When Might and Magic Work As One... (Worm/Yin Yang Yo! Crossover)

Chapter 8
Chapter 8:

*Two weeks later*

Yin let out a long, slow breath to steady herself as she made her way down the hallway, her expression apprehensive as she made her way through the Dojo.

It was time.

Just as she'd promised, the sorceress and her brother had taken some much-needed days off from their usual heroics to relax and decompress before they started preparing for the Trance, and both siblings had used that time well.

Not only had the pink rabbit been able to hire and begin training Hathi and Tillman without any issues thanks to not having to worry about her responsibilities as a Woo Foo Warrior getting in the way, but she'd also managed to catch up on several books she'd been eager to read and had even had time to indulge in some Macrame, one of her favorite hobbies, creating all manner of wonderful and practical textile gifts to give to her loved ones and those in need.

Clothing, blankets, curtains, tablecloths, bookmarks, belts, plant hangers, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, keychains, and more, the possibilities were practically endless between Yin's incredible skill at the craft and her vivid imagination, and her magic ensured she was able to make quite a haul in a short amount of time.

There was no doubt her friends, family, and the local charities would be quite pleased in the coming holidays, especially since she'd made sure to create a few extra special items for those she truly cherished.

Yang, on the other hand, had simply opted to use his newly acquired free time to hang out with Roger and his buddies, read the latest comic books, and play video games until he passed out on the couch.

So, you know, typical guy stuff, much to his sister's fond exasperation, though he'd also taken some time to catch up on work on his latest book, which he'd been neglecting for some time now, much to his publishers' stark relief.

And, of course, both warriors had gleefully taken the chance to catch up and spend time with Lina as much as they could.

Unfortunately, as with all good things, their little mini-vacation quickly came to an end, and soon enough not only did both rabbits have to resume their usual guardianship duties, but they also had to start preparing for the Trance.

Any time not spent at the Library or keeping the City's criminal element in check was time the sorceress was either poring over the Ancient Woo Foo Scrolls researching every aspect of the Trance down to the most minute detail or deep in meditation as she practiced the basic Astral Channeling technique over and over again to make sure she was not lost forever because of a rookie mistake.

Her brother, meanwhile, spent his days endlessly casting and re-casting the spell he would use to try and re-summon his sister's spirit using her creepy doll if the worst should happen, with Lina serving as his willing guinea pig despite the extreme discomfort of constantly having her soul ripped out of her body and transported to the warrior's location caused her.

Both of them were determined to make sure they would be able to get their beloved sister back home safe no matter what happened, and so they continued to diligently practice the spell despite their misgivings until the blue rabbit could perform it perfectly in his sleep.

And yet, despite all their extensive preparations, the spellcaster still could not help but feel apprehensive as she arrived at the specially made Meditation Chamber they had in their underground Dojo where her brother, surrogate sister and one other waited for her.

The pink rabbit gave the tall, handsome, muscular chicken man with bright red hair a slightly shaky smile, which he returned awkwardly, his striking blue eyes hidden behind a pair of fashionable sunglasses.

"Well, this is it, sugar beak," she said awkwardly as Yang and the dog woman both groaned and gagged at Yin's hated pet name for her boyfriend while the rooster in question snorted in amusement. "How… how are you holding up?"

Coop sighed.

"About as well as I can be, considering the circumstances," he replied wryly before giving his girlfriend a sideways glance. "You guys did drop an awful lot on me out of the blue, Yin…"

The sorceress winced at his slightly admonishing tone before giving him an apologetic look.

"I am so sorry about that Coop," she said quietly in a remorseful voice. "I never intended to put you on the spot like this. It's just… I was so nervous about telling you that I wanted to be a mother, and all this nonsense about me and Yang needing to find our future students so we could prepare to face this 'Great Evil' came right after my brother finally screwed my head back on straight. Things just happened so fast… and it didn't feel right to not tell you and keep you in the loop about what's going on. Especially given what I'm about to do…"

The pink rabbit's three companions all grimaced as they glanced at the large metal door to the Meditation Chamber.

"It's fine Yin," the chicken man conceded with a tired sigh after a moment of thought. "True, it was one hell of a shock, especially finding out you wanted to have a kid, but you're right. I would much prefer we get all this out in the open and you tell me what's going on than bottling everything up and keeping things from me. That never ends well, as I'm sure your little 'outburst' with Smoke and Mirrors taught you."

Yin chuckled good-naturedly before giving her boyfriend a soft smile and they shared a passionate kiss before suddenly being interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing.

"Speaking of which," the warrior chimed in blandly as the two lovers gave him slightly annoyed looks. "Have you two worked everything out yet? I'm not trying to pry into your business sis, but your head needs to be in the game for what's about to happen."

The sorceress sighed before giving her brother an understanding nod.

"While I wouldn't say we've worked everything out yet, we've made some significant progress on that front and are mostly optimistic about things going forward. So I shouldn't have any distractions to worry about while I'm attempting the Trance," she assured them with a confident smile as she took hold of her boyfriend's hand and gave it a soft squeeze, which the rooster returned.

Her best friend was not so easily convinced, however.

"Are you sure there's nothing you still need to get off your chest first before you try this Yin?" the farm girl asked insistently as she stepped forward with a worried frown at her honorary sister. "Yang's right, you can't afford to have anything eating away at you right now."

The pink rabbit shook her head.

"I'm fine Lina. Really," she said gently as she took her concerned sister's hands in her own. "Honestly, the only truly major thing we're concerned about right now is how Coop's… condition could corrupt me or our child with Dark Chi during, ah, conception."

Lina and the blue rabbit both winced and looked away uncomfortably while Coop grimaced and unconsciously brought his hand up to his muscular chest where his heart lay beneath his black muscle shirt.

"But it's fine. We've already managed to come up with several possible solutions. Coop and I are some of the world's foremost experts on dealing with Dark Chi, after all," Yin continued with a smug look before her expression became much gentler. "Besides, we're not even going to think about trying to have a baby until all this is over. So there's nothing to worry about right now anyway. Seriously, you guys, I'm Ok and focused on what I have to do. Trust me."

Yang and the dog woman both stared deep into the sorceress's sincere, reassuring eyes for a long moment, before they both finally acquiesced and stepped back with a reluctant sigh.

"Be that as it may, Yin, I'm still not happy about this," the chicken man cut in sourly as he shot his girlfriend an intensely worried frown. "Are you certain there's no other option?"

The pink rabbit sighed as she turned to the door.

"Yes, chicken nugget, I'm sure," she replied unhappily as she gave her boyfriend a sad look. "I wouldn't be doing this otherwise."

The rooster nodded reluctantly and stepped back as the spellcaster took a deep breath and put a slightly shaky hand on the Palm Reader to open the thick, magically reinforced metal door, her equally nervous companions following her as she stepped inside.

The Chamber was a small, dimly lit room completely devoid of furniture, its metal walls specially soundproofed to prevent any noise from the outside world disrupting a meditating warrior's concentration and its sturdy, armored door making it unlikely an enemy would be able to get the drop on them.

A perfect place for the pink rabbit to attempt the Woo Foo Trance of Infinite Wisdom.

"Ok Yin," the warrior said in a casual voice as he came up beside his sister, clearly trying to play it cool but completely failing to hide his concern from everyone, for both women knew him far too well, as did Coop, "you got everything you need?"

"I think so," Yin confirmed with a nod as she gave him a gentle, reassuring smile that also failed to hide her anxiety.

"Your favorite pillow?"

The sorceress snapped her fingers and a big, comfy-looking cushion instantly appeared in the center of the room in a flash.

"Your incense candles?"

Another snap and flash of light, and a circle of scented candles appeared in a neatly arranged circle around the pillow.

"Those creepy Woo Doo Dolls you made of us without our permission?"

The pink rabbit huffed in irritation and a bit of leftover embarrassment before she once again summoned her magic chest and retrieved the dolls for it.

