[X] Plan I didn't want to have to make a plan and may have gotten carried away
-[X] First things first, send a telegraph to Piav to let people know we are alright if Arren didn't already do it. They should see about getting paid, handle any repairs and such they may need to, and otherwise take a little time to recover. Precise plans about who meets who where are yet to be determined; look for another telegram later.
-[X] Next, get some breakfast. If Minna is getting around well enough for it, take Arren and Minna. Otherwise, go with Arren, bring back food for Minna, and eat together. Use this as an opportunity to debrief a little bit and get a better idea of what happened in the battle.
-[X] Go for a walk with Arren. See the sights, such as they are. This much industry is impressive in its way, and is unfamiliar to us, but also get a feel for what the town is like. Beyond that, spend some time just talking to Arren. We both could have very easily died and had every reason to fear that the other had. That isn't the kind of thing that just goes away.
--[X] Minna might want to check in on the repairs or something, but is otherwise free to do what she wants. This might be a good time to indulge one of her vices. Maybe frame it as "do this task for us, then your time is your own until we meet back up around lunch time." She seems to still not quite know what to do with herself without any structure at all, so that might help.
-[X] Find somewhere appropriately secluded to pray together for a while, but try and be done in time for lunch.
-[X] Before lunch, quickly check in with Abagail. See how she's feeling, make sure there's no trouble in particular with the town, offer to pay for her medical bills (we did shoot her when she was trying to surrender, after all.)
--[X] Perhaps gently inquire about what she wants to do now, but don't make any offers or push for details. We only want to get her thinking about what she wants to do with her life rather than rejoining the red talons by default. This is maybe planting the seeds for a later offer, but that would be premature right now.
--[X] Bring up the Minna situation. There are two aspects to this: Minna has to know the truth, and Abigail did stab her that one time, after all. Is she prepared to apologize for the stabbing? If we can get Minna ready to hear it, would Abagail be prepared to tell her story?
-[X] Lunch with Minna and Arren.
--[X] Initial conversation topics should be practical and non-threatening: how the repairs are going, how soon we expect to be back in action, any reply telegraphs from Piav, useful purchases we might want to make, etc. The secondary purpose of this is to reinforce to Minna that we value her opinion, and that we are trying to be more responsible.
-[X] Now the hard part. Take Minna aside after lunch for that necessary but unpleasant conversation, or at least part 1.
--[X] Make it clear that there is a reason we are doing this, and that it is important, but start of with an abstract and logical approach: just because her home did something a certain way, does not make it right or optimal. Her identity doesn't have to be so closely tied to where she grew up that any criticism of them is an attack on her. If there are problems with the community she grew up in, that doesn't require a wholesale rejection of the good and useful things she got from it, but it might be worth thinking carefully about anything that didn't sit well with her growing up.
--[X] Once that's gotten through, or if it looks like it is putting her on the defensive or otherwise doing more harm than good, move on. Some disturbing information has come to light, and she deserves to know. With this context, we think we have an idea why they made her leave. But she really needs to just listen to this and give it a fair hearing. She needs the context. Try and get her to promise.
--[X] How much does she know about the missions they didn't take her on back home? About their relations with the neighboring communities? Especially with whatever Abigail's village was called? If she talks about "protecting" them, what happens if they didn't pay? Gently try to get her to draw the right conclusions. She's smart, she just has some blind spots. It might be useful to use the language of war crimes in teasing this out once some real progress is being made.
--[X] The Red Talon pilot we captured was the one who attacked her. She grew up in INSERT_TOWN_NAME_HERE, and a soldier from Greifenburg killer her mother in front of her for the crime of trying to protect her sister. She saw her uniform, and came to the wrong conclusion. When she found out that Minna had nothing to do with the cruelty and abuse, and her actual circumstances, she was devastated. (This next bit assuming Abagail responded how I think she would: ) She would like to apologize.
