[x]Of everything my ambassadors told you of my kingdom, is there anything you're particularly interested in? Technologies and goods suitable to trading between our people? Specific aspects of our culture that fascinate you and yours?
[x] As ignorant of your culture i have to ask: Is there anything specifically that i or my people should avoid doing in your's or your people's presence? Any specific behaviour that might be considered offensive or taboo that i might not expect?
[X]Can you tell us of your culture? While I am glad of you offering us help, we do not wish to disturb your politics. Perhaps we can have some trade deals in return for it?
[X] do they have any magic that could harm or contain Sombra while in his mist form that we can assume is pretty much invunurable to anything physical in nature
[X] What kind of trade deals might be possible between our two peoples? We have many raw resources but don't have many luxury goods so we can't offer exotics only materials.
[X] As ignorant of your culture i have to ask: Is there anything specifically that i or my people should avoid doing in your's or your people's presence? Any specific behaviour that might be considered offensive or taboo that i might not expect?