Wielder (Kingdom Hearts SI)

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I blame my muse being a madman, expect infrequent updates most likely. Inspired by ASH and...
Ep. 1 - Chapter 1 P1


Amateur Writer
I blame my muse being a madman, expect infrequent updates most likely. Inspired by ASH and Heartless, by Stewart92 and Drich respectively, a fic about me getting a keyblade and going on a totally simple and peaceful journey through the multiverse.

Episode 1 – Star-crossed Displacement

Chapter 1 Part 1 – Fiction isn't what it seems

I find myself in the most puzzling of situations my dear readers.

ROBs are notoriously known for being the least rational of beings. Whether you be fictional or not, a ROB will do what they please with you which will generally lead to bad times for those that they involved in their games. ROBs generally give no fucks also and will do things in a way they think will be the most interesting, apparently out of an infinite number of people in the multiverse I just so happen to be picked to be the newest pawn of one such being.

That could be the only case as I found myself in what appeared to be a vast ocean falling rapidly away from the surface. Though, I have not ruled out the thought that maybe I passed out at my keyboard, but that'd be too nice of a thing to happen. Anyways, where was I? Oh right, I was falling deep into the abyss. Struggling to stop myself immediately I found that things kept getting better and better as I seemed to be paralyzed as well. Fuck. Maybe this is a dream and I'll wake up before I hit the bottom or something? If there was a bottom.

Unsurprisingly enough I continued to fall which gave me ample enough time to see that, a) I'm still falling and b), oh shit there's a bottom, as well as the fact that somehow I'm breathing underwater. Closing my eyes and trying to mentally prepare myself to slam into what appeared to be the ocean floor at high speeds, I was surprised when there was no crash. Opening my eyes briefly, I saw a flock of doves burst away from where I was as I magically was placed right side up.

"What the hell is going on here?" I muttered to myself only realizing seconds later that I was no longer paralyzed, nice.

Looking down to examine the only thing that was illuminated in wherever the hell I was, I could make out the large artwork that made up the entirety of the glass panes that made up the tiling of ths pillar. It was a picture of me, but I was posed as if someone drew me leaning up against something. Around me were what appeared to be chains that were only blocked by these blank circles that circled my image. The art looked really good honestly, better than anything I could do, but it still didn't explain what exactly was going down here.
So much to do,

so little time...

What the fuck was that? Twisting my head back and forth, I looked around trying to identify where the hell the mysterious voice had just come from. It wasn't exactly loud, but it sounded as if it was close. Close enough that I could hear it very clearly, and that wasn't exactly a good thing. The fact that it was that close, but I couldn't see where/who it had came from meant one of two things. One, this was a dream, in which case I most likely fell asleep at the keyboard and will wake-up whenever this thing scares the shit outta me. Otherwise Two, I'm dealing with the supernatural and have just been abducted by either some sort of ghost or teleporter who wants to fuck up my life. Not good either way.
Take your time.

Don't be afraid.

Well, that just reassured the shit out of me. I mean obviously I'm just going to trust this magical voice to not want to hurt me. I mean when has trusting things like this blindly not been a good thing. Not like I'm gonna accidently throw my life away or anything.
Now step forward.

Can you do it?

In a flash, as if triggered by the bodiless figure's words, three spheres of light formed in a triangle around me. The spheres lingered for a minute before steadily, out of each individual one, a small grey platform in the shape of a trapezoid rose up as the light itself vanished.
Power sleeps within you.

If you give it form...

It will give you strength.

Choose well.

There was niggling feeling in the back of my mind as these words rang out made me feel as if I should know what this person was talking about. It felt like...I had heard these words before...maybe I had played a video game or something with words similar to this? Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I ooked at each of the small grey platforms and saw that each of them now had tools that floated above them. I sighed as I thought about this entire situation and decided that I might as well do what this voice wanted, well at least what I think it wants me to do. Bitching and moaning wasn't going to get this over faster, and it was something I disliked doing.

Going over to the platform that was at the top of the triangle, I found myself looking at a sword. It was a broadsword from what I could see, the yellow cross-guard forming a sort of ramp like slope from side to side along with there being some sort of circular emblem being on the middle of it. I didn't know much about steel, but my instincts told me the blade was really well made but more importantly, very sharp as well. Picking it up to feel how heavy it was, the magical voice spoke once more.
The power of the warrior.

Invincible courage.

A sword of terrible destruction.

Is this the power you seek?

Hmm, if I had to make a guess based upon what Mister Magical Voice has told me so far, this is probably some sort of decision based thing. Now, the power of the warrior...was that what I really needed? Invincible courage did sound nice, and being able to wreak terrible destruction down upon my enemies was also a good thing as well, but I don't want to run into this decision thing without looking at the other two tools that had risen up on the other stands.

