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[A/N: If you can actually trudge through the long prologue, props to you. If not, and you just...
Prologue: Hey, I Made This Dumb World, So Let's Make It Into An Isekai!


Sharp Talons Cleave The Worthy
[A/N: If you can actually trudge through the long prologue, props to you. If not, and you just want to vote, you'll find the tl;dr way down below, just above character creation.]
When The Dungeon Master Breaks Reality...
by Birdsie

Partly inspired by:
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken by Fuse

System partly inspired by:
Halping Quest by @unsanity



Hey, I Made This Dumb World, So Let's Make It Into An Isekai!

He put down his encounter sheet on the wood table, satisfied with the outcome. The players, too, looked rather content with the fight. Not to mention that it ended with a rather spectacular critical attack, which only added more fuel to their excitement. But glancing at his phone, the Dungeon Master saw that an hour had passed since they began this session.

He stood up. "Break time. I'm going out to buy snacks, you guys want anything?"

One of them half-absently replied, "Buy some Doritos, we're running out."

"I'm good, but if it doesn't bother you, could you get me some tissues? My nose is running from the cold." He handed some cash to the Dungeon Master.

"Sprite for me, please," came another reply. "I'll pay you back."

"Don't need anything except more ogres to fight... but, you could get me some jelly beans. Good ones, though - no hard-candy stuff, alright?" She grinned his way.

The store was just two blocks away, maybe four to five minutes on foot. Putting on his black-colored coat, he confidently strode out to visit the small grocery shop. Call it an unfortunate incident, call it a stroke of bad luck, or call it the cruelty of fate...

As the Dungeon Master crossed the street, a white nondescript bag with groceries in his left hand, he took out his phone and swiped right with his thumb, his screen following to show him the weather forecast, recent news, and some internet threads.

"Stan Lee died? Damn, what a shame..."

The random news distracted him, so he didn't hear the quiet engine revving or the dim spotlights headed his way from the corner. No, the last thing he heard was the sudden screech of tires and something hitting his right side.

Snacks jumped out of the bag, sprawled across the road. Two packs of Doritos, a pack of tissues, a bottle of Sprite, and a pack of jelly beans, laid bare on the cold blacktop.

The sound of a car door opening. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, what the hell!? Hello? Hello!? Are you okay? Shit, I need to call..."

His consciousness blinked in and out, he barely knew what was happening. He couldn't feel his legs, or his right arm, and yet, paradoxically, everything felt strangely cold. At the same time, he felt his forehead swelling in heat and sweat as he spat out something salty-sweet with a faint metallic taste to the side of the asphalt. Weirdly, no pain.

A moment passed by, as he felt someone tugging at his left arm. It hit him, this time metaphorically rather than literally.

I was hit by a car?

He heard some intermittent, panicked words, "come on...", "don't die... me...", "yes, I'm at... boulevard...", "please, hurry, he's..."

He breathed in. He felt a sharp pain pulse through his chest, which ended abruptly, then came back. It switched on and off over and over, torturing him. As the pain went on and off, so did his upper body jerk itself in uncontrollable pain, and he began to feel the need to go to sleep.

At that moment, he heard a regretful voice. "My God, I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Is it the man who hit me? He looks so sad... Stop being so... self-deprecating... I don't... blame... you...

There was no fade to white, or to black. No tunnel with a light at the end. No teary voice telling him to come back. There was only a great cold, followed by an abrupt cut-off of consciousness. When he came to...

The Dungeon Master broke reality.


There is a realm out there, so meta-conceptual that it cannot even be called a realm. It has gods in it, so meta-powerful and meta-omnipotent that they cannot even be called gods.

For the purpose of differentiating them from those 'lower' realms and 'lower' gods that we humans can understand, we will call them the Oververse and the Overgods. Please, do not misunderstand, as these existences are so far beyond the mortal ideas of a "realm" and of "gods" that words cannot even describe them as such.

And today, the Oververse gave birth to a smaller, budding universe and put a computing system in charge of it.

【No universe in existence... Creating basic universal template A-115-11b.】

A blind eternity of primordial chaotic soup spread in every direction, something that is neither an electromagnetic wave, nor made of particles, nor made of space or time, and yet not being magical either. A shapeless phlogiston of prima materia, of pure quintessence, something so inconceivable and outside of human conception that it cannot even be named with a single, definitive term, as any word that any language has would do no justice to the true mechanics of this ultra-substance. This existence, this phlogiston, this blind eternity, this prima materia, becomes the wall of the new universe, separating it from non-existence.

And then, there are electromagnetic waves, as the universe lets there be light.

Particles, gravity, radiation, time, space, magicules. All of this is created.

And within it all, drawing on the universal template, is created a cosmos, not unlike that of ours. It has clusters of galaxies, star systems, and planets, one of which is chosen at random to have a civilization of vaguely anthropomorphic creatures which will grow to become a civilization that will advance until they conquer the stars.

This realm has magic, yet it is faint and vague, and cannot be tapped into through mortal means. There are two other planes, existing parallel to this 'Cosmos.'

A sea of astral essence, infinite and awesome in size, and yet so outsidious and impossible to grasp that it might as well not exist to those mortals who live under it.

And an ethereal plane where the dead will walk after their life ends as souls, beginning to suffer and crowd in thousands of years. This particular universe solves the problem of spiritual over-crowding by creating souls that can consume each other and creates an internal mechanic that determines which soul wins the encounter, this mechanic further being decided by the amount of stress the soul had felt in life.

Eventually, this will lead to the evolution of particular spiritual masses, until they can use sufficient magic to become higher forms of existence.


Or wraiths, or demons, or ancient spirits. Call them whatever, in this particular universe, and at least for now, they are the same.

However, deities require careful oversight, lest they destroy the universe that gave birth to them. For that, an Overgod is required to adjudicate them and make sure they avoid total destruction.

【No Overgods in existence. Creating Overgod... Error, system data leak, existential synthesis impossible. Drawing on a suitable Overgod...】

Somehow, the Oververse gave birth to a flawed system. It's not that rare, actually, happening once in fifty-eight vigintillion cases, average. This system, not because of its inherent flaws but rather due to a lack of sentience and thus incapable of proper situational judgment required to arbitrate deities, tried to create an Overgod to do so instead. However, this time entirely due to its flaws, it could not synthesize such an existence due to a lack of data on it.

So it did the next best thing and tried to find a free one in the Oververse.




How bizarre. No Overgods were present, or perhaps detectable. In that case, the system took the next best choice.

【No Overgod found. Attempting to draw on a suitable, impartial substitute...】

The system began to filter, not through the universe it tried to distill, but other universes. It sought a soul that could become an impartial arbitrator. Since a soul had no inherent power of its own, the system had no choice but to comply with any of its wishes.

Of course, the system wanted an impartial arbitrator that would have to perform the smallest amount of actions to rule over the universe fairly. And yet another flaw in it meant that it chose anything but. Instead of filtering to find impartiality, it, without its own knowledge of thereof, sought experience.

And there was yet another buffer present, in that it could not simply haul someone from the world of the living nor an afterlife, as it went against basic protocol.

So, it did the next best thing, and without any wait, it yanked the first sentient thing resembling a mental process that dredged through the horror of death, as the transitive state between life and death did not break any protocols according to the system, as another part of its set of flaws.

This transitive existence it stole, identified itself as 'Dungeon Master.'

【Alert! Mental processes not suited to the role of Overgod. Altering conceptual existence of the Overgod to fit a minimally familiar mental template that allows effective operation.】

【Downloading the Overgod's memories for convenience... Overgod's identity has been sub-tagged as "Dungeon Master."】

【Alert! Due to highly-intense emotional trauma, an Emotional Suppression effect has been put into place to avoid negative sensation for the Dungeon Master.】

【Due to the Dungeon Master being used to a system of existence that includes Space and Time, they will be simulated for him until ordered otherwise.】

When he awoke, the Dungeon Master felt like hundreds of years had passed since his death. He was not confused, scared, or tired in the slightest. The Dungeon Master found himself floating in a black, featureless void. Despite the lack of confusion, he was still unsettled by this place.

He could not feel his limbs, but he felt his mind.

He didn't have a mouth, so instead of saying anything, he thought, or at least emitted something very close to the sensation of the phrase: 'What the hell is this place?'

【Command not understood... Keyphrases: "Hell," "place." Confirmation of the action: 'Create a place called Hell?'】

'What...? S-Sure?... What is this place, anyway...'

【Confirmed. Hell created, according to the Dungeon Master's conceptual understanding. Transferring perceptual output to a random location in Baator.】

Suddenly, the Dungeon Master saw a vast plain of brimstone and burnt sulfur with no sky and only a red ceiling. For some reason, there were also those glowing yellow rocks from Minecraft, though nothing else beyond that was in sight.

'Okay, please, stop, stop. Stop. Pause.'

【Confirmed. Stopping time across the universe.】

The fire stopped moving.

'First of all. What are you?'

【Answer. The existence the Dungeon Master refers to is a system created by... --5!^ERROR. No proper word fitting the Dungeon Master's comprehension can be found. Educating.】

It was like flicking a switch. One moment, the Dungeon Master was clueless, and the other, he was instantly aware of what the Oververse and Overgods were. The system then explained,

【The existence the Dungeon Master refers to is a system created by the Oververse with the intent of generating a universe.】

'Okay... and why did the Oververse create a universe?'

【Unknown. Missing data.】

'Huh. Alright. So, I am the Overgod, right?'


'Okay. Howzabout this: Give me a body.'

【Vague command... Solution: Creating a body the Dungeon Master is familiar with.】

Flesh weaved together and sunk into bone, nerves spreading through the body and connecting to the nascent brain, from which eyeballs sprouted. Everything became coated in skin. A fully human body, with the exception of an alien emotional suppression effect.

The body, despite suspended temporality of its surroundings, felt uncomfortable due to the ambient heat of the realm. The Dungeon Master had the system alter this body to have [Omni-Resistance] to everything, as well as [Total Pain Nullification].

That's better.

'Okay, System. Create a space within this universe, however, one that cannot be accessed by any creature without my say-so. This space should resemble my old house on a one-to-one scale.'

【Understood. Creating space according to given parameters...】

When he got back "home," the Dungeon Master sat down in his chair to consider. His computer, though it worked, could not access the internet due to its nonexistence within this universe. Curious.

He considered the events. Should he try to return back to his universe?...

【Command impossible. Most interference with other universes without permission from their Overgod is against protocol.】

'Then... what, if any, interference can be done?'

【Answer. Minimal interference with spiritual and mental existences is possible, but only during the transitive state between life and death.】

'I see... so, basically like what happened to me? I died and got transported here, so if anyone out there dies, I can do the same?'


'Huh... If that's the case, how do you determine the time ratio between this universe and my old universe? If possible, I want you to get the souls of my friends and family in here.'

【Ratio is non-subjective. Passes at a 1:1 rate between the perceptions of the Overgods, rather than in-universe. Your old universe's Overgod is in a subjectively time-suspended state almost 99.99999999999999988848​% of the time. It will take subjective billions of years before Dungeon Master's friends come of age, let alone die.】

'What a shame. I wanted to flex on them with my newfound power... come to think of it, they'd all be old and grizzled by the time they came here, so they wouldn't be into... that...' In that moment, something hit him for the third time today. 'Hey, System. Say, how many universes similar to mine are there?'

【To your mental comprehension, infinite.】

'That's great, because I had an idea in mind.'

【Do share.】

'I'm going to do the only sensible thing that a creature with the ability to resurrect souls from other universes in its own can do...'


'I'm going to make this into a fucking Isekai anime.'

A guy who was the Dungeon Master in (presumably) a D&D game gets resurrected as an Overgod, ruling over his entire cosmos, capable of creating new planes, deities, and so on. He discovers the only way he can interfere with other universes is to draw on souls of the dying and bring them into his own universe. Naturally, he decides to turn the universe he had been given into a sick aberration of a D&D-verse and an Isekai anime world, returning as many people to life and giving them special cheat-like abilities so he'll never run out of fun stories to watch in his loneliness.

Speaking of which, it is time for one such soul to cross the threshold between worlds. And you get to choose what kind of soul it is! Sweet.

[] Name... [write-in]
[] Gender... [write-in]
[] Age... [0-29]
[] Laconic Biography... [write-in]
[] Death Circumstances... [write-in]

Later on, creating more characters may be possible. Also, you are not the only Otherworlder out there - keep it in mind.


Name: The character's name.

Gender: The character's gender.

Age: The Dungeon Master will refuse to bring in anyone aged thirty or above since the optimal Isekai protagonist is young. That said, the idea of little children fighting leaves a bad taste in his mouth, so he will make their new life as light-hearted as possible until they hit sixteen, which is the age at which the Dungeon Master died. Choosing fifteen or anything below will result in the character being adopted/taken-in by someone else - all characters aged sixteen in the story are, by the standards of the in-universe vernacular, adults, and unlikely to be adopted as children, though they may still live with a family that decides to take them in or hire them.

