[x] King's Landing will take time to rebuild, but it has served as the heart of the Seven Kingdoms for three centuries. You will move your court there in time, and until then rule Westeros from somewhere else.
[x] Write-In: King's Landing will take time to rebuild, but it has served as the heart of the Seven Kingdoms for three centuries. You will move your court there in time, and until then rule Westeros from the great castle Harrenhal — Lady Whent will nominally remain Lady of Harrenhal and full control of the castle will return to her (or her heirs) when it's time to move the court back to King's Landing. Additionally, until King's Landing is inhabitable once more, Harrenhal and all its lands will be considered part of the Crownlands. Also assure Lady Florent and the Stormlords that that Lady Shireen Baratheon is to rule the Seven Kingdoms along you, for the title of Queen Consort does not befit the woman who is to become the Lady Paramount of the Stormlands.
[x] The old King's Landing was too badly profaned by the wildfire. Like Harrenhal, that ground is cursed. The new King's Landing will be raised on the southern banks of the Blackwater.