WI: The Kaiser's Undead

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The Kaiser's Undead
The Undead
What if early during World War 1 a team of German scientists had unlocked the methods to reanimating the recently deceased? Using a combination of a chemical compound similar to Herbert West Reanimator and electricity ala Frankenstein, creating undead revenant styled being. With them being able to take it a step further by being capable of building Frankenstein esque constructions similar to below.

View: https://youtu.be/UIgBoHr18-I

How would this effect course of the Great War with the Kaiserreich now potentially having unlimited manpower?
Unlimited manpower would be useful in a war. However, the Allied countries might be forced to poison gas all the Axis country and burn everyone of them to ground to ensure that the dead remain dead.
Do they need food?
If not, then suddenly there's some very perverse incentives for a country under blockade and facing famines...
To be honest, I doubt they'd even need to reanimate that many soldiers to cause a breakthrough in their enemies trench lines, it's pretty demoralizing to have your dead comrades assaulting your position.
Do they need food?
If not, then suddenly there's some very perverse incentives for a country under blockade and facing famines...
The more "life like" ones do. Leaning more towards frankenstein with functioning organs. Then the more basic voodoo zombie styled undead, who just need electricity to keep going.
I think the war will end in less than a year... the destruction of Berlin and the sprinkling of salt on this place. Do not forget at the beginning of the century religion all over the world is still very serious. Hello embargo and religious hysteria, and Germany united only 40 years ago. The Russian army, for example, instead of mass surrender, begins to fight frantically for an immortal soul.
I think the war will end in less than a year... the destruction of Berlin and the sprinkling of salt on this place. Do not forget at the beginning of the century religion all over the world is still very serious. Hello embargo and religious hysteria, and Germany united only 40 years ago. The Russian army, for example, instead of mass surrender, begins to fight frantically for an immortal soul.
Even discounting the religions, I can see this being met with anger and revulsion by pretty much everyone. Wouldn't be surprised if undead are controversial even in Germany.
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What if early during World War 1 a team of German scientists had unlocked the methods to reanimating the recently deceased? Using a combination of a chemical compound similar to Herbert West Reanimator and electricity ala Frankenstein, creating undead revenant styled being. With them being able to take it a step further by being capable of building Frankenstein esque constructions similar to below.

View: https://youtu.be/UIgBoHr18-I

How would this effect course of the Great War with the Kaiserreich now potentially having unlimited manpower?

Well with a Army of undead we need the Kaiser on a Golden Throne powering them using his will.