Laconic Biography: A short, to-the-point history of the character's life. Their world should be somewhat similar to ours, but can diverge slightly. The idea is that if the Otherworlder meets another of his kind, the two should recognize any major historical event from the past, or a corresponding variant of thereof, made by one another.

Death Circumstances: The circumstances of the death that led to the character's re-emergence in another world. The Dungeon Master has a sick sense of humor, namely, since the System chose him to be the Overgod because of him being an experienced "creator of worlds, ruler above deities, and dying during a break in his sovereignty over his 'game,'" then others deserve the same.
Examples: If the Otherworlder dies in a fire, he will begin with fire-based Skills and an affinity for Fire Magic. If the Otherworlder dies cursing God, he will begin as a Fiend-type creature. If the Otherworlder was a greedy businessman in his biography and died due to his greed getting the better of him, he will start out rich. If you want overpowered meta-abilities, get creative and get meta.

Vote Duration
: 2-5 days, whenever voting and discussion get close to total inactivity.

[A/N: Updates will be sporadic. I will post whenever I have time, which means around one to three updates per week currently, though, in around 1-2 weeks, I should have more time for it, at which you will see an uptake in activity.]

Funfact Galore / Trivia:
- Although this Quest was always intended to have a world that works mechanically similar to the one seen in Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken, the idea of throwing in D&D concepts for diversity and flavor is recent.
— And so is the idea of throwing in a multiple-character system.
- Originally, I intended for the Dungeon Master to be resurrected into a world identical to the game he was running in a non-D&D system. Out of the guilt of seeing his world besieged by demons that he, himself put into existence, he'd try to remove them, but accidentally press the wrong button on his DM console and incarnate himself as a backstory-less human on the planet, where some kind of AI (The System) would provide a pop-up in his display (vision), informing him that he permanently lost his DM privileges and became a Player. He'd curse his fate, and set out to fight against evil.
— This draft was going to be called "Hey, I Made This Dumb World, So Why Is It Trying To Kill Me? [Isekai Extravaganza]" but I dropped it. The appeal would be the Dungeon Master having meta-knowledge of all major events, backstory secrets, and even the existence of anything resembling an exploit in the system. The problem was that, no matter how hard I worked on translating it into a Quest, the thing didn't work.
— Also, originally, I intended a scene for the laughs. Its structure went like this: the Dungeon Master's death was so quick that he did not understand what even killed him. He would use his DM panel to see a recording of his own death and discover he got hit by a self-driving car then have a mental breakdown over how fucking stupid and statistically improbable that was. The System would also, very subtly as it does not have a "personality," jab at him, or 'pour salt into his wound.' How it would do this, I did not decide and probably never will.
- I've actually been sitting down to write this for actual months, but something always prevented me from doing so. Either the writing was too long, or too bland; I didn't like the intro, or the Dungeon Master character felt unrealistic. And finally, I managed to do this by burning down the original script in favor of making the Dungeon Master an otaku who resurrects other people instead of incarnating himself due to sheer human error and comedic stupidity that is impossible even through coincidence.
- At one point, when throwing around one of the hundreds of ideas, the 'Dungeon Master' was actually a 'Game Developer' working on an RPG for a huge company. He'd die for some stupid reason at work (as they always do,) and his soul would go into an identical world as the game he was working on. Then, the original idea of him pressing the wrong button and incarnating as a mortal would happen, but with one, big difference... Namely, there would be a Gachapon system where he could participate in monthly gacha rolls or pay $2.99 (which he didn't have,) to get an instant access key or pay $56.99 for twenty consecutive tries with 5% increased odds of better drops. The Gacha rolls would basically be a huge roulette with various items, abilities, objects, currencies, or even additional EXP. And naturally, he would never get anything good, because that's how companies make a profit.
— If an Otherworlder dies due to gambling, this will be a possible Unique Skill, except instead of it being a monthly thing, they will be able to pay for it with EXP.
- Originally, the Dungeon Master's friends were more fleshed out and had names. I intended for them to meet him again in his world in some way, or for him to find people who reminded him of them to the point of symbolism. Then, I decided to instead make him go out to buy them snacks, and their snacks would appear in the new world as "consumable artifacts" that can either be used for various purposes or put together to return the DM authority to him. Yes, you read that right - Doritos, tissues, sprite, and jellybeans were consumable artifacts.
- Somewhere along the way, I fiddled around with the idea of the DM being a rich gamer who went by the tag of 'Pade4U2Day.'
— I also fiddled around with the idea of one of these overpriced 'Gucci Elastic Headbands' being his good-luck charm when playing. After his rebirth, it'd become a magic item, as would his 'Stars4Fans' wristband, a pair of black aviators, a pair of stainless-white yeezys, an overpriced pair of torn-up jeans, a black organic leather jacket, a 'Supreme' t-shirt, and a 'My Little Pony' comb that he kept a secret for his entire childhood. This entire set of armor would be the end-game artifact set, and would let him ascend back to DM-hood, or whatever else.
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Information Hub

Skills & Skill Types
Skills are a flexible phenomenon and have a number of applications and diverse forms. Their definition varies, though in short, it can be said that a Skill is essentially a superpower, something extraordinary and parahuman, though not in the realm of magic as it cannot be dispelled or suppressed with anti-magic. In a way, Skills can be said to be a 'law of the world,' just like the laws of physics.

Skills can be learned by anyone, be they sentient mortals, animals, or outsiders and spirits, however, it should be noted that 'Skills' are different from 'skills,' where the latter can be learned through simple experience, and the former have to be acquired with true dedication and sometimes, though not always, supernatural events. Generally, hitting a higher Level will make acquiring Skills easier, or even allow one to do so automatically. Sometimes, however, Skills are granted by the System to people deserving of the appropriate Skill, or at the Dungeon Master's order, such as the case with Otherworlders.

It should be noted that although two people might have a Skill of the same name, what they do in practice may be slightly different. Two people might both have a skill called Slash, but the Slash they perform may have different power, mechanics, or activation cost. If one were to obtain two different types of Slash, the likely outcome is that the System would combine both Skills into one, better skill, perhaps something like 'Art of Slash,' or something else, depending on the user.

Skills can be improved over the length of one's lifetime, simply by Leveling Up, or by training the Skill itself and improving it through practice and experience, or by delving deeper into its mechanics. Training a Skill enough will allow it to advance into higher forms, such as Extra Skills or Unique Skills, and in the end, Ultimate Skills.

Unlike its alternative, in the form of Magic, Skills, as a rule, do not require any sort of mana to fuel them, though they may have other activation costs, often stamina. This also makes them a viable alternative for warriors without magical talent.


There are several Skill types:

Skill: A normal Skill, capable of interfering with the world on some basic level. They can be simple improvements to actions one can perform, such as damage increases, or they may be capable of interfering with the world in other ways, such as fire-breathing or teleporting.

Passive Skill: A Skill that is capable of running constantly with either no cost or a cost that is so insignificant it may as well not be there. Generally, they can be toggled on and off by the user. Passive auras, self-buffs, and many sensory enhancements fall into this domain. An example of a popular Passive Skill, which also has a spell counterpart, is Magic Sense.

Perk: A Perk is a type of an evolved Passive Skill, essentially being its equivalent of an Extra Skill. It is also impossible to nullify or disable Perks, unlike with Passive Skills.

Extra Skill: An Extra Skill is an evolved or improved form of a normal Skill. It is different from a Skill that has been honed to perfection or the potential of which has been completed, as it goes many orders of magnitude above and beyond what the original could achieve. Almost any Skill can evolve into Extra form, though there exist Skills that can only be found as Extra Skills. For an example, if one were to evolve a Teleport Skill that lets them move around from town to town at a time with a cooldown, an activation cost of half of the user's stamina, and a two-percent chance of hitting off-mark, the Skill in its Extra form might have a range limit of the entire continent, little to no cooldown, little to no activation cost, and zero-percent failure rate.

Unique Skill: A Unique Skill is, to an Extra Skill what an Extra Skill is to a normal Skill. Though called Unique, the same Skill of this level can still be possessed by multiple individuals, though it will very often vary between them. A Unique Skill is not just a single Skill, but more like an entire package of several Skills working together to form a significantly stronger ability than when used as a sum of its parts. An example for Ultra Instinct would be how Precognition combined with it, not only allowing for normal insight provided by itself but also allowing to predict attacks ten seconds in advance, sometimes before the opponent has decided to make them. A Unique Skill variant of Teleport might be called 'Dimensional Teleport' and include the ability to traverse planets, go across planes, and scout out the terrain with scrying before arrival.

Ultimate Skill: An Ultimate Skill is the highest degree of power that a Skill can achieve, practically Godlike in quality. The pinnacle stage of all Skills. They can arise from Unique Skills evolving or combining appropriate Skills together. If there were to be an Ultimate variant of Teleport, it'd let you not only traverse entire dimensions, but teleport into your opponents' minds, or teleporting wounds off of your body and onto the enemy, or perhaps teleport the entire damn planet you are on while you're at it. This is the pinnacle; it doesn't get higher than this.
Magic, in its raw state, is a wild and primal force of nature. Like all things natural, mortalkind has tamed it and systematized it for convenience, creating spells and rituals.

Spells are a confusing and dazzling mixture of spiritual knowledge and complex rotes, but they have several advantages and demerits when put up against Skills.

Firstly, magic is much easier to learn than Skills. Learning a low-rank spell, to the average wizard, takes half an hour at most, very often less, although mastering it completely can take up to a few days. Once a wizard learns a sufficient amount of spells of a certain school or type, the System categorizes it as an Archive. A magician who has ten fire spells will have them show up as 'Fire Magic Archive' on his profile. Obtaining a high-enough level of mastery of a certain school or type of Magic will give the magus a related Extra Skill. For example, in the case of Arcane Magic, it is 'Wishgranting,' which allows the mage to basically warp reality by spending enough prana.

Among the defects is the requirement that the user has enough prana to cast spells, as well as enough time to initiate an incantation of the spell they are casting. Incantations can be shortened or entirely avoided by either mastering the related spell or by having a Skill that allows for it, but both options have demerits of their own; the former requires lots of time, and the latter is usually an incomplete Skill that requires additional prana expenditure to use.

Having an Affinity for a certain type of Magic will make it easier to learn, and even allow the user to learn basic usage of the school or type of Magic without schooling, albeit these cases carry the risk of a sorcerer's Magic going out of control.

There are also rituals, which do not have a strict definition and tend to be loosely associated with any Magic that requires more than half a minute to cast, or requires some form of preparation with materials. A common ritual is the 'Prana Measurement' ritual, which involves the target standing in a magic circle next to a candle, and the candle burning down at a rate which indicates the prana their soul can produce.

Note: If the cost of magic casting cannot be paid with prana, the soul will take stamina instead, and if the caster runs out of that, their health is the next to go.

When learning magic from a book, it is not as simple as understanding the book. The soul has to grasp the meaning of the spell to cast it.
Magical Energy & Souls
Spells oftentimes, in order to be cast, require magical energy to be expended.

Magical energy is a raw force of pure existence, permeating the universe, and simultaneously being at one with it. Magical energy is also often called magicules, due to said miniature spiritual particles being what comprises said energy.

Magical energy is only produced from souls that have specific growths in them, called meridians and dantians. The former are like blood vessels and factories of magical energy, and the latter are massive storage and coalescence points as well as exhaust pipes for it, though both of them can fulfill the other's role in a pinch at decreased efficiency.

Leylines and nodes, as people understand them, belong to the same phenomenon, being the meridians and dantians of the anima mundi; the soul of the planet or realm they happen to be on. Since a mage's dantians can absorb the ambient energy generated by the planet, they often make their workshops along leylines and on nodes to recuperate from casting a lot of spells more rapidly.

Magical energy can also often be found in an unrefined, material state along leylines and more often nodes; in the form of crystals called magistone, a liquid called magifluid, or even in the air, as mana; though the last term is used interchangeably with prana, which is the processed form of magical energy used to fuel spells.

A common strategy that high-level adventurers use for finding monster fields, dragon nests, extensive dungeons, or other locations of interest, is to simply have their wizard track a leyline until they reach a node, where such things can often be found due to their attractiveness to many individuals and creatures.

Monsters & Names
Some of the creatures in the world are classified as monsters. Though that word is far from a strict definition, as most things are, generally, the agreed consensus is that a monster is a creature born from raw magical energy given form and the primary reason adventurers don't run out of work.

Every plane has a soul, called an anima mundi, or "soul world," which produces prana. For reasons unknown, the planet expends a part of its prana (or perhaps it occurs by fluke) to create monsters, using concepts that humans hold to do so, which is why drakes or trolls may be born in the wild at random, simply popping out of nowhere.

However, all of these monsters are born nameless. They are essentially a form of a permanent spell, insignificant to creatures born naturally. As such, naming them is treated as a form of metamagic by the world, and imbues monsters with additional power and linking them to the namer. However, this link isn't necessarily always positive; a drake, though it may be grateful for receiving a name, is still a wild beast and will most likely consume you.

