XenoRaptor: Space Dragons Versus Space Skeletons

MJ12 Commando

Shadow Cabal Barristerminator

This is Xenoraptor. It is a shmup where you start off with a space dragon armed with a gatling gun that fires 100 rounds a second.

It is a shmup where weapon upgrades include drill missiles. Which you can spray out 20 of at once. It has weapon customization-do you want to make your railgun fire drills? Sure. Explosions? Certainly. Do you want a gatling gun that fires radiation bullets because you think Warframe is a good guide to how many warcrimes you should commit per capita? You got it.

The game is 50% off on steam right now, and although I think it's not worth 15 bucks, it's definitely worth $7.50. If you're planning on purchasing something cheapish for the Steam Sale, this is a good bet.
Okay, that looks pretty cool. Does it have a plot and an endstate, or is it just 'fight until you lose'?
Okay, I tried the demo and I'm feeling pretty good about this. Forum indicates some bugs, but nothing gamebreaking. And the description of the Assault Teleporter literally makes me LOL. Think I'm getting this.

mfw I get shot down by the level endboss, though. *sigh*
Okay, I tried the demo and I'm feeling pretty good about this. Forum indicates some bugs, but nothing gamebreaking. And the description of the Assault Teleporter literally makes me LOL. Think I'm getting this.

mfw I get shot down by the level endboss, though. *sigh*

Yeah it's a pretty great game. Note that on Easy you don't get score, but you do get unlocks, and you have to play the campaign to get unlocks, so that's something to keep in mind.
Looks cool, but the title seemed to imply to me something along the lines of an asymmetrical warfare multiplayer "fps", in which space dragons fight space undead.

What it actually is seems okay, I'm just not really into shoot them ups.
Note that on Easy you don't get score, but you do get unlocks, and you have to play the campaign to get unlocks, so that's something to keep in mind.
Yes. Do you know what factors Easy mode alters beside disabling the score counter?

Also, what are your favorite weapons and mods? I am currently partial to a Flak Cannon with the Trident barrel and Dumbfire warheads, which grants a remarkable damage spread against the hordes of little ships the game likes to throw at you, and a standard Particle Cannon for sniping and boss killing. Excellent damage, long range, somewhat limited by the need for a charge period and high heat buildup.

I haven't actually managed to unlock anything beside missiles and bombs yet, so I'm rolling with Guided Micromissiles, a Warp drive and the standard hull and sensors.
What it actually is seems okay, I'm just not really into shoot them ups.
And that's okay. Shoot-em-ups aren't for everyone.
Quite :). Space skulls with chainsaws, buzzsaws, railguns, miniguns, lasers, tractor beams, missiles, ships that spawn more ships when blown up, ships that turn invisible, ships that teleport, ships that just spam everything around them with massive amounts of projectiles... there's something here for everyone.
Also, what are your favorite weapons and mods? I am currently partial to a Flak Cannon with the Trident barrel and Dumbfire warheads, which grants a remarkable damage spread against the hordes of little ships the game likes to throw at you, and a standard Particle Cannon for sniping and boss killing. Excellent damage, long range, somewhat limited by the need for a charge period and high heat buildup.

I haven't actually managed to unlock anything beside missiles and bombs yet, so I'm rolling with Guided Micromissiles, a Warp drive and the standard hull and sensors.

Right now? Incendiary chaingun and incendiary spread gun. The chaingun is possibly the most heat-efficient weapon in the game, and the spread gun has a decent range and enough projectiles to wipe most of the little shits.
Right now? Incendiary chaingun and incendiary spread gun. The chaingun is possibly the most heat-efficient weapon in the game, and the spread gun has a decent range and enough projectiles to wipe most of the little shits.
Okay, but what do you do against bosses? I mean, neither the spread gun nor the chain gun have the kind of DPS you need to take down a boss in anything I'd call good time.

Also, the description of plasma ammo says that enemies who are hit by it are unable to shoot back, but I can't tell if it's actually doing anything. Can you tell me whether this is a bug or whether the ammo type is mislabeled?

Okay, after actually trying this build I have to admit that I greatly underestimated the chaingun just because it is your starting weapon. The sheer volume of fire it puts out is enough to inflict serious damage despite the low damage of each individual bullet, and it is accurate enough to use at long range while generating very little heat. And with incendiary bullets, the DOT it inflicts is generally enough to finish off anything that didn't die from the blizzard of shells the gun puts out.

It is a far more viable weapon than I initially thought it was.
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