X-Men Genesis: Worldbuilding Brainstoriming and Research thread.

British Columbia, Canada
I have a story idea the problem being I lack the encyclopedic knowledge of Marvel/X-Men comics to actually make it.

Anyways, the idea is that the brotherhood of mutants with the aid of a bio-kinetic mutant releases a retrovirus that causes mutations. Their thought process at least the bio-kinetics; is that since mutants are the next step in evolution and that conflict between humanity and mutant-kind is inevitable. Like some sort of super powered race war, the best way to undo that seeming inevitability is to turn all of humanity into mutants. The X-Men would serve as protagonists putting out fires caused by the outbreak across the nation if not the world, meanwhile governments around the world basically have a freakout regarding the mass outbreak of mutation and begins detaining the new mutants within quaruntine. this move irks the brotherhood of mutants cells spurning them into action freeing their new mutant brothers and sisters and either knowingly or unknowingly making the quaruntine on this new virus incredibely difficult if not impossible.

if I care to explore the characterizatiom behind the villain OC Biokinetic it would be of a young idealistic girl who got radicalized by brotherhood talking points basically alt right radicalization if you want to believe in that sort of thing or not.

But as I said I lack the knowledge to make a comics canon accurate X-Men fic (not sure if I would want to). I am okay with making it an AU and having the story work off the same baseline every X-men cartoon and Movie adaptation has, what I want to know is if there are facets of worldbuilding and characters in the comics that can serve in the same capacity that I would end up sidelining by using my own stuff.