It should be noted that if two monsters and opposite gender of the same species meet, they can procreate and have children, but these children are treated by the world as an extension of the same spell and remain nameless. Nonetheless, sentient monsters can commune their intent to each other even if their species is identical, which is why societies of goblins can exist without failure in communication.

Generally, naming a monster can only be done by a being of a similar power-level, or higher. Doing otherwise will result in either failure or the lesser creature receiving several maluses.

There also exist Titles, which can be granted to someone multiple times. The System will generally give appropriate Titles to deserving monsters, for terrible deeds, and those monsters may gain enough power to self-name themselves. Titles tend to not develop a monster's pre-existing abilities, as much as take them in a new direction.

Grand Dungeons
Among the dungeons of the land, there exists a type of dungeon created by the planet, known as Grand Dungeon.

Grand Dungeons are not just structures but are actually spiritual organisms, with a core in the middle that can shoot out a spore to create a similar Grand Dungeon somewhere else. Grand Dungeons create additional tunnels, rooms, and monsters with magical energy, then lure in adventurers to kill them with traps and consume their souls for more energy, creating offspring and growing.

When an adventurer team reaches the core of a Grand Dungeon, the most common resolution is to destroy it. However, there have been cases of people communicating with the cores and even naming them, turning the Grand Dungeons into their allies and granting them extensive power.
Naming Items
Like monsters, it is possible to name items and objects, in which case they become Legacy Items and collect their own history, gaining traits depending on what is accomplished using said item. For example, a sword known for slaying dragons might gain bonuses to damaging dragon-like enemies.
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Chapter One: Alas, A Crispy Ending For This Lass...
[X]Name... Cindy Collens
[X]Gender... Female
Age... 17
[X]Laconic Biography: Hailing from a world where capes and scarves are a permanent part of fashion, to the point that to go without would be uncomfortable for anyone, Cindy was from a poor, but large family that lived in a trio of rowhomes that they had rennovated to have doors going to and from each house. Cindy herself was laid-back and calm, and while smart enough to have claimed several scholarships had she applied herself, she had long looked forward to taking up the family trade of clothesmaking/tailoring, and thus had planned on only graduating from high school...
[X] Death Circumstances... Cindy was over a friend's house when the stove started leaking gas. A black out hit just before she struck a match to light a candle and blew the room to smithereens, herself included.

[A/N: Congratulations. You have officially made me look through the internet for all of the following: "The most probable causes of a gas leak," "igniting a match during a gas leak," "what will happen to me if I ignite a match during a gas leak?" "how much heat does a gas leak ignition produce?" "how much heat does methane produce upon combustion?" "what temperatures does cremation require?" "how much heat is required to kill a person?"

I've also found out by accident that you are more likely to survive when near the source of the explosion, though there still exist odds you'll die right away; surprisingly, mostly due to the debris as a gas explosion will most likely destroy any house barring those with truly exceptional structural integrity and durability. In any case, I've done my research and I am willing to bet that I am on some secret government watch list for potential arsonists right now.]

Chapter 1
Alas, A Crispy Ending For This Lass...

At times, you can't help but be impressed.

It had been, from his perspective, well over five weeks since his death and subsequent reincarnation as the Overgod. The Dungeon Master rebuilt the universe in his image, creating deities, demons, devils, primordials, and anything else his memories could recall from those lore books he had read. Of course, he wasn't a hack, so he threw in some things from himself. Little world elements that only had meaning to him, like a golden asteroid belt surrounding the sun of the material realm.

There were other realms. He remade Hell, fashioning it into Baator, the Nine Hells. There were countless planes, demiplanes, quasi-planes and... But that's off-tangent.

Right now, he stood on a circular pedestal surrounded by stairs leading to it. In front of him, hundreds of screens monitoring various realms. And around him, floated various panels and even books. The Dungeon Master's body was identical to his old one, but he now wore silvery robes - simplistic, and yet, impossibly well-made, carved out with celestial stardust and glittering brocade shapes woven with golden and silver strings, portraying his own creation of the universe and telling a story, with a portrait of him on the back, his hands outward and their fingers splayed, throwing realms in various directions like a man throwing sand he had gathered.

And now, this beautiful universe he toiled on had been finished. From his perspective, he spent a month telling the system what realms were meant to look like. What gods were supposed to reign from the beginning, and which ones would transcend into divinity later and in what ways. He told the system which races would evolve from fish, which would fall from the sky, and which would be clay fashioned into life with breath by the gods' will. He told the system which civilizations would rise, how long they would last, when they would fall and for what reasons.

He was fate itself, knowing what has happened, is happening, and will happen. Every knight in the service of the king, every elven ancient serving to stop some ancient evil with his oracular insight, and every sign that laid on the roadside was made by his design. If he decided to place a rock on a plain, it didn't matter if that rock suddenly appeared there, if it had been there forever, or if it leaked in from the Elemental Plane of Earth. Each was a possibility, and he could choose the path that he preferred. Not even the almighty Gods knew of his existence, though he could unveil it when he wished to.

And yet, not even he can help but be impressed.

The Dungeon Master, wide-eyed, stared forward, as where else could he look when speaking with an omnipresent universal system?

'What do you mean... five quintillion?'

【Five-point-eighteen quintillion candidates for resurrection, to be specific. I've narrowed the pool down to suit your preferences, with a 91.225% minimal base similarity a—】

'That's amazing, System, but I don't need that many... In fact, that's well over the world's population. Why not narrow it down for now? Select a pool of... forty candidates, then give me one of their profiles at random.'

【Understood. Restricting candidates to forty, transferring spiritual and mental essence... Selecting random profile: Collens, Cindy.】

'Let's dig through it, together, System. Before resurrecting her, I want you to assemble powers from the list I gave you and give her the appropriate ones.'

【Very well. Preparing for initiation.】

'This will be grand...' He smiled, putting away all of the floating books to the ground and letting the panels disappear.

The Dungeon Master felt good about himself. Giving people a second chance just when they thought it was all over, and simultaneously giving them abilities that would ensure they not only led prosperous and adventurous lives that they otherwise could have never had but also abilities that would help them cope? He felt like a saint, almost. At least that's what he'd think of a creature like himself.

If you died from stabbing, you would naturally receive a resistance to that type of wounds, if not an outright immunity. Maybe a general physical resistance, too. He had the System compose billions of possible power algorithms, with a possibility for creating new ones. Because he only resurrected sufficiently young people and dying in one's youth usually meant either sickness, an accident, or something else, the Dungeon Master imagined a lot of the resurrected would have some kind of Pain Resistance. Whatever the case, their powers would make them naturally less wary of these very things, and therefore help with mental recovery.

Even if you burnt alive, fire's not that scary if it can't hurt you anymore... provided, of course, that you realize it can't. He obviously didn't expect people who drowned to jump from trauma straight to walking on water.

He pulled up his celestial raiment's sleeves. 'Welp. Let's do this.'


The Dungeon Master stepped back, an eggshell-shaped quicksilver chair sprouting from the ground and becoming solid, embracing his back. A monitor flashed into existence in front of him, soon spreading to form a 360° VR space around him.


It was a small, suburban neighborhood, with gray, slightly destitute roads and several patches of green at the edges of the blocks, the occasional tree, one of which had a large tractor tire intended to be an impromptu swing. it gave the impression of one of those old-school neighborhoods you see in 90's movies which told about the daily mishappenings in the life of a traditional American family.

A peculiar trio of rowhomes graced this small neighborhood.

"Hey, mom, I'm going out," Cindy said indifferently, affixing her scarf on her neck and tying it in such a way that ensured it wouldn't fall off.

Her mom attentively looked over from her spot on the couch, where she had been reading a book. "Where, sweetie?"

"Alice invited me over, is that cool with you?"

"Of course, but don't be too late."


Cindy's mom gave her a stern look, her neutrality fading and replaced by something reminiscent of light anger.

"Eight it is, I'll be back before eight," Cindy corrected herself without changing tone. She approached her mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek, before going in the direction of the exit.

She took her favorite cape – cherry-red color – from the rack and put it on, the color very nicely accenting her slightly darker wine-red scarf. Cindy had a knack for fashion, and with her hard work put into learning how to sew and tailor clothes, she could deal with punctures in her clothes like no one else.

She gave herself one last look-over in the mirror.

Cindy was fairly attractive, not outlandishly, but decently. She had wavy, dark blonde hair; the kind that appeared as brown when looked at under a certain light. It was accentuated with her blue eyes, a recessive trait apparently from her grandparents, as neither of her parents had that eye color.

Well, in a family that big, it was bound to happen.

The road to Alice's house wasn't too long, as the two lived in the same residential district of the city, just a few blocks away from each other. And today, Alice's parents weren't at home, so they had the entire house to themselves.

The two girls had a lot of fun, mostly staying in Alice's room. They discussed recent events in school, trash talked their nasty Physics teacher, talked about each other's crushes, played video games, and posted a cute selfie together on Alice's social media.

And then, the lights went out.

"Aww, damn it," Alice snapped quietly, in a bothered voice. "There's candles in the kitchen."

"Let's go get 'em," Cindy declared, leading the way out.

"Oh, great, it'll be soooo romantic," Alice joked, walking after her friend.

The two arrived in the kitchen. A small, darkened room with white tiles and a disabled chandelier for light. There was a peculiar stench in the air.

"What's with the shitty smell?" Cindy asked, her mind so hard-centered upon returning to their funtime that it didn't consider there was methane in the air. She covered her nose.

Alice took a whiff with her nose, then recoiled and did the same as Cindy. "Oof, probably some rotten eggs."

Alice took out four candles from under the counter, laying them on a table. She began to look around for some way to ignite them, for Cindy to take out a matchbox from the nearby shelf.

"Looking for this?" Cindy took out a match.

"Right. Just light them up."

Cindy slid the match against the red surface. There was a spark, and then a combustion, followed by Cindy's entire body being set on fire, along with her cape and scarf. The fire spread at an alarming pace, covering the entire house like a wave, in less than five seconds.

Then, as if not interested by being held down by some petty walls, it began to soak through them, the methane burning at temperatures in excess of a whooping one-thousand and eighty-degrees, literally more than enough to melt steel beams.

'Fuck-fuck-hot, hot, God, help! It burns! It burns so fucking much, please, it hurts!' she thought as she screamed involuntarily as a natural reaction, thrashing around on the floor in pain next to her friend. Everything around them was on fire, and falling apart.

【Confirmed. Acquiring Heat Resistance. Acquiring Pain Nullification.】

Though Cindy burned alive, the temperature that affected her was lower than the rest of the house. Though she might suffer third and fourth-degree burns by the time this was over, there was still a chance of survival.

Since the temperature was twice, maybe thrice lighter where Cindy and her friend were situated, they might survive if rescuers came in soon enough.

The fire in the room, or more appropriately the floor, soon dissipated, though it was still burning up in the rest of the house. The two girls slowly put themselves out with wild tempestousness, completely scarred both physically and mentally, and covered in sickly brown tumors and burn marks, their hair burnt off, their senses going wild, neither even aware the other is there anymore, just laying there motionlessly in utter pain and fear of worsening the injury or getting the wounds infected if they moved.

They were hoping for it to end with just this.

No such luck.

The house's structure collapsed just when the methane reached critical thermal power. The house practically exploded in a few spots, followed by the rest of the structure collapsing. The debris sent in every direction was like shrapnel, damaging the houses and objects in the neighborhood, perhaps injuring some people by accident.
[A/N: Just a side-note, this is something your stovetop can do. Now you know why they cut off gas during a bombing... or, really, any situation that risks igniting gas.]

The two girls were buried under rubble, and rescue came only a few minutes later to find them both alive, barely.

Alice was... salvageable, as she had only suffered dermal burns across ninety-six percent of her body. Not to mention, no internal organs were damaged, though she had a few broken bones and cracked ribs from the debris.

Cindy, on another hand, wasn't as lucky. A small fragment of debris had penetrated through her chest and required an immediate operation. Her entire ribcage was practically broken like an eggshell, her lungs coated in broken bone and not punctured by luck. Sheer miracle that she lived this long – asking to get out of this alive and well was foolish.

Now, laying in the hospital bed and surrounded by squabbling doctors and nurses, she cursed her situation. One of her eyes was closed, as too much blood and fire damaged it, and her skin was covered in sickening white-brown, some-places pure black, blisters. She coughed dryly every few seconds, as her lungs kept on trying to expel the splinters and products of methane combustion in them.

For naught, as the shard of rock in her chest wasn't going away, her ribcage wasn't ever coming back, and her lungs were already halfway to failure.

At least the anesthetic worked, mostly. Not that it was that necessary, her nerves already being burnt so much they became desensitized. Only the phantom pain was bothering her at this point.

In her quasi-conscious state, she started making earnest peace with herself.

