Wish It's A Revelation - Hellsing/The New Order Agency Quest

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It is 1962 and evil won the last war. With the help of supernatural horrors, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan have conquered Europe and Asia, while Russia lies in ruins and the USA languishes in the disunity of defeat. There is no such thing as immortality, however, not for life and certainly not for nations. As a new generation comes of age the new order will be shaken, and the monsters that could once be fought in the shadows will define world affairs.
Opening Post: Organization Selection


Occult Materialist
"A new order has descended upon the world. With the triumph of the Axis Powers in the Second World War, the world has been forever changed. Yesterday's great empires are now dust under the boot of today's victors. A German lands on the moon as Hitler fades. In America, the old system lies shattered. The Mediterranean's power balance lies on a knife's edge. China, little more than a slave of Japan, begins to transform itself. And in Russia, long-damned warlords realize their destiny."

But there is another level to this new world, a darkness that was exposed in the world-shattering force of the Axis's victory. Germany found victory only by calling upon the powers of undeath, unleashing hordes of Ghouls upon Russia and then far subtler magics to defeat Britain's vaunted empire and its hidden defenders. The secret existence of Vampires, Ghouls, Demons, and so much more has been laid bare, and in the new order the supernatural is looked upon with either primal fear and awe or simple, classic Human ambition. In Germany, the arsenal of artificial Ghouls acts as the brute force guarantor of a Reich which should not be, and the National Socialist German Worker's Party now counts a number of secretive Vampire aristocrats in its inner circle. In America, the diaspora of millions fleeing Europe carried with it new supernatural creatures, including a great wave of young Vampires targeted by the Nazi regime and their own sires as undesirables. Now America finds itself in the midst of a "Vampire explosion" among the youth who have grown up knowing the existence of undeath as a common fact of life, and now carry mortal political ideas into unlife as a new wing of America's burgeoning social movements. The Catholic Church, meanwhile, militarizes and hardens its existence against an unholy, fallen world through the fading "Triumvirate" which has sponsored it into new prominence, and ponders its readiness for a new round of true holy wars. And in shattered Russia, religious and materialist forces alike must protect villages and cities of hardened survivors from the predators that lurk in the dark.

As 1962 dawns, a dread moon hangs heavy in the sky, and all across the world the changes that began 20 years ago will reach a new stage. For a handful of small groups who traffic in the supernatural to defend their societies from evil, it will be either a moment of ascension and great triumph to prove their cause right, or abject defeat.

While this story will bounce all over the world to cover the full scope of events on the spiderweb of nations, a primary actor must be picked. This organization will be fully controlled, and the scope of its operations must be carried out year over year in order to successfully change the world... or perhaps destroy it.

[ ] The Royal Order of Protestant Knights Hellsing: When Britain fell, it was a disaster nobody expected, and the ultimate humiliation to the Hellsing Organization which had guarded the island for 50 years. Founded in 1897 by Sir Abraham Hellsing (formerly Van Helsing but anglicized as the family as a whole was), Hellsing combines a number of Protestant monster hunting and occult traditions into one paramilitary organization dedicated to the defense of England and its Church from Satanic forces. And against the great enemy of Nazi Germany, that defense failed. Not only did Hellsing's greatest hunter and ultimate weapon fail to stop the development of Germany's ghoul army, but all the Hellsing family's occult seals and wards around the island failed in a vast magical assault carried through during Operation Sea Lion. Shocked and disarmed, Hellsing was humiliated and defeated along with the rest of England, and the family's ultimate weapon sealed away. A rump Hellsing organization now guards the collaborationist "Kingdom of England", administrated by the treacherous youngest son of Abraham, Richard Hellsing. However, in the dark nights of occupied England and holdout Scotland, the True Hellsings still plot. Sir Arthur Hellsing operates with the blessing of the Queen in Exile, and still carries with him a wealth of knowledge and talents in the occult. Now his faction joins with the wider English Resistance, and plans for a new dawn.

