Where the Hell Am I Now?! (Ranma 1/2 \ RWBY)

Looks like a sun to me, also he would probably have seen two celestial bodies at once at home, instead you could have him freaking on why the moon is broken
Looks close enough to a moon to me that I think I can spin it as Ranma being a little confused as well as a bit out of it, followed by correcting himself next update.
[X] Breathe in. Breathe out. Calmly carry on and ask questions later. Soul of Ice now, breakdown later.
[X] Breathe in. Breathe out. Calmly carry on and ask questions later. Soul of Ice now, breakdown later.
The character sheet hasn't been updated with the new Soul of Ice technique. Just wanted to note that so it isn't forgotten, sorry if it sounds like I'm rushing you.
Part 6
[X] Breathe in. Breathe out. Calmly carry on and ask questions later. Soul of Ice now, breakdown later.

You took a deep breath, then another one. You repeated this for several moments before diving into the Soul of Ice to calm down. As you do, you idly noted that the 'second moon' was actually just the sun starting to rise; you just mistook it for a moon since the actual moon was shattered and what the fuck how in the world did that happen what could possibly-

No, calm yourself; Soul of Ice...Soul of Ice, maintain your calm. All this meant is that you were as far from home as you had thought; no longer on Earth, but in a whole nother realm entirely. The Nanban Mirror took you to an alternate reality or universe of some sort, one where the moon got beat up worse than Kuno when Akane was PMSing. The though of how or what caused that still boggles the mind and almost made you go into a nervous breakdown, but you held firm within the Soul of Ice.

"Ranma?" You heard Winter ask, as she walked up to you in concern, "Are you ok? Is everything alright? You looked like you were shocked about something...?"

"I'm fine," You answered back, emotionless within your current state, "I just realized how far away from home I truly was; back home, our moon was still in one piece. It's just starting to sink in is all."

"Your world?" Winter asked confused, "Moon still intact? Excuse me for a moment." She walked to the aircraft, a hatch opening once she gets there, and talks to a guard that exits from the hatch. You saw her take something from the guard, talk to him for a moment, then return; in her hand a brace of some sort, a pale white gem in the center.

"If you could put this on before entering the airship, it would be greatly appreciated," Winter requested, then she explained further, "It's a simple monitoring device that measures your vitals, along with alerting SDC's security and medical staff and facilities in the event something goes wrong. Standard procedure, I hope you don't mind."

You shrug and offer an arm; run and hide from the obviously rich and powerful organization vs. complying and mooching off of them? Gee, what a hard decision. Winter slipped on the bracelet without a word and the moment it touched your skin you realized something: the bracelet had ki. And it wasn't like the ambient ki that you felt around the environment no, it was more....focused, more potent. It wasn't exactly like the ki from living things, but it was close; real close. Which begged the question, how in the hell does a bracelet have ki?

In fact, as you focused your senses in light of your new discovery, you found that the airship had ki; hell, the hospital was filled with ki too. The more you honed in on the ki you felt, the more detail you got about the ki you were feeling. The hospital had it focused in specific locations...locations you figured to be the ER room and other hi-tech parts of the building, while the airship had it focused in a central area that was probably the power source of the thing.

That meant that...that these people powered their technology with ki. They used life energy instead of gasoline or electricity, every piece of machinery was fueled by something that took many martial artist years if not decades to tap into and use for themselves. Which meant...which meant...

You were in an alternate reality where the Art was the norm instead of the exception, a world where mastery of one's self and honing one's spirit was more valuable than whatever paltry facts and lessons were taught in school. A world where one would be able to walk the Path of a Martial Artist and not be looked at as a traditional relic of a bygone era, but of a pioneer and forward mover of society. A world that was...basically Nerima, but on a global scale.

It was like you've died and gone to heaven; only the Soul of Ice and the though of who you left behind back home kept you from crying tears of abject joy.

You barely even noticed following Winter into the airship, only snapping out of your daze when she finally asked you, "So...why don't you tell me about yourself Ranma; where you're from, what you do, what you're capable of, some memorable events? You know, the usual stuff you tell someone for the first time."

"Well, alright." And so you nonchalantly give her a brief summary about yourself; your overall skill, some notable battles, stuff about Nerima, basically what she asked for. You didn't tell her everything obviously, didn't really feel like it and it seemed unnecessary; but you told her enough. Honestly, saying you beat a dragon prince by leveling a mountain on him and slayed an immortal phoenix king that probably counted as a minor kami should be more than enough to prove yourself to these people.

Occasionally, Winter interrupted you with more questions whenever an unfamiliar term came up; they called ki 'aura' here for example, and they didn't really have anything larger than a kingdom in this world. There were only four of them to boot, so people weren't so widespread around the world. They also didn't have martial artists in a traditional sense, but when she mentioned 'Hunters' it seemed like they were pretty much the same thing; more or less. Skilled fighters who honed their craft, learned to harness and master their aura/ki, and defended the weak from those who would harm them. The job itself held a fair amount of prestige and honor attached to it that needed to be upheld, so the only real difference from what you could tell was that Hunters focused more on weapon use whereas Martial Arts was more about hand-to-hand.