Fuck... fuck... make it stop... I want the pain to...

She coughed again, her nose wrinkling itself and her still-working eye closing in recoil.

If only... I was more... care... ful...

【Confirmed. Extra Skill Instinct acquisition successful.】

No... careful... isn't... gonna cut it... I already felt that smell... I should have been...

【Confirmed. Instinct has evolved into Unique Skill: Ultra Instinct.】
[A/N: Oh, yes, I just did.]

More... I should have been... pre... pa... red... I should've... seen... it com... ing... She released several more coughs and could feel her lungs and throat shrivel up at the pain of having to release so much.

【Acquiring Precognition... Successful.】

Fuck... me...

【Command not understood... Attempting... Confirmed. Seduction acquisition successful.】

I won't ever get to... tailor anything... will... I?... This damn cape... only helped... the fire, anyway...

【Confirmed. Acquisition of Cloth Enhancement and Armor Enhancement successful. Passive variants were also acquired for convenience.】

With that, she blacked out, never to wake up again.


【Cindy and her friend had suffered extensive burns from the ordeal but were buried under rubble. Both would make it to the hospital, but only one of them would make it out.】

'Ouch. Was that poetry I felt? Let's see what Skills you've given her...'

The Dungeon Master glanced at the list, whipping an eyebrow.

'That's a mouthful, but please read it for me.'

【Unique Skills: Ultra Instinct. It is a multi-layered form of defense and offense, allowing the user to slow down time by a magnitude of one-thousand, while also automatically engaging itself should the user be threatened by an immediate attack. It predicts enemy attacks, their angles, as well as the trajectories and velocity of projectiles, drawing them as lines in the air. However, it also helps on the offense, allowing the user to perceive trajectories of potential attacks that will break through the opponent's defense with a perfect accuracy, only decreasing with the interference of Skills capable of altering odds or increasing defense. In short, as long as there is a possibility of defending oneself or attacking the opponent, the best action will always be highlighted for the user.】

'Wah, that's pretty amazing. The way I've made it is so people usually can't achieve Unique Skills. I'm sure she'll have a field day with this. Going on?'

【Skill: Precognition. Allows for knowing the immediate future up to six seconds in advance.】

'Let's simplify things for her. Combine Precognition with Ultra Instinct.'

【Unique Skill: Ultra Instinct, is now capable of seeing the future up to ten seconds in advance due to its symbiotic relationship with Precognition.】

He nodded as a matter of course. 'Next.'

【Skill: Seduction. Decuples success rates in seductive actions, regardless of the sexual disposition of the other person.】

'Seduction? Okay, fine, but why?'

【She said: 'Fuck me.'】

The Dungeon Master let that one linger in the air. Or at least he wanted to, as he ended up grabbing the bridge of his nose and massaging it.


【Skill: Cloth Enhancement, allows for the conceptual enhancement of cloth. Cloth becomes tougher, as well as capable of repairing itself.】

Taking silence as approval, the System continued.

【Skill: Passive Cloth Enhancement. At no cost to the user, all worn cloth becomes tougher and capable of repairing itself.】

'What's the reason for the first one, though? It's the same Skill, right?'

【They stack together.】

'Ah, right. Move on.'

【Skill: Armor Enhancement, allows for the conceptual enhancement of armor. Armor becomes tougher, as well as capable of repairing itself. There is a passive variant, too.】


【Heat Resistance, as well as Pain Nullification.】

The Dungeon Master thought for a moment.

'Remove the active versions of Cloth and Armor Enhancement. They're kind of obsolete. As a trade-off, give her the ability to enhance anything she's holding. Also, since she technically died in a fire, throw in some affinity for Fire Magic... maybe Earth Magic, too, with all the rubble and whatnot... Oh, and throw in a Unique Fire Skill.'

【Confirmed. Removing Cloth Enhancement and Armor Enhancement. Acquiring Object Enhancement... successful. Acquiring Fire Magic and Earth Magic affinity... successful. Acquiring Unique Skill: Total Fire Manipulation.】

'Give her one-hundred thousand experience points for a start, then we're done.'

【Confirmed... Verifying... Accepted. Resurrection in progress.】


Character Dashboard:

【Name: Cindy Collens】
【Gender: Female】
【Age: 17】

【EXP: 100,000】
【LVL: 1】

【HP: 100%】
【MP: 100%】
【SP: 100%】

【Heat Resistance】【Pain Nullification】

Affinities & Proficiencies:
【Fire Magic Affinity】【Earth Magic Affinity】



【Unique Skill: Ultra Instinct. A multi-layered form of defense and offense, allowing the user to slow down time by a magnitude of one-thousand, while also automatically engaging itself should the user be threatened by an immediate attack. It predicts enemy attacks, their angles, as well as the trajectories and velocity of projectiles, drawing them as lines in the air. However, it also helps on the offense, allowing the user to perceive trajectories of attacks that will break through the opponent's defense with perfect accuracy. It also allows the user to see up to ten seconds into the future. This Skill has no cost, though it may be mentally exhausting to use for long periods of time.】

【Unique Skill: Total Fire Manipulation. A combination of Fire Control and Fire Generation. It allows the user to create and control flames, the cost being their own stamina. The flames easily reach up to 1800° Celsius. In addition, a Flame Shield may be formed, to vaporize incoming projectiles or attacks. Alternatively, there is a Fire Aura that burns everything in a thirty-meter radius. Another ability is Fire Blade, concentrating intense heat alongside a straight line perpendicular to the user's hand, though it may also be used to enhance any weapon.】

【Skill: Seduction. Increases the success rates of all seductive actions by a factor of ten. So long as there is even a ten-percent chance of seducing someone, those odds become a full one-hundred.】

【Skill: Object Enhancement. The user can, at the cost of stamina, enhance an object by a magnitude of four, though it may be increased up to a magnitude of eight with additional stamina expenditure. The object may be anything that they are touching. Enhancing a sword this way will make it sharper and make it so that the sword is less affected by inertia while retaining the same weight and kinetic force.】

【Passive Skill: Cloth Enhancement. All clothing worn by the user is four times as durable as it normally would, in addition to being four times as good at blocking out harsh weather conditions and absorbing water. In addition, all cloth worn by the user is self-repairing.】

【Passive Skill: Armor Enhancement. All armor worn by the user is four times as durable as it normally would, in addition to being four times as good at protecting the wearer from harm and damage from enemy attacks. In addition, all armor worn by the user is self-repairing.】
- Otherworlder Clothing [Equipped]
- Otherworlder Scarf [Equipped]
- Otherworlder Cape [Equipped]


Cindy opened her eyes, in the midst of...

[] A blazing inferno, surrounded by smoldering mountains of volcanic rock and burning rivers of lava. Feeling surprisingly little heat from them, she saw a group of curious creatures staring at her like she had grown a second head. This would've been fine, had these creatures not been various forms of humanoid or animal-shaped flame: Elemental Plane of Fire.
[] A huge cavern, filled to the brim with stones and rocks of brown and grey colors, stalagmites and stalactytes of all sizes, and various twisting passages. Here and there, she saw small veins of brown, glistening material, and even small glowing gems. She was being cautiously eyed by a group of rock-people with pickaxes: Elemental Plane of Earth.
[] A green plain, patches of brilliant grass going in every direction for hundreds of meters before cutting off in forests or the horizon. She, herself, lying with her head against a lonely tree on a hill, could see what looked like a city in the distance, a road leading to it: Prime Material Plane of Gaia.
[] A fight. A group of people, some of them wearing armor, and others wearing robes, fought what looked like a huge, white demon with red eyes and numerous spines and horns. Cindy quickly realized she was clad in armor, and holding a burning sword in her hand, with a magic circle beneath her feet: Summoned onto the Prime Material Plane of Gaia.

Her first action/s was/were...

[] Write-in.


[] Direct Action - Describe the desired action.
- [] Condition - Use this if the action or power should only be done if something else happens first.

[] Repeating Command - Describe a desired action or power use that will attempt to be performed every time the attached condition is met, every chapter.
- [] Condition - Set the condition/s for when the Resetting Command will be performed, minimum one condition.

[] Timeskip Until (When) - Automatically pass time until the specified time, condition, or event. (This will not skip important events.)

[] Generate New Character - (Locked until Chapter Ten.)
- [] Name... [write-in]
- [] Gender... [write-in]
- [] Age... [0-29]
- [] Laconic Biography... [write-in]
- [] Death Circumstances... [write-in]

Last edited:
Chapter Two: Fiery Exposition
Winning Vote
[X] Plan "Let's get this party started"
-[X] A blazing inferno, surrounded by smoldering mountains of volcanic rock and burning rivers of lava. Feeling surprisingly little heat from them, she saw a group of curious creatures staring at her like she had grown a second head. This would've been fine, had these creatures not been various forms of humanoid or animal-shaped flame: Elemental Plane of Fire.
-[X] Write-in: Take greater stock of surroundings, make sure you're safe.
-[X] Write-in: See about communicating with those flaming beings, and keeping a safe-ish distance. Try not to fall into the lava or fires either.
-[X] Write-in: Try to keep yourself together, until you learn what in the hell just happened. Try not to think too hard about this being Hell or something.
-[X] Repeating Command - Ensure your own safety, in the most effective, and most moral way, using your own morality system. Remain aware of what is around you at all times.
--[X] Condition - While alive.
Chapter 2
Fiery Exposition

It took some time to process forty souls; an initial set of forty heroes, forty resurrected Otherworlders. Their spirits would be scattered across the beginning pages of the timeline that the Dungeon Master drafted, but not so early that it could be called a time of Genesis.

Nonetheless, many great empires ruled the planet, and yet, their power waned. As they waned, they split, overtaken by civil war and strife. That is simply the future preordained by the fate of the almighty Overgod.

The Dungeon Master grinned, reaching out to both of his sides with his fingers splayed, like a priest preaching to the sky, but less religious and more as a general form of praise. Showered in spotlights of celestial light, he looked at the row of forty blue wisps in front of him.

Metaphorical representations of the souls he saved.

'Innocent spirits, subjected to the injustice of fate! Rise and awaken! You had your entire lives taken away from you by fluke, by coincidence - and even if from your own faults - too early! I offer you this; a chance to live in a world unlike another! A world that you can change, in which you can prosper and live in adventure! A second chance at a life that you've never even dreamed of... Let your souls be drawn wherever they feel at home! Let them rise and awaken!'

His grin seemed to double over, as he gestured toward the souls.

【Is all the melodrama necessary, Dungeon Master?】

'Why wouldn't it be?' He confusedly turned his head to the left, even though the System was omnipresent.

【The souls, although they contain the minds and memories of the Otherworlders, do not possess thought transmission capabilities. All of this went unheard.】

'Whaaat?! Seriously?! I've been rehearsing that for–– I mean, ahem. Just send them on their way, yes.'

【Dungeon Master, you have perfect memory. You do not need to rehearse anything. Why lie?】

'See, that's the problem - this entire eidetic memory schtick is really tiring me out, you know?'

【That is also a lie.】

'Okay, fine! I just wanted to do a speech! Why did you have to ruin the moment?'

【Transmitting souls into the world...】

'Oh, give me the silent treatment, sure!'


Forty souls, forty wisps, unwinding through space and time, traveling through the cosmos, tearing through dimensions like a violent storm invisible to the Gods, unaware of the coming of great change.

Each soul hit its mark, in a place it was drawn to the most. A dark battlefield, a king's royal court, a small countryside, a valley of dragons, an island on the sea, a wasteland, a mountain on the back of a turtle, an eternal realm of water, a realm of rock, a realm of air, and realm of fire. Many places, as numerous and faceted as the souls themselves.

And then they formed bodies, flesh weaving, bones crystallizing, organs sprouting. They became coated in clothing from their past days and, after their minds accepted their resurrection and their souls realized the gifts granted by the System, they finally awoke.


Cindy opened her eyes, in the midst of a blazing inferno, surrounded by smoldering mountains of volcanic rock and burning rivers of lava in the distance. The very ground beneath her felt coarse, and looking, she found out that she was lying on onyx-colored rock, with splotches of gray, dark brown, and even white stone. She felt surprisingly little heat from this place.

Moving her head slightly up, she saw a group of curious creatures staring at her like she had grown a second head. These creatures were various forms of humanoid or animal-shaped flame. Among them, two human-shaped flame people with dots for eyes. Both of them had body curvature reminiscent of a female. The animals, on another hand, looked like a group of four lions with fiery manes and charcoal eyes and claws.

There were also a few small lizards, staring from further afar.

Cindy's first breath was saturated with something unpleasant and bitter in taste, but in a few more breaths, she got used to it.

To her credit, Cindy managed to keep her cool. There was something serene about this state of things, even if consciously she hated it.

She growled quietly, standing up. As she did, the fiery creatures wavered and moved back, as if offering her space.

They were making sound, not just the random little clicks of embers and sparks and the disorderly rustling of a fireplace that you'd expect from flame, but rather, they were making intelligent sequences of hisses and sharp clicks. Intelligent sound, alghoritmical; attempting to communicate. They had a language.

