Wolzard and the Mighty Morphin Worm Rangers

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Episode 1.1: Day of the Dumpster

My name is Wolzard. Well, that's not my actual legal name...
Day of the Dumpster 1.1
Episode 1.1: Day of the Dumpster

My name is Wolzard. Well, that's not my actual legal name, but I ended up in a Worm universe. And I had decided that I would just live as though my Cape Identity was my True Identity. I knew that I would return home eventually, the powers I got means I can travel the multi-verse, but using my legal name from home no longer felt right. I was still that person at my core, but my powers made me more than my old identity. Confused? You'll understand soon enough. I will be dropping hints.

What am I doing?

Zenaku and I are currently on a Dragon Transport, piloted by a human going by Dragon, heading towards Brockton Bay. I was personally creating a Sealing Shuriken from Ninja Steel. What? I didn't name the stuff that. Oh. You wanted to know how I ended up on a Dragon Transport with Zenaku. For the last two months I had wandered Earth-Bet-America locating Merrick/Zenaku & Daggeron, getting Dragon to trust me, and fixing their problems. Merrick and Daggeron chose to stay in Briarwood with Udonna. Princess Shayla isn't going to awaken for about a decade, so Merrick needed something to do. Udonna also has an understanding of the 'old world' and the 'new world'. It maynot be much of an understanding, but it's better than mine, and Merrick could use the help getting used to today's world. Sadly, I couldn't help Udonna with the missing members of her family. I let Daggeron know what actually happened to them, but Bowen and Leanbow were shielded from my magics. Udonna was to blaim for her son, Koragg and his Master for her husband. Udonna does take Merrick to the Deer Wild Zord every morning, but Zenaku currently holds the crystal. We might need the help.

There were a few other things I did in between the big things. My shield has been modified to accept up to seven of a certain type of crystal. Think Deer Wild Zord. What? Wild Force Megazord Sword & Shield Striker Mode requires seven crystals. Ok, I haven't gotten access to any version of the Elephant Wild Zord, but I can at least prepare for the possibility. Also, Zenaku has my Predazord Crystals. I still had the Gaohunter crystals though. Back on track, my shield has one more modification, but I am keeping that a secret. Oh, wait, I did find that the eye that was in the original version of my shield has been replaced with one from a specific 'Megazord'. The eye socket already has a new eye there. Thank you healing spells. I have also modified my sword to work with Sealing Shuriken derived technology, and to adjust itself so I can use it as the core of Magiking's sword. I had also been looking for the Slaughterhouse 9, but no luck there.

The official reasons for heading to Brockton Bay were Power Testing, The Shiba Clan was based there and willing to take Zenaku and I in, and Dragon wanted to show Armsmaster her stable human body. My actual reasons added Zordon being close to there, Taylor Hebert, The Undersiders, Cauldron's Experiment, Coil, and Bakuda (more or less in order of importance). Speaking of Taylor, I got the feeling I was forgetting something. It was Early January, so it had to do something with that. Regardless, I had gotten in contact with Mr. Shiba, Masataka, 17th Lord of the Shiba Clan. I even got to speak with his son Jayden.

"Alright everyone." Dragon began. "We have arrived in Brockton Bay, and will be landing on The Rig soon. So put everything away, and buckle up."

Huh, lost track of time. I put everything away and looked out the window. Uh, where's the Boat Graveyard? It was 2011 here, so where was the Boat Graveyard? I'll have to look into it. Easy enough, Dragon and I had some ideas for zords, and an Underwater Hangar for them. The Dock Workers Association should appreciate the work.

The Landing went well, and we got off shortly after that. And that was things went downhill.

"Dragon!" yelled Armsmaster. "There are a pair of Case 53's attacking the Boardwalk. They are calling themselves Goldar and Tooya. Both have their own bio-tinker made minions." In other words, Putty Patrollers and Moogers. Mr. Shiba had promised me they were doing a good job keeping civilians away from the Nighloks. What happened? Goldar?

"Armsmaster," I began, "you are mistaken. They are not Case 53's. They do not have an Earthly origin."

"Are you saying they are Tinker made?" he questioned.

"Worse." was my response. "And Goldar's master has control of a zord."

"Zord? as in the Anti-Endbringer Weapon you made from one of Dragon's power armors?" Armsmaster was very worried.


Armsmaster looked at Dragon, and she at him. Dragon asked, "Are you offering to help?"

"His kind are what we are meant to fight." was Zenaku's response. Clearly, he's taken to being a Wolf Animal Spirit instead of the Org he originally thought of himself as.