Talk of Hunters brought up talk of Grimm, something that definitely didn't exist back home and made this world far less of a paradise than you first thought. Soulless monsters that strove only to destroy mankind, such a thing was appalling to you; if something like them existed at home, you wouldn't hesitate to go out and put them down. It was the duty of a martial artist to protect the weak and innocent from monsters like that, regardless of the risks.

After Winter brought up the Grimm, she also brought up Dust; what they called the ki they used to power all their technology. By the sounds of it, Dust was concentrated ambient ki that crystallized into solid form, allowing people to use it for various purposes. Channeling it in place of your own ki, sewing it into clothing to enhance and modify your garb for combat, packaging it into cartridges and bullets for mass production use, and even infusing it into yourself to draw upon and empower yourself directly. Dust was pretty much a game changer for anyone who was a ki adept; even someone not fully trained in ki manipulation like Ukyo or Akane could potentially rival Happosai with the right types or quantities of the stuff.

Still, being in this world; called Remnant according to Winter, was quite refreshing. Nerima was getting a bit stale, and this place seems tailor made to you; grimm and all. Hell, judging from Winter's calmness in face of your escapades; it seems that people were just as used to crazy shit happening as you were.

It took every ounce of your control to not flip the fuck out at what Ranma was telling you; a world that almost didn't know about aura? A world that had too many kingdoms to count but absolutely no dust at all? A world with an un-shattered moon and no grim?! What Ranma told you about his own adventures didn't help matters either. A kingdom full of nothing but faunae, led by a dragon faunus? Along with a bird faunae kingdom ruled by a phoenix faunus?! One that literally could not die, even when killed?!?!

What's worse, the readings from the bracelet all came out positive; his vitals showed no change from his regular baseline. Meaning that he was telling the truth, about all of it. That was the main reason you gave him the bracelet in the first place, the vital readings could be used to detect lying; even from master manipulators and liars. If he tried to trick you, the bracelet would flash and his vitals would show a spike showing the change from truth to falsehood.

Which meant he actually managed to kill something that would put most highly skilled hunters and ancient grimm to shame. Because you couldn't think of any semblance that would allow someone to do what this 'Saffron' could do, not at his level. And only grimm mentioned in folklore and legends could compare to this so called Phoenix King.

You counted backwards from ten and took a calming breath; remember, Father wanted to meet him due to his value to the company. After all, someone who could create high-quality dust en masse on command was a godsend to anyone who could sway them to their side. It would solve all of the company's problems if Ranma accepted a deal with Father and became one of his business partners.

Thankfully, that shouldn't be too hard; Father outright told you and everyone in the company that he was willing to pay any price to get Ranma to join them. And the boy seemed like a simple guy with simple wants, so this partnership should be in the bag...

After the whole Q&A, there wasn't much else Winter wanted to ask you; so you were left alone to your thoughts. It was still quite a ways away from where Winter said the company was, so you had plenty of time to...

[X] Focus on your new Soul of Ice, start hammering out the flaws
[X] See if you can study some Dust, maybe find some way to incorporate it into your style
[X] You're basically on a training trip for all that matters, might as well plan out your training (Write-in training schedule; what techniques to train in/refine)
[X] Eh, just take a nap; you're tired (Time skip to arrival)
[X] Write-in
[X] Focus on your new Soul of Ice, start hammering out the flaws

[X] Mention that they might want to round up your "friends"

Study Dust in a moving aircraft? That's asking for trouble.
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[X] Focus on your new Soul of Ice, start hammering out the flaws
Master new technique first, new stuff in training montage.
[X] Focus on your new Soul of Ice, start hammering out the flaws
Master new technique first, new stuff in training montage.
[X] Focus on your new Soul of Ice, start hammering out the flaws

You can't see it but I have a big shit eating smile on my face for calling that Ranma made a huge ass pillar of dust.
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[X] Focus on your new Soul of Ice, start hammering out the flaws
[X] Mention that they might want to round up your "friends"

Could he cheat that lie detection with Soul of Ice?
[X] Focus on your new Soul of Ice, start hammering out the flaws.
-[X] ask winter if we can get a print out of what data the braclet picks up on the technique.
[X] Focus on your new Soul of Ice, start hammering out the flaws
-[X] ask winter if we can get a print out of what data the braclet picks up on the technique.
-[X] Mention that they might want to round up your "friends"
Indeed. Ranma and Ryouga have been "friends" since middle school. Although you'd get a different answer on how long they've been friends depending on which one you asked.
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Indeed. Ranma and Ryouga have been "friends" since middle school. Although you'd get a different answer on how long they've been friends depending on which one you asked.
Yeah, though by end of series they're pretty ok with each other barring the occasional outburst spurred on by one reason or another. And this is post-series on the Ranma 1/2 end so you're pretty chill with Ryoga at the moment. Hell, in the intro of the quest he was helping in corralling the rest of the idiots; although we all saw how well that went.
[X] Focus on your new Soul of Ice, start hammering out the flaws

Soul of Ice yo. Gotta have our anti-fire protection for THE YELLOW FIRE OF EVERYTHING BURNS!