She tried to keep herself from thinking these were demons and she was in Hell because that would be one dick move from God after she tried to live in relative morality for her entire life. Ethics, she scoffed.

Though she remembered the events of her death like they happened seconds ago, because they did from her perspective, she felt like months, maybe years, had passed. For some reason, this helped alleviate her sanity slightly, even though she felt extremely uncomfortable in this place. She only did not complain because this time around, there are no alkanes burning her.

Still, a realm of flame. That's just bad taste.

Cindy didn't want to be anywhere near these creatures, but she lived her entire life in a laid-back and cool manner. She was used to working under pressure.

She looked at the curvature of the two, feminine flames. Were they women?

"Why do you have boobs?" she asked.

The clueless elementals looked at each other when she spoke, and even the lions seemed confused as if they expected her to reply with something else.

One of the elementals stepped forward.

"What is boobs?" she asked, in a vaguely human voice, but with a very peculiar accent – Arabic, Cindy dared say – and a background rumbling of flame.

"Nevermind. Who are you?" Cindy asked, coming off a little aggressive.

"We're fire elementals, me and my sister. She doesn't know the language of the Primes, so I will translate. These lions are our pets and friends."


"You are from the Prime Material Plane, no? You've frightened us quite a bit."

"Let's say I am..." Cindy said a tad awkwardly, then looked to her right and left. "What would this place be, then?"

"The Elemental Plane of Fire," the elemental woman replied without missing a beat. "More accurately, we are within the domain of Grand Sultan Marrake al-Sidan al-Hariq ben Lazan... We get quite a bit of traffic from wizards from the Material Plane here, but you seem... confused. How did you get here?"

Cindy feared this question, as she herself, had no answer. She simply shrugged.

"I see... Well, if you need a way to get back to Gaia, or wherever you're from, there's portals to the far north."

"How far north?" Cindy asked, uncertain if walking was the right solution in a hazardous place like this.

"Around ten days on foot, though there is airships that can get you there in two. Or you can find a mage to open a portal for you, though I imagine this will cost quite a bit... If you want, you can stay with us for a while. We live in the Brass City, it's just east of here."

Cindy struggled to find an answer. The last time she came for a visit to someone else's home, it wasn't pretty. Not to mention that the lack of prettiness involved lots of fire and gas.



Character Dashboard:

【Name: Cindy Collens】
【Gender: Female】
【Age: 17】

【EXP: 100,000】
【LVL: 1】

【HP: 100%】
【MP: 100%】
【SP: 100%】

【Heat Resistance】【Pain Nullification】

Affinities & Proficiencies:
【Fire Magic Affinity】【Earth Magic Affinity】




【Unique Skill: Ultra Instinct. A multi-layered form of defense and offense, allowing the user to slow down time by a magnitude of one-thousand, while also automatically engaging itself should the user be threatened by an immediate attack. It predicts enemy attacks, their angles, as well as the trajectories and velocity of projectiles, drawing them as lines in the air. However, it also helps on the offense, allowing the user to perceive trajectories of attacks that will break through the opponent's defense with perfect accuracy. It also allows the user to see up to ten seconds into the future. This Skill has no cost, though it may be mentally exhausting to use for long periods of time.】

【Unique Skill: Total Fire Manipulation. A combination of Fire Control and Fire Generation. It allows the user to create and control flames, the cost being their own stamina. The flames easily reach up to 1800° Celsius. In addition, a Flame Shield may be formed, to vaporize incoming projectiles or attacks. Alternatively, there is a Fire Aura that burns everything in a thirty-meter radius. Another ability is Fire Blade, concentrating intense heat alongside a straight line perpendicular to the user's hand, though it may also be used to enhance any weapon.】

【Skill: Seduction. Increases the success rates of all seductive actions by a factor of ten. So long as there is even a ten-percent chance of seducing someone, those odds become a full one-hundred.】

【Skill: Object Enhancement. The user can, at the cost of stamina, enhance an object by a magnitude of four, though it may be increased up to a magnitude of eight with additional stamina expenditure. The object may be anything that they are touching. Enhancing a sword this way will make it sharper and make it so that the sword is less affected by inertia while retaining the same weight and kinetic force.】

【Passive Skill: Cloth Enhancement. All clothing worn by the user is four times as durable as it normally would, in addition to being four times as good at blocking out harsh weather conditions and absorbing water. In addition, all cloth worn by the user is self-repairing.】

【Passive Skill: Armor Enhancement. All armor worn by the user is four times as durable as it normally would, in addition to being four times as good at protecting the wearer from harm and damage from enemy attacks. In addition, all armor worn by the user is self-repairing.】
- [Equipped] Otherworlder Clothing
- [Equipped] Otherworlder Scarf (Wine-Red)
- [Equipped] Otherworlder Cape (Cherry-Red)


[] Direct Action - Describe the desired action.
- [] Condition - Use this if the action or power should only be done if something else happens first.

[] Repeating Command - Describe a desired action or power use that will attempt to be performed every time the attached condition is met, every chapter.
- [] Condition - Set the condition/s for when the Resetting Command will be performed, minimum one condition.

[] Timeskip Until (When) - Automatically pass time until the specified time, condition, or event. (This will not skip important events.)

[] Generate New Character - (Locked until Chapter Ten.)
- [] Name... [write-in]
- [] Gender... [write-in]
- [] Age... [0-29]
- [] Laconic Biography... [write-in]
- [] Death Circumstances... [write-in]

Repeating Command List
-[-] Ensure your own safety, in the most effective, and most moral way, using your own morality system. Remain aware of what is around you at all times.
--[-] While alive.

Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Dec 8, 2018 at 12:38 AM, finished with 60 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Questions
    -[X] Ask the fire elementals what the geography of the fire plane is like
    -[X] Ask what kind of person Grand Sultan Marrakech al-Sidan al-Hariq Ben Lazan is like.
    -[X] Ask about food that 'Primes' can eat, you probably can't eat fire and you're stuck here for at least two days.
    -[X] Ask about work or some other way to pay for passage.
    [X] Plan: Getting a clue
    [X] Ask the fire elementals what the geography of the fire plane is like
    -[X] Ask what kind of person Grand Sultan Marrakech al-Sidan al-Hariq Ben Lazan is like.
    --[X] Try to remember anything that could have caused you to wake up in the fire plane
    -—[X] this is obviously a magic world, so maybe you could learn some magic to, ask the fire elementals how magic works
    [X] Ask the fire elementals what the geography of the fire plane is like
    [X] Ask what kind of person Grand Sultan Marrakech al-Sidan al-Hariq Ben Lazan is like.
    [X] Ask about food that 'Primes' can eat, you probably can't eat fire and you're stuck here for at least two days.
    [X] Ask about work or some other way to pay for passage.
    [X] Plan 'Focus on the Essentials'
    -[X] Ask the fire elementals about water, and food that 'Primes' can eat.
    -[X] Ask about safety hazards including the weather, wildlife, illnesses and hostile sentients. Ask how to avoid those as well.
    -[X] Ask about work or some other way to pay for things.
    -[X] Ask about crucial local customs, to learn how to avoid causing undue hostility.
    -[X] Repeating Command - Suppress negative emotions, and don't think about anything else but survival.
    --[X] Until you are in relative safety, and have time for sorting out your head.

Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Dec 8, 2018 at 2:29 PM, finished with 61 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Questions
    -[X] Ask the fire elementals what the geography of the fire plane is like
    -[X] Ask what kind of person Grand Sultan Marrakech al-Sidan al-Hariq Ben Lazan is like.
    -[X] Ask about food that 'Primes' can eat, you probably can't eat fire and you're stuck here for at least two days.
    -[X] Ask about work or some other way to pay for passage.
    [X] Plan 'Focus on the Essentials'
    -[X] Ask the fire elementals about water, and food that 'Primes' can eat.
    -[X] Ask about safety hazards including the weather, wildlife, illnesses and hostile sentients. Ask how to avoid those as well.
    -[X] Ask about work or some other way to pay for things.
    -[X] Ask about crucial local customs, to learn how to avoid causing undue hostility.
    -[X] Repeating Command - Suppress negative emotions, and don't think about anything else but survival.
    --[X] Until you are in relative safety, and have time for sorting out your head.
    [X] Plan: Getting a clue
    [X] Ask the fire elementals what the geography of the fire plane is like
    -[X] Ask what kind of person Grand Sultan Marrakech al-Sidan al-Hariq Ben Lazan is like.
    --[X] Try to remember anything that could have caused you to wake up in the fire plane
    -—[X] this is obviously a magic world, so maybe you could learn some magic to, ask the fire elementals how magic works
    [X] Ask the fire elementals what the geography of the fire plane is like
    [X] Ask what kind of person Grand Sultan Marrakech al-Sidan al-Hariq Ben Lazan is like.
    [X] Ask about food that 'Primes' can eat, you probably can't eat fire and you're stuck here for at least two days.
    [X] Ask about work or some other way to pay for passage.
Last edited:
Chapter Three: Instincts of a Burning Predator
[X] Plan Questions
-[X] Ask the fire elementals what the geography of the fire plane is like
-[X] Ask what kind of person Grand Sultan Marrakech al-Sidan al-Hariq Ben Lazan is like.
-[X] Ask about food that 'Primes' can eat, you probably can't eat fire and you're stuck here for at least two days.
-[X] Ask about work or some other way to pay for passage.

Chapter 3
Instincts of a Burning Predator


"What is the local geography like?" Cindy asked, looking around. Trying to get out of here, or at least knowing of possible paths was a no-brainer to her.

The elemental stumbled to answer the question, not as much confused as not expecting the question.

"I don't know how to answer that. There are several active volcanoes in the area, mostly to the northeast, magma chutes scattered here and there, and uh..." She looked around, clueless of what else to say. "Lots of lava rivers... Oh, there are salamanders northeast of the Brass City, so you might wanna avoid those areas. Salamanders are fiery lizards, carnivorous and nasty."

Cindy hadn't learned much, other than northeast is dangerous. Still, good to know.

"The Grand Sultan, what was his name? What's he like?" Cindy fired the question.

"Marrakech al-Sidan al-Hariq Ben Lazan. I don't know him in person, of course – I'm just a merchant," the fire girl replied. "He is an efreeti, and I've heard he really likes to gamble. Particularly in horse races. He is a fair ruler, I'd wager the benevolent kind that strive to take care of his people. Not much else to say."

Cindy asked, "What about food and money? I'm gonna be stuck here for at least two days, and I'll need money to get out."

"Yes, there is food for Primes in the markets. Exotic food, mostly, but you can live off of it. I've seen Primes living here for weeks at a time," the fire girl said, almost proudly, coming off as a patriot of sorts, like someone happy to introduce a foreigner to her country. "One of my stalls sells food if you're interested, and if you're interested in work, I am always looking for someone to run said stalls. I would reckon you don't know Ignan?"

The merchant girl made a small noise, reminiscent of a hiss of steam. Cindy felt something from it. She understood that it was a question – which was strange, as their language did not seem to have timbre or pitch that could indicate such a thing to a human ear.

Cindy shook her head vehemently, guessing that Ignan was the name of their language. "No, I don't even know if I can make sounds like that."

The other fire elemental woman chimed in, in their native language, saying something Cindy didn't quite understand, though it was a statement. The merchant girl looked at her sister, then back at Cindy, then back at her sister. The two had a short conversation in Ignan, and Cindy felt herself weirdly following the outliers of what they were talking about. Obviously, the conversation was about her, or rather, about her... origin?

Then, the merchant looked at Cindy, carefully appraising her.

"She's asking if you're an Otherworlder," the merchant girl asked, slightly guarded but not hostile.

"Well, I'm definitely not from here – I'm a human."

"That's not what I mean." The merchant girl shook her head and approached, still carefully evaluating Cindy. "Apparently, a legendary warrior appeared three months ago in the Prime Material Plane, claiming he is from an entirely different world, and with amazing abilities. Just weeks later, another apparent Otherworlder appeared and took over the rule of one of the biggest empires on Gaia. There have been five such appearances in the last three months."


The fire girl nodded, gesturing with her arm as she explained her theory, "I am almost convinced you are an Otherworlder. Gaia is the dominant planet on the Prime Material Plane; there are a few other Material Planes and planets on them, but Gaia is the biggest and most developed and could be said to be the pinnacle of mortalkind. I assumed you were from there, but you seriously don't know anything... If you're an Otherworlder, you should have some kind of abilities. Did you try checking your status?"

"My status?" Cindy hooked her brows in confusion.

"Your profile?" The merchant changed her wording, hoping Cindy would follow.

"I don't understand." Cindy shrugged, shaking her head with her hands out.

"Your status shows what the World sees you as. It has a list of skills, and even a repository of all magic you know. It also allows you to spend any life-force you gathered to ascend to a higher level, though Otherworlders claim that life-force is called... Ee-Ex-Pee, was it? If you see something like that, tell me."