"Happy now?" she asked testily as she floated the Dolls of Yang, Lina, and Coop over to rest next to the pillow and handed the one in her likeness over to her brother.

"Not really no," the warrior replied matter-of-factly as he took the Doll, and his sister's shoulders slumped. "But at least I know that if we have to do this we've made it as safe for you as we possibly can."

"I'll be careful bro," Yin promised, voice firm despite her lingering nervousness, getting a reluctant nod from her brother before turning to her best friend.

"You better be careful Yin, because if I have to drag your sorry pink butt back here I ain't never letting you hear the end of it," the farm girl said with a smirk and a playful poke to her friend's chest as the sorceress giggled. "So you make it back in one piece, you hear me girl? Remember, I still want a little niece or nephew to spoil rotten."

"Oh stop it, Lina! You sound just like my Dad!" the pink rabbit admonished with a laugh, her heart lightening as Lina's grin widened at getting the result she wanted. "Honestly, if you want a kid to spoil so badly then why don't you go and pop one out yourself?"

The blue rabbit's face promptly turned stark white at the question and he frantically waved his arms at his amused sister as the dog woman hummed in thought and the chicken man laughed his ass off behind them.

"Maybe one day," she mused as she shot a hungry look at her panicking boyfriend while sweat poured off him in buckets, before the farm girl finally decided to have mercy on him and turned back to her giggling honorary sister. "But not now."

Ignoring the explosive sigh of relief Yang let out behind her, Lina's face adopted a much softer expression as she walked up to the other woman and took her hands in her own.

"Please sis," she whispered quietly to Yin, eyes wide and pleading, "come back to us safely."

The sorceress smiled warmly at her sister and embraced her tightly.

"I will Lina," she murmured softly in the dog woman's ear as she stroked her back affectionately. "I promise. Cross my heart."

The farm girl nodded, eyes misty, and the two women held the hug for a while longer before they broke apart and the pink rabbit turned and walked up to her brother, who had been watching them in stoic silence.

The two siblings stared at each other for a few moments before the warrior finally sighed in resignation and looked back up at his sister, a rare expression of naked fear and concern on his face.

"Be safe sis," he pleaded in a low voice, head bowed and fists clenched, unable to think of anything else to say despite his best efforts.

But Yin just smiled and shook her head fondly before she planted a gentle kiss on his cheek and wrapped him in a loving hug, which for once he accepted and returned without complaint.

"I'll be fine bro," she assured her brother kindly with a much more confident demeanor than she had before. "Trust me. After all, I have three of the greatest warriors in the world here to guard me and pull me back if something goes wrong. With friends like that watching my back, what do I have to fear?"

The blue rabbit chuckled weakly at the praise before giving the sorceress a confident look in turn.

"Ok sis, I trust you," he said sincerely, voice steady as he stood up taller than before. "Lina, Coop, and I will guard this room until you're done and if you're not back in 24 hours then I'll use the Doll to yank you back into your body. Nobody will get past us."

The pink rabbit smiled at her brother's declaration as the farm girl and rooster beside him all gave her fierce looks and nods of determination at his words.

"I know you and everyone else won't let me down, Yang," Yin replied warmly as she bowed her head to the three in thanks. "Thank you."

Yang and Lina both nodded at her firmly once again before the sorceress turned to face her quiet boyfriend.

The two lovers stared at each other for a long moment before at last Coop sighed in resignation as he stepped forward to envelop his girlfriend in a tight embrace.

"I love you Yin," he muttered quietly as grip on her tightened. "Please, be safe."

"I love you too Coop," the pink rabbit murmured back as she looked deep into her boyfriend's eyes and gave him a soft, reassuring smile. "And I will be, I promise."

The chicken man smiled back and they shared one last long, passionate kiss before reluctantly breaking apart, and, with one last wish of good luck, Yin's fellow warrior's walked out of the Chamber and shut the heavy metal door behind them, leaving her alone in total silence as she turned to her pillow with apprehension.

Ok, this is it, she thought to herself as she sat down on the cushion and ignited the candles circling her and the Dolls with a wave of a glowing crimson hand.

Assuming a Lotus position, the sorceress closed her eyes and breathed in deeply as she began to meditate, her body instantly relaxing as the soothing smell of wild berries filled her nostrils and all other wordly sensations fell away as she turned her gaze inward.

Almost two decades of constant practice meant it was trivially easy to find what she was looking for, a brilliant, gently pulsating pink flame of immense size at the very center of her being, from which emanated streams of vibrant energy that flowed through and suffused her body in its entirety.

The Flame roiled and billowed at her soft mental touch, and despite her extensive training and experience in meditation and the mystic arts, the pink rabbit still couldn't help but let out a tiny, involuntary shudder as she continued to gently poke and prod at the colossal fire residing in the very core of her being.

No matter how many times she experienced it, Yin could never quite get over how odd and wonderful it felt to touch one's own spirit, the source of Chi and Life itself.

Indeed, so fascinating and blissful was the sensation that, when she and Yang had first accomplished it all those years ago at the start of their training to unlock their Chi, they had spent almost two days completely dead to the world as they did nothing but stare into the beautiful Flames, then mere embers, that were their souls and fiddled around with them like a baby with a shiny new toy.

Dad had eventually gotten so fed up with trying to rouse them from their trance he'd resorted to literally lighting a fire under their asses to bring them back to the world of the living.

Needless to say, it worked, and neither of them had been too pleased with the old panda afterwards.

The sorceress was pretty sure she and her brother had invented something like 13 new curse words over the course of a single tirade between them once they'd finally managed to put their butts out, and Dad had been caught between quivering in terror at their rage and loud threats to call Child Protective Services and stunned amazement that two 11 year olds could have such, ah, creative mouths on them.

She smiled slightly at the memory, her Inner Flame glowing brighter in response, before the pink rabbit abruptly remembered her mission and mentally slapped herself for allowing her concentration to wane as she redoubled her focus on the Pink Flame, now noticeably dimmer.

Slowly, gently, Yin enveloped her Inner Flame in her mental grasp, her body quivering slightly at the grip on her soul as she remembered the next steps.

The basic Astral Projection technique was one she was already quite familiar and proficient with, and separating her spirit from her body was something the sorceress had already done many times before.

To put it crudely, the technique involved envisioning one's own body as a jar or container of some kind in which their Inner Flame, their soul, resided.

The user would then grasp their Flame and imagine themselves "lifting" it out of the jar, releasing their spirit from the shackles of their mortal shell and allowing it to roam freely.

However, the user would also need to take care they maintained a strong, steady image of a rope or tether connecting their Flame to the jar in their minds at all times to prevent their soul's connection to their body from being severed completely and left to wander aimlessly as their mortal shell wasted away.

The Trance worked along similar lines, albeit far more difficult and advanced to pull off and vastly more dangerous to use for any length of time.

A single tether often wasn't nearly enough to maintain a user's connection to their body due to how easy it was for their concentration to be broken from the sheer deluge of information they were exposing themselves to.

Hence why the pink rabbit was going to be using multiple tethers for this trip to be sure she was as well anchored to her body as she possibly could be.

With that in mind, Yin turned a portion of her attention to one of the Dolls next to her, the one in the likeness of Yang, and gently grasped it in her magical aura as she levitated the Doll in front of her and quietly whispered an incantation, causing it to glow with a faint blue light as the spell took hold.

As admittedly creepy and dangerous as the Dolls were, they still had many highly beneficial uses if used correctly, one of which was as a Focus a spellcaster could use to connect to and communicate with the spirit of the person whose likeness it shared regardless of the distance between them.

A fact that became readily apparent as a very familiar sight entered the sorceress's Mind Eye the instant the final word of her incantation left her lips, one that caused her Inner Flame to immediately brighten and billow Happily in Recognition, Joy, and Love.