[ ] Vatican Section XIII: Iscariot: Underneath the Catholic Church's public organization of parishes and dioceses, there is another Vatican. Comprised of 13 sections, the True Vatican serves as a hidden state spanning the world and answering only to His Holiness the Pope. And most feared of these sections is Iscariot, the league of God's Assassins. Descending from secretive traditions of Catholic mysticism and holy war, Iscariot trains for a neverending secret war against the unholy, whether it be Vampires feeding on God's flock or heathens occupying the Holy Land. Iscariot trains cadres of fanatical assassin-clergy from childhood, who will not just fight to the death but are fully believing and willing in their ultimate damnation to Hell where they will continue the fight against the Lord's enemies. However, now the Church finds itself on strange ground, and Iscariot operates in ways it never thought it would. Within secret clauses of the Lateran Pacts, the Secret Vatican was made an interwoven component of the Italian Empire's expansion, namely in the realm of the supernatural which Mussolini had been unprepared for when the March on Rome suddenly thrust the Fascists into power without the secret knowledge most establishment politics had. When Italy marched across the Mediterranean, priests became spies, untold numbers of truly divine relics were looted and secreted away into Vatican vaults, and Iscariot waged a shadow war, particularly to suppress their hated Islamic counterparts in the Middle East and North Africa and to prop up the increasingly unstable reactionary regime in Iberia. Pope Pius XII secretly became one of the most powerful men in the Mediterranean, an aloof holy figure shaping the empire with barely any oversight from the Duce. But now, a new Pope sits in the Throne of Saint Peter with a whole new set of priorities and conflicts. John XXIII, the Good Pope, combines traditionalist theology with a conciliatory politics that makes him an inspiration to the commoner and a wild card to the system, and as he moves pieces into place for a vital re-evaluation of the Church's organization and policies, he might find himself either a paragon of a democratizing Italy or the enemy of a new hard line of fascism. And the new Bishop of Iscariot, Paolo Barberini, is caught in the middle, the head of a fundamentally reactionary and fanatical organization sworn to defend the Pope and the Church, no matter the cost or consequences.

[ ] The Morris Foundation: The United States was never a place where the old world's magics held much sway. The great barriers of the Atlantic and the Pacific kept much of the old world from filtering through, either through outright intolerance for long journeys in the case of Vampires or the simple provincialism tying many other creatures to their homelands. The bloody process of conquest and settlement, meanwhile, suppressed anything of the new world that might have raised a concern. However, starting in the early 20th century that began to change, as the reduction of distance due to the airplane and the modern ocean liner reduced the impact of the former and time allowed recovery from the latter. However, due to the American twin aversions to religious centralism and state responsibility, no such agency for the control of the occult as exist in the old world came to be in America. Instead, into the gap rode a private detective agency of sorts: the Morris Foundation. Founded in memoriam of the Vampire hunter Quincey Morris who fell in the greatest hunt of the 19th century, the Foundation combines the extensive financial assets of the Morris ranching dynasty Quincey was the scion of with the expertise of two of his English comrades. Jonathan and Mina Harker, estranged from the knighted Hellsings after learning about the dark weapon Abraham had preserved, admirably established a small network of independent Vampire hunters across America, slowly tying it to a decentralized network of confidants in the nascent FBI. When the two Harkers passed, the Foundation's leadership was inherited, albeit with unquestionable merit, by their son Quincey Harker, who has led the organization through dark years and an increasingly indispensable relationship with the Federal Government. Not only was the Foundation overstretched by deployments into the war, but in its aftermath had to deal with an influx of young Vampires and other creatures of the night into America. Compounding this, the public knowledge of Vampires along with these arrivals has accelerated into an explosion of the undead population, many of whom were unwilling in their transformations or are attempting to hold onto mortal ethical concerns and present their case as American citizens. Mr. Harker now enters his twilight years in an organization striking an uneasy middle ground, searching for a suitable successor and knowing that no matter what he does the Foundation's actions will become a new topic of conflict in an increasingly divided society.

