 Diplomacy)

-You enjoy employing your abilities in new and interesting ways. You especially enjoy it when those new ways don't cause you to spontaneously combust. (Extra learning options are always available, Earned by having greater than 20 Learning)
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[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Taking some Dreamless Sleep: You want some sleep, and given your preference for Potions, you can make it happen. (+1 Intrigue, Gain Trait: Potions Aptitude)
[X] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie.
[X] Half Blood: Look, your parents were working wizards. Your mother may have had magic in the blood going back centuries, but that didn't really mean much with her dad gambling away the family fortune and her brother having the business sense of a particularly dense squirrel. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)

Well, if this was a Plan, I probably would go with "Plan: I have a mouth and I don't know if I should scream".
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Shoring up the wards: All you need is two runes and some chalk, and you've got plenty of chalk. (+1 Learning, Gain Trait: Runes Aptitude)
[X] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie
[X] Muggleborn: Hey, your parents were no-maj's, what's the big deal? Sure, go back fifty years, and the Salem Party would have kicked up a fuss about letting a pair of non-magicals be guardians of a magical. Thing is, that was fifty years ago. Grindlewald's attempts at starting a civil war had the unintended side effect of removing every Isolationist mover and shaker from the political field entirely, including the Salem Party. (+2 Learning, +1 Martial, -2 Diplomacy)
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[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Shoring up the wards: All you need is two runes and some chalk, and you've got plenty of chalk. (+1 Learning, Gain Trait: Runes Aptitude)
[X] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie
[X] Half Blood: Look, your parents were working wizards. Your mother may have had magic in the blood going back centuries, but that didn't really mean much with her dad gambling away the family fortune and her brother having the business sense of a particularly dense squirrel. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Transfiguring some earmuffs: You're good enough that you can probably keep the transfiguration going for a few hours. By that point, everyone else should be asleep too. (+1 Stewardship, Giant Trait: Transfiguration Aptitude)
[X] Witch: Psst, you're a inny.
[X] Half Blood: Look, your parents were working wizards. Your mother may have had magic in the blood going back centuries, but that didn't really mean much with her dad gambling away the family fortune and her brother having the business sense of a particularly dense squirrel. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Charming yourself: It's KWIY-uh-tus, not kwi-oh-TUS! (+1 Diplomacy, Gain Trait: Charms Aptitude)
[X] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie.
[X] Half Blood: Look, your parents were working wizards. Your mother may have had magic in the blood going back centuries, but that didn't really mean much with her dad gambling away the family fortune and her brother having the business sense of a particularly dense squirrel. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Shoring up the wards: All you need is two runes and some chalk, and you've got plenty of chalk. (+1 Learning, Gain Trait: Runes Aptitude)
[X] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie
[X] Half Blood: Look, your parents were working wizards. Your mother may have had magic in the blood going back centuries, but that didn't really mean much with her dad gambling away the family fortune and her brother having the business sense of a particularly dense squirrel. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Shoring up the wards: All you need is two runes and some chalk, and you've got plenty of chalk. (+1 Learning, Gain Trait: Runes Aptitude)
[X] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie
[X] Pure Blood: For a certain definition of Pureblood. You've got a few muggleborn in your family tree, even the occasional squib. Still, magic has been in your blood for generations, and by most definitions, you're blood is pure… from a certain point of view. (+2 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, -2 Learning)
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).

Free dice and +1 to all atributes is nice not sure what the trait point will do however It seems good.

[ ] Taking some Dreamless Sleep: You want some sleep, and given your preference for Potions, you can make it happen. (+1 Intrigue, Gain Trait: Potions Aptitude)

Potions are nice and has the potential to be amazing depending on what your personal headcannon on the limits.

[ ] Transfiguring some earmuffs: You're good enough that you can probably keep the transfiguration going for a few hours. By that point, everyone else should be asleep too. (+1 Stewardship, Giant Trait: Transfiguration Aptitude)

Transfiguration might have alot harder time to get into the true high-end campared to points and runes in most hp fics, however its amazing for quality of life stuff.

[ ] Shoring up the wards: All you need is two runes and some chalk, and you've got plenty of chalk. (+1 Learning, Gain Trait: Runes Aptitude)

Depending on the head cannon this is either the most powerful option or the most restrictive.

[ ] Charming yourself: It's KWIY-uh-tus, not kwi-oh-TUS! (+1 Diplomacy, Gain Trait: Charms Aptitude)

I honestly dont now enough about charms to give a brief run down, accept it seems to be purely quality of life, or you get creative with there uses. (unless it's combat charms but that seems to be separate)

[ ] Hexing the blighters: You agree that violence isn't always the best answer. What people seem to forget is that sometimes? Violence is always an answer. (+1 Martial, Gain Trait: Combat Aptitude)

You wanna be a good fighter this is the option.

