Why is there no Danmachi Dungeon core fics?

I've read many fics, stalked forums on Here, space battles, even Fanfic.Net and Archive, hell I even looked on QQ, but out of every danmachi fanfic I've ever read, some poorly written, with a great premise, and some Pretty good, why is there little to no fanfics about the dungeon itself?

I don't mean simply sending bell or an OC in the dungeon, I mean like how it was made, what sapience is there, who is controlling it?

I mean the Xeno's call the dungeon their mother, and have said that the villages that exist she made to protect them from the normal monsters, but no one at all has truly, tried to find out what makes the dungeon click.

That's when I found out about Dungeon Core fanfics.

Fics like I Woke Up As a Dungeon, Now What? (worm fanfic) And Dungeon Hulk(Warhammer 40k fanfic), which were written pretty damn well.

They had world-building, they had the monsters, the adventurers, so what did they do with it?

Make a beautiful, kick-ass story that's what!

The only stories I've found about a dungeon core anything in danmachi is like, 2 badly written porn fics on QQ, and that's depressing. I just want to find a story about someone controlling, or even making the dungeon in danmachi, and all the neat butterflies that would happen.

I mean, why not start a dungeon quest?

Actually that might get out of hand, but it sounds like a cool idea.
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I think that any Dungeon core Danmachi fanfic will have to start way before cannon, because dungeon core stories are progression fantasies most of the time.

I would probably at least try reading it it at some point if someone posted something like that though.
What's dankmani? If it's a cartoon I couldn't care less.
You probably wouldn't care less: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? - Wikipedia

Huh, you're still here.

Damachi The story takes place in a world where gods decent down to earth because heaven is boring and filled with meanies they want to create a family that is capable of climbing a monster filled tower. (I remember it being a tower but my memories are a bit fuzzy)
is the story about a boy who gets adopted by a goddess is ridiculed for actually caring and being deemed a failure.
The boy meets an attractive girl from a very prestigious family on the way to the top and the girl likes him back.
Blushing happens, I don't remember the anime getting to the dating, but I also haven't cared to watch it beyond season 1.
I'm going to do a bit of a historical detour here to explain what I think might be going on:

Until D&D came out, "dungeon" was a particularly nasty kind of prison cell.

First D&D comes out and mashes up [The Hobbit looting from Smaug] with [Conan the Barbarian looting from whoever] and [Dying Earth's ruins of a hundred civilizations] and creates what is really a quite bizarre new concept of "Dungeon" as a sort of loose category which might more literally be named "Mazes of Monsters and Money" where people can go risk their lives for profit in arena-like bloodsports.

Ten years in, D&D has already worn this concept thin and starts parodying itself with adventure modules where there's an in-character dungeon-master wizard who has built the Monsterful Money-Maze and is making characters go through these bloodsports for in-character entertainment. Random Dungeon Generator Tables you can roll on really aren't helping the question of where all these dungeons come from.

Twenty years in, the excuses for more new dungeons are running really thin, D&D itself has a bunch of nondungeon encounters and longer plots rather than dungeon modules, but the name makes people keep thinking "dungeon" in the MMM sense. Meanwhile D&D-inspired video games are often leaving the plot at the door and focusing on the hack-slash-loot-levelup cycle in endless dungeons. And the Dying Earth setting excuse for dungeons has been mostly forgotten.

It's around this point the idea of the "dungeon core" shows up. The narrative role that it plays is like saying "I'm tired of giving reasons for dungeons, let's just say dungeons are a fundamental law of the universe, like gravity, there's primordial dungeon-spawning machines out there." Like a videogame has. And the dungeon core usually appears with other video game/litRPG tropes such as lots of highly quantified character stats that are visible in character, rather than being gameplay abstractions.

A dungeon core operates as a way of not having to write a plot to explain the dungeon. It's a narrative placeholder. Original era D&D had specific dungeons with specific features for specific reasons; a dungeon core is a generic omni-reason, an escape card that the author plays to make explanations unnecessary.

