[X] wildebest was clearly a terrible author i can do sooooooo much better *wink wink nudge nudge*
[X] u control the humanz like you could control the bugz but only if you want to and their in range
- [x] u can change de humanz body
- [x] the humanz like u after you let them free
[X] break out
- [X] Control humans, make them friendly, friendly humans want to help their new friend to break out.
ur stil in de locker. this is annoying. but, u are speshul becuz u tripple trigger. u can get out using ur powers. this is good. this is de good. u must break de out. first, u scream. oh wait. u screamed again and again and again but nobody came. oh, oh well. u do not screm. u adminstrate. u are de queen, and de queen will have her subjects obey. u call out. u can not see through ur subjects, but two bouys and a random grill appears. gude. now
de queen u have friends. ur friends bang against de locker, and slam it. de locker is open. that is gud.
ur not in the locker. thank god. u get up, and dust urself off. ur glothes are not clean, but you can fix that even if you look terrible on de rod everyone hates you anyway.
u do not check de time. u do not care abouyt anything elze u are ut of te locker. u run out of school. u are on de reailroad but u do not care, u jump on the boss, and then u wait for a bit, to go home to ur dad. u wait a bit and then u get home to ur daddy.
daddy is the only person u care about. he does not preform the hating of u when so many oothers do, and that makes u happy. it would be HORRIBLE if something was to ruin ur relationship.
"helo taylor" ur daddy says to u. u remember that ur name is taylor hebert. "how was school"
daddy can be so oblivious sometimes. he does not notice de blood. u r not sure whether to be thankful.
"taylor answer pls i am worried u always come home as sadness" ur daddy says
what do u say / do [Action, Mandatory] (choose 1):
[] "daddy emma and her friends trapped me in a locker full of waste"
- [] "i am scurred and worried and i want a hugg"
- [] "it caused me offense and made me trigger thrice"
- [] "dad i want to be a hero"
- [] "we need to take action against those creul creul girls and give them justice"
[] "i am fine nothing bad happened to me"
[] "i am totally fine i am not covered in biowaste or anything"
((this will probably ruin ur rationals with daddy. u do not know if u should try this))
[] do not accept de railing of de roads by te gm and run away from home
[] write in
use powers to help u? [Addendum, Optional]:
[] use ur powers to make daddy listen