[X] Transfiguring some earmuffs: You're good enough that you can probably keep the transfiguration going for a few hours. By that point, everyone else should be asleep too. (+1 Stewardship, Giant Trait: Transfiguration Aptitude)

Going for the quality of life.

[X] Half Blood: Look, your parents were working wizards. Your mother may have had magic in the blood going back centuries, but that didn't really mean much with her dad gambling away the family fortune and her brother having the business sense of a particularly dense squirrel. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)

With the chance for evil dumbledoor this is honestly the best choice since if he isn't targeting everyone equally then he's usually siding with the pureblood's with the for the greater good mindset thing, and I would rather not be a muggleborn with evil dumbledoor being on the purebloods side. However there's always the chance of evil dumbledoor targeting purebloods to inherent/takeover whatever they leave behind.
So half-blood seems like the safe option two me plus I like the stewardship.

I don't really care if we're a witch or wizard.
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie

[X] Transfiguring some earmuffs: You're good enough that you can probably keep the transfiguration going for a few hours. By that point, everyone else should be asleep too. (+1 Stewardship, Giant Trait: Transfiguration Aptitude)
[X] Muggleborn: Hey, your parents were no-maj's, what's the big deal? Sure, go back fifty years, and the Salem Party would have kicked up a fuss about letting a pair of non-magicals be guardians of a magical. Thing is, that was fifty years ago. Grindlewald's attempts at starting a civil war had the unintended side effect of removing every Isolationist mover and shaker from the political field entirely, including the Salem Party. (+2 Learning, +1 Martial, -2 Diplomacy)

I like transfiguration the most and having some martial and learning seems good
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie
[X] Charming yourself: It's KWIY-uh-tus, not kwi-oh-TUS! (+1 Diplomacy, Gain Trait: Charms Aptitude)
[X] Muggleborn: Hey, your parents were no-maj's, what's the big deal? Sure, go back fifty years, and the Salem Party would have kicked up a fuss about letting a pair of non-magicals be guardians of a magical. Thing is, that was fifty years ago. Grindlewald's attempts at starting a civil war had the unintended side effect of removing every Isolationist mover and shaker from the political field entirely, including the Salem Party. (+2 Learning, +1 Martial, -2 Diplomacy)
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).

This is the most hilarious one, of course, and I'm looking forward to the paranoia.

[X] Transfiguring some earmuffs: You're good enough that you can probably keep the transfiguration going for a few hours. By that point, everyone else should be asleep too. (+1 Stewardship, Giant Trait: Transfiguration Aptitude)

[X] Muggleborn: Hey, your parents were no-maj's, what's the big deal? Sure, go back fifty years, and the Salem Party would have kicked up a fuss about letting a pair of non-magicals be guardians of a magical. Thing is, that was fifty years ago. Grindlewald's attempts at starting a civil war had the unintended side effect of removing every Isolationist mover and shaker from the political field entirely, including the Salem Party. (+2 Learning, +1 Martial, -2 Diplomacy)

pfft, who needs things like "diplomacy" when we have a broken magical system to play with? This is probably the most exploitable combo (since transfiguration is usually a sandbox, and +2 Learning helps tell us what to transfigure).
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Taking some Dreamless Sleep: You want some sleep, and given your preference for Potions, you can make it happen. (+1 Intrigue, Gain Trait: Potions Aptitude)
[X] Witch: Psst, you're a inny.
[X] Half Blood: Look, your parents were working wizards. Your mother may have had magic in the blood going back centuries, but that didn't really mean much with her dad gambling away the family fortune and her brother having the business sense of a particularly dense squirrel. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)

Let's poison everyone! You get a potion, and you get a potion, and YOU Definitely get a potion! Pretty Poisoner Penny is GO!

Wait, no, that was my Witch Girl Adventures character. Ah well.
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).

[X] Hexing the blighters: You agree that violence isn't always the best answer. What people seem to forget is that sometimes? Violence is always an answer. (+1 Martial, Gain Trait: Combat Aptitude)

[X] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie.

