WI: The Years After the Burning Thaw (What if the One Year War ISOT'd to A Cold War Earth)

WI: The Years After the Burning Thaw (What if the One Year War ISOT'd to A Cold War Earth)

By Act of ROB: On January 1st 1979, The Earth Sphere, The Moon and all of its Inhabitants along with the Jupiter Energy Fleet (Because its important and we need it) are teleported to 1979 Cold War Earth and begin the wider acts of what would become the One Year War.

Headcanon how you think the war went, its post war reality, pop culture effects and the long term impact of Zeon and the Earth Federation dropping themselves into the Cold War Earth to drag out and fight for who gets to rule Humanity.

The Flawed and Semi-competent Earth Federation who carried Mankind into the stars, actually put in the effort to save the earth and build the Colonies and Moon Colonies to keep people from polluting it.

Zeon...the heavily fascist-inspired and heavily militarized state who wants to fulfill its desire to take over the earth for is "SPACENOID SUPREMACY!"

or the Cold War Humans who are along for the ride.

Have fun, talk about it...throw in your favorite cold war figures and above all, have fun!
Well them, both CIA and KGB are going to be scared as fuck for a while. And wonder what is going to happen to Regan chance at president. Mind you Carter is up to bat right now.
Well them, both CIA and KGB are going to be scared as fuck for a while. And wonder what is going to happen to Regan chance at president. Mind you Carter is up to bat right now.

I pity Jimmy Carter, for having his environmental policies accepted in the worse way possible. On top of having a Literal Space Nazi look down on him and tell him how much of a failure he and his nation become.

TO say nothing on what happens to Australia.

Oh GOD Australia got the Stick in this timeline.

We might need another president up to bat because I think Jimmy might want to retire and go into Humanitarian work, he's happier there.
I pity Jimmy Carter, for having his environmental policies accepted in the worse way possible. On top of having a Literal Space Nazi look down on him and tell him how much of a failure he and his nation become.
That is another thing, is the scars of the WW2 should be in active thought for some. Which means, acting like a Nazi might get factions to say, "NEVER AGAIN".
That is another thing, is the scars of the WW2 should be in active thought for some. Which means, acting like a Nazi might get factions to say, "NEVER AGAIN".
Yeah...I'm not so sure.

Some people might actually LIKE being ruled by a Space Tyrant.

Its a fucked up world.


Also I'm just saying, Ghirens on a power high.


It is January 1st 1979…and this Message Played on every Screen, Television and Radio across the Earth as The Principality of Zeon Declared War upon the Entire World.

Citizens of Earth… I am The Prime Minister and Admiral of Zeon's Third Fleet Ghiren Zabi. By Providence and Force of Will , we have been forced from our future to the Uncivilized Times before the Rise of the Nationstate the Earth Federation.

This is a time of Jubilation and of Celebration. FOR WE ARE HERE TO LIBERATE YOU FROM YOURSELVES!

Understand that your Freedom and Callous Treatment of the Earth is Mockery of the Superiority of the Spacenoid Race and the Ideals Zeon Champions! You all sit in your homes wondering if your leaders can make any decision for your benefit…I shall tell you that all of them are incapable of seeing any of your desires or your wants MET!

I shall tell you that Zeon is the greatest and well organized economic power on Earth and with the weapons at our disposal can make your so-called superpowers DIE in days…understand that I am telling you this to make something clear.

Surrender to Zeon…and submit to our authority…or…Oh why should I give you a chance to surrender without etching our might upon the earth?

In seventy-Two Hours. We are dropping an O'neil type space colony onto earth it will be filled with approximately 900 Million People, who refused to submit to Zeon.

The Environmental Damage will be by your standards Irriversable and will linger for decades.

And you are asking now…Why? Why am I killing so many to make a point.

Because Your Uncivilized Barbarians…and your subjection is inevitable.

If you do not surrender…I will see to your extermination.
Its definitely going to be a wakeup call for nations to go from just finishing the space race a decade prior, to having an invasion fleet drop in from orbit.