It was another enormous Inner Flame, this one a brilliant blue, that roiled and flared much more roughly than her own much gentler and more composed Flame, though still one that radiated a comforting warmth, its chaotic billowing more Playful and Energetic than actually threatening.

It was a Flame the pink rabbit knew better than any other save her own, as evidenced by how her spirit eagerly, almost desperately, reached out to the other soul without a trace of Fear or Hesitation, and the instant her Inner Flame brushed against its counterpart, a feeling of indescribable Bliss and Happiness coursed through Yin's very being and an enormous smile split her face as both fires lit up like Christmas Trees.

The Blue Flame immediately reached back to the sorceress's soul with that same desperate eagerness and both spirits firmly embraced each other lovingly as they began a beautiful, awe-inspiring dance around each other that brought joyful tears to the pink rabbit's face as the Blue Flame radiated the same feelings of Recognition, Joy, and Love that her own Inner Flame did, albeit much more dimly and tinged with Embarrassment.

Something that had Yin chuckling and shaking her head fondly as her spirit emanated Amusement, Reassurance, and Gentle Chastisement whilst grasping the Blue Flame even tighter in response.

Even here, in the very depths of their souls, where all one's true feelings, intentions, and desires were laid bare for the world to see with no possibility of deception, her brother refused to change.

But that's why I love him so much, the sorceress thought quietly to herself as she watched the two spirits continue their sacred dance, her Flame growing brighter at the thought while Yang's radiated Gratitude and Smugness in response, earning a giggle from the pink rabbit and a sensation of deep, profound Amusement from her soul.

This was far from the first time Yin and her brother had joined spirits in pursuit of a common goal, and yet no matter how many times it happened, it always felt like they were doing it for the very first time, and neither sibling ever got tired of the experience, for it revealed in the deepest, most profound ways imaginable just how much they loved each other and just how special their bond was.

And while the sorceress was certain that her brother wasn't consciously aware of what was being communicated at the moment, there was no doubt in her mind that the warrior was in a spectacularly good mood right now and was wearing a big, goofy smile on his face as he conversed with his friend and girlfriend while they were guarding the door.

Just as she was equally certain Lina was getting a kick out of her boyfriend's sudden derpiness and was teasing the blue rabbit without mercy over it.

A thought that caused the pink rabbit's smile to widen even further as she basked in the much needed moment of levity for a few more seconds before sighing once again, this time in Resignation, as she refocused on the task at hand and both spirits dimmed considerably as they reluctantly drifted apart.

The spellcaster's Inner Flame communicated her desire and need to the Blue Flame in a way that transcended mere words, the message tinged with Doubt, Fear, and Uncertainty, and Yang's spirit immediately agreed to the request as the Flame sent back it's own feelings of Fear, Concern, and Reassurance, and the two souls embraced once again, taking Comfort and Solace in their Love for each other, before separating and turning their attention to the thread linking them together.

Ordinarily, a link between souls was something that could only be created manually by a spellcaster with the proper training, but there existed certain cases where a natural link would form between two souls, typically family members, with twins being by far the most common.

Being twins themselves, Yin and Yang had developed one such bond at the moment of their birth, a rare and precious gift they both had come to cherish immensely, for not only was it the ultimate proof and expression of their Love for each other, it was also absolute assurance that neither of them would ever truly be alone no matter what happened.

For while artificially created soul links could be severed with the right amount of magic and force, a naturally formed link like the one they possessed was absolutely unbreakable to even the strongest and darkest spells known to man.

Ensuring that even at their lowest point, those that possessed them would always have someone there to comfort and support them, even if only in the smallest of ways, as long as they always remained true to each other and didn't allow their bond to fade away.

Natural links tended to be a lot more subtle than artificial ones unless you knew what you were doing, however, useful for little more than vague, uncertain communication between the two spirits in their unaltered state despite their virtually unbreakable nature.

Thankfully, the sorceress and her brother did know what they were doing, and the Twin Flames immediately set to work strengthening and reinforcing the link between them while the pink rabbit watched, the thread connecting them growing thicker and thicker as the two spirits poured energy into it until what once was a small and barely noticeable, if unbreakable, string was now a strong, sturdy rope pulsating with power.

Yin smiled as she looked upon the newly reinforced link and her Inner Flame emanated Gratitude and Confidence at its Blue counterpart as her brother's spirit pulsated with Reassurance and Confidence of it's own before sending a request tinged with Concern to be careful and safe all the same, and the two souls embraced one last time, the Pink Flame positively radiating Warmth and Love, before reluctantly parting as the sorceress turned her attention to the next Doll.

Letting out an apprehensive sigh, the pink rabbit levitated the doll of her boyfriend before her and whispered the incantation once again, her Inner Flame dimming and shrinking in on itself as the spirit of her significant other appeared before it in the spellcaster's Mind's Eye.

Coop's Inner Flame was noticeably smaller than Yin's or her brother's, though still utterly enormous compared to the average persons, and had a brilliant golden color to it as it billowed and roiled gently in a manner not dissimilar to her own Flame, though the chicken man's soul had a much shyer and more bashful demeanor compared to the more quiet and assertive confidence her spirit possessed.

The sorceress wasn't fooled however.

She knew that behind the seemingly passive exterior lay a core of solid iron that would fearlessly strike back against those that tried to insult or harm the rooster or his loved ones, which was one of the biggest reasons why she loved that man so much.

The others of course being that Coop was hot as hell and could be a total bad boy when he wanted to be.

Something that drove the pink rabbit absolutely wild, often much to her brother's and friend's chagrin.

The most striking, and disturbing, feature of the chicken man's spirit, however, lay at the center of his Inner Flame.

Upon laying eyes on it, Yin's happy and slightly aroused countenance immediately morphed into a fierce scowl as her own Flame flared angrily and darkened into a foreboding violet color radiating Disgust, Hatred, Resentment, Pity, and bone-deep Concern in response.

There, nestled deep in the very core of the rooster's soul, lay a dark, tightly compressed ball of pitch black Flame that churned and thrashed about violently like a rabid animal, emanating nothing more than pure and utter Rage, Hatred, and Malice that constantly flared up again and again as it attempted to spread itself out across Coop's spirit, only for the golden fires of his Inner Flame to immediately push back and compress it down again, which only seemed to enrage the Black Flame further as it ceaselessly continued its efforts to escape it's confinement.

This was Dark Chi, all that remained of the Bat Night Master, whatever his name was, after his former apprentice had betrayed and imprisoned him to save the sorceress and her family from the archvillain's wrath and absorbed the negative spiritual energy that fueled his dark powers to prevent it from corrupting the land.

Ever since then, Coop had been in a constant struggle to retain control over the Dark Chi to prevent it from corrupting him and turning him into his former master's replacement, and while the special training he'd undergone with an order of monks had afforded him a great deal of Mastery over his evil side, the threat of him losing control again or accidentally corrupting someone else was an ever-present danger.

One the pink rabbit knew all too well, considering she'd been "Evil Coop's" most prominent victim after he'd lost control of it before he'd undergone said training and nearly murdered her brother before Dad had managed to exorcize the Dark Chi the crazed chicken had corrupted her with.

Something both still felt a lot of guilt about to this day even though Yang and Yo both insisted they were to blame for forcing Yin to date a guy she didn't love at the time just to keep him calm.

Just remembering that terrible incident, and that the Dark Chi was the primary obstacle standing in the way of one of her most heartfelt desires, was enough to make the sorceress so Angry that she wanted nothing more than to rip that disgusting infection out of her beloved boyfriend and burn it out of existence down to the last metaphorical atom.

But, alas, she could not.

Even with all the magical power and knowledge at her fingertips, the Dark Chi was embedded so deeply into the rooster's soul at this point that it had basically become a part of him, meaning that there was just too much of a risk of causing permanent damage to her boyfriend's spirit to try and remove it, even for a sorceress of Yin's caliber.

