WI:The Fire Nation replaces Japan in 1853

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WI:The Fire Nation replaces Japan in 1853? How would the world change?
The Fire Nation replaces Japan on July 1853 right before Commodore Perry arrives to force Japan to trade with them. This occurs after Republic city is created. Also for whatever reason Aang, and the rest of the Gang are there. How would Zuko react to being in a new world and meeting Perry and his forces? How would Perry react to finding Japan replaced and seeing the locals control fire and learning about the Avatar?

What will the Fire nation do in this new world, and how would its new neighbors respond?
Aargh. I immediately dismissed this as silly, but now I can't stop thinking about it.

I would assume this is around Season 3, when the Gaang was infiltrating the Fire Nation? The country is all peeped for a final end to the hundred year war.

For a start, the Fire Nation, unlike Japan, is an expansionist, aggressive kingdom. Whatever social chaos is involved in the transition, they will see the much larger world around them as something to conquer.

The Fire Nation also has technology arguably in advance of 1853 USA, with tanks and airships.

Also firebending. Ships are still wooden then...

Our world has guns and artillery though, and casualties among the Fire Nation will be huge until they adapt.
I missed that it was post hundred year war. In that case, it world be a very different, less immediately fraught situation. But thinking about it
* The Fire Nation has lost all of its trade and resources contacts.
* There are a lot of Fire Nation people missing. Probably every clan had lost people.
* There are utterly outlandish strangers in a primitive ship of the coast. Are they responsible for this? Can anyone even translate what they're saying?

Basically, this is something that will likely massively destabilize the Fire Nation, which was one step away from falling into civil war not too long ago.