And that's not even getting into the fact that mechas are now a viable weapons platform. lot of strategists are not really going to be prepared for the new face of war, especially one where nukes are far far less useful.
And that's not even getting into the fact that mechas are now a viable weapons platform. lot of strategists are not really going to be prepared for the new face of war, especially one where nukes are far far less useful.
Dear God...at least tanks can kill them DEAD!
Its definitely going to be a wakeup call for nations to go from just finishing the space race a decade prior, to having an invasion fleet drop in from orbit.
USA: We should have colonized the damn moon!
Yeah...not looking good for you man.

We do have Stormin Norman Schwarzkopf...and every other great cold war general...does that count?
Maybe whatever deus ex machina that dragged the entirety of UC to IRL also dragged some people from further down their timeline so that they had another chance to fix things. Because I really can't see IRL!Cold War Earth dealing with this shit.

Too primitive, Zeon has the ultimate high ground along with a tech advantage and Minovsky Particles fuck up whatever Earth has that might help. Maybe if this Earth was derived from Ace Combat so that anti-space debris/asteroid defences existed...

Yeah no. We need Gundam protagonists who know what the hell is happening to fix this mess.
Because I really can't see IRL!Cold War Earth dealing with this shit.
They have the Federation Forces around Earth (and SOME ON EARTH), on the Moon and Jaburo.

I thought I said that? Well just explaining.

Its what Earth has. in its corner.

Maybe if this Earth was derived from Ace Combat so that anti-space debris/asteroid defences existed...
Nope..best we can do is a shit load of Rockets.

Yeah no. We need Gundam protagonists who know what the hell is happening to fix this mess.
I mean...Amuro MIGHT be able to tap into the Space Magic...But then so will others?
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They have the Federation Forces around Earth (and SOME ON EARTH), on the Moon and Jaburo.

I thought I said that? Well just explaining.

Its what Earth has. in its corner.

So we probably have the Jaburo base... which is probably causing all sorts of problems for Brazil right now, as they try to figure out what the fuck is going on.

and we've lost australia..... and everyone's panicking.....

Yeah, I'm not sure Earth has the weapons to fight off zeon. Perhaps the Federation does, but they will be acting without the logistical support they probably had in gundam. It will be rough.

I mean...Amuro MIGHT be able to tap into the Space Magic...But then so will others?
So, our best bet is trying to make all of the psychics... got it... This will in no way be a poorly handled program in the US and USSR....

Gosh, just imagining some of the wacky programs in real life just makes me realize that this will probably end terribly for everyone involved.
and we've lost australia..... and everyone's panicking.....
We've lost East Australia…it's doing fine in the west and the Big LAP still exists.
Yeah, I'm not sure Earth has the weapons to fight off zeon.
We do…it's stinger missiles and tanks. If not then we'll make them.
but they will be acting without the logistical support they probably had in gundam. It will be rough.
They'll just barrow the existing logistics structure of the super powers…you know the things they have to fight themselves.
So, our best bet is trying to make all of the psychics.
No just get the Cold Warriors Space legs…they are gonna need them.
Gosh, just imagining some of the wacky programs in real life just makes me realize that this will probably end terribly for everyone involved.
What are you talking about!! This will only kill the Soviet Union due to a lack of capital and satellite states that all Hate them for taking their money and giving them worthless paper throughout the seventies.
kind of curious whether any cold war nation would survive long enough to reverse engineer their own mecha.
Well...Here's a List of who does it first.

Earth Federation: Makes the Gundam.

Botswana: Using Stolen Zeon Shit.

USA: Builds the First Feddie Test Gundam in Co-op with the Feds, actually makes the first Space type using the Space Shuttle Budget.

ROC China: Uses the First Deployment of forces in the greater Asia offensive.

USSR: Is given Gundam Ground Types (Later Stolen by the Eastern Bloc boys)

Edit: Ukraine: Uses the Gundams and Federation Armor to violate Zeon's forces at the Battle of Odessa.
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