[X] Limited Concessions: The tax reductions are acceptable, but the independent trade policies are a step too far. The central government must have final say on what products pass in and out of the empire and whether they will be subject to taxes, tariffs or embargoes. Allowing the cities of the League to trade on their own terms would undermine Imperial authority and could even pose a potential security hazard should they try to sell restricted goods to other nations. You cannot accept such a risk.
[X] Promotion: The Duke knows Wingbardy and it's people better than anyone else. It would be a waste to remove him from his position. More than that, his willingness to cooperate and go along with the integration should be rewarded. Name him the Archduke of Wingbardy and leave him in an administrative position. He'll run the place better than any of his subordinates would anyway.
[X] Experienced Steward: Claus Rosewing has served you admirably as Steward for years, but he has been wearing under the strain as of late, and he has expressed doubts that he would be capable of handling the increased workload of a reborn Empire. You could find a suitable replacement from amongst your own population, but the Duke is a masterful administrator and has experience managing a large territory. He would make a good replacement for Rosewing, provided you can find someone to administer Wingbardy in his stead.
[X] An Offer they Can't Refuse: How about no? If it weren't for you, Brochard would be battering down the League's walls and looting their cities. Your soldiers bled so theirs wouldn't have to. And now you are the most powerful Griffon in the world, an army of over fifteen thousand at your command, larger than any other in the known world by several orders of magnitude. You've got the League backed against the wall, and they know it. They'll get no tax exemptions, no independent trade policy, no special place in the new Empire. You'll drag them to glory whether they like it or not.
[X] Experienced Steward: Claus Rosewing has served you admirably as Steward for years, but he has been wearing under the strain as of late, and he has expressed doubts that he would be capable of handling the increased workload of a reborn Empire. You could find a suitable replacement from amongst your own population, but the Duke is a masterful administrator and has experience managing a large territory. He would make a good replacement for Rosewing, provided you can find someone to administer Wingbardy in his stead.
[X] Limited Concessions: The tax reductions are acceptable, but the independent trade policies are a step too far. The central government must have final say on what products pass in and out of the empire and whether they will be subject to taxes, tariffs or embargoes. Allowing the cities of the League to trade on their own terms would undermine Imperial authority and could even pose a potential security hazard should they try to sell restricted goods to other nations. You cannot accept such a risk.
[X] Accept Demands: Give them what they want. They're not asking for that much in the big scheme of things, and it'll be worth it to get them integrated with minimal fuss and resistance from the ruling class. The reduced tax revenue might sting, and the lack of control over trade policy could be a bit of a headache down the line, but if it keeps the Doge and Duchess and others like them happy, it'll be worth it.