Worldbuilding: Devil May Cry/Dresden Files crossover.

United States
So what if Dresden Files and Devil May Cry existed in the same universe? I think Dante and Harry are aware of each other and have worked together but it's very rare. I have a timeline and this is what I have so far.

  • Eons ago: Civil War in hell Lucifer is overthrown and Mundus takes the throne with the help of his general Sparta.
  • 2000 BC: Mundus invades earth, Birth of the Red King, 2000 Nicodemus is born "about 2000 years ago," or so believe the Knights of the Cross. This is uncertain, as he takes great pains to destroy all of the church's documentation of him every few centuries or so.
  • ???? BC?: Sparta betrays Mundus for the Humans and Seals Temni Ni Gru. Sparta Rules over Earth
  • 4 BC: Sparta disappears, Jesus Christ is born
  • c 1400: Bob seduces shepherdesses! Neurovore notes that Bob claims to have "about six hundred years worth of memories to sort through in here" [BR 219], which suggests his origin is somewhere in the late fourteenth or early fifteenth century.
  • The EARLY 1500s: Paolo Ortega becomes a vampire. According to Thomas in DM, "living about six hundred years isn't something you do by playing nice," which would have put his siring in the early 1400s, but that doesn't match up with the timeline of the Spanish conquest of the Yucatán. Perhaps Thomas needs a history lesson!
  • The mid-1500s: The White Council moves its HQ to Edinburgh "just under 500 years ago."
    ~1393: Freeholding Lord Vlad Drakul, father of Dracula, is born. He is a half-mortal, half-demon scion, and he is formidable, dangerous, and cruel. Kincaid, called the "Hound of Hell" or the "Hellhound," serves as his right arm for centuries.
  • LATE 14th CENTURY/MID-15th CENTURY, FRANCE: Bob's spirit is bound to a random skull by a fellow called Etienne the Enchanter. Jim: "Etienne the Enchanter picked it (Bob's skull) up on the cheap, back in medieval France, and skulls weren't exactly uncommon. Etienne himself probably had it for the reason that so many writers and sages had skulls hanging around–to make their office look cooler. Etienne, though, is the one who originally laid out the enchantment on the skull to enable it to be a little home-away-from-home for Bob, and he's been passed down, wizard-to-wizard, ever since."
  • BEFORE 1600 (Over 400 years ago): Ancient Mai is born.
  • CIRCA 1700 (About 300 years ago): Ebenezar McCoy and Arthur Langtry (The Merlin) born. Jim, on the old list: "He's British, brought up during the time of the British Empire, and is old enough to remember when the United States was a bunch of penny-pinching colonials with no sense of loyalty to the Crown. Ebenezar, btw, is of roughly the same age, and they were young men together, which must have had a fairly high special effects budget, given that both of them were born brawny-wizards, like Harry. :)"
  • CIRCA 1716 (About 300 years ago, minus 16): Ebenezar and Arthur Langtry meet when Eb was sixteen years old.
  • (circa 1739): Aleron LaFortier is born.
  • 1754 to 1763: The French and Indian War. According to Jim, this was an eventful time in Ebenezar's life!
  • APPROX 1797 AND 1810: Maggie LeFay is born. (Source)
  • CIRCA 1800: Luccio is born.
  • 1805, October 21: Admiral Horatio Nelson dies of a gunshot wound suffered at the Battle of Trafalgar. Gard is present and takes the fatal bullet from his body. (From "Even Hand")
  • CIRCA 1810: Ebenezar's wife dies.
  • 1812: Ebenezar causes the New Madrid Earthquake [BR, 297], the largest earthquake ever recorded in the contiguous United States and an estimated 8.0 on the Richter scale. Clearly, he's been Blackstaff for a The long time!
  • The EARLY 1800s: The Wardens kill Kemmler the first time [DB, 26]. Bob: "They killed him pretty good. A bunch of times. He'd shown up again after the Wardens had killed him early in the nineteenth century, so they were real careful the second time. And good riddance to the psychotic bastard."
  • May 31, 1883: A Fistful of Warlocks
  • August 1883: Ebenezar makes Krakatoa go boom [BR, 297]. Atmospheric shock waves from the eruption reverberate around the world seven times and were detectable for five days.
  • The FAIRLY LATE 1800s: Morgan is born.
  • 1900: Kincaid loses Ebenezar's respect in Istanbul. Previously, both assassins at least shared a professional courtesy.
  • 1908: Ebenezar causes the explosion at Tunguska [BR, 297]. The energy of the blast was later estimated to be between 10 and 20 megatons of TNT, which would be equivalent to Castle Bravo, the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated by the US.
  • WORLD WAR I: (Courtesy of a necromancer named Kemmler [DB 25].) Morgan fights for Britain.
    ~1920: Kemmler acquires a certain spirit of air and intellect, bound to a human skull. Bob works for Kemmler about 40 years before. [DB ch 3–thanks to neurovore]
  • The 1950s: Morgan nukes a skinwalker at a Nevada testing facility.
  • 1955(?): : Michael is born.
  • 1959: According to Harry, the rate of pay for wardens is set. "the Council hasn't given it a cost-of-living increase since. I think it comes up for review in a few more years." (Note: Harry may be making this up.), Murphy's first husband, Gregory Taggart, is born. (They marry when she is 17 and he is 29)
  • 1961: Kemmler is killed (again). Justin Dumorne acquires Bob the Skull from the smoldering ruins of his lab.
  • 1966: Sparda reappears, Sparda meets Eva
  • 196?: Thomas Raith is born, Margret Flees Lord Raith's home.
  • 1971: Murphy is born.
  • 1973: Dante and Vergil are born.
  • 1974: Harry is Born, Margret Dresden dies.
  • 197?: Sparda disappears, is presumed dead.
  • 1981: Dante and Vergil get their amulets, Eva is killed by the forces of Mundus, Dante and Vergil are separated and won't see each other for many years.
  • 198?: Harry's father dies. Harry is taken in by Justin Dumorne
  • 1990: Harry kills Justin Dumorne, Vergil visits fortuna city, Nero is born
  • 1991: Devil May Cry 3 occurs, Vergil gets trapped in the underworld
  • mid to late 1990's: Harry and Dante meet for the first time
  • 2000: The events of Storm Front occur.
  • 2001: DMC 1 Occurs. Mundus is destroyed by Dante. Vergil Dies, Unbeknownst to him due to this Lucifer brutally regains power in hell. Events of Fool Moon and Grave Peril occur
  • 2002: Events of Summer Knight Occurs
  • 2003: Events of Death Masks occur, Maggie is born, Devil May Cry anime Occurs
  • 2004: Events of Blood Rights occurs,
  • 2005: Dante and Harry encounter another again
  • 2006: Dead Beat Occurs
  • 2007: Proven Guilty Occurs
  • 2008: White Knight Occurs, Devil May Cry 4 Occurs
  • 2009: Small Favor Occurs
  • 2010: Turn Coat Occurs
  • 2011: Changes Occurs, Dante assists in the battle of Macchu Pichu due to a called in favor from Harry. DMC 2 Occurs
  • 2012: Ghost Story Occurs
  • 2013: Cold Days Occurs, Harry assists Dante in killing a violent man that thinks he is Dante.
  • 2015: Skin Games occurs
  • 2019: Devil May Cry 5 occurs.
So I think there might be three (ish) case files involving dante and a short story where he fights in machu picchu.
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