So the spellcaster was left with no choice but to put the possibility out of her mind and focus on the task at hand as she began several deep, meditative breathing exercises to calm herself down and re-center herself, and only after her Inner Flame had returned to it's normal pink color and gently billowing state did she allow it to reach out to Coop's Flame.

The instant her spirit brushed against the Golden Flame, her boyfriend's soul briefly recoiled in Surprise at the sudden contact before its Shock swiftly turned into Recognition and Happiness and the chicken man's Flame instantly reached out to take his girlfriend's Pink Flame into a warm embrace.

One the sorceress's Inner Flame was more than happy to return as both spirit's joined together tightly and began to dance as they rapidly communicated concepts and feelings of all kinds between them, positively radiating Love all the while.

The pink rabbit smiled as she allowed this to continue for a while, eager to take the chance to forget about Great Evils and motherhood for a moment to just catch up with her boyfriend after so long, even if in such an indirect manner.

Something she was sure the rooster appreciated as well, and Yin let out a chuckle as she imagined the dopey expression on her boyfriend's face, her Inner Flame's emanations becoming tinged with Amusement as it Playfully poked and prodded at Coop's soul, getting Teasing pokes from the Golden Flame in response.

Honestly, the two of them had been so busy lately with their responsibilities as Woo Foo Warriors and their work at the Library and seminars teaching the dangers of Dark Magic, respectively, that neither the sorceress nor the chicken man had had much of an opportunity to go on dates or even talk that much.

And the fact that the pink rabbit's constant obsession over their little "issue" had often made what conversations and dates they did have somewhat awkward as of late had not helped matters.

Yin's face fell at the memory and her Inner Flame immediately dimmed and reluctantly pulled back from the dance, radiating Guilt, before the Golden Flame immediately pulled its pink counterpart back into the embrace, emanating Reassurance and Forgiveness even if it also couldn't hide it's own feelings of Doubt and Anxiety.

A warm smile split the sorceress's face as her Flame brightened somewhat and communicated Love and Gratitude to her boyfriend's soul, and the two spirit's danced together a while, taking Comfort in each other's presence, before the Pink Flame reluctantly exited the embrace and gently reminded the Golden Flame of her mission.

The rooster's spirit dimmed considerably in response and Stubbornly questioned yet again if this course of action was truly necessary, radiating Concern and Uncertainty as the spellcaster sighed and her soul emanated slight Exasperation whilst insisting there was no other way while it tried soothe the Golden Flame's worries.

And all the while, the pink rabbit could feel the effects the spiritual conflict was having on her physical body and conscious mind as her gut twisted itself into knots, her skin turned cold and clammy, and her mood worsened considerably as a profound sense of anxiety and unease spread through her very being.

Yin could only imagine what her poor boyfriend was going through right now, which only made her Guilt even worse as her soul continued its desperate attempts to calm and assure the chicken man's Inner Flame.

The sorceress could only hope her brother and honorary sister were providing the rooster with some comfort.

Finally, mercifully, after what felt like an eternity, the pink rabbit let out a sigh of relief as her body slowly relaxed when her boyfriend's Inner Flame at last conceded and reluctantly agreed her wishes, still radiating Fear and Worry as the spellcaster's soul pulled the Golden Flame into an affectionate embrace and soothingly emanated Confidence, Reassurance, Gratitude, and Love.

The two Flames stayed like that for a while, taking mutual comfort in the affectionate embrace, before the fowl's spirit reluctantly exited the hug and sent a Apologetic prod at her Inner Flame, and the Amused Pink Flame poked it's golden counterpart back in light Chastisement before communicating it's Understanding and Gratitude for Coop's concern for her.

Yin chuckled as her boyfriend's spirit brightened considerably at that, and the two brilliantly shining souls shared one last last beautiful dance together before her Inner Flame reluctantly prodded the Golden Flame that it was time, getting a Resigned grumble in response as both spirit's set to work establishing a link between themselves.

Unlike the natural soul link the sorceress shared with her brother, this one would have to be created manually, and so the Pink Flame slowly reached out with a wispy, pulsating tendril of power as the chicken man's spirit did the same, and both tendrils met and began to weave together at the half-way point, their energies gradually intermixing and combining into one as the two Flames pumped more and more power into them until at last the tendrils had fully merged into a strong tether that linked the two lovers together in a way that went beyond the physical.

The pink rabbit nodded in Satisfaction at the link as her Inner Flame sent one last pulse of Gratitude, Love, and Determination to its golden counterpart along with a communication repeating her solemn oath to come back to the rooster as soon as possible.

The Golden Flame emanated Anxiety, Concern, Confidence, and Love in response as it communicated a desperate plea for her to be Safe and Careful, and Yin's spirit pulled it into one last loving embrace and promised Coop's soul she would with everything she had before at last the Pink Flame reluctantly pulled away with a heartfelt Farewell and the sorceress turned her attention to the final Doll.

Levitating Lina's Doll before her, the pink rabbit whispered the incantation one last time and paused at the final spirit that appeared before her own soul.

The dog woman's Inner Flame was the smallest yet, utterly dwarfed by both her own Flame and the ones that had come before, and Yin's spirit dimmed slightly at the stark reminder of just how far removed from the rest of the world her, Yang, and Coop had become.

The farm girl's Inner Flame was still huge compared to a normal person's, akin to a small campfire sitting next to a towering bonfire.

But next to their Flames, even that seemed inconsequential, for if Lina's spirit was like an enormous cauldron of fire a large gathering of people could congregate around for warmth, then their souls were the equivalent of a colossal forest fire, a raging force of nature that would consume everything in its path for miles and miles around if it got out of control.

That's why it was so vitally important for the three of them to maintain ironclad discipline at all times, and also why the sorceress and her brother were so hesitant to touch the spirits of others.

It would be so very easy for the Pink Flame to completely envelop and smother the Aquamarine fires of her best friend's soul, and the pink rabbit couldn't imagine what it would be like to try and touch and handle the spirit of a normal person, whose tiny Flame would be but mere embers compared to Lina's Inner Flame, nevermind the pink rabbit's.

It would be like an elephant trying to handle a single, stray spark.

The slightest misstep and it would be snuffed out forever.

The thought made Yin's spirit momentarily dim and shrink back in Fear and Worry as she briefly considered performing the Trance without the dog woman's help, before she shook her head and steeled her Resolve whilst furiously reminding herself that while her honorary sister might not be anywhere near her or Yang's level, she was still a powerful warrior in her own right and that the farm girl's soul should be more than capable of surviving a dialogue with her own so long as the sorceress's Flame didn't outright attack hers.

Besides, it was already too late at this point.

There was no way her best friend wouldn't figure her out if the pink rabbit tried to leave her out of this, and Lina would have her hide for not letting her help and for treating her like glass.

So, with uncompromising gentleness, Yin's Inner Flame slowly reached out and lightly poked the dog woman's spirit, and the Aquamarine Flame immediately perked up in Recognition and Impatience before it fearlessly flung itself at the sorceress's Startled and Anxious soul without an ounce of hesitation and pulled it into a warm embrace, radiating Affection, Annoyance, and Chastisement as it asked the larger Flame what had taken so long.

Annoyance that quickly turned to Incredulity and Anger as the farm girl's soul sensed the Pink Flame's Anxiety and Worry over hurting it and began furiously berating the much larger spirit while the pink rabbit's Inner Flame could only Meekly communicate apologies and explanations in response as it's owner winced and fidgeted uncontrollably at the expected, but still unwelcome, spiritual tirade.

Lina might have ordinarily had a calm, kind, level-headed, and laid back demeanor most of the time, but boy howdy did that woman have a fearsome temper when you pissed her off, with a tongue as sharp as a blade to go with it.

