With the Sturmwind. (Arpeggio of the Blue Steel/Warship Gunner Commander) SPOILERS?

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The girl ran across the street, drawing mere passing glances from the people who were more...
Marianas Trench
The girl ran across the street, drawing mere passing glances from the people who were more preoccupied with what was happening out to sea.

Had anyone payed attention they would have noticed her moving towards the docks, fighting past a stream of people fleeing from the shoreline.

"Excuse me! Sorry!"

She pushed through the mass of humanity, moving quickly to look over the bay out at the battle in the distance.

"Huh... so that is the Fleet of Fog."

There were flashing lights and explosions in the distance, US ships desperately holding the line against a unstoppable force.

A beam of light leapt from out of view through a destroyer, reducing it to a smoldering wreck.

The other ships fired railguns and missiles in response, but were skewered by several more beams of energy, the lasers melting through them end to end.

Miniature black holes, singularities that devoured all in their area exploded into existence, taking with them chunks of metal and portions of the sea itself.

The Fog would begin destroying the docks soon, and if she did not act quickly much of the city would be erased.

She couldn't let that happen again. She couldn't let anyone massacre non combatants like that, not like she had so long ago.

She jumped into the water.


The leader of the fleet, Lexington looked over the remnants of the human forces.

"Destroy the Harbor."

While many of the Fog would typically be satisfied by the annihilation of the human vessels that tried to run the blockage, Lexington was not in a very good mood.

Between new orders arriving to move towards a traitor of the fleet, and the near sinking of Fletcher at the hands of a titanic human railgun, removing this harbor from existence would let off some exhaust. Or steam. Whatever it was. Sure, it might destroy some valuable historical artifacts but their were always more of those.

The ships readied their weapons, Photon Cannons charging and swiveling into positions.

"Fire at will."

The ocean in front of them EXPLODED.

A blur of metal, a roar of steel, and the photon beams flew forth, glacing off the bow of the vessel.

It was colossal in size, her bridge stretching hundreds of feet into the air.


It fired.

Guns the size of a destroyer launched car sized shells into the surprised Fog, the impacts absorbed by the wave force armor.

The ship was huge, dwarfing even Yamato in size. Her bow alone was over 100 meters long, the entire vessel nearly 700 meters in length.

Lexington quickly scanned the opponent. It matched nothing on the records, the Fogs or her own, and when she tried to contact New Jersey who was 250 miles away destroying another group of humans trying to escape, she found that her communications were somehow jammed.

She tried to connect to the JTN, but found that it was also blocked.


All of this occurred in less than a second, her processing capabilities allowing her to think at inhuman speeds.

This must be some kind of, of...

"Fire! Sink that thing!"

Destroyers Radford and Melvin fired photon cannons, but they glanced off some kind of barrier that redirected them harmlessly away from the target.

It responded, guns flashing again as titanic torpedoes shot off either side of it and flew through the water at supersonic speeds.

The destroyers moved, and Lexington herself leapt backwards barely avoiding the torpedoes.

Those torpedoes were huge!

Her sensors, thought dampened by whatever was jamming her communications had found them over 1000 mm in diameter.

Lexington fired, and began to shifted, upper decks turning and moving to expose the barrel of her Super Graviton Cannon.

Missiles launched from her sides, flying towards the now moving ship at incredible speeds.

The unknown vessel began to advance, plumes of flame the size of a skyscraper shooting from it as it did, rocketing forward at insane speeds.

Radford and Melvin tried to dodge, but in seconds its bow have snapped Melvin in half, and Radford was sent spiralling away before a salvo of torpedoes set her to the bottom of the ocean.

Lexington felt panic and fear for the first time in her life.

Was this what humans felt when I fought them?

Her missiles struck, but were smashed by a invisible force as the neared the vessels hull.

The ship moved, accelerating at a speed that her scanners read as over 120 knots, the entire front of the vessel starting to lift out of the water.

"SGC at 25% charge."

It wasn't charging fast enough.

"SGC at 50% charge"

Her photon cannons were still unable to get through that invisible barrier, bent!!! at 25 degree angles to strike the water behind it.

Portions of the ship glowed with incredible power.

Power readings are higher than anything but a fog battleship and climbing rapidly. What is kind of ship is this!?!

It fired, orange and green lasers shooting and snapping at angles to avoid her heaviest armor and strike Lexington in the sides.

Her wave force armor held, but more lasers were shot towards her and the vessel was close, less that a kilometer away.

"SGC at 75% charge"

Got you.

It turned, a wall of water hundreds of meters high being thrown into the air as it shifted more than 200,000 tons of metal and machinery to move its super sonic torpedoes into angle.

By the time Lexington began firing her defensive weapons it was too late.

14 torpedoes the size of double Decker buses had left their tubes and slammed into her hull, sending her mental model flying into the air as the main body was split apart and her SGC and core ruptured from being overloaded with energy.

She swam, leaving behind the destroyed ships, the damaged harbor, and moved into the position where Fletcher was waiting for what should have been a victorious Fog fleet.


I originally intended for this to be a short snippet or one shot, but I wrote more than I should have and like the idea behind it so it may become a fully fledged fic.
This seems like it would make a pretty good story. I haven't watched Arpeggio, but I plan on getting to it after I finish Kancoelle. I actually wanted to make a WG2/Kancoelle crossover but where the Ragnarok Explosion seends my entire fleet to the Kantai world. Need to finish the anime first tho. Never got to play the game.
This seems like it would make a pretty good story. I haven't watched Arpeggio, but I plan on getting to it after I finish Kancoelle. I actually wanted to make a WG2/Kancoelle crossover but where the Ragnarok Explosion seends my entire fleet to the Kantai world. Need to finish the anime first tho. Never got to play the game.
Argeggio is pretty cool, and there actually was a quest where Ragnarok sent the players fleet to the Kantai world. I also have a story where Iowa from WG2 shows up in Kancolle.