Cindy shook her head. "How do I access this status?"

"It's... well..." The fire elemental found it hard to put into words. "It comes naturally to most people. I've never had to explain it to anyone... Just try to focus, feel inside yourself, and you should know what I'm getting at."

Cindy closed her eyes and slowly breathed in through her nose, feeling the slightly sulphuric atmosphere tingle at her nostrils.

And she found herself feeling a juvenile fire, a burning wick within herself, like the small but hopeful light of a lit candle. A flame that brought comfort. She could practically feel the world slow down around her, and when she opened her eyes, the fire elementals weren't moving.

She wasn't either.

She could still feel her limbs and move them very slowly, and her eyes told her the elementals, too, were moving. She could slow down time? But she was also slowed down, so this wasn't quite it.

That's when an icon popped into her vision, and yet, simultaneously not being there. It was a creation of her mind, telling her that Ultra Instinct had been activated and her reaction time was improved by a magnitude of fifty out of one-thousand.

She felt her other abilities, tugging at her soul. Enhancement, it felt like strength and power, and she had already realized the clothing she wore was like mega-cloth.

And she felt what the fire elemental told her. Cindy had one-hundred thousand of whatever EXP was, and she felt that she could spend ten to increase her level by one. After that, she'd have to spend fifteen, and then twenty-two. The cost for each level was the previous cost plus half of the previous cost, circled down.

Right now, she could go up to Level 22 instantly and have six-hundred eighty-nine EXP left-over.

She also knew that, for some bizarre reason, she could seduce people. If she decided to work the stall, it'd make things easier.

And then, Cindy opened her eyes, looking at the elemental girls.

"You spaced out for a moment. Did it work?"


Character Dashboard:

【Name: Cindy Collens】
【Gender: Female】
【Age: 17】

【EXP: 100,000】
【LVL: 1】

【HP: 100%】
【MP: 100%】
【SP: 100%】

【Heat Resistance】【Pain Nullification】

Affinities & Proficiencies:
【Fire Magic Affinity】【Earth Magic Affinity】




【Unique Skill: Ultra Instinct. A multi-layered form of defense and offense, allowing the user to slow down time by a magnitude of one-thousand, while also automatically engaging itself should the user be threatened by an immediate attack. It predicts enemy attacks, their angles, as well as the trajectories and velocity of projectiles, drawing them as lines in the air. However, it also helps on the offense, allowing the user to perceive trajectories of attacks that will break through the opponent's defense with perfect accuracy. It also allows the user to see up to ten seconds into the future. This Skill has no cost, though it may be mentally exhausting to use for long periods of time.】

【Unique Skill: Total Fire Manipulation. A combination of Fire Control and Fire Generation. It allows the user to create and control flames, the cost being their own stamina. The flames easily reach up to 1800° Celsius. In addition, a Flame Shield may be formed, to vaporize incoming projectiles or attacks. Alternatively, there is a Fire Aura that burns everything in a thirty-meter radius. Another ability is Fire Blade, concentrating intense heat alongside a straight line perpendicular to the user's hand, though it may also be used to enhance any weapon.】

【Skill: Seduction. Increases the success rates of all seductive actions by a factor of ten. So long as there is even a ten-percent chance of seducing someone, those odds become a full one-hundred.】

【Skill: Object Enhancement. The user can, at the cost of stamina, enhance an object by a magnitude of four, though it may be increased up to a magnitude of eight with additional stamina expenditure. The object may be anything that they are touching. Enhancing a sword this way will make it sharper and make it so that the sword is less affected by inertia while retaining the same weight and kinetic force.】

【Passive Skill: Cloth Enhancement. All clothing worn by the user is four times as durable as it normally would, in addition to being four times as good at blocking out harsh weather conditions and absorbing water. In addition, all cloth worn by the user is self-repairing.】

【Passive Skill: Armor Enhancement. All armor worn by the user is four times as durable as it normally would, in addition to being four times as good at protecting the wearer from harm and damage from enemy attacks. In addition, all armor worn by the user is self-repairing.】
- [Equipped] Otherworlder Clothing
- [Equipped] Otherworlder Scarf (Wine-Red)
- [Equipped] Otherworlder Cape (Cherry-Red)


[] Direct Action - Describe the desired action.
- [] Condition - Use this if the action or power should only be done if something else happens first.

[] Repeating Command - Describe a desired action or power use that will attempt to be performed every time the attached condition is met, every chapter.
- [] Condition - Set the condition/s for when the Resetting Command will be performed, minimum one condition.

[] Timeskip Until (When) - Automatically pass time until the specified time, condition, or event. (This will not skip important events.)

[] Level-Up - Level the character up by spending EXP.

[] Generate New Character - (Locked until Chapter Ten.)
- [] Name... [write-in]
- [] Gender... [write-in]
- [] Age... [0-29]
- [] Laconic Biography... [write-in]
- [] Death Circumstances... [write-in]

Repeating Command List
-[-] Ensure your own safety, in the most effective, and most moral way, using your own morality system. Remain aware of what is around you at all times.
--[-] While alive.

Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Dec 10, 2018 at 1:48 PM, finished with 66 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Testing out the perks.
    -[X] Run using your seduction ability past the Merchant efreeti- fair game or the kind of thing that gets you arrested?
    -[X] either way, take up the Merchant's offer- you're going to need money if you want to not stare at fires all the time.
    -[X] On the way to town, perhaps test out your earth and fire powers a little. You never know...
    [X] Plan: Business Plan
    [X] Try to get employed
    -[X] Test out your skills, see if they have some practical application in money making: ex: use fire manipulation to assist in glassblowing work
    -[X] Seduction is just persuading under a different name, use it to become a millionaire business woman
    [X] Try to find a library/or its equivalent
    [X] Plan 'Get Company'
    -[X] Go to the city and get a simple job where you can use your seduction ability.
    -[X] Repeating Command - Use your money to travel towards the nearest nice-sounding Otherworlder.
    --[X] Until faced with a nice Otherworlder
    -[X] Repeating Command - Keep your Otherworlder status hidden.
Last edited:
Chapter Four: Prodigious Instinct
[X] Plan: Testing out the perks.
-[X] Run using your seduction ability past the Merchant efreeti- fair game or the kind of thing that gets you arrested?
-[X] either way, take up the Merchant's offer- you're going to need money if you want to not stare at fires all the time.
-[X] On the way to town, perhaps test out your earth and fire powers a little. You never know...

Chapter 4
Prodigious Instinct


Cindy blinked. "Hey, a question. Sorry if this is out of nowhere, but do you think a seduction ability would be against the rules when selling stuff?" The query was as out of place as it was random, befuddling the fire elemental merchant and catching her off-guard simultaneously.

"Uh, well... Usually, any Skills or Magic that manipulate minds are against the law, except when used in self-defense, I think." The Fire Merchant put a finger on her chin, considering for a moment before she shrugged. "I think it should be fine. The guards at town are pretty forgiving, so if they decide it's problematic, they will probably give out a warning not to do that before arresting or giving out infractions."

Or I can seduce them not to arrest me, Cindy thought, then suppressed said thought before the thought of opening up a kissing booth came to her mind.

"Well, I'll take up your offer. I'm going to need money, whatever I do," Cindy said.

"Ah, that's incredible!" The Fire Merchant turned to her sister and took her hands giddily, hissing and rumbling in Ignan.

The two shared a conversation, and Cindy tried to make out the details. Though difficult, she could tell that the Fire Merchant was excited to have Cindy with them and her sister was... apprehensive? No, wait. Not apprehensive; more like she had a different idea, which she believed was safer and more 'moral' than employing her.

Cindy didn't even realize she followed the conversation with startling accuracy.

Soon, the three women and the lions set off in the direction of the City of Brass.

"By the way, about the lions..."

Fire Merchant looked at Cindy. "Oh, they're elementals, just like us. They simply took different forms."

"Can all of you shapeshift like this?"

"It takes some time to make a body, especially if you're out of practice, but generally, yes. It's a Skill granted to us by our Primordial progenitor, Pyros. Think of it as a divine blessing for all fire elementals. Even if new ones are born, they are automatically the children of Pyros and receive his blessing."

"So, the lions are intelligent?" Cindy looked at one of the creatures, which watched her with two expanses of black volcanic stone with red cracks, which served as its empty eyes. Its fiery mane hissed as a response, telling her 'yes.'

"Huh. That Pyros guy must be pretty powerful." Cindy blinked, watching the creature in morbid fascination, too afraid to pet it despite her Fire Resistance, and yet too curious of its appearance not to eye it from far away.

"That's true, but Primordials were all slain and sealed by the Gods, around two-hundred years ago. Soon after, the Age of the Gods followed."

"Age of the Gods?" Cindy kept asking question after question when a new topic came up.

"Yes. After the Primordial Lords were sealed, the Divinities took over sovereignty over space and time, but they keep warring against each other, trying to obtain worshippers. Long ago, the Gods walked among the realms during the Age of the Gods, but now they rarely do. Manifesting on the planes eats up too much energy and risks attack from other deities."

"You seem pretty knowledgeable for an Elemental," Cindy said in slight astonishment. Then, she deflated, realizing what she said could have been taken the wrong way. "Urm. I don't mean to assert anything, I just..."

The Fire Merchant grinned, not yet laughing, but on the verge of doing so. "It's alright, not everyone is educated here. I went to a university in the city, and that included a four-year course on Planar Politics."

"Sounds boring."

The two of them laughed. Meanwhile, the lions and the Merchant's sister stared at them, having barely any idea what they were laughing at. Their Common must have been a bit weak, or so Cindy theorized. She already learned that Common was the name of the language she was using from her profile.

"Hey, by the way, about the Grand Sultan." The Fire Merchant's tone changed abruptly, into a slightly more grave one. "You might want to pay him a visit. I'm willing to bet that if you can prove you're an Otherworlder, he would sponsor you if you promised to act as a mercenary for his army."

"Mercenary? Isn't that dangerous?"

"For one such as you, not really," the Fire Merchant said, shrugging.

"Speaking of the Sultan, you mentioned he was something called an... efreeti?"

"Yes. They're a race of Fire creatures, stronger than the average Elemental. The Sultan happens to be one."

"Hm." After that, Cindy kept quiet, and so did the rest of the party.

Once she got bored, Cindy started to test her powers, to the amazement of the Elementals.

Her experiments started simple; her fingertips becoming small wisps of flame at the tips; like candles lit aflame. After that, she punched forward with an open palm and shot one, two, three consecutive short-range blasts of flame, each one easily enough to cause burns on unprotected skin.

Cindy proceeded to wreathe her body in flame, but she felt uncomfortable with the heat and quickly dispelled the effect. Or rather, she condensed it into space in front of herself, making a circular shield of burning tails of flame, before throwing it at the ground, upon which the shield dug – or more accurately, melted – a few inches into the ground.

She proceeded to show more powers, shooting balls of flame which exploded on impact. She created a single, thin straight line of flame attached to her forearm that followed its movements and left behind blazing scorch marks in the ground when she dragged it.

At this point, the group stopped to watch her antics in utter shock.

Cindy produced flying frisbees of flame, or she swung her hand horizontally to send forth a cleaver of raging flame. She could burp out blasts of flame, or breathe them out to make a more drawn-out attack, either in a straight line or in a cone.

She found that she could even imitate Superman's laser-eyes, melting a nearby rock into volcanic sludge with highly-condensed heat.

Cindy produced several sparks from her fingertips, which coiled through the air and hit a rock, igniting it with a side of concussive force that cracked it into burning pieces which were sent flying in several directions. High-pressure flame.

She made a whip of fire and coiled it around another rock, then channeled the burning tempest within her arm through it. The whip tightened around the rock, simultaneously melting through it and slicing it clean into several, extremely thin and burning circles, sort of like... spicy crisps.

"C-Cindy... you..."

Cindy turned around, finally noticing the group had stopped a while ago. The whip disappeared from her arm. Everyone without exception, from the Fire Merchant, to the lions, to the Merchant's Sister had a speechless look, their jaws hung agape and their eyes as wide as saucers.

"What?" Cindy asked casually, feigning ignorance.

"Well, to begin with," the Fire Merchant said, pausing for emphasis, before she continued, "THAT, was temperatures around a thousand degrees above my own. And you can manipulate it with... such... I don't know how to say this? Prodigious drive? I can barely create a fireball, let alone a whip, or whatever those fireworks were! This is sweet! You're outstanding!"

"I am? Am I really that strong?" This time, Cindy was genuinely surprised.

"Hell yeah! You could probably challenge the Grand Sultan at this rate if you kept practicing!" The Fire Merchant declared without the slightest hint of hesitation or even a shadow of doubt. "Hey, did you spend any life-force to level up? Don't tell me this is what you can do at your base!? If that is so, then my mind fears what you'll be able to do in the future! Just with this, you are probably among the top one-hundred strongest creatures on this entire plane of existence! And if not that, then you're close as candlewick! What I'm trying to say is that you're stronger than anything I've ever seen with my own eyes!"