[ ] Russia: In Russia the situation is not so much one agency as a tangle of small protectors, but in the coming decade this will change dramatically. Russia is in anarchy and the complicated dance of factions across the world's largest geographical country could result in many figures rising to prominence as the protector of Russia from the night. From grizzled KGB hunters in the Far East to the fresh "Special Volunteer Battalions" of the West Russian Revolutionary Front, from the mysterious Order of Saint George to a certain wandering priest protecting the villagers of the Far North from the undead which relish hunting in month long nights, both materialist and spiritualist forces do their best to protect the people of Russia. And they need it, for not only did the Nazis achieve victory by unleashing an undead horde upon Russia whose remnants may still be found rising from the permafrost, not only is this horde refreshed occasionally by the parachuting in of new Ghouls by Luftwaffe terror bombers, but there are also things native to Russia which have awoken with the retreat of civilization. Only united can the Russian people be safe again, and for that to occur there will be many strange alliances. And these alliances should form and act quickly, for beneath even the already apocalyptic strife of a nation in tatters there is something truly evil preparing its plans, with its own vision of a Russia horrifying beyond words.

[ ] SS Occult Warfare Legion "Millennium": What allowed Germany to win a war that was, by every rational measure of economy, social organization, and strategic capability impossible? While the Nazi Party persists in a propaganda program speaking of "Aryan Supremacy" that grows more pathetic every day with the Reich's precipitous decline, there is a far more real and terrifying answer. The new order in Europe is really built on the work of one man, and it is not Adolf Hitler. A Major whose true name is lost to all records and known only by his rank, to the point where he has disconcertingly refused any promotion beyond it, was the one to marshal terrifying occult power in Germany's service, contributing a Ghoul horde to the Eastern Front and various arcane rituals to defeat the Hellsing Organization in Britain. But despite his pivotal role in winning that victory, and in shattering the illusion that there are no monsters in the dark, the Major has remained startlingly unambitious. He remains solely in control of a regiment size unit responsible for maintaining the various programs of occult power across the Reich, such as the dreaded Ghoul pens and libraries of occult power in the SS's castles and Ordensburgs. The Legion is based firmly in the Ordensstaat Burgund and the SS, but much to the frustration Reichsfuhrer Himmler it remains highly independent, having refused to participate in the coup attempt that precipitated the formation of Burgundy in the first place and still leaving the Shadow State to conduct operations in the rest of the Reich proper. Everything about the Major frustrates Himmler, from his noted distaste for the "joyless button-pushing" of nuclear weapons to his circle of lieutenants being filled with individuals who by the SS's ideology should be judged unworthy of life (asocial women, non-Aryans, the genetically deformed), and yet the Major's political and supernatural defenses alike shield him and his followers from his superior's murderous intent. The Major now plays a dangerous game in Burgundy, maneuvering around Himmler while also playing with the politics of the Reich as a whole. His one real goal, readable to all who truly understand him, is war, a worthy earth-shattering follow-up to the last one which will give an honest shot at a warrior's death. And while the Major currently lacks the resources to truly give and receive his vision of such a war, a breakthrough is approaching. While impressive life and youth-preserving treatments have been developed and enjoyed by Millennium, they still have not reached the unholy grail of their projects: artificial vampirism. And yet, the Major and Herr Doktor grow more confident every day, and there is no shortage of subjects or materials for them...
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[X] Russia