And you're asking why there aren't more plots centered on the dungeon and its core? Because the dungeon core exists to decenter the plot away from the dungeon.
A 'real' dungeon has a builder who built it for a specific reason, and the creatures in it need food, and the intelligent creatures in it have social organization and need a reason to stay there, and the loot in the dungeon has to have been brought to the dungeon somehow. A real dungeon has a backstory.
A core-made dungeon answers all these questions with "dungeon core" and there's nothing more to say, so the story can go back to focusing on the brave adventurers delving into it, and their romances and their levelups.
And you're asking why there aren't more plots centered on the dungeon and its core? Because the dungeon core exists to decenter the plot away from the dungeon.
A 'real' dungeon has a builder who built it for a specific reason, and the creatures in it need food, and the intelligent creatures in it have social organization and need a reason to stay there, and the loot in the dungeon has to have been brought to the dungeon somehow. A real dungeon has a backstory.
A core-made dungeon answers all these questions with "dungeon core" and there's nothing more to say, so the story can go back to focusing on the brave adventurers delving into it, and their romances and their levelups.

I want to add to this thought with recentering the plot back to the core is often at its best at some midpoint.

In my eyes the dungeon core fiction is about the building and the experiencing of weird and dangerous places. The core is still a placeholder, because the construction is not as interesting as the design of these places.

In 'the Dungeon without a System' the story from the adventurers perspective is one of delving an Ancient lost place of mystery and the place could have been told as successive migrations of people settling on the same island and trying to exploit migrating down.
The core side gives us an omniscient perspective pulling back the curtain and showing us the mind behind the place. The core themselves is fun to read, but where that side shines is how it tells you what to expect, what the characters who have actual family and friends in the world will get to face in their struggles to delve deeper and explore the place.

The focus on the core as the MC the one who designed the place allows the writer to focus on multiple parties instead of just one. With the creations of the core being the glue that holds their stories together. It also allows for lethal accidents to be less detrimental, because individual stories were not the point.
The best dungeon core stories in my opinion are about how communities form and take great risks to extract wealth from dangerous and how they manage that extraction without a focus on any individual. And those are hard to write.

A loose thought that came to me while writing this is that there is an analogous places to dungeons in this world. And those are the mines constructed by humans, which holes in the ground that attract great numbers of people who build their communities around the exploitation of these resources despite the great dangers. Only differences are how the natural resource has been anthropomorphized and is actively trying to be both attractive and not be destroyed by callous explorers.
I've read many fics, stalked forums on Here, space battles, even Fanfic.Net and Archive, hell I even looked on QQ, but out of every danmachi fanfic I've ever read, some poorly written, with a great premise, and some Pretty good, why is there little to no fanfics about the dungeon itself?

I don't mean simply sending bell or an OC in the dungeon, I mean like how it was made, what sapience is there, who is controlling it?

Because canon Danmachi is slowly answering those questions over the course of the series, so I think there's a lack of desire by most fans to invent their own completely alternate explanation.
Thank you all for your answers to my questions!

I think that any Dungeon core Danmachi fanfic will have to start way before cannon, because dungeon core stories are progression fantasies most of the time.

I would probably at least try reading it it at some point if someone posted something like that though.

Great point, and while I do agree, it would most likely have to start off far, F a r into the past, we have a few surprise tools that will help us out in both creating the beginning of the fic, and dealing with later story elements

Time skips, Descriptive writing, Flashbacks, General avoidance of unnecessary Tinker-Babble (Worm Term) Overuse (ie, don't make an entire chapter filled to the brim with creature creation details). Finally, we have a notebook to write your general storyline in so you can either lessen the number of plot holes in the story, or make a few plot holes for a surprise twist, and generally stick to the plot. 5-6 chapters filled with creation babble, and time-skips until we get to Modern-Day Orario, to fulfill both Generalized Dungeon World Building and Progression fantasy before we get to The Real Shit™, No 30 chapters before we get to the actual plot or never hit it at all because world-building, the world has already been built, there is a foundation, We got ourselves some fancy decorations to help with the aesthetics and of course, we got all the fancy tools to make this look Awesome.