[X] Muggleborn: Hey, your parents were no-maj's, what's the big deal? Sure, go back fifty years, and the Salem Party would have kicked up a fuss about letting a pair of non-magicals be guardians of a magical. Thing is, that was fifty years ago. Grindlewald's attempts at starting a civil war had the unintended side effect of removing every Isolationist mover and shaker from the political field entirely, including the Salem Party. (+2 Learning, +1 Martial, -2 Diplomacy)
[ ] Charming yourself: It's KWIY-uh-tus, not kwi-oh-TUS! (+1 Diplomacy, Gain Trait: Charms Aptitude)

I honestly dont now enough about charms to give a brief run down, accept it seems to be purely quality of life, or you get creative with there uses. (unless it's combat charms but that seems to be separate)
Just to potentially prevent misunderstandings later down the line, "charms" is something of a catch-all for wand based magic. The Patronus is a charm. Leviosa is a charm. Bombarda(the boom-boom spell) is a hex, which is a specific type of charm. Killing Curse, if you wanna get technical about it, is a charm.

In essence, charms is kind of like the Swiss army knife of magic. You have a large amount of very useful tools, but only if you're in a situation to actually use them. I don't want to leave any one path as too OP or game breaking, but in that same vein, they all have the potential for being quite powerful.

One thing to remember is that just because you know the charm, doesn't mean you can use it in a fight, or at least use it very well.

Also, Transfiguration is different, because it requires a great deal of imagination and willpower in conjunction to the actual words and wand movement.
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[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Witch: Psst, you're a inny.
[X] Shoring up the wards: All you need is two runes and some chalk, and you've got plenty of chalk. (+1 Learning, Gain Trait: Runes Aptitude)
[X] Muggleborn: Hey, your parents were no-maj's, what's the big deal? Sure, go back fifty years, and the Salem Party would have kicked up a fuss about letting a pair of non-magicals be guardians of a magical. Thing is, that was fifty years ago. Grindlewald's attempts at starting a civil war had the unintended side effect of removing every Isolationist mover and shaker from the political field entirely, including the Salem Party. (+2 Learning, +1 Martial, -2 Diplomacy)
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Shoring up the wards: All you need is two runes and some chalk, and you've got plenty of chalk. (+1 Learning, Gain Trait: Runes Aptitude)
[X] Witch: Psst, you're a inny.
[X] Half Blood: Look, your parents were working wizards. Your mother may have had magic in the blood going back centuries, but that didn't really mean much with her dad gambling away the family fortune and her brother having the business sense of a particularly dense squirrel. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)
[X] Kinda Shady Old Man: Dumbledore is low-tier evil in this quest. He's got limits, but by the time he reaches those limits, people will have to question their loyalties.

[X] Shoring up the wards: All you need is two runes and some chalk, and you've got plenty of chalk. (+1 Learning, Gain Trait: Runes Aptitude)

[X] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie.

[X] Half Blood: Look, your parents were working wizards. Your mother may have had magic in the blood going back centuries, but that didn't really mean much with her dad gambling away the family fortune and her brother having the business sense of a particularly dense squirrel. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, -2 Martial)
[X] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[X] Shoring up the wards: All you need is two runes and some chalk, and you've got plenty of chalk. (+1 Learning, Gain Trait: Runes Aptitude)
[X] Wizard: Psst, you're an outie
[X] Muggleborn: Hey, your parents were no-maj's, what's the big deal? Sure, go back fifty years, and the Salem Party would have kicked up a fuss about letting a pair of non-magicals be guardians of a magical. Thing is, that was fifty years ago. Grindlewald's attempts at starting a civil war had the unintended side effect of removing every Isolationist mover and shaker from the political field entirely, including the Salem Party. (+2 Learning, +1 Martial, -2 Diplomacy)
[ ] ...Guy with the beard? You went to Ilvermony, alright?!: Can't decide? That's fine, I'll roll for it. I also won't tell you what I land on. Oh, don't give me that look! Alright, here, let me make it up to you (+1 to all attributes, +1 Trait Point, +1 Free Dice).
[ ] Charming yourself: It's KWIY-uh-tus, not kwi-oh-TUS! (+1 Diplomacy, Gain Trait: Charms Aptitude)
[ ] Muggleborn: Hey, your parents were no-maj's, what's the big deal? Sure, go back fifty years, and the Salem Party would have kicked up a fuss about letting a pair of non-magicals be guardians of a magical. Thing is, that was fifty years ago. Grindlewald's attempts at starting a civil war had the unintended side effect of removing every Isolationist mover and shaker from the political field entirely, including the Salem Party. (+2 Learning, +1 Martial, -2 Diplomacy)
I don't know why so many vote for half blood. Stewardship is great in ck2 but it's not very helpful when playing a wizard in Harry Potter world. And about runes, they are not nearly as versatile than Charms or transfigurations and take longer to create, with no major advantages