X and Zero in Remnant

We Just Write

Blatantly Plural
New England
So, the last creation of Doctor Light (X) and the last creation of Doctor Wily (Zero) are dropped into Remnant. Both are highly advanced humanoid robots capable of total free will, have extremely superhuman capabilities, and have integrated weaponry with building-leveling firepower. Some further parameters apply:

For both robots
  • Both robots are capable of having Aura, but neither has it unlocked at start.
  • Both robots start in the capsules their creators sealed them in, though said capsules will automatically unlock at scenario start.
    -As a result, both of them have none of their experiences from the Mega Man X or Mega Man Zero games.
  • Both robots are capable of self-repair sufficient to render spare parts and maintenance a non-issue.
Specific to X
  • The Variable Weapon System works on Semblances, Grimm Adaptations, and Huntsman weapons.
  • He has the dash upgrade by default, even though he canonically shouldn't.
  • Spawn location: Vale
Specific to Zero
  • Yes he has the Maverick Virus. However it's not compatible with anything on Remnant unless people copy X or Zero's design and start making reploids.
    -If people try to copy off Zero, they will notice said virus, and make sure the copies can't be infected by it.
  • He already had the overflow error bringing his aggression value to something sensible before waking up, meaning he won't go on a bloodthirsty rampage.
  • He has the Z-saber, even though he canonically shouldn't.
  • Spawn location: Menagerie
Both of them are dropped in about five years before the first episode. So... how's it likely to go?