Remember folks, just one action this time around.
[] Go shopping (Write in Taylor's future outfit)
-[] Why the hell is Zoro coming along ? (Need a new shirt, this one is a little too blood filled) Better question, how the hell is he so good at putting an outfit together ?!
-[] Maybe it's sentimental, but that sundress look like something Lisa would have forced upon you back in the days. You even have the legs to pull it off now.
-[] Every last coat on this entire island look like they've come straight for Pirate Of The Caribbeans. Dammit, you'll just have to put up with it as you do need something to protect yourself from the rain. This sunny weather won't last forever.
[] Look for bugs. Spiders in particular, your suit need repairs.
Does this count as one action?
Hm, is there anything in canon that indicates Zoro knows even an inkling of fashion? Just curious.