- [x] You were phlegmatic, one with the world, content in their faith. (++Calm)
- [x] JG3 Wolkenbruch, a two-seat pusher-style biplane. The rear seat can act as a turret and comes with a light machine-gun, but it has no forward weapon yet.
- [X] An acolyte, skilled with a firearm. (A Gunner)
- [X] A fine silk parachute.
- [x] A ritual fillet knife.
- [X] A holy book, bound in leather and written in blood.
[X] JG3 Wolkenbruch, a two-seat pusher-style biplane. The rear seat can act as a turret and comes with a light machine-gun, but it has no forward weapon yet.
- [X] I was taught by the High Priest of the village, to aid in ritual from the air.
- [x] I was too questioning of the faith.
- [X] I fly to serve the wishes of my dark masters.
- [X] You werecholeric, fierce and devoted, unwilling to suffer fools. (+Hard, +Daring, -Keen)
- [X] A Teicher Taifun M9, a single-seat attack plane with a pusher engine. Sturdy and capable of mounting many weapons, but bulky.
- [X] An acolyte, skilled with a firearm. (A Gunner)
- [X] A fine silk parachute.
- [X] A set of blessed fish hooks.
- [X] A high-quality telescope.
- [X] A holy book, bound in leather and written in blood.
- [X] You werecholeric, fierce and devoted, unwilling to suffer fools. (+Hard, +Daring, -Keen)
- [X] A Teicher Möwen, a steel-framed biplane fighter is heavily reinforced, making it very tough for a fighter.
- [X] A sweetheart, following you into exile. (A Confidant)
- [X] A fine silk parachute.
- [X] A high-quality telescope.
- [X] A folded cloth vest, blessed to ward off harm. (light armour)
- [X] A holy book, bound in leather and written in blood.
- [X] You werecholeric, fierce and devoted, unwilling to suffer fools. (+Hard, +Daring, -Keen)
- [X] A Teicher Möwen, a steel-framed biplane fighter is heavily reinforced, making it very tough for a fighter.
- [X] A set of blessed fish hooks.
- [X] A holy book, bound in leather and written in blood.