World War One Apocalypse, and Post-Apocalypse


Spooky, and Gay
The Sun from which The Shadows Cast
Nowadays, when people think of the post-apocalyptic wasteland of tommorow, one of two things are brought up usually; Nukes, or the Second World and/or Cold War. And it makes sense—afterall, nukes are essentially the most effective weapnto theoretically kill all of us, and the previously mentioned wars had them in abounds. How else would the world just end!?

However, before all of this, the post apocalyptic era of fiction did exist. For a time, there was even WWI Post-Apocalypse stories, the most infamous example being a particular story of a fallen Britain overgrown in forests and inhabited with fucking Tigers.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I bring a proposition to you all; During, and/or around thew First World War, civilization as we all know it completely and utterly collapses, with only the loosest fringes of it surviving out somewhere in the corners of the globe. How did this happen and what is the remnants of the final Age of Empires looking now that almost all the Empires are gone?

Be as fantastic with this concept as you may; you can make it a steampunk Fallout or a victorian Mad Max, or even a Game of Thrones with barb wire and rifles like setting, so long as the constant of 'the world ended in the first world war' is there, and that civilization fell.

With that said; Go Nuts.
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