And almost nothing got on her nerves faster than being treated like a burden or a damsel-in-distress, as proud and fiercely independent as the dog woman was, and she was not afraid to let her opinion be known in the slightest.

It was one of the biggest reasons Yang loved her so much, for the farm girl was one of the few people aside from Yin herself that could match his legendary bluntness and sheer, bull-headed stubbornness, and Lina never failed to smack sense into her at times unruly boyfriend and screw his head back on straight whenever his sister couldn't.

She never hesitated to do the same for her honorary sister either, which the sorceress usually appreciated but right now couldn't muster up anything but Anxiety and Regret as the dog woman's Irate spirit continued to metaphorically castrate her now thoroughly Chastised Inner Flame before finally ceasing it's onslaught, and the Aquamarine Flame let out a Weary pulse of Resignation before pulling it's Pink counterpart into an Affectionate embrace radiating Love, Reassurance, and Forgiveness as the larger soul and it's owner slowly relaxed.

The pink rabbit's Inner Flame carefully returned the embrace, communicating it's Profound apologies once again, and the two spirit's slowly began to dance as the Pink Flame regaled it's Aquamarine counterpart of it's dialogue with Coop's Flame and it's Amusement, Exasperation, and Happiness at the chicken man's stubborn Concern for her.

The farm girl's soul radiated Happiness, and Amusement in response as it expressed how Unsurprised it was whilst also not failing to remind the larger Flame just how lucky her best friend was to have the rooster, much to the Wry Amusement of the spellcaster's Inner Flame.

But alas, all good things must come to an end, and after a few more moments of happy dialogue and taking pleasure in each other's company, the Aquamarine Flame prodded it's larger Pink counterpart, Gently, but Firmly reminding Yin's spirit that she still had a job to do, and the sorceress's Inner Flame reluctantly conceded the point as it exited the embrace and the two souls got to work establishing the third and final tether.

Not being as well versed in the mystic and spiritual arts as Yang and Coop, the pink rabbit's Flame had to slowly guide Lina's spirit through the process, and there were more than a few failed attempts resulting in some rather colorful emanations from the Aquamarine Flame that reminded it's Amused Pink counterpart of yet another reason her brother loved the dog woman so much, but before long there was a strong and steady link between the two souls.

Yin chuckled in Amusement at the Smugness and Satisfaction pouring off the Aquamarine Flame in waves, and her spirit pulled the farm girl's soul into one last loving embrace before the two Flames parted with a Heartfelt goodbye and a wish of good luck from Lina's Inner Flame.

The sorceress let out a tired sigh at finally getting all the links set up before double, triple, and quadruple checking each of the tethers for any flaws, nodding in satisfaction when she found none.

It might have taken longer than she anticipated, but it was worth it.

With these links anchoring her to the spirits of her loved ones and Yang standing by with her Doll in case something did go wrong, there was no longer any doubt in the pink rabbit's mind that her mission would be a success.

Which meant there was no longer any excuse for any further dilly-dallying.

It was time to take the plunge.

Giving one last loving look at the three spirits bonded to her own still floating about in her Mind's Eye, Yin focused the entirety of her attention on her own Inner Flame as she grasped it in her mental grip, tiny shudders going down her body as she did so, and created one last tether linking it to her body.

The Pink Flame began to rise, slowly at first, then faster and faster as the sorceress lifted it up and began to chant.

"I am one with Creation and Creation with me."

The spirits of her loved ones were fading away now, rapidly becoming ever more distant in her Mind's Eye as the pink rabbit's soul continued to soar ever higher, the tethers linking them all together extending into Infinity.

"I am one with Creation and Creation with me."

The three Flames were little more than tiny dots of light now, sparkling dimly in the darkness as Yin continued to chant and her spirit continued its inexorable rise, her voice and any and all awareness of her physical body growing ever fainter as it did.

"I am one with Creation and Creation with me."

There was a Light in the distance now, faint at first but rapidly growing closer as her Inner Flame continued its now meteoric rise towards it, all other sensations save the four tethers gone now as the sorceress's soul desperately reached out towards it.

The Light was warm, bright, and absolutely glorious to behold, utterly encapsulating the pink rabbit's senses as it seemed to reach out to welcome her Flame in turn while it continued to race towards it, and Yin's mind slowly began to go blank with Awe, Wonder, and Joy at the spellbinding sight.

Nothing else mattered to her anymore except that Light.

Her job at the Library, her responsibilities as a Woo Foo Master, her love of reading, magic, and children, and even her heartfelt desire to finally have a child of her own.

All these things and more meant nothing in the face of that beautiful, wondrous, glorious Light, for in its sacred glow, all of the sorceress's Worries, Fears, and Frustrations would burn away and all the knowledge she could ever want awaited her.

Which is why she had to get to the Light as soon as possible!

She'd sacrifice everything she had and every stupid, worthless, petty desire she'd ever foolishly entertained if it meant the pink rabbit got to bathe in that wonderful, sacred Light for all of eternity!

Even her friends and loved ones were nothing before such blissful peace and majestic knowledge!

Yang, Dad, Coop, Lina, Katie, Paige, and more, she didn't care if she never saw any of them again just so long as-...!"

Yin's spirit came to a screeching halt as three of the tethers suddenly thrummed at that last thought, seeming to cry out in Shock and Pain as they Desperately drew taut and pulled on the frantically struggling soul before the sorceress's clouded mind abruptly cleared at the Wounded cries and Horror filled her very being at what she'd been about to do.

Her friends...

Her lover...

Her family...

Had she... had she really been about to throw them all away just for a bit of knowledge and a pretty Light?

A fucking Light!?!

The pink rabbit's Inner Flame recoiled from the now-terrifying Light like it'd been stung, it's fires dimming to an almost-black purple as Guilt, Shame, and Remorse poured off of it in waves as it desperately clung to the tethers connecting it to the spirits of her loved ones for all it was worth, radiating Gratitude and Reassurance.

This continued on for quite some time until at last the three tethers slowly went slack and stopped thrumming, emanating Understanding and Forgiveness as Yin's spirit radiated boundless, unending Gratitude and Love in turn before reluctantly turning back to face that accursed Light, it's damnably beautiful glow still seeming to be gently beckoning her forward.

Now, more than ever, the sorceress understood why this technique was so feared.

She hadn't even actually crossed the threshold yet and she'd already almost lost herself to the promise of Eternal Peace and Ultimate Knowledge.

If she hadn't taken the time to bind herself to her loved ones beforehand, the pink rabbit's soul would have surely been lost forever.

Which, the spellcaster admitted reluctantly to herself, probably shouldn't have been a surprise given how much she loved learning new things.

Doubt and Uncertainty reared their ugly heads once again and the Pink Flame dimmed and flickered sporadically as Yin furiously warred with herself over whether or not she should turn back after such a close call, before her Inner Flame flared and brightened with Stubbornness and Determination and the sorceress steeled her resolve.

No, she couldn't turn back now.

She was no coward, and no quitter.

She was a Woo Foo Master and the greatest sorceress this land had seen in centuries.

It was just like she told Yang, if Nana Ti thought she could do this, then she could do this, end of story.

And more to the point, the pink rabbit had to do this to ensure the safety of her home and loved ones.

If she didn't find out more about what this "Great Evil" was or what it was planning, then there was no telling what sort of havoc it would wreak before they managed to stop it, if they managed to stop it at all.

And there was no way she was going to allow anyone or anything to bring harm to those she cared for and the people she'd sworn to protect.

Not as long as she drew breath.

So, gathering up her Courage, Yin's Inner Flame grasped the four tethers as tightly as possible as she focused intensely on all the memories and feelings she had of her friends and family that she possibly could, no matter how small.

All the good times, all the bad, everything she loved about them, and everything that drove her up the wall, nothing that bound the sorceress to her loved ones was left out as the threads her spirit held in a death grip thrummed and pulsed in response to the rush of memories and emotions as they tightened their grip on the Pink Flame as well.