And you're asking why there aren't more plots centered on the dungeon and its core? Because the dungeon core exists to decenter the plot away from the dungeon.
A 'real' dungeon has a builder who built it for a specific reason, and the creatures in it need food, and the intelligent creatures in it have social organization and need a reason to stay there, and the loot in the dungeon has to have been brought to the dungeon somehow. A real dungeon has a backstory.
A core-made dungeon answers all these questions with "dungeon core" and there's nothing more to say, so the story can go back to focusing on the brave adventurers delving into it, and their romances and their levelups.

Very good point on why dungeon core fics usually don't Pop up as much. So I raise to you fics like Dungeon Keeper Ami, where the Mc, Ami Controls the dungeon and its functions but is not a core, can move around, and the Dungeon Hearts are very plot-relevant, essentially being made by dark gods.

However, while it counters your point about no dungeon being made for a specific purpose (that is, to corrupt shit and kill people and give sacrifices to the evil gods), it does not fulfill all the other goals, but it fills surprisingly most of them, such as the "intelligent creatures in it have social organization and need a reason to stay there" requirement, but I am unsure if it fits the "need food" requirement. It's almost there, but once more, it's still explained by "we has magic Heart thingy made by evil god(s) hu he", so the backstory and some other requirements are......iffy at best.

For the Danmachi dungeon story, for the Dungeon itself to fulfill Most of those requirements, we need the Dungeon-Insert to be neither a simple core nor Dungeon keeper.

No, we need to aim higher.

For our glorious Mc other than bell will be the creator of the dungeon themselves. Molding and creating Stone, Steel and other materials inside the dungeon itself, including the monsters and labyrinths.

That's right, we get a living, breathing character that actually makes the dungeon, whether out of boredom, a passion project, or they get sufficiently pissed off, or just decide to cause chaos one day and create random things (because i would totally do all of these things myself, just purely out of curiosity and an insatiable need to see things in my mind made in steel and flesh).

Intelligent creatures? Xenos in Danmachi can't truly leave the dungeon for fear of being killed by every adventurer in Orario, its literally filled with well over 600+ adventurers, and that's definitely an understatement. Even in the Dungeon they aren't fully safe, as even other non-intelligent monsters will come after them, while the dungeon itself makes hidden rooms and things for said Xenos to hide in to not get killed. Even if we fixed the problem of monster infighting, we still have Orario itself as a problem, since its still generally safer inside the dungeon, with hidden safe villages, than outside, where there is too many familias to count, and even more adventurers.

The Food requirement honestly js more " eh" than anything else, its sort of optional, i mean monsters in Danmachi are weird, and fade away into dust, and only eat the magic crystals of other monsters, so i can see Eating be optional, but its a fairly good point. Perhaps in the fic, Monsters will eat, but need overall less food than a creature of their size normally would need (think a snake, and eating a mouse or a rat feeds it for a week or two, depending on meal size), while Dungeon grown food is eaten by both Unintelligent, and Intelligent monsters so they grow strong.

Nothing much can be sorta done for the loot, since its all materials anyways, and they usually come from the monsters, or the ore veins in the dungeon itself.

In 'the Dungeon without a System' the story from the adventurers perspective is one of delving an Ancient lost place of mystery and the place could have been told as successive migrations of people settling on the same island and trying to exploit migrating down.
The core side gives us an omniscient perspective pulling back the curtain and showing us the mind behind the place. The core themselves is fun to read, but where that side shines is how it tells you what to expect, what the characters who have actual family and friends in the world will get to face in their struggles to delve deeper and explore the place

I love this response, as its sorta how i image my story to go.