Placing the sword back into place, it actually corrected itself and floated into its former position after a moment, I headed to the next object that caught my eye. It was a rod, plain and simple. There was a sort of blue crystal that was at the top of it that was shaped like a sphere, it seemed like it was sort of fused into the wooden material making up the rest of the rod which was...interesting. The wooden part of it was colored a vibrant azure and was sturdy to the touch.
The power of the mystic.

Inner strength.

A staff of wonder and ruin.

Is this the power you seek?

Whelp, this one had just jumped over the sword in what I wanted as a weapon. When I think of mystic I think of magic, and who doesn't want freaking magic? Only one more to look at I guess, the tool that is most obviously a shield. The greatest of all defensive objects obviously, just ask the Shield Hero guy from that light novel I'd read awhile ago. The shield was made out of some sort of blackened metal, a blue emblem similar to the one on the sword. The emblem appeared to be some sort of ball filled with a myriad of colors.

The power of the guardian.

Kindness to aid friends.

A shield to repel all.

Is this the power you seek?

Nah, I'm already a decent enough person. I gave six dollars to some homeless guy when I was waiting for the bank, and then let him talk about how he was some sort of trainer and he was going to train me up or something. The best thing that came out of it was knowing that if I ever got jumped by some dudes or something, I'd have that homeless guy to back me up. Who knew giving someone six dollars could net you some protection? Anyways, I'd already decided on which one I wanted. Picking up the rod in a theatrical manner, twirling it around a bit really, I spoke.

"Yo, this is the one I want."
Your path is set.

The rod disappeared from my hands in that moment. What happened to the promised power of wonder and ruin? I damn well wanted to ruin something dammit.
Now, what will you give up in exchange?

Oh...well that's not a hard decision. Looking between the remaining sword and shield, it was pretty easy for me to walk over towards the sword and lift it up as my offering. I hope my Magical Voice Guide was appeased by me, sorry if I'm being a bit snarky and or annoying but I am very annoyed and this is how I cope. You can't stop my coping mechanism, would you? Wait, why the hell am I talking to myself?
You've chose the power of the mystic.

You've given up the power of the warrior.

Is this the form you choose?

Man with all these yes and no questions I feel like I'm playing some RPG right now. Letting out a sigh, I said "Yes." whilst nodding my head.

I was not prepared for the ground around me to suddenly break apart like a potato chip and I definitely did not scream like a girl as I started to fall. I instead let out a manly wail as the glass fell around me like stars in the void. I'd almost say it was a beautiful site if...ya know, I wasn't falling! Trying to calm myself, I felt myself being twisted and position in a much more graceful way than my previous flailing. I swear they were doing this falling stuff as a scare tactic.

Anyways I felt myself land on another platform before I decided that I would open my eyes. The artwork on the panels this time depicted what appeared to be some skinny white girl with long dark brown hair and glasses. She seemed to be dressed in some sort of body arm- this was Taylor Hebert. Why the fuck is their a mural of Taylor Hebert here in this place? Like, I'm not about have foreshadowing involve me in a world like Worm, that shit just wasn't good for my health. This also made all the more certain that this was probably not a dream, but hey. A guy can dream, can't he?
You have gained the power to fight.

As the voice returned, so did my rod. Was I supposed to use it as a focus or some sort of weapon? Either way, me and the rod were going to kick some ass definitely! Twirling the stick around in my hand, I found the thing surprisingly light despite the fact that it was pretty big, about as long as my arm almost. Whacking some imaginary foes around with strikes that would belong in an anime, I felt pretty good about my ability to use this rod to dish out some damage.
Use this power to protect yourself and others.

As he spoke, I could feel a gaze on me. Looking towards where I felt it, I took a step back as I saw shadows move across the ground. Slowly they rose from the ground, gazing at me with pupiless yellow eyes. They each had a round, spherical head with glowing yellow eyes. Two long, twisted antennae sprouted out of the tops of their heads, each of its hands were made up of three clawed fingers, and their feet were large lacking any discernible digits. All in all, they looked pretty damn adorable and were also the key to me figuring out what exactly that niggling feeling that I had earlier was.

I couldn't help it as I stared at the Shadows, I laughed. It wasn't exactly a laughter of happiness, nor one born of anger or even despair at the situation that I found myself in. It was the crazed laughter of one that had just hit the jackpot, it was particularly malicious. Especially since I would have to massacre the cute sort of eldritch abominations in front of me. After having read that story about a Heartless, of course I'd find myself here. Just that good ol' SB luck in work. It makes me think about how the alternate writing this up right now is feeling. Probably really good about the fact that he's not the one here in this place, well guess what you're a dick! Wow, I just called myself a dick...maybe I should've taken that counseling.
There will be times you will have to fight.

Keep your light burning strong.