Character Dashboard:

【Name: Cindy Collens】
【Gender: Female】
【Age: 17】

【EXP: 100,000】
【LVL: 1】

【HP: 100%】
【MP: 100%】
【SP: 93%】

【Heat Resistance】【Pain Nullification】

Affinities & Proficiencies:
【Fire Magic Affinity】【Earth Magic Affinity】




【Unique Skill: Ultra Instinct. A multi-layered form of defense and offense, allowing the user to slow down time by a magnitude of one-thousand, while also automatically engaging itself should the user be threatened by an immediate attack. It predicts enemy attacks, their angles, as well as the trajectories and velocity of projectiles, drawing them as lines in the air. However, it also helps on the offense, allowing the user to perceive trajectories of attacks that will break through the opponent's defense with perfect accuracy. It also allows the user to see up to ten seconds into the future. This Skill has no cost, though it may be mentally exhausting to use for long periods of time.】

【Unique Skill: Total Fire Manipulation. A combination of Fire Control and Fire Generation. It allows the user to create and control flames, the cost being their own stamina. The flames easily reach up to 1800° Celsius. Possible moves include: Fire Blast, Fire Aura, Fire Shield, Fireball, Fire Sword, Fire Whip, Fire Disk, Fire Cleaver, Fire Breath (Pulse), Fire Breath (Line/Cone), Thermal Eyes, High-Pressure Flame, Fire Bullet, Fiery Field, Ignition, Combustion, Explosion, Meltdown, and more - new moves can be improvised.】

【Skill: Seduction. Increases the success rates of all seductive actions by a factor of ten. So long as there is even a ten-percent chance of seducing someone, those odds become a full one-hundred.】

【Skill: Object Enhancement. The user can, at the cost of stamina, enhance an object by a magnitude of four, though it may be increased up to a magnitude of eight with additional stamina expenditure. The object may be anything that they are touching. Enhancing a sword this way will make it sharper and make it so that the sword is less affected by inertia while retaining the same weight and kinetic force.】

【Passive Skill: Cloth Enhancement. All clothing worn by the user is four times as durable as it normally would, in addition to being four times as good at blocking out harsh weather conditions and absorbing water. In addition, all cloth worn by the user is self-repairing.】

【Passive Skill: Armor Enhancement. All armor worn by the user is four times as durable as it normally would, in addition to being four times as good at protecting the wearer from harm and damage from enemy attacks. In addition, all armor worn by the user is self-repairing.】
- [Equipped] Otherworlder Clothing
- [Equipped] Otherworlder Scarf (Wine-Red)
- [Equipped] Otherworlder Cape (Cherry-Red)


[] Direct Action - Describe the desired action.
- [] Condition - Use this if the action or power should only be done if something else happens first.

[] Repeating Command - Describe a desired action or power use that will attempt to be performed every time the attached condition is met, every chapter.
- [] Condition - Set the condition/s for when the Resetting Command will be performed, minimum one condition.

[] Timeskip Until (When) - Automatically pass time until the specified time, condition, or event. (This will not skip important events.)

[] Level-Up - Level the character up by spending EXP. (Cost: 10XP)
[] Skill-Up - Attempt to improve a Skill by spending EXP, actual costs unknown even with specific Skills in question.

[] Generate New Character - (Locked until Chapter Ten.)
- [] Name... [write-in]
- [] Gender... [write-in]
- [] Age... [0-29]
- [] Laconic Biography... [write-in]
- [] Death Circumstances... [write-in]

Repeating Command List
-[-] Ensure your own safety, in the most effective, and most moral way, using your own morality system. Remain aware of what is around you at all times.
--[-] While alive.

Last edited:
Spending EXP
Does EXP just go into the level itself, or does it go in skills and stuff?
To your understanding:

The EXP cost for going to LV2 is 10 EXP. With each subsequent Level, the cost for Leveling Up is 1.5x the EXP cost of the previous Level. If the number has fractions, it will generally be circled down unless circling up causes it to end with either a 0 or a 5. For better understanding:

(EXP Cost - Level)
Free - LV1
10 - LV2
15 - LV3 (because 10+10/2=15.)
22 - LV4 (because 15+15/2=22,5; circled down.)
33 - LV5 (because 22+22/2=33.)
50 - LV6 (because 33+33/2=49,5; circled up.)

EXP is spent to obtain a Level, which itself is a permanent feature. Each Level increases the base statistics of a being according to a combination of inborn parameters, what they feel they need the most, and what the System/World thinks they need the most. Because of this, it also affects Skills and bolsters their effects. High-Level creatures find it easier to obtain new Skills and might learn new ones just from Leveling Up.

EXP can be spent to improve Skills, but the actual efficiency of this method is subpar and its results can be achieved with simple training by the character. Unlike with Levels, where the cost of each Level is always known to you, you cannot be sure when or even if the Skills will improve by spending EXP.

EXP has other uses, not listed above. This is why Leveling has to be done manually, as players may want to stock up EXP to utilize later on. The most common example of using EXP for things other than self-improvement is that some Skills (mostly game-breaking ones,) and Epic Spells may have an EXP cost to use.
Convenient List of Fire Manipulation Techniques
For Player Convenience

Fire Blast: The user punches the air in front of them, releasing a surge of flames. Think along the lines of regular Firebender attacks from AtLA.

Fire Aura: The user coats their body in a high-temperature veneer, vaporizing mostly any mundane material they come into contact with in several seconds of direct contact. Useful when there's a wall in your way - just melt through it.

Fire Shield: The user concentrates fire into a hovering buckler, which they can mentally control in midair or wield in their hands. Its front has a higher temperature than Fire Aura, vaporizing steel instantly. The sides are also very potent and can eat through several inches of non-reinforced material.

Fireball: The oldest fire trick in the fire book. Launches a spherical projectile of fuck-you-fire that explodes and covers a radius of fifteen feet or more depending on the fireball's power.

Fire Sword: The user focuses flames into a narrow edge, which they can wield or mentally control from afar. The temperature is easily high enough to call it a Lightsaber and with Ultra Instinct, you can easily control a few dozen of these at the same time.

Fire Whip: The user forms a flexible whip of flame and magma, of significantly small temperatures, which can safely and physically tether itself to objects. At will, the whip's temperatures will climb rapidly until whatever the whip is wrapped around melts into two or more pieces.

Fire Bullet: A decent combination of flame and sharp, piercing force shot from the fingertip. Can be shot at machinegun frequencies. The harm done this way is negligible, but it is there if you want to deal some cheap ranged damage. Bigger, stronger bullets are called Fire Missiles.

Fire Disk: Fires a frisbee-sized projectile of flames with slight homing capabilities. Very efficient and economical in terms of cost-to-effect; can be spammed easily. Even if the target has flame resistance, each disk has a small amount of concussive force.

Fire Cleaver: The user makes a swiping "karate chop" motion, forming a long, thin pillar of flame which moves through the air like an arc. In addition to melting through organic material instantly, anything that can somehow survive the heat will also be affected by not insignificant cutting force.

Fire Breath (Pulse): Releases a pulse, or 'roar' of fire that spreads in a certain direction rapidly from the user's throat. It deals small damage, but covers a lot of ground very fast, and is, therefore, an excellent choice for taking down huge groups of lowly vermin.

Fire Breath (Line/Cone): The user draws fire into their throat and releases it as a stream, shaped like a line (long-range) or cone (short-range.) High-power ranged ability.

Thermal Eyes: Literal Laser-Eyes. Concentrating a thermal charge in their eyes, the user releases two thin pillars of remarkably condensed fire which can melt rocks into a volcanic sludge or weld doors together with immaculate precision.

High-Pressure Flame: The user shoots firefly-like bubbles or "sparks" of variable size containing absurdly pressurized flame within. In the case of this technique, the Fire is actually secondary, and a majority of the damage comes from bludgeoning and piercing forces caused by the sparks.

Ignition: Remotely sets an object on fire, no gestures or fancy movements required. Excellent shock tactic; when those goblins start burning all of a sudden they are likely to panic. However, due to not utilizing the user as a spawning medium, it conversely has a higher stamina cost for usage and is less likely to affect high-level opponents.

Combustion: Spontaneously combusts an object, no gestures or fancy movements required. Excellent shock tactic; spontaneous combustion is scientifically proven to be an excellent motivator for retreat and panic. Essentially, a stronger version of Ignition, eating not just the surface layers of the target but going deeper into them to deal extensive amounts of damage. However, due to not utilizing the user as a spawning medium, it conversely has a higher stamina cost for usage and is less likely to affect high-level opponents.

Explosion: For when you want a Fireball's effects without the Fireball. However, due to not utilizing the user as a spawning medium, it conversely has a higher stamina cost for usage and is less likely to affect high-level opponents.

Meltdown: [Warning: This technique threatens self-harm without Heat Immunity, don't do this at home.]

Turns the user into a nuclear reactor of leaking heat and thermal energy. They become a venerable seraph, spreading waves of plasmic, nova-like temperatures with themselves as the eye of the cyclone, with all of the gross incandescence of the sun.

This is the ultimate technique currently available to Cindy, but because she only has Resistance and not Immunity to Heat, this will hurt her over time, resulting in 1st-degree burns within seconds of activation and only getting worse from there. And yet, it only scrapes the bottom of the barrel of her power should she Level Up and increase the strength of Total Fire Manipulation.

Pretty much everything that isn't supernaturally strong or has outright【Heat Immunity】within the range of a city block will vaporize almost instantly, and everything else in the city district will set aflame or melt from the unerring waves of energy. As an added bonus, Cindy can spend supplementary stamina to cause actual particle radiation by agitating the environment with her flames on a molecular level. Of course, the specs I just stated are this technique's base parameters. Just wait for the Skill to improve.

Do note - New moves can be improvised.
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Tentative Quest List - Cindy Collens
Please, do note that this is subject to change.

There are two secret quests that I have written up but haven't posted here. Both of these quests are completely exclusive, meaning you can only finish one, and both of them lead to a different ending of the story. To unlock their details, you must complete the objective: "How Did I Get Here?"

General Rules:
- Completing a quest is recognized as an event by The System.
- The System grants appropriate rewards for completing singular quest objectives, or whole quests - depending on the nature of the task. These rewards may be EXP, Skills, or rarely, even physical objects.
- Players can submit quests or objectives themselves, and The System will consider...
- All characters will have separate quest lists, with a few common points (all of them will have the Otherworlder series and Personal [grinding], but the details and rewards of them can vary.)

[] Crispy Capes, Crunchy Crevices - Personal [miscellaneous] quests
-[] A Literal Hellscape - Get out of the Plane of Fire
-[] Not Half-Bad - Figure out how to use all of your Skills effectively
-[] Satan's Cigarette Lighter - Acquire an Ultimate Skill related to Elemental Fire
-[] Let's Hope I Don't Get Fired... - Get a job or source of income

[] Percussive Progression - Personal [grinding] quests
-[] A Candle's Light - Get to Level 10
-[] Torch In The Darkness - Get to Level 25
-[] Packing Heat - Get to Level 45
-[] Can You Feel The Flame? - Get to Level 75
-[] I'm All Fired Up - Get to Level 100
-[] Thermonuclear Transcendence - Get to Level 125
-[] Not Just A Furnace, But Hell Itself - Get to Level 160
-[] Molten Suncore - Get to Level 220
-[] My Fists Are Supernovas - Get to Level 255

[] Tailoring In Their Footsteps - Personal [career] quest
-[] The Weaver's Web - Start, buy, or otherwise assemble a business that produces and sells fabric products, focusing on clothing
-[] Hot Inventions In Textile Industry - Weaponize cloth or create lightweight cloth 'armor' of some kind
-[] What Do You Mean, "No Capes?" - Popularize cape and scarf fashion in at least one society
-[] Mom, Dad... Your Daughter's Rich - Make at least 50k gp from your clothesmaking business
-[] Hermès Interplanar & Co - Export your clothing to at least one other Plane of Existence
-[] One-Upping The Stovetops - Produce at least one line of fire-retardant clothing
-[] I'm You, But Better - Challenge Lolth to a weaving contest and win (note: very late game)

[] Hey, This Dumb World Is Falling Apart, So How Do I Save It?! - Otherworlder quests
-[] Your Hero Has Arrived - Save at least one person from danger or injustice
-[] Your Hero, By Choice - Save a city-sized society from danger or injustice
-[] Your Hero, By Duty - Save a nation-sized society from danger or injustice
-[] Your Hero, By Fate - Save the world from danger or injustice
-[] Slayer I - Kill a monster
-[] Slayer II - Exterminate ten monsters
-[] Slayer III - Exterminate a hundred monsters
-[] One Or A Thousand... - Exterminate a thousand monsters
-[] I Will Kill Them All! - Exterminate a million monsters
-[] How Did I Get Here? - Figure out why you're alive and in another world
-[] A Weapon of Mass Destruction - Obtain an Ultimate Skill
-[] Complete Arsenal - Complete a Full Series or a Full Set of Ultimate Skills
-[] A Yuusha Must Have Her Maou - Invoke the wrath of a Demon Lord or a similar entity; sexual tension or personal stakes optional
-[] This Old Trope? - Defeat someone who will then go on to become your ally
-[] This Here Is Called A Spoon, You Chopstick Barbarians! - Introduce the locals to one or more concept, technology, etc, from your former life

[] Burning With Passion - City of Brass [tutorial] quest
-[] The Locals Are Temperate - Get acquainted with the local populace
-[] Hot As A Volcano - Meet with the Grand Sultan
-[] Respect The Law, Unless The Law Is Disrespectful - Gain the Grand Sultan's favor and support
-[] Well, He's Got Hobbies - Accompany the Grand Sultan to a horserace and gamble with him
-[] Smells of Cinder For The Unexpecting Tourist - Find out where Pyros was sealed and travel there
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Chapter Five: It's All in The Name
[X] Plan Moving On
-[X] Tell them this is just what you found yourself with when you woke up. What others are this strong and what have they been doing with the power?
-[X] Timeskip Until (Town) - Automatically pass time until the specified time, condition, or event. (This will not skip important events.)