--[X] Now, the reason: we suspect that at least some elements of the leadership didn't think she was what they wanted in their combat pilots. Not because of her skills, which are beyond reproach, not even mostly because of the ways she is different from most other people, but because she wouldn't have tolerated being complicit in their war crimes. She's better than that. A better person, and a better soldier than that. This is laying it on a little thick and, if not stretching the truth, framing it in the most useful possible light and emphasizing the parts we want to emphasize, but it isn't a lie. Minna would probably have been too by-the-book and not hateful enough for some of the stuff they got up to to sit well with her, and even if she would have probably followed orders in the end, it would have been a source of friction on all sides for sure. And clearly there's more to it around her particular psychology and how it fits into that kind of environment, but a lot of that is going to end up manifesting in things like this.
--[X] Finally, if she is up to it, Minna deserves to hear the whole story from Abigail. Ask now rather than when Abigail is present, to avoid unnecessary awkwardness if the answer is no. Is she does agree, just ask that she listen and give it a fair hearing without getting too defensive. She's better than the people who killed Abigail's mom, even if she wore the same uniform, and she doesn't need to lump herself in with them.
-[X] If that went reasonably well, give her a little bit to calm down (and do what we can to make it easier), then take her to see Abigail when she is ready. Have Arren present for that, both as added support and because having someone uninjured and bigger and stronger than us on hand might be good if it goes super badly.
--[X] First the apology, then the story. Try and keep Minna calm, but listening. See where things go from there and re-evaluate after.
--[X] If Minna would like to talk with us alone after for a bit, do that. In any case, she probably has a lot to think over.
-[X] Let Minna think it over alone. This is probably a pretty good time for her to stim as well. While she's doing that, go shopping with Arren to kill some time. Maybe talk about about what just happened.
--[X] Shopping list:
---[X] Basics: a gun that is practical for use without Wulf hands. A small compass and some means to start a fire that can be kept on our person when flying in case we ever end up in that situation again.
---[X] Fancy stuff: We don't actually expect to find any of this, but might get lucky. It's worth a look, since prices ought to be cheap if any of it is available. A replacement parachute (more if possible, one for Arren and then the rest of our squadron if there are even more than that), gun sights, miniaturized radios, a better engine for Wulf's plane, ram air turbines to replace other electrical sources, automatic variable propellers and any type of starter that can be fit to our engine, but especially ones that won't impact performance.
---[X] Aircraft: are there any combat aircraft for sale? Not seriously looking, but it would be good to know what's on the market depending on how things go with Abigail.
---[X] Luxuries. Art supplies for Arren. Depending on what type of copper ore they have locally, there may even be some interesting blue and green pigments available. If there are interesting local handicrafts, maybe try and find something nice for Wulf.
-[X] The plane-ghost did good work today. Could Isa check in with him? See if he's happy? (Note: feel free to place this elsewhere if the ordering would make more narrative sense)
-[X] Check in with Minna. See how she's taking things. If she's taking them well, and Abigail gave any hint she might be looking for work, cautiously see if Minna would be up for working with her either as the pilot of the cargo plane, or eventually as a combat pilot when another plane becomes available or if a mission calls for everything we've got, including the helicopter. If it seems like she strongly objects, don't push it.
-[X] If Minna was okay with it, talk to Abigail and see if she's interested in flying for us either non-combat or eventually/occasionally combat, with the understanding that this is the sort of thing the rest of the squadron has to weigh in on.
-[X] If Abigail wants to join, or if we found things we wanted to buy that are too big to fly back with, send a telegram to Piav explaining the situation and having everyone fly over here tomorrow. Otherwise, send one saying we will be returning tomorrow.
-[X] With all that out of the way, try and have a nice evening with Arren. See about some (slow, careful) dancing if we are up for it, as nice a dinner as this place can provide, etc. Nothing more than that, though, and we have to call it a night pretty early: we've got a lot on our mind and we'd like to talk it over with the deep ones tonight. Apologize for not being able to devote as much time to him as he deserves right now.
-[X] Go into Contemplation.