I clenched the rod in my hand tightly as I saw the Shadows stare at me with what I thought was hunger. Letting myself slip into a sort of stance that felt instinctive enough, I unzipped my black track jacket. All at once the Shadows rushed forwards towards me, I gripped my tighter and rushed forward roaring my battle cry to the heavens.

"For Drich!"
The Drich Cult is spreading! Everyone out of the universe!


Other than that, this is pretty much a standard KH SI prologue. Good luck.
Good intro.
Looking forward to more.
Do you have a list of potential worlds you might visit?
Oooh, a new KH story. This first chapter looks to be a familiar yet interesting start. I'll need to read more to gauge my interest levels. Watched!
Ep. 1 - Chapter 1 P2
Chapter 1 Part 2 – Fiction isn't what it seems

Rushing at the first one I saw, I responded to the large leap that sent the Shadow towards me by promptly hitting it as hard as I could with a baseball swing. Sending it flying, hopefully off of the platform I thought, I pivoted quickly and felt myself shift somewhat to dodge the second Shadow that had jumped at me. Confirmation that my reflexes were better than what they used to be, check. Had that been me before I got here, that thing definitely would've slashed my back up unless I was hyper focused like when I was playing games. That definitely wouldn't have been good, not taking into the fact that I disliked pain, I could only think that getting slashed by something that ate hearts, or at least the concept of a heart which was closer to a soul from what I remembered, wouldn't be good for my health.

Swinging my rod in a back-swing at the Shadow that was still behind me, I was thrown off balance as the one I dodged decided that it didn't like that very much and jumped back and tackled into my side. Getting pushed to the side I tried to sort of reorient myself so I wouldn't fall, but ended up having to drop to the floor completely as I just narrowly dodged a set shadowy claws swiped at my face. My hat however did not make it out unscathed. As it floated down in strips, my right eye twitched. That was my trucker hat...my favorite one too. Getting up to my feet quickly I sprinted towards the Shadow that had done it, dragging it back up out of the ground as it tried to sink away most likely sensing my righteous anger.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Slamming it against the ground, I then smashed its chest in with my rod. Repeatedly. I was not being petty, it killed my hat therefore it must pay.

Taking my anger into account, the last remaining Shadow made its presence known by slashing my back with its claws. I let out a grunt of pain, as I forced myself to ignore the burning sensation in my back and promptly rolled away and holy shit did I get distance on my combat roll. Not important now though, sprinting back towards the last Heartless I switched my grip on my rod changing where the sphere at the top of it was and flicked my wrist. In a quick motion, the rod flicked into the Heartless' face which I followed up with a stabbing thrust downwards through its face. Shortly after it dissipated into nothing. Before I could get a break, or even a moment to sit the hell down, I felt myself being pulled downwards. Looking around the platform I could see that inky pools of darkness were sprouting up all over it. I struggled and thrashed despite the fact that I knew that it was useless, this was a mandatory event after all. It didn't stop me from panicking and slamming the rod into the darkness as hard as I could to not get pulled down.

"Nonono, this isn't good! This Isn't Go-" I was cut off as my body was fully pulled into the darkness.

It was only for a few seconds, but those few seconds were probably the most terrifying and exhilarating of my life. However, that did not stop the instinctual level of panic I felt and so even as the darkness faded away from me I flailed my arms and legs, kicking and thrashing about as if I was still stuck. After thirty seconds or so, I finally realized that I was indeed safe and was no longer going to drown in a pool of darkness. I swear if this is what my life is going to be from now on, I'm going to kick the R.O.B's ass that sent me here. This was legitimately scary shit, and trust and believe, I am very familiar with scary shit. Getting up slowly, I noted that the pain in my back was gone. Reaching behind me, I couldn't even feel what should have been holes in my black track-jacket. It was odd, apparently my hat could be sliced up but my jacket couldn't. Even more than that, if there was no wound what had been that pain I felt earlier? Did it attack on a different level than physical?

Twisting a finger against my skull, I decided that I would think about this later. Looking at the new glass mural, I noted that the colors this time were an interesting mix of purples and whites. The person in the middle was someone that was quite familiar to me. It was a fair skinned girl with light purple eyes and a matching shade of hair. She had shoulder length hair with somewhat messy bangs with many strands sticking up and few framing her face, in her hair were two gamepad-shaped hairclips. Along with this, she had on a big white hoodie-like dress with purple striped cuffs, lining, and a purple hood. In her hands was a cup of pudding with a N on it. It was Neptune...it was freaking Neptune. Okay...I am fine with this, I do not have many questions right now nor do I wish to enter a state of annoyed rage that would see me literally explode. I decide to walk over to the door that was there, ignoring that it definitely wasn't there when I first landed. It was better if I just accepted the craziness at this point.