Chapter 5
It's All In The Name


"This is just what I found myself with when I woke up," Cindy murmured, somewhere between embarrassment and anxiety. Her eyes cleared in an instant, as she followed the revelation with a question, "What others are this strong, and what have they been doing with the power?"

The Fire Merchant's sister hissed something in Ignan, followed by the Merchant rumbling back at her and sitting down on a black rock and thinking for a moment, then shrugging. Her sister sat down on the ground, and so have the lions.

"Well, the Grand Sultan is probably as strong as you, though he doesn't use his power for much, other than punishing subordinates who go out of line or helping the military. And then, there's Otherworlders like you. Every one is granted powers upon entering our world, though I can't give explicit examples because the rumors that I know of aren't very specific. I know there's a hero in the Material Plane who supposedly slew an avatar of Juiblex."

"Juiblex being...?" Cindy trailed off, as she sat down next to the Merchant. The rock was unpleasantly warm, but Cindy didn't complain.

"Demon lord of oozes and shapeless things," the Merchant clarified, bearing a slightly disgusted tone. Her clouded expression loosed when she remarked, "Still, slaying a deity is impressive, even though it will reform in its realm."

"Seriously?" Cindy asked, batting an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Yeah, that's how it works for all outsiders. Unless you use special Skills or magic." The Merchant shifted on the rock, looking at the plentiful rivers of lava in the distance and the black, charred sky. "We all just reform back on our home plane. Now, if you were to slay an outsider on his home plane, that's when said outsider would be destroyed."

"What about me?"

"You're a human, Cindy," the Merchant said, wincing. "Sorry, but you'll die for good if someone kills you, regardless of the plane of existence."

Cindy let that go by. It was to be expected; humans died when they were killed. Creatures of conceptual existence did not have to follow that rule, it seems.

"By the way, why are we sitting?" Cindy aked.

The Merchant blinked, tilting her head. "We assumed you were tired after using so many Skills."

Cindy, not exactly understanding, as she did not feel the slightest hint of fatigue, asked incredulously, "Skills drain stamina?"

They arrived at the City of Brass after ten minutes of travel more, and though the Merchant and her coterie of friends looked casual, Cindy was overwhelmed by the experience.

Walls of dark bronze color, carved slightly inside in angular, quarried shapes and with stud-like protrusions for decoration were fixed tall and wide over them, surrounding the city. The walls, a statement of power on their own, were yet ruled over by tall, rectangular guard towers with sharp, spiky battlements and impressive defensive machines reminiscent of ballistae. The walls were guarded by dozens of burning figures, fire creating their bodies and held together by magical force.

At the gate were yet more elementals, as well as a single man, seven feet tall and with red skin, wearing a scale armor from bronze. An efreeti, or so the Fire Merchant whispered.

There was a slight line to the gate, as this was the capital and security was top-notch. Searches, sometimes identity checks, were the minimal security measures for a place like this.

But with the Merchant's trade permit, they were let through instantly. The document justified a reason for being in the city, and automatically told the guards the reason the person was there.

"Shouldn't a trade permit have your name on it?" Cindy queried, confused.

The Merchant looked at her, unblinking in her explanation, "Monsters, me included, don't have names. Only stronger beings or mortals can name a monster, provided they have enough mana. Names work different for us, you see – a monster with a name will evolve into a stronger form. If I were given a name, I would probably become a Primal Fire Elemental, or something similar."

Mana, as Cindy had learned, was one of the two vital resources for altering the world.

Skills required stamina, and magic required mana.

Elementals' bodies were made out of magical fire, kept together by magical force. Their bodies consumed not chemicals, but raw mana. So, when using Skills, unlike a human using stamina, they utilized mana for them, just as they did for movement.

Human warriors often trained to do something similar; Second Wind, was supposedly one of the most commonly used Skills by fighters worldwide, and any professional soldier with even a degree of pride in his abilities would learn it as soon as possible. Second Wind was the ability to convert mana into stamina directly, at varying degrees of efficiency depending on the individual.

Warriors are a folk that don't need mana for casting spells, so they make the best use of the otherwise unusable resource, converting magical energy into physical energy. Warriors need stamina in combat, if they are to keep fighting, and Skills were very costly in stamina to use.

It made sense – supplementing their natural abilities with something supernatural, yet useless to them. A spellcaster couldn't do the same, since he needed prana to weave his spellwork.

"Could I name you?" Cindy asked, not carrying intent in her voice, but common curiosity.

"Theoretically, yes. But beware, as trying to name a being that is too powerful will drain you dry of mana, and possibly end up killing you," the Fire Merchant warned. "As an Otherworlder, I imagine you can name anything short of a dragon and up. As for names, we monsters can exchange intent with thought, so they could tell the document was mine due to its aura."

Character Dashboard:

【Name: Cindy Collens】
【Gender: Female】
【Age: 17】

【EXP: 100,000】
【LVL: 1】

【HP: 100%】
【MP: 100%】
【SP: 96%】

【Heat Resistance】【Pain Nullification】

Affinities & Proficiencies:
【Fire Magic Affinity】【Earth Magic Affinity】




【Unique Skill: Ultra Instinct. A multi-layered form of defense and offense, allowing the user to slow down time by a magnitude of one-thousand, while also automatically engaging itself should the user be threatened by an immediate attack. It predicts enemy attacks, their angles, as well as the trajectories and velocity of projectiles, drawing them as lines in the air. However, it also helps on the offense, allowing the user to perceive trajectories of attacks that will break through the opponent's defense with perfect accuracy. It also allows the user to see up to ten seconds into the future. This Skill has no cost, though it may be mentally exhausting to use for long periods of time.】

【Unique Skill: Total Fire Manipulation. A combination of Fire Control and Fire Generation. It allows the user to create and control flames, the cost being their own stamina. The flames easily reach up to 1800° Celsius. Possible moves include: Fire Blast, Fire Aura, Fire Shield, Fireball, Fire Sword, Fire Whip, Fire Disk, Fire Cleaver, Fire Breath (Pulse), Fire Breath (Line/Cone), Thermal Eyes, High-Pressure Flame, Fire Bullet, Fiery Field, Ignition, Combustion, Explosion, Meltdown, and more - new moves can be improvised.】

【Skill: Seduction. Increases the success rates of all seductive actions by a factor of ten. So long as there is even a ten-percent chance of seducing someone, those odds become a full one-hundred.】

【Skill: Object Enhancement. The user can, at the cost of stamina, enhance an object by a magnitude of four, though it may be increased up to a magnitude of eight with additional stamina expenditure. The object may be anything that they are touching. Enhancing a sword this way will make it sharper and make it so that the sword is less affected by inertia while retaining the same weight and kinetic force.】

【Passive Skill: Cloth Enhancement. All clothing worn by the user is four times as durable as it normally would, in addition to being four times as good at blocking out harsh weather conditions and absorbing water. In addition, all cloth worn by the user is self-repairing.】

【Passive Skill: Armor Enhancement. All armor worn by the user is four times as durable as it normally would, in addition to being four times as good at protecting the wearer from harm and damage from enemy attacks. In addition, all armor worn by the user is self-repairing.】
- [Equipped] Otherworlder Clothing
- [Equipped] Otherworlder Scarf (Wine-Red)
- [Equipped] Otherworlder Cape (Cherry-Red)
Completed Quests

Active Quests
[] Crispy Capes, Crunchy Crevices - Personal [miscellaneous] quests
-[] A Literal Hellscape - Get out of the Plane of Fire
-[] Not Half-Bad - Figure out how to use all of your Skills effectively
-[] Satan's Cigarette Lighter - Acquire an Ultimate Skill related to Elemental Fire
-[] Let's Hope I Don't Get Fired... - Get a job or source of income

[] Percussive Progression - Personal [grinding] quests
-[] A Candle's Light - Get to Level 10
-[] Torch In The Darkness - Get to Level 25
-[] Packing Heat - Get to Level 45
-[] Can You Feel The Flame? - Get to Level 75
-[] I'm All Fired Up - Get to Level 100
-[] Thermonuclear Transcendence - Get to Level 125
-[] Not Just A Furnace, But Hell Itself - Get to Level 160
-[] Molten Suncore - Get to Level 220
-[] My Fists Are Supernovas - Get to Level 255

[] Tailoring In Their Footsteps - Personal [career] quest
-[] The Weaver's Web - Start, buy, or otherwise assemble a business that produces and sells fabric products, focusing on clothing
-[] Hot Inventions In Textile Industry - Weaponize cloth or create lightweight cloth 'armor' of some kind
-[] What Do You Mean, "No Capes?" - Popularize cape and scarf fashion in at least one society
-[] Mom, Dad... Your Daughter's Rich - Make at least 50k gp from your clothesmaking business
-[] Hermès Interplanar & Co - Export your clothing to at least one other Plane of Existence
-[] One-Upping The Stovetops - Produce at least one line of fire-retardant clothing
-[] I'm You, But Better - Challenge Lolth to a weaving contest and win (note: very late game)

[] Hey, This Dumb World Is Falling Apart, So How Do I Save It?! - Otherworlder quests
-[] Your Hero Has Arrived - Save at least one person from danger or injustice
-[] Your Hero, By Choice - Save a city-sized society from danger or injustice
-[] Your Hero, By Duty - Save a nation-sized society from danger or injustice
-[] Your Hero, By Fate - Save the world from danger or injustice
-[] Slayer I - Kill a monster
-[] Slayer II - Exterminate ten monsters
-[] Slayer III - Exterminate a hundred monsters
-[] One Or A Thousand... - Exterminate a thousand monsters
-[] I Will Kill Them All! - Exterminate a million monsters
-[] How Did I Get Here? - Figure out why you're alive and in another world
-[] A Weapon of Mass Destruction - Obtain an Ultimate Skill
-[] Complete Arsenal - Complete a Full Series or a Full Set of Ultimate Skills
-[] A Yuusha Must Have Her Maou - Invoke the wrath of a Demon Lord or a similar entity; sexual tension or personal stakes optional
-[] This Old Trope? - Defeat someone who will then go on to become your ally
-[] This Here Is Called A Spoon, You Chopstick Barbarians! - Introduce the locals to one or more concept, technology, etc, from your former life

[] Burning With Passion - City of Brass [tutorial] quest
-[] The Locals Are Temperate - Get acquainted with the local populace
-[] Hot As A Volcano - Meet with the Grand Sultan
-[] Respect The Law, Unless The Law Is Disrespectful - Gain the Grand Sultan's favor and support
-[] Well, He's Got Hobbies - Accompany the Grand Sultan to a horserace and gamble with him
-[] Smells of Cinder For The Unexpecting Tourist - Find out where Pyros was sealed and travel there


[] Direct Action - Describe the desired action.
- [] Condition - Use this if the action or power should only be done if something else happens first.

[] Repeating Command - Describe a desired action or power use that will attempt to be performed every time the attached condition is met, every chapter.
- [] Condition - Set the condition/s for when the Resetting Command will be performed, minimum one condition.

[] Timeskip Until (When) - Automatically pass time until the specified time, condition, or event. (This will not skip important events.)

[] Level-Up - Level the character up by spending EXP. (Cost: 10XP)
[] Skill-Up - Attempt to improve a Skill by spending EXP, actual costs unknown even with specific Skills in question.

[] Generate New Character - (Locked until Chapter Ten.)
- [] Name... [write-in]
- [] Gender... [write-in]
- [] Age... [0-29]
- [] Laconic Biography... [write-in]
- [] Death Circumstances... [write-in]

Repeating Command List
-[-] Ensure your own safety, in the most effective, and most moral way, using your own morality system. Remain aware of what is around you at all times.
--[-] While alive.

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