Taking comfort in the Confidence, Reassurance, and Love radiating from the threads linking her to her most cherished connections, the pink rabbit's Inner Flame flared defiantly as it approached the Light once more, the memories she was holding so close shielding her from its hypnotic beauty.

You will not take me, Yin swore to herself and her loved ones before, with one last furious flare, her Inner Flame plunged headfirst into the White Abyss.


Well, one thing was for sure.

Whatever Yin had been expecting and bracing herself for all this time, nothing she had researched or trained for could have prepared her for this.

There weren't any words imaginable that could describe what the sorceress was experiencing right now except in the absolute crudest of terms.

She could see everything.

A field mouse foraging for food in the distance, rapidly growing larger and larger as an owl swooped on its unsuspecting prey, silent as the grave.

She could feel everything.

A blushing, trembling young man filled with Anxiety desperately trying to work up the Courage to pop the question he'd been wanting to ask for so long while his girlfriend patiently waited with deep, profound Amusement and giddy Anticipation.

She was everything and everything was her.

Trillions upon Trillions of lifeforms scattered through the Cosmos, ranging from the tiniest of bacteria to mighty Cosmic Beings whose size and power defied description, all interconnected in a beautiful, utterly colossal Web of Life.

The sheer deluge of information and knowledge flowing through the pink rabbit's spirit was utterly overwhelming, even for her powerful and disciplined mind, and it was all she could do not to get lost in the onslaught of images and sensations assaulting her as her Inner Flame gripped the furiously thrumming tethers and memories binding her to her loved ones with every ounce of power it had.

Yin didn't know how long her soul spent being tossed about in the Light, desperately trying to stay afloat as it curled in on itself and focused with all its might on the memories of those she cherished to shut out the unbearable torrent of Noise.

It could have been days.

It could have been hours.

It could have been an Eternity or No Time At All.

Ultimately, it didn't matter how long the sorceress's Inner Flame spent just trying to not to drown in the Infinite Well of Knowledge in which it had been cast, for she knew that if this didn't stop, and soon, she really would remain trapped here forever.

So, using every last bit of strength and focus it could spare, the pink rabbit's spirit cried out as it begged the Flames of her loved ones for aid through the links binding them together, and the tethers instantly responded to the Pink Flame's desperate plea, glowing brightly as they pulsed with power.

Newfound strength filled the beleaguered spirit as energy poured into it from the tethers, and Yin's Inner Flame radiated with Relief and Gratitude as it pushed back at the sensations assaulting it with renewed vigor, egged on by the feelings of Encouragement and Love emanating from the three tethers.

Finally able to focus on more than just preserving her sanity and sense of self, the sorceress called out into the Light with all the strength her Inner Flame could spare.

What is the Great Evil that will soon threaten my home? she demanded furiously in a way that transcended mere words, and the images and sensations assaulting her shifted in response to the question, finally becoming something more recognizable and coherent, if only just.

A massive stream of information pertaining to some of the most dangerous foes the pink rabbit had ever faced appeared in her Mind's Eye, images featuring the Night Master, Eradicus, and that Abomination Yuck being among the most prominent, but the spellcaster quickly dismissed them and repeated her query, this time specifying she was looking for a Great Evil that would threaten her home in the future.

That proved to be a mistake, for as soon as that question was uttered, the assault on her spirit's senses redoubled as Yin was furiously bombarded with a practically endless stream of possibilities that could lead to the rise of a new Night Master in both the near and far future, including several that took place long after she and her brother had passed or involved one or both of them falling to Darkness to become the greatest Villains the world had ever known.

The sorceress's Inner Flame cried out in pain as it nearly buckled under the onslaught of Knowledge, and it was only a fresh influx of energy from the furiously pulsating threads of her loved ones that prevented it from collapsing completely.

She had to end this soon.

Yang, Coop, and Lina wouldn't be able to keep feeding her power like this forever.

Sooner or later, they'd all collapse from exhaustion, their Flames spent, and when that happened, the pink rabbit's spirit would surely be consumed by the Light and lost forevermore.

Yin furiously wracked her mind for another way to phrase the question, desperately searching for a way out of her dilemma as this would surely be her last chance to find the answers she sought before she was lost to the Light.

Yet the solution would not come, for with her mind and soul under such furious attack, the sorceress simply could not think clearly enough to rephrase the question in a way that would get her what she needed.

But just as she was about to give up in despair and attempt to flee the horrible Light, one of the threads thrummed and the pink rabbit's Inner Flame froze as the answer came to her clear as day and her spirit flared brightly with Joy, Love, and renewed Hope.

I love you so much bro, she thought giddily to herself as she made a promise to give Yang the biggest hug of his life when she returned.

Brimming with confidence, Yin's Inner Flame pushed back against the Light with one last titanic flare and burst of Will as she screamed out her final question with all her might.

What do you know about the Great Evil that threatens to destroy my home and lands beyond in the near-future!?!

And just like that, the assault stopped.

All of the Knowledge and Sensations that had been battering her so relentlessly ever since she entered this accursed Light halted completely, leaving naught but an utterly silent bright White Void in its place.

Something that had the sorceress instantly on her guard as her Inner Flame scanned for threats with every way it knew how.

As much of a relief as it was to finally have a clear head again without that endless stream of raw, unfiltered Information constantly boring into her mind, to have it be replaced by complete and absolute silence so abruptly after she'd posed her final inquiry...

It frightened the pink rabbit.

It frightened her to the very core of her being.

And that fear only grew when a sudden, unbearable pressure started pressing down on Yin's spirit as something vast and unknowable turned its attention to her.

Evaluating her.

Judging her.

Piercing right through her to gaze into the deepest recesses of her soul where all her secrets and everything she ever was and could be was laid out before it to be examined in explicit detail.

The sorceress's Inner Flame dimmed and receded in on itself as it cowered before the vast Presence it could feel all around it, before the threads of her loved ones thrummed once again in Encouragement and she gathered her Courage as she remembered why she was here.

Are you the Light? she called out into the White Void, her communication being met with yet more silence but the pressure bearing down on her increasing as the Presence seemed to focus on her even more.

I'll take that as a yes, the pink rabbit thought wryly to herself before her Anxiety swiftly turned to Anger and the fires of her soul darkened and flared as she metaphorically glared into the Void.

So I finally got your attention huh? she said accusingly as she openly broadcasted all the Painful, Terrifying experiences she'd just been through and the Fear and Distress that'd come with them into the White Void, About damn time! I almost lost myself and everything I hold dear because of you!

The Presence did not respond, merely continued to observe her Irate Inner Flame in that eerie silence, though the pressure bearing down on her spirit did noticeably abate, and Yin sighed in Resignation before putting her Anger to the wayside.

That was probably the closest to an apology she was going to get out of this thing.

Please, she pleaded in a much more respectful tone as she broadcasted the memories of Dad's warning and the conversation with Nana Ti and Grandpa Chai, tell me what you know about the Great Evil they warned me about. I've already tried every other method I know of to find something about it and my Grandparents told me this was the only thing that would work. Please, help me protect my home and those I care about.

The Presence said nothing for the longest time, the sorceress's soul squirming and fidgeting uncontrollably under its gaze as the all-encompassing silence stretched on forever while she waited for an answer until, just as she was about to repeat the question, far more forcefully this time, the White Void finally shifted.

The images and sensations were back, clear and concise this time as the pink rabbit processed the Information she was being provided with absolutely no pain or difficulty, though that didn't mean she wasn't still puzzled by what she was being shown.

She was staring at a vision of a beautiful looking planet, one that seemed familiar but at the same time was very clearly not her own.

The landmassess were all wrong, for starters, and a quick check revealed that this world also only had one sun and moon to the three of each her home possessed.