It is really interesting to see how peoples opinions on my story differs between SB and SV. SB doesn't seem to like it at all, while SV has had a pretty positive reaction.
This is the trailer to Naval Ops Warship Gunner.

This is the "intro" to Commander.

Goddamn the nostalgia

I can't tell you how many times I saw that first cutscene booting up the game. I never realized how burned into my fucking psyche it was until I saw it again and was like, "wait, I know this"

Hope it goes well, Warship Gunners was an underrated masterpiece that formed one of the building blocks of my childhood. It never gets enough love.
1 day later.

The girl woke.

Something had entered sensor range, and within seconds Sturmwind had leapt from her bed and began to activate her Gravitational Barriers.

There were 7 contacts, 4 destroyers and 2 cruisers led by a single battleship.

New Jersey.

Maybe letting the carriers mental model escape was a bad idea...

No. New Jersey would had came here anyways, destroying a entire Fog fleet never could end well.

Her hull began to move, all 1 million tons of steel lifting from the bottom of the bay.

She moved, mental model sprinting out of the apartment and down onto the streets.

While some people were confused as to why a young woman would be leaving so quickly and so late at night, most simply shrugged and continued on their day.

She needed to get to the docks, now!

Once the fleet entered range, it was obvious they would try to hunt her down.

A single aircraft carrier nearly crippled her just the day before, a battleship would destroy her outright.

Damn it, I won't make it...

And it was nearly close enough to see.

She reached the harbor and dived.

Engines surged to life, anti gravity generators working with titanic thrusters to move the Supership at over 50 knots.

She needed to lure them away from the city, and then run for it.

Luckily that was what the Wirbelwind class was good at.

The Fog ships began to sweep the area, sensors searching for anything that could give away their target.

It took .7 seconds for New Jersey to process the information, locate Sturmwind, and begin to scan her.

It took 1.6 seconds for her to realize that the ship matched nothing on the record, far larger than anything known.

Sturmwind accelerated, and New Jersey adjusted her turrets and fired, beams of gravitation piercing the water and slamming against Sturmwinds Electromagnetic barriers, punching through them and smashing her armor apart.


Sturmwind ascended, breaching the water at incredible speed, missile launchers blazing.

Hundreds of missiles launched, New Jersey taking power off her main guns to super charge her point defense.

Photon cannons fired, advanced targeting systems allowing them to destroy 57 torpedoes before they neared the Fog.

New Jerseys escorts also attacked, lighter photon cannons and torpedoes streaking towards Sturmwind.

Electromagnetic barriers overloaded.

Wave force armor at 77% saturation.

I need to get out of here.

Accelerating, jets of flame exploding from her thrusters.

Speed: 125 knots, acceleration at a rate of 10 knots per second.

Incoming corrosion torpedoes.

Sturmwind moved, swinging her bow to the side and shifting course.

Her point defense rotary cannons fired, a hail of photon beams striking the incoming torpedoes, destroying some of them.

It was not enough.


She increased the power dedicated to her weapons, and began to target the torpedoes.

Her lasers fired, concentrated beams of light melting several missiles to the point of being unrecognizable.

Another salvo, and New Jersey turned to bring her Photon turrets to bear.

Speed at 150 knots.
Wave Force armor at 90% saturation.

New Jersey fired, Sturmwind already out of the bay.

The beams glaced her, shattering her armor like paper.


They melted her stern, boiling through her steel hull little a knife through butter.

The shots ended, and Sturmwind was grateful for the ability to turn off her pain.

More torpedoes came.

Jamming systems activated, everything within 25 miles of Sturmwind losing the ability to see by anything other than the Mk 1 eyeball.

Sturmwind fired, her guns targeting the nearest destroyer to no effect.

A salvo of missiles left her silos, and she quickly dived.

Distracted by her missile salvo, and disoriented by the intense jamming, they were barely able to react to Sturmwinds 1250mm supersonic torpedoes.

12 torpedoes flew through the water, aimed directly at New Jersey.

Jersey moved, attempting to evade the missiles without luck.

They impacted, the explosive payload hitting with enough force to shatter a smaller ship.

Jersey shifted back, unharmed, wave force armor completely absorbing the impact of the torpedoes that hit, the others streaking past her.

She swept the area but their target had already left the area.
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Argeggio is pretty cool, and there actually was a quest where Ragnarok sent the players fleet to the Kantai world. I also have a story where Iowa from WG2 shows up in Kancolle.

It is really interesting to see how peoples opinions on my story differs between SB and SV. SB doesn't seem to like it at all, while SV has had a pretty positive reaction.
Quest? I'm new to the site, so I have no idea what you are talking about. And here I thought I was being original.
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Quest? I'm new to the site, so I have no idea what you are talking about.

For a quest the author provides a set of option to the readers that the readers can then vote on at the end of each section as the story is being written to determine what will happen next in the storyt. It is a bit like a choose your own adventure story. The author may also involve role playing game elements such as character generation, skills and levels, as well as determining success or failure on events based on random number generation/dice rolling like in Dungeons and Dragons.

Quests have their own sub forum, Quests ,which has a sticked intro thread.

The Graveyard Sea (Warship Gunner2/Kancolle)

The Graveyard Sea The last thing you remember? You, Commodore Patrick Schulz, screaming a mixture of fear and bitter vindication, caught in the cataclysmic detonation of an alien device man was never meant to understand. Ragnarok. You’d argued against it. It was too dangerous, too...
The quest