"Right, Magical Source, Mystic Force!" Putting words to action, Dragon put on her new cape outfit.
"Galwit Mysto Ranger." The best description I have is Steel Dragon Fire Mystic Ranger. I had considered gifting her a certain coin. Other plans made that just a passing fancy.


"Pathetic humans. Running away rather than face their doom." The golden monkey laughed.

"Hey now! I need them." a two-faced red & blue monster complained. "My master needs their tears, and you are making it hard to collect them. And you're stealing my kills."

"Kill-stealing. You're complaining about that. How childish." Goldar turned to the Nighlok. "What are you going to do about it?"

"Kill you, in the name of Master Xandred."

"You Nighloks won't be killing anyone today!" came a voice from nowhere.

"Hey! I am not a Nighlok"

"Doesn't matter, Goldar. You're still going to be stopped." someone said from behind the big monkey. "We're the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers."

"Additionally, the Samurai Power Rangers." revealing the voice that had come from nowhere.

"Additionally, The Power Rangers Mystic Force." I said. The thirteen of us then posed, and awesome explosions ensued. Wait? Thirteen? Zenaku wasn't a ranger, so didn't pose. So who... oh. The Samurai Rangers have a Sixth Member. A Brown Ranger. Huh.

"Zenaku, is Koragg joking?" the Nighlok asked.

"I don't know." Zenaku took an aggressive stance. "After all. Koragg is still trapped with his master." He points to me. "He is Wolzard."

"Aw, c'mon. Don't be that way. Orgs and Nighloks worked together long ago. Our goals worked together."

"I am not an Org. I am a Wolf Animal Spirit that was corrupted by an Org." And with that, the battle was joined.

Zenaku and I began with our respective ranged attacks, wiping out all of the minions in one go. The Nighlok blocked Zenaku's attack, I had only released enough wolves to take out the Putties, and Goldar went aerial. What? He had wings, of course the air was his main arena. Unfortunatel for him, Dragon preferred to be in the air as well. So she took the fight to him, as did I. How? I thought you noticed the Pai Zhuq Master Mark on my armor and shield.

What? I got inserted into this world. Somebody decided to give me more than just Wolzard's powers, abilities & gear. With that explained, I do have access to the Bat Animal Spirit. I had to swap my sword & shield for the Jungle Fans, though.

The Rangers still om the ground, and Zenaku went after the Nighlok. needless to say, he didn't last long. "ARGH! You killed me! Now I'm going to kill YOU!" What? Nighloks have two lives. Theoretically, three, but there's no proof.


"Magic Wand! Make my monster GROW!"



Oh, right, Goldar. And there's the Endbringer Sirens. And now Armsmaster arrives. "You knew about this?"

"I did say 'Worse.'" I pulled out my WolzaPhone, tapped in 107. "Uuza Uru Ugaro."

"Galwit Neramax Unios."

"We need Dinozord power NOW!"

"Folding Zords."

"Wild Zords, arise."

"We need to get them out of the city." Dragon doesn't bother acknowledging. Instead, she just grabbed the Nighlok, and flew away.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Goldar flew after them, making it easy to get them out of the city. We followed.

I had considered forming megazords, but discarded that idea. "Ha." Instead, I just engaged Goldar directly, while Dragon directed the actual zords in attacking the Nighlok.

"You're quite annoying!" Goldar exclaimed, while continuing to slash at me. It was quite an impressive display of swordmanship from us. It couldn't last long, though. The Nighlok was being ganged up on after all.

"I didn't even get to say my name! Woah! Woah! Aahh!" And BOOM went the Nighlok.

"I'm outta here." And Goldar disappeared.


"We are already receiving reports." Director Piggot heard one of her PRT Staff report. "The Think Tank believes we were attacked by prototypes of a new generation of Endbringers. These new Endbringers appear to be even stronger than the first three."

"I assume that it was two different groups that sent them." she asked.

"They also think that."

"Let me know when Dragon and Wolzard are done writing their reports on the fight."
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You need to give us more basic information information, because many of us don't remember the history of the power rangers
This has potential, but its WAY too in media res. We need more backdrop as to how the characters got here (a little, not a lot).

And the colored text is unreadable with standard backgrounds. You need to either choose a different (brighter) color, or find another way of distinguishing those words.
Alright, I'll edit the first post and get rid of the adjustments I made to the speech. I don't mind constructive criticism, and I did plan on more explanations in the next part.
I have no idea what's going on here. I watched power rangers but trying to keep track of all the different names without a wiki open is a nightmare. I get you are going to elaborate, but maybe less names or more explanation as to who people are would help with the intro.