It was still quite a captivating sight though, and one Yin wouldn't have minded appreciating for a while under different circumstances, but despite how beautiful it was, she could still instantly tell that something was not right with this world.

A dark miasma of Despair and Hopelessness hung over the planet as its image became sickly and warped, and if the sorceress listened closely, she could also hear the anguished sobs and screams of men, women, and children of all kinds as they desperately cried out for salvation they knew wouldn't come.

There was no doubt about it, this world was dying, slowly but surely, its destruction an inevitability many of its inhabitants had already all but resigned themselves to.

But while the pink rabbit's heart nearly broke at the sounds of their suffering and the sorry state of this once beautiful planet, a part of her could not help but be confused why the Presence was showing her this.

This was not her home.

These were not her people.

This wasn't even her Solar System for Ancestors sake!

So what did any of this have to do with her?

As if in answer to her question, the Void shifted again, and Yin's spirit recoiled in absolute Horror at the new images and sensations being revealed to her.

Whereas before the cries of the alien world's inhabitants had been muted and subtle, now they were almost deafening, a great Chorus of Terror, Pain, and Hopelessness that shook the White Void with their screams as a great shadow fell over their doomed world.

Or rather, a Light.

But this Light was not like the one the sorceress had flung herself into and currently resided.

As dangerous as that glow had been, it was still beautiful and wondrous in its own way, like a Sun that was glorious to behold but could still burn and destroy you if you forgot the power and danger it represented and ventured too close.

This Light, by contrast, was not beautiful or pleasant in the least.

It was harsh, sterile, and painful to look at, threatening to envelop and drown out everything in its terrifying golden glow.

The inhabitants' screams grew even louder as the Golden Light approached, and the pink rabbit could only watch in Horrified Disbelief as that terrible golden glow fell upon the beleaguered planet without mercy.

The Golden Light burned and ate away at the alien world at a terrifying rate as the screams of its doomed inhabitants began to fade away one by one until at last they fell silent forever and their home was no more.

Yin was speechless, utterly struck dumb as her Inner Flame dimmed and flickered sporadically while her mind desperately tried to fathom how anyone could be so cruel.

Even the Night Masters, the greatests Evils her World had ever known, the Eternal Enemy that all who practiced Woo Foo would be locked in war with until the end of Time, even they would have never done something like this!

Even Eradicus had only wanted to burn the world down so he could remake it in his image to rule over for all time, not outright destroy it forever!

And he had "Eradicate" in his Ancestors-damned name for goodness sake!

But the Presence wasn't done with her yet, oh no, for the White Void shifted again to show her another world, this one almost identical to the last except for the fact that unlike the first this planet was vibrant, healthy, and its inhabitants mostly Happy and Content with their lives.

Which only made it all the more Shocking and Horrifying for the sorceress when that same accursed Golden Light that had so heartlessly snuffed out the lives of those poor people living on that doomed planet suddenly appeared from a rent in space itself and once again fell upon that beautiful orb.

NO! she cried out in Shock, Horror, Desperation, Rage, and bone-crushing Sadness as the Happy and Content voices of the world's inhabitants swiftly turned to Shocked and Fearful cries at the Golden Light's approach. STOP IT!

But her pleas fell on deaf ears, and once again she could do nothing but watch as the Golden Light mercilessly devoured the twin of its first victim, the death cries of its inhabitants reverberating through the Void before they too fell silent.

Over and over again this scene played, the Void constantly shifting to show yet more copies of that first doomed planet, each so similar yet noticeably different from the one before it, be murdered one by one by that wretched, horrible Light in a never-ending cycle of senseless Death and Bloodshed.

And all the while, the pink rabbit wept as she could do nothing but scream, cry, and beg at the ceaseless genocide taking place before her, her Inner Flame a dark, raging inferno of Rage and Sadness that crackled and howled at her helplessness.

Rage and Sadness that abruptly turned to Shock, Disbelief, and sheer, utter Horror and Despair as the White Void shifted one final time to show a new world, very different from the countless copies of the first alien planet she'd been shown thus far.

A world she knew all too well.

No... Yin whispered quietly to herself in Terror as she watched the Golden Light hungrily approach the familiar planet.

Her planet.

NO! she screamed into the void, her spirit flaring like a supernova as she watched that accursed Light close in on her home. BY THE ANCESTORS, NO! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU, TELL ME, HOW DO I STOP THIS!?!

The Presence was silent at first, merely continuing to observe the distressed sorceress as the Golden Light moved in for the kill, until, just as she was about to give up Hope, the image shifted again.

Five brilliant Stars of multi-colored light suddenly flared to life in the destroyer's path, leading a legion of smaller Stars in a ferocious charge as the Golden Light recoiled with a roar of Surprise and Pain at the sudden attack.

Again and again the army of Stars lashed out with incredible ferocity, driving the beast further and further back with each blow, until, at last, with one final, massive attack, the Light's horrible golden glow was extinguished forevermore.

The pink rabbit could only stare in Awe at the Stars' incredible victory over the seemingly unstoppable Monster, indescribable Relief and Happiness filling her at the realization there was a way to save her home from this Great Evil.

And perhaps, all those other worlds as well.

Who are they? she called out Excitedly into the White Void, which shifted in response to give her a closer look at the Stars as all but the massive, multi-colored leaders faded away, which quickly revealed themselves to be five mighty warriors positively glowing with power.

The first two were instantly recognizable to Yin, an ethereal blue rabbit holding a massive flaming sword accompanied by a pink doppelganger whose hands were alight with incredible mystical power, both of whom were glowing significantly brighter than the other three.

Her and Yang, of course.

They were the most powerful protectors their world had to offer, there was no way they wouldn't be on the front lines for a threat like this.

The other three Star Warriors were a complete unknown to the sorceress, however, and she stiffened in Alarm as their shining glow rapidly started to dim and fade away without warning until what once were fiercely blazing Stars were reduced to mere Embers, each looking positively miniscule next to her and her brother.

The first Ember was a bright white fox that felt significantly younger than either of them and was, alarmingly, shackled in thick chains.

Anger, Bitterness, and a fierce desire to be free radiated from the Fox, along with a strong sense of Smugness, Self-Confidence, and Cynicism.

However, underneath all the Bitterness there was also a deep-seated sense of Sadness, a longing for Companionship, and even a bit of well-hidden Compassion buried deep down.

Whoever the Fox was, it was clear that she was trapped and hurt, scarred by a cruel world, and she needed help badly.

But as bad as her situation appeared to be, it was nothing compared to the second Ember, a scarlet spider.

The pink rabbit nearly gagged as the pungent waves of negative emotions emanating from the Spider washed over her Inner Flame, a putrid, rancid cocktail of Anger, Hatred, Fear, Bitterness, Helplessness, Self-Loathing, and all-consuming Grief that threatened to eat the young ember alive from the inside out.

Worse still, the sting of Betrayal and the shadow of Paranoia also hung over the Spider like a dark miasma, and Yin could scarcely imagine what the girl must have gone through to have been wounded so deeply.

Thankfully, it appeared all was not yet lost however, for underneath the crushing torrent of negativity lied a tiny spark of Hope for something better being shielded by an iron-hard core of DETERMINATION and STUBBORNNESS accompanied by a desperate longing for Companionship and an earnest desire to help others.

The sorceress was quite impressed despite herself.

Despite the suffering she had clearly endured, the Spider refused to give in to Despair and kept holding onto that last kernel of Hope and goodness within her with all her might.

The pink rabbit could only hope the Spider got the help she so desperately needed before the last bastions of her resistance crumbled.

But it was the last Ember that caught Yin's attention the most.

It was a little purple rabbit, shockingly young even compared to her two compatriots, and while she thankfully didn't appear to be too scarred compared to her compatriots, the sheer amount of FEAR, PANIC, PARANOIA, and bone-deep DREAD radiating off of her was enough to immediately put the sorceress's on edge.

