"Calling number twenty-six!"
The buzz of chatter in the courtyard ceases for a moment, hundreds of applicants falling silent at the moment the woman's voice cuts through the din. It only lasts for a moment, though, once they realize it's not
their number, and they resume their chatter. Save, of course, for number twenty-six himself.
Number twenty-six appears to be a dark-haired beastkin boy, catlike tail tucked down along his leg nervously. You watch him idly as he steps up to the indicated table and sits down, before beginning to speak with the auburn-haired forestkin examiner.
You shrug and return your attention to...
[ ] [Hobby] ...your meditation.
[ ] [Hobby] ...the book you are reading.
[ ] [Hobby] ...the intricate metal puzzle you're fiddling with.
[ ] [Hobby] ...your sketchbook.
[ ] [Hobby] ...the phone game you were playing.
[ ] [Hobby] ...something else? Write in. Must be a hobby that can be easily picked up and put down.
"Calling number one-thirty-two!"
[Wait,] interrupts a new voice, one you know as well as your own, in the privacy of your mind.
[They're not calling people in order?]
You nod slightly, the gesture muted with long practice. Not that you can't suppress the gesture entirely when needed, but you prefer to emote at least a
bit if possible.
[No, they're not,] you confirm.
[Probably to keep us on our toes or test our attention.] You consider for a moment.
[Or possibly to try to randomize it and keep the order fair.]
"Calling number two-eighty!"
[I guess that's one way to trim down the student body,] the --
your -- goddess comments, considering.
[What are they taking down at this stage, anyway? Don't they have your application info?]
[And to think you were teasing me for doing so much research,] you jab back with a slight smile.
[Nah, this is where they take the more theoretically-sensitive information, Aspects, Arete, that kind of thing. Things you'd prefer to not trust to the mail-in application.]
[Can you really keep that information secret, though?] she seems dubious.
[I've never had trouble doing that kind of research up here. Is it different down there?]
[For a while you could,] you answer,
[but these days you'd be lucky if you can go three matches without getting the basics put on a wiki somewhere. The magic of information technology and all that. But institutions are slow to adapt.]
"Calling number seventeen!" you blink, and double-check your token to confirm. Sure enough, it still reads seventeen.
You stand and make your way over to the table, this one manned by a plain-looking human man with dark circles under his eyes.
The sound of the crowd dulls the moment you step up to the table, the rune-engraved bell at its center glowing slightly.
[Oh, not bad work. My privacy wards aren't as nice as that.]
You nod at the man and take your seat, ignoring the commentary in your head. You'd prefer to
not come off as someone who hears voices. That's the kind of gimmick that would never stick.
"I'm Eryk Farland, examiner and teacher for Summit University," he says in a bored monotone.
You blink. You hadn't expected them to have teachers handling this kind of grunt work. "What do you teach?"
"Philosophy," he answers curtly, and you get the impression he'd rather not talk about that right now. He pauses for a moment, making sure you weren't going to ask any more questions, then continues. "Is this information correct?"
He flips around a sheet of paper, and you glance over it, confirming name, address, contact information. All correct.
[Wow, he's not very personable, is he?]
"Yes," you agree, and he takes it back.
"Race?" he asks.
Note: this has no mechanical impact.
[ ] [Race] "Human."
A plurality of the population, but far from a majority.
[ ] [Race] "Forestkin."
Forestkin traditionally lived in, as one might expect, the forests. While those days are long past, they are still known for their long lifespans, pointed ears, and affinity for plants.
[ ] [Race] "Beastkin."
Beastkin carry some of the physiological traits of animals, typically predatory mammals. They are quick and hardy, tending to be twitchy and impatient.
[ ] [Race] "Stonekin."
Stonekin are small and wiry, so as to fit into the tunnels of their ancestral homes. They are experts at working with metal and stone, particularly in the realms of architecture and public works. Most of them live on the surface these days, contrary to stereotype.
[ ] [Race] "Flamekin."
Flamekin are typically believed to be descended from dragons, though both flamekins and dragons deny any such connection. Nonetheless, they are hardy, often-scaled peoples with horns, tails, innate flame resistance, and a marked fondness for shiny things.
[ ] [Race] Write in? Requires approval. The setting can encompass most things.
He nods and writes that in. "Pantheon?"
[ ] [Pantheon] "Altebran."
Your magics are structured and mechanistic. They use magic circles and other similar constructs to embed formulae. Most complex technology is Altebran in origin. Capable of tailoring spells even to very specific circumstances, but requires advanced preparation to do so effectively.
[ ] [Pantheon] "Boliese."
Your magics are intimately connected to the environment. You coax the world to act according to your will, rather than forcing it to do so, and can perceive the spirits of even minor phenomena. The most effective pantheon at getting spirits to do what you want, but not particularly skilled at summoning.
[ ] [Pantheon] "Colibran."
Your magics care deeply about the principles of exchange and conversion. Alchemy, crafting, and transmutation are easy for you. Colibran magics have the easiest time working with sympathetic links, and enforcing magical contracts.
[ ] [Pantheon] "Darigate."
Your magics are oriented around runes, and their meaning and symbolism. Fundamentally interpretive, runic magic is flexible and context-sensitive, but that cuts both ways at times. It is the favored pantheon for traditional enchanting.
"Okay. Primary aspect?"
Choose the domain your powers are suited to. Breadth should be a single divine domain-concept.
[ ] [Aspect] "Fire."
[ ] [Aspect] "Journeys."
[ ] [Aspect] "Family."
[ ] [Aspect] "Luck."
[ ] [Aspect] "Curses."
[ ] [Aspect] "Plants."
[ ] [Aspect] "Storms."
[ ] [Aspect] "Dreams."
[ ] [Aspect] "Ocean."
[ ] [Aspect] Something else? Write in.
"I see. Thank you for your time. Please move on to the inner courtyard," he says, gesturing deeper into the massive complex that is Summit University.
You blink. "I thought you guys asked about Aretes?"
"Mm. Not on the list this year." He shrugs. "Very few applicants have them, too much work to manifest them, and they're too specific to sum up on a form."
You nod and stand, walking in the direction he gestured.
[But... you developed yours years ago. Was... was that actually super fast? Why don't they have one yet?] She asks, torn between confusion and awe.
[Sounds like a skill issue.] You keep your smugness off of your face, but not your voice.
[Or, more accurately, a motivation one. I
know what I'm fighting for, after all, and I'm pretty sure they
don't have a super cute goddess to fight for.]
[...tease.] You might not be able to see her, but the embarrassed huff tells her expression all the same.
[Guilty as charged~]