We see bell, other adventures, maybe some few throw-away smucks to kill from the drunk idiot (Soma) Familla entering the dungeon, finding mysteries, or dying horribly, and we finally get a Pov change to Dungeon-Chan, and see what their thoughts on all this, then we get a very big hint go something that is about to either be encountered, or talked about very soon.

The focus on the core as the MC the one who designed the place allows the writer to focus on multiple parties instead of just one. With the creations of the core being the glue that holds their stories together. It also allows for lethal accidents to be less detrimental, because individual stories were not the point.

Exactly, while Dungeon-Chan is important, so is many of the characters in the story, and everyone should at least have the spotlight.

My idea for the story itself is That, for the first 5-6 chapters, its Dungeon-Chan time, then we get Bell and Hestia Povs for a chapter or two, introducing more characters, and their own personal thoughts.

Because canon Danmachi is slowly answering those questions over the course of the series, so I think there's a lack of desire by most fans to invent their own completely alternate explanation.

A great, but sad point. I saw a fanfic about Dark souls mixed with Danmachi, and how the Last Kiln became the core of the dungeon itself in the final floor. It was great and interesting, and deserves more chapters, but people seem to not use the opportunity given to them by the lack of information.

See, while we still don't know what pilots the dungeon, Or why, we can still fit our own interpretations for what is what, and why it even is, like why does the dungeon hate gods? Does it fear them?

It's a blank slate that is being filled very slowly as time goes on, but it is still a blank slate, with a LOT of potential for an very interesting read.
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Dungeon core fics almost exclusively start with a small dungeon and show its development, finding its identity through more physical construction, as one of the core arcs of the story.

Danmachi assumes the dungeon is deep from start-of-story, so there's no overlap between that developmental period and any of the events of its narrative.
I remember Dungeon Keeper as one of the first inspirations for these things. Bullfrog often took settings and placed the player in an unconventional, and even evil, role...such as with Syndicate as well.

In bullfrog the dungeon core is never really explained though. It just exists and somehow allows you to manipulate your creatures.
The answer to the question is actually very simple. Few people are interested in it.

(I was going to say 'none', but by the OP there's a porn fic about it in QQ, so its obviously not 'none')

It was great and interesting, and deserves more chapters, but people seem to not use the opportunity given to them by the lack of information.
Well, if you think that's opportunity, why don't you try to write it?
Well, if you think that's opportunity, why don't you try to write it?

Honestly, i really do want to write a story like this, but at the same time im not sure i would do it justice.

I don't want to take a cool idea, and make it cringe, i want to be able to write it, and have people be able to at least enjoy it.

I probably will try my hand at the story eventually, with some proper motivation, and a very good general outline, as right now the entire plot past like, 1/3rd of the story is up in the air, and consistently changing and warping, but i got the general gist of how i want the first 1/3 to 1/2 of the story to go.

TLDR: I am not writing it right now because i want to improve my writing skills first, be properly motivated to not be writers block'd and in general not have the story's writing suck, because i want to do this whole fic justice
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I just remembered a dungeon fic that interspersed chapters of development of floors with people encountering the floors a year later, when some veil/ barrier thingy got lifted.
That could also be an option.
Sounds neat, wonder when ill find it?
You will find it as soon as you've read this comment.

I think it was this one.

The Dungeon of Evolution | Royal Road

The greatest mage and researcher in the universe, Ian Irwin, known to only his closest friends died at far too young an age. For their own goals and to give the mage another chance at life, the Gods and Goddesses reincarnated him into a dungeon. Most would shudder at the thought, in fact Ian...
You will find it as soon as you've read this comment.

I think it was this one.

The Dungeon of Evolution | Royal Road

The greatest mage and researcher in the universe, Ian Irwin, known to only his closest friends died at far too young an age. For their own goals and to give the mage another chance at life, the Gods and Goddesses reincarnated him into a dungeon. Most would shudder at the thought, in fact Ian...

Thanks! Ill go take a read