Who are they? she called out into the White Void, her spirit flaring with Worry and Concern as she looked at the sorry state of the three warriors who had helped her and her brother vanquish the monstrous Golden Light in Confusion, before a thought struck her as she remembered her father's words.

Are these... our future students? the pink rabbit asked hesitantly, no small amount of Dread entering her soul at the thought as she once again surveyed just how damaged they were.

The Presence once again did not respond directly, but the pressure bearing down on her did increase at the question, which the beleaguered spellcaster took as confirmation with a weary sigh.

Of course we would get problem students, Yin thought Bitterly to herself, her Inner Flame dimming as she wondered if this was Karma for all the trouble they'd caused Dad as kids, before shaking herself out of her funk and refocusing on the task at hand.

Who are they? she called out into the Void once again. How do we find them?

The Presence responded with its characteristic silence yet again as the pressure bearing down on the sorceress's Inner Flame intensified even more, the vast being seemingly scrutinizing her more closely than ever, before the White Void shifted one last time, leaving nothing but her and the Purple Rabbit in the endless blank Abyss.

Wait! the pink rabbit called out desperately as she felt the pressure recede completely, I need to know where they are so me and Yang can-...!"


Yin immediately ceased her call as her spirit focused all its attention on the little Purple Rabbit, who was now quietly sobbing as her glow dimmed even more to almost nothing and the waves of SADNESS and DESPAIR radiating off her became almost suffocating.

Hello? the sorceress said quietly as her Inner Flame carefully moved closer to the crying child, its fires dimming in Worry and Concern while the pink rabbit tried to communicate Calm and Reassurance to soothe and comfort her smaller purple counterpart. Can you hear me honey? What's wrong?

Please... someone... help me, the Purple Rabbit choked out miserably, sending Yin's Maternal Instincts into overdrive as the waves of SADNESS and DESPAIR crashing into her spirit somehow became even more overwhelming than they already were.

The sorceress metaphorically bit her lip in worry about possibly hurting the child if she made spirit-to-spirit contact, but seeing no option and that the girl was clearly in trouble already, forced down her Apprehension and made a decision.

Slowly, tentatively, the pink rabbit's Inner Flame carefully reached out to the Purple Rabbit with a small tendril of ethereal flame and lightly brushed up against the girl...

...who promptly exploded into a roaring, swirling blue vortex of energy that sucked in Yin's spirit before she could do more than let out a startled yelp.



"Do you think she's ok in there?" Coop asked for the millionth time with an anxious glance at the door as Yang and Lina both sighed in annoyance.

It had been several hours since Yin had gone into the Meditation Chamber and that time had been quite eventful for all three of them despite the fact that they'd so far done nothing but sit outside the door talking and playing on their phones.

First, they'd all experienced an inexplicable surge of Happiness and Love mixed with a bit of Annoyance and Anxiety.

Then a sudden wave of TERROR and HURT had crashed over them and they'd nearly broken down the door to get to the sorceress before forcing themselves to remain calm and trust her.

And finally, the warrior, dog woman, and chicken man had all been assaulted by a crippling sensation of Pain and Confusion that scrambled their minds as the strength started to drain out of their bodies, before that too had passed and things returned to normal save for a lingering feeling of Anxiety hanging over them.

That last episode had been a little while ago, and the frantic rooster had not shut up about his girlfriend's condition since.

"Yes Coop, she's fine," the blue rabbit ground out through gritted teeth said as he dragged his hand down his face in tired irritation. "We all would have felt it if the links had been severed. So, please, for the love of the Ancestors, stop asking."

The chicken man grumbled petulantly and crossed his arms over his chest as his two companions glared at him.

"Oh don't give us that you overstuffed turkey!" the farm girl snapped heatedly, hands on her hips. "We're just as worried about Yin as you are! And your constant belly aching is NOT. HELPING."

The rooster glowered at them for a moment longer before letting out an explosive sigh.

"Sorry, you guys" he muttered apologetically as his massive shoulders slumped. "I guess I'm still on edge after, well, you know…"

Yang and Lina both had the good grace to wince at that before they shot their friend sympathetic looks.

"I get it, big guy. You got a lot dropped on you out of the blue," Yang said as his face softened and he put a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder. "But as much as I hate to admit it, my sister's right, we can't put this off anymore. We need to learn more about whatever this 'Great Evil' is so we can stop it, and we already tried everything else. This was the only way."

The fowl stared at him before letting out a tired sigh of his own as he gave another deeply concerned look at the door.

"Are you really sure there wasn't anything else you could have tried?" he asked in a worried, fearful voice, the rush of intense emotions, both positive and negative, that had fallen over him when the pink rabbit had connected to his soul still fresh in his mind.

The warrior nodded firmly without hesitation.

"I am," he replied with absolute confidence before giving his friend a cocky smile. "Don't worry so much Coop. I know things got a bit hairy there for a while, but it's passed now. I trust my sister. I trust Nana Ti and Grandpa Chai. If they say Yin can do this, then she can do this, and that's the end of it. You gotta have faith buddy."

Coop scrunched up his face as he glanced anxiously at the door one last time before finally nodding his assent.

"Alright Yang," he finally conceded as the blue rabbit and Lina both smiled, "you're right. I do trust Yin, and I suppose we do need to learn more about whatever this 'Great Evil' is and that you guys took as many precautions as you possibly could to make this safe for her."

"But I'm still going to give her an earful and a good smack to the head when she comes out of that Chamber for scaring us so badly," the chicken man finished with a stubborn scowl as both his friends snorted.

"Be our guest," Yang agreed blandly with half-lidded eyes, getting a mild chuckle from the other man in response.

"Just don't be too hard on her Coop," the dog woman cut in with a worried frown as she stepped forward to give the rooster a pleading look. "Yin's been going through a hard time and carrying a lot of baggage lately, and she's only just now managed to work up the nerve to talk to you about it. I'd hate to see that ruined because you chewed her out too much."

Coop's face softened as he looked away with a thoughtful frown, some odd and incredibly mixed emotions and sensations swirling around in the back of his head.

"Yeah... you're right Lina," the chicken man agreed slowly before leveling a mildly accusatory look at his two friends. "Speaking of which, is there anything else important Yin talked to you guys about that I need to be aware of?"

Yang and Lina chuckled before the dog woman stepped forward with hands raised up in surrender.

"Nope. I promise you Coop, we don't have anything else to hide," she replied with a cheeky grin slowly as the rooster huffed in amusement. "And don't worry, Yin promised us she would finally stop bottling things up like this and stop trying to do everything herself. And by the Ancestors, we are going to make sure she keeps that promise."

That finally got a chuckle out of Coop as he cracked a smile at his pleased friend.

"Damn right you will," he teased in a faux-severe tone as the farm girl giggled and her boyfriend grinned as well before the chicken man sobered up and sighed once more.

"So what happens now?" he asked his friends as they sobered up as well. "We just keep standing out here and guard the door until she comes out or the time limit expires and we use that creepy doll she made to pull her back?"

"Pretty much," the warrior replied with a shrug as he glanced at the door. "Hopefully it won't come to that though. Now that all that drama's over, with any luck it won't be too much long-..."

The blue rabbit cut himself off as there was a sudden hiss and all three of them looked to see the heavy metal door slowly start to open.

"Well, speak of the Devil," he said with a grin, the knot in his gut loosening as the rooster and his girlfriend both let out relieved sighs and smiled at him in turn. "See, what I tell ya Coop? Everything's going to be just fine."

Coop nodded as the door finally swung open with a clang and a cloud of vapor, a familiar silhouette in the smoke.

"Glad you made it back in one piece sis," Yang said happily as he stepped forward with an eager smile. "Well? Don't keep us in suspense any longer. What did you find ou-...?"

His question died on his lips as the smoke cleared and he saw what it had been hiding.

His sister was there, as expected, giