Why Does The Hero Not Follow Instructions? (God Quest)

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You are a god. Not, perhaps, the strongest, but you are still fairly well respected among your peers, for you have an Important Job to do.

You must keep the Hero (or Heroine, it's really the same), and, nominally, their companions as well, from dying a horrible and tragic death that will doom the world! Or, well, the continent, anyway. Maybe not the world.

Of course, your bosses can't let ALL of your restrictions slide, even for this very important task, so you may have to... compromise. Well, nothing for it.
And In The Beginning
You are a god. Not, perhaps, the strongest, but you are still fairly well respected among your peers, for you have an Important Job to do.

You must keep the Hero (or Heroine, it's really the same), and, nominally, their companions as well, from dying a horrible and tragic death that will doom the world! Or, well, the continent, anyway. Maybe not the world.

Of course, your bosses can't let ALL of your restrictions slide, even for this very important task, so you may have to... compromise. Well, nothing for it.

Character Creation: You start with 100 Points. You may take extra Restrictions to gain more points, and may use these points to gain powers to use. Please vote using a plan format.

Powers (If purchasing a Greater Domain, do NOT purchase the lesser domain. Unless you really want to waste those points, I suppose):

[] Earth Lesser - You may expend a large amount of energy to either cause a large event (such as a landslide) or do something more precise (creating a simple message in stone). You may not use this in combat at all, as it will take too much time. Doing anything either larger or more precise than these examples will be very difficult, and take a significant amount of energy. (20 Points)
[] Earth Greater - Using earth to cause events will take significantly less energy, even when doing greater effects. You may use more energy to be more precise and/or make larger events. Raising a crude wall, perhaps, or carving a stalagmite into a point and causing it to fall into someone's head in combat are not outside of possibility. Outside of combat, you may be even more precise - carving a crystal vein into a sword, or causing an earthquake. Keep in mind that even with the Greater domain, this will always be at least somewhat energy intensive, as it is the nature of Earth to not be caring of the Divine. (50 Points)
[] Storm Lesser - You may influence the weather to some extent around your hero, easing the effects of traveling through harsh climates, or causing precipitation to be harsher when your heroes are going in the wrong direction. (20 Points)
[] Storm Greater - You may influence the weather to a greater extent, making changes to the weather around enemies as you were previously only to do around your heroes. Your weather powers are even more potent around the heroes as well, able to change a thunderstorm into a drizzle, and a drizzle into only a light sprinkling. Using a great amount of energy, you may even cause a waterspout to destroy enemy fortifications or make great winds blow their ships off course. (70 Points)
[] Holy Lesser - Ease your heroes' burdens, lighten their loads, and make deadlier their swords. With minimal energy expenditure, you may cast minor blessings on your heroes, although it would quickly get expensive if kept up all the time. Some examples of effects are a small health or damage boost. For no cost, you may add (to be dismissed at your leisure) the Holy effect to your heroes' weapons, letting them damage creatures that are normally immune to physical damage with them. You may also create small lights that appear similar to a Will o' Wisp that can be controlled by you, although you may only create three a day, and they will dissipate in five minutes. (15 Points)
[] Holy Greater - Keeping a minor blessing or two up at all times will be so inexpensive energy wise that it's effect would be negligible. You may cast Greater blessings on your heroes as well, although this will take more energy, letting you nearly double their health or damage for a short time. You may cause a glowing aura to appear around your Hero at will, and you may communicate directly through your Wisps (unless you have taken the relevant Restriction). Should that Restriction have been taken, then your Wisps will last for thrice as long. (110 Points)
[] Death Lesser - You may give your Gift to your heroes, making neutral undead non-hostile unless provoked. Undead foes will be somewhat weakened when facing your heroes as well (unless you don't want them to be). You may also subtly influence non-sentient undead. (15)
[] Death Greater - Using a reasonable amount of energy, you may control non-sentient undead, causing them to target your enemies (or heroes, I suppose), and may subtly influence sentient undead. Unless stopped, neutral non-sentient undead will protect your hero automatically. Deaths caused by your hero will cause you to gain energy, with more impressive kills giving more. A human or wolf will gain a decent amount for you, a small animal such as a squirrel will gain you nearly nothing, and a Manticore would gain you an impressive amount. (110 Points)
[] Nature Lesser - You may influence the emotions of non-sentient animals to a degree, causing them to be irritable and more prone to attacking your heroes or enemies, or be friendlier and less likely to attack. Animals will not go against their instincts - a friendlier dog might loyally attack your enemies, but the most a wyvern will do on your behalf is refrain from attacking (unless your heroes are too annoying, or it's very hungry). You may also slowly influence the growth of plants over time - steering them to grow in different directions, and speeding up and slowing down their growth by 50% to 200%. You may also grant your hero a "sense" of sorts, pointing out useful or edible plants. Yes, you may extend this towards poisons. (15 Points)
[] Nature Greater - You may… wait, never mind. Your boss is absolutely not willing to let you edge in on their domain, apparently. However, for the low, low price of 25 Points, he will make sure that your requests are processed in a minimum of a week, and actually read them himself rather than having a random employee do it. No guarantee that he'll do anything about them, but he'll at least read them. (25 Points)