What a wonderful clusterf^ck! Aside from the Anarchy, Russia provides a unique opportunity to create an organization from the ground up. Maybe we can pull a WWZ and turn the old USSR into the Theocratic Russian Empire. Or just go back to SUPER ULTRA COMMUNISM! Or maybe the Russians are the good guys for once.
[X] The Morris Foundation: The United States was never a place where the old world's magics held much sway. The great barriers of the Atlantic and the Pacific kept much of the old world from filtering through, either through outright intolerance for long journeys in the case of Vampires or the simple provincialism tying many other creatures to their homelands. The bloody process of conquest and settlement, meanwhile, suppressed anything of the new world that might have raised a concern. However, starting in the early 20th century that began to change, as the reduction of distance due to the airplane and the modern ocean liner reduced the impact of the former and time allowed recovery from the latter. However, due to the American twin aversions to religious centralism and state responsibility, no such agency for the control of the occult as exist in the old world came to be in America. Instead, into the gap rode a private detective agency of sorts: the Morris Foundation. Founded in memoriam of the Vampire hunter Quincey Morris who fell in the greatest hunt of the 19th century, the Foundation combines the extensive financial assets of the Morris ranching dynasty Quincey was the scion of with the expertise of two of his English comrades. Jonathan and Mina Harker, estranged from the knighted Hellsings after learning about the dark weapon Abraham had preserved, admirably established a small network of independent Vampire hunters across America, slowly tying it to a decentralized network of confidants in the nascent FBI. When the two Harkers passed, the Foundation's leadership was inherited, albeit with unquestionable merit, by their son Quincey Harker, who has led the organization through dark years and an increasingly indispensable relationship with the Federal Government. Not only was the Foundation overstretched by deployments into the war, but in its aftermath had to deal with an influx of young Vampires and other creatures of the night into America. Compounding this, the public knowledge of Vampires along with these arrivals has accelerated into an explosion of the undead population, many of whom were unwilling in their transformations or are attempting to hold onto mortal ethical concerns and present their case as American citizens. Mr. Harker now enters his twilight years in an organization striking an uneasy middle ground, searching for a suitable successor and knowing that no matter what he does the Foundation's actions will become a new topic of conflict in an increasingly divided society.
[X] Russia
This seems like the most C H A O T I C option.

Iscariot also seems like it would be fun though...
[X] Russia

There's a lot of very interesting options here, but I've got to throw the vote to Russia.
[X] The Morris Foundation: The United States was never a place where the old world's magics held much sway. The great barriers of the Atlantic and the Pacific kept much of the old world from filtering through, either through outright intolerance for long journeys in the case of Vampires or the simple provincialism tying many other creatures to their homelands. The bloody process of conquest and settlement, meanwhile, suppressed anything of the new world that might have raised a concern. However, starting in the early 20th century that began to change, as the reduction of distance due to the airplane and the modern ocean liner reduced the impact of the former and time allowed recovery from the latter. However, due to the American twin aversions to religious centralism and state responsibility, no such agency for the control of the occult as exist in the old world came to be in America. Instead, into the gap rode a private detective agency of sorts: the Morris Foundation. Founded in memoriam of the Vampire hunter Quincey Morris who fell in the greatest hunt of the 19th century, the Foundation combines the extensive financial assets of the Morris ranching dynasty Quincey was the scion of with the expertise of two of his English comrades. Jonathan and Mina Harker, estranged from the knighted Hellsings after learning about the dark weapon Abraham had preserved, admirably established a small network of independent Vampire hunters across America, slowly tying it to a decentralized network of confidants in the nascent FBI. When the two Harkers passed, the Foundation's leadership was inherited, albeit with unquestionable merit, by their son Quincey Harker, who has led the organization through dark years and an increasingly indispensable relationship with the Federal Government. Not only was the Foundation overstretched by deployments into the war, but in its aftermath had to deal with an influx of young Vampires and other creatures of the night into America. Compounding this, the public knowledge of Vampires along with these arrivals has accelerated into an explosion of the undead population, many of whom were unwilling in their transformations or are attempting to hold onto mortal ethical concerns and present their case as American citizens. Mr. Harker now enters his twilight years in an organization striking an uneasy middle ground, searching for a suitable successor and knowing that no matter what he does the Foundation's actions will become a new topic of conflict in an increasingly divided society.
[x] SS Occult Warfare Legion "Millennium"

Would be fun to break the system from within, even for far from altruistic reasons. Also, eventual brutal murder of Himmler