As I was blinded by the light that shot forth out of the door, I contemplated on whether my home world was frozen in time. It would really suck to go on a journey across the multiverse only to find out that your home world essentially has moved on without you, that would fucking suck. Eventually the light faded and I turned my attention towards the sudden change in scenery, I now found myself in what appeared to be another void except this one had blue panels that made up the floor and I could see the ocean all around me along with various sea-life. If I hadn't already taken in several breaths, I probably would've held my breath just in case this water had a real effect on me. In a rough triangle around me were three figures. I also noted I no longer had my rod in my hand, but it felt like if I needed it it'd be right there in a flash. Something to figure out later.
Hold on.

Your journey won't begin just yet.

Oh, there you are mysterious Magical Voice, I had thought you had left after I'd been through the fight with the cute abominations. I was starting to think that we had a real bond you and me, you told me cryptic stuff that was supposed to be helpful and I snarked back at you because I am thoroughly annoyed by this journey so far. I mean, Sora made this entire thing look a whole magnitude easier than what I had just been through. I suppose it's partly my fault for thinking that things were going to be as they were in the game, I should be more genre savvy than that, but instinctively I can't help but thinking it's going to be that way. My mind hasn't yet reconciled the lovable cartoony game I played on my Playstation 2 with the perils of actual danger.

Tell me a bit more about yourself.

What is this now, Pokemon? Are you gonna ask for my name and gender, Professor? Alright enough snark, I said inwardly to myself as I shook the thoughts out of my head. I should focus, I was getting closer to the end now after all. Looking at the three figures that stood around me, I decided to step towards the one closest to me. She gazed at me blankly, dark marks underneath her eyes from what I presumed was a combination of stress and lack of sleep. With the almost rail thin figure the person had, their most feminine feature was most assuredly their hair. I noted that Taylor Hebert looked a lot like she needed a hug, deciding that I too needed a hug because my day was stressful I hugged her.

"...What are you most of afraid of?"

"Being completely and utterly alone."

"I think...that's understandable."

Twirling away from her, I moved onto the next person. Everything about them screamed of a nature that was naturally above those around them, ironic considering I had to look down a bit to see him. The golden hair and red eyes were dead giveaways of who this person was, so I crouched a bit until we were eye and eye. I don't think Gilgamesh deserved to be such a cute kid, anyways this was another choice opportunity. Sweeping him into a hug that certainly would have seen me injured severely had this been the true Gilgamesh, I twirled him around in the air.

"What is most important to you."

I paused my spinning of him, to think about that. Inwardly my stomach was doing rolls, but I persevered as I thought of answer that was truthful. Snark and happiness, my two coping mechanisms, just had to keep those in mind while I thought.

"Those that I've made bonds with."

"Hmm, that is a good answer I must admit."

Putting the little king back down, I made my way over towards the final person here. They stood there, a little shorter than Kid Gilgamesh I noted, staring at me with there red eyes. They wore a lime and cream colored striped shirt and red-brown pants and shoes. There skin was light to match the light brown hair they had atop their head, their cheeks were rosey, and on there face was a smile that just seemed empty to me. It was a hard pill to swallow to think that this was the kid that had the potential to do so much bad if lead down such a path. As it was I forced myself to smile despite the fact that I was shaking all over from a combination of nervousness and a healthy dose of worry.

"Hello Chara."

"Greetings! What do you want out of life?" Their voice was filled with cheer that didn't quite reach their eyes.

"...I want to figure out what true freedom is."

"Hmm...I wonder if you will ever find such a thing."
You're afraid of being alone.

You cherish your bonds.

You wish to find true freedom.

Your journey begins in the dead of night.

Your road won't be easy but,

a rising sun awaits your journey's end.
You know, a great deal many fanfics describe Taylor as having 'dark brown' hair but i'm pretty sure i've seen canon and images with 'black' hair, which one is it?

Also btw, that is a terrible chekov's gun saying you want to 'find true freedom' to Chara of all people after saying you 'fear being alone' and 'fight for your bonds'. Couldn't have fucked up more imo.
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You know, a great deal many fanfics describe Taylor as having 'dark brown' hair but i'm pretty sure i've seen canon and images with 'black' hair, which one is it?

Also btw, that is a terrible chekov's gun saying you want to 'find true freedom' to Chara of all people after saying you 'fear being alone' and 'fight for your bonds'. Couldn't have fucked up more imo.
Well, these are all things I do/or have felt at one point or another. SI me answered truthfully, however from an outsider view I can see what you mean and have notes about what will happen.
if there is one thing watching QTE's has shown me is, Keyblade wielders are MOBILE!
all that jumping, climbing, and swinging....
train that up and you can go almost anywhere, dodge almost every attack....
giant robot punches at you? pull a Levi on it
After Usurper gains countless number of keyblades he can say he has an unlimited keyblades to destroy enemies.
"Do you have enough keyblades to fight!?"