[] No Communication - You may not directly communicate with your Heroes, and any attempt to will fail and result in strict punishment. You'll have to make due with natural occurrences. (+75 Points)
-[] Only Men - You may not make it obvious that there are divine forces at work. Any attempt to will fail and/or result in punishment to the degree of how obvious it is. As far as your Heroes are allowed to know, you do not exist. (+75 Points)
[] Pacificism… ish - You may not interfere with combat situations. No combat-related blessings, no lightning bolts, no stones dropped on heads. Nothing. Fighting is for the Heroes, not you. The only exception is if another Deity level being interferes - in that situation, you fighting is fair play. (+50)
-[] Or Not! - Or not. You may not fight at all, even if your Heroes are up against a literal god. (+10)
-[] Dedicated - You may not do actions even related to fighting. No creating weaponry, no encouraging your heroes to fight, nothing. (+75)
[] Bureaucracy - You must get approval from your superior before doing anything. Blessings? Just get a Divine Blessing Stamp, and feel free! Wait, they're already dead by the time the paperwork's filled out? Such a shame. (+30)
-[] Passes?? - Every single time you do something, even if that exact action has already been approved, it must be approved again. Every. Time. Blessing of Might? Right here, one-use approval stamp for a single Divine Blessing! (+150)
Who is our boss? Also, does Pacifism ish count the always on divine/death blessings as combat interference, if you just leave them on?
[X] Plan I think Maybe No Restrictions
-[X] Storm Greater
-[X] Holy Lesser
-[X] Death Lesser

Holy has some nice boosts, with free holy blessing and ability to point the hero's in different direction. Storm is a nice high power domain, and Death has some nice combat avoidance and bonus against undead.
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How tangled would divine bureaucracy be exactly? How long would it take to process requests and how far in advance can we do the paper work?
How tangled would divine bureaucracy be exactly? How long would it take to process requests and how far in advance can we do the paper work?
How far can you submit requests in advance? Ehh... if you know that you'll need something, you could submit it ahead of time, but just sending every form in at once will get a lot of rejected forms, probably with the "Why do you need this?" Bit circled and underlined. How long will it take to process? Without the perk that'll make it take less than a week? Err... let's be optimistic, and say two months!
[X] Plan "Variety"
-[x] No Communication
-[x] Storm Greater
-[x] Earth Greater
-[x] Death Lesser
-[x] Holy Lesser
-[x] Nature Lesser
How far can you submit requests in advance? Ehh... if you know that you'll need something, you could submit it ahead of time, but just sending every form in at once will get a lot of rejected forms, probably with the "Why do you need this?" Bit circled and underlined. How long will it take to process? Without the perk that'll make it take less than a week? Err... let's be optimistic, and say two months!
Would sending in a request for a "Checkbook" of two or three generic minor blessings be possible, with the natural restriction that it will undoubtedly take a while to actually get replacements much less making a 'stockpile', or does every blessing need a specific reason to justify the paperwork being approved? Making one or two "Break Glass" backups would make me far more comfortable with trying to go full or half bureaucracy.

I think sending in everything constantly will eventually get our paperwork completely ignored by select annoyed parties, making even well-written/justified application fall short. However, while it allows for enough points that stuff like "Blessed Weapons" or other permanent blessings to become really powerful with the consequence that we cannot give any blessings to adapt to short term situations.

That all said, it does really sound like an interesting restriction to work with and around...
[X] Death Greater - . (110 Points)
[X] Nature Lesser - (15)
Holy Lesser - (15 Points)
Do our domains combine? Like would this be a natural death domain?

[X] No Communication - You may not directly communicate with your Heroes, and any attempt to will fail and result in strict punishment. You'll have to make due with natural occurrences. (+75 Points)

It'll be fun playing cosmic charades, and trying to keep a shounen/isekai protag on track.
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Would sending in a request for a "Checkbook" of two or three generic minor blessings be possible, with the natural restriction that it will undoubtedly take a while to actually get replacements much less making a 'stockpile', or does every blessing need a specific reason to justify the paperwork being approved? Making one or two "Break Glass" backups would make me far more comfortable with trying to go full or half bureaucracy.

I think sending in everything constantly will eventually get our paperwork completely ignored by select annoyed parties, making even well-written/justified application fall short. However, while it allows for enough points that stuff like "Blessed Weapons" or other permanent blessings to become really powerful with the consequence that we cannot give any blessings to adapt to short term situations.

That all said, it does really sound like an interesting restriction to work with and around...
Hm... you could definitely get a few "pre-approved" relatively generic actions or blessings or whatnot, if you start going overboard then your superiors would likely start just denying your requests of course, so there can't be quite as much cheese as the questers would prefer. It's the more interesting stuff that'd be more of a problem - a generic "help in combat" might fly for a Extra Damage Blessing to be kept in reserve, but it definitely would not for a message more complicated "go left," or a intricate crystal weapon. You'd also run into issues where a "drop stalactite on head" would be very useful, but you didn't exactly pre-stock it, because it's such a niche scenario. It'd definitely be fun to play around with! Anyway, hope my disjointed ramblings made sense.

Edit: This mostly applies to the full bureaucratic experience. The only problem with half-bureaucracy would be weirdly specific actions, since you only need an action to be approved once. Half-bureaucracy's the kind of drawback that gets less bad in late-game, but would really, really slow you down early-game.
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[X] Plan Deus Ex Machina
-[X] No Communication - You may not directly communicate with your Heroes, and any attempt to will fail and result in strict punishment. You'll have to make due with natural occurrences. (+75 Points)
-[X] Earth Greater
-[X] Death Greater

Could we create a fortress full of undead when the inevitable army pursues the hero?, It would be kind of funny.
[X] Plan Divine Bodyguard
-[X] Holy Greater (110 Points)
-[X] Earth Greater (50 Points)
-[X] Death Lesser (15 Points)
-[X] No Communication (+75 Points)

Our Objective is keeping the Hero alive until the Hero can save the continent, we don't necessarily need to give any instructions.
Blatant and regular divine interventions (e.g. glowing Holy aura when Hero is giving a speech) will inspire allies and make enemies more cautious.
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How common are undead? This changes how useful the Death power is versus the Nature power.

I would suggest maybe dousing powers with Earth:

[] Plan Mining Industry
-[] Earth Greater
-[] Holy Greater
-[] Pacificism… ish
-[] Or Not!

Become the best miners ever! Meh, probably won't work.

[X] Plan No Restrictions in Earthshaping (Death Edition)
-[X] Earth Greater
-[X] Storm Lesser
-[X] Holy Lesser
-[X] Death Lesser

[X] Plan No Restrictions in Earthshaping (Nature Edition)
-[X] Earth Greater
-[X] Storm Lesser
-[X] Holy Lesser
-[X] Nature Lesser

[X] Plan I think Maybe No Restrictions
Part 2: The Hero
[X] Plan I think Maybe No Restrictions
-[X] Storm Greater
-[X] Holy Lesser
-[X] Death Lesser

And this is the winning plan! Onto the second part of character creation!

Now, you must make a choice, one that could make or break your entire career! You must choose a Hero(ine)! You look through the provided files, frowning. Apparently, most of the really good options have already been claimed, so you may have to make due with what is left.

[] Alex - A generally nice young person, they are a bit more disillusioned with life after raiders killed their entire family and burned their village to the ground. Has no supples whatsoever, but does know some basic spells.

[] Sam - An extremely cynical woman who hides her emotions under a lot of forced cheerfulness. Is angry with her family after they kicked her out of her home to 'find her destiny.' Doesn't really like gods, or people, but is learned in combat, survival, and magic alike. Also has good supples provided by her village.

[] Janu - Ran away from home with his lover after his noble family tried to kill said lover and marry him off. Is surprisingly charming and kind, but hides most of his feelings under a layer of sarcasm and cynicism. Desperately wishes his family would accept him and his choices; knows that this will never happen. Is decent with magic, but terrible at survival skills. Thankfully, companion is excellent at survival skills. Has a decent amount of money taken from family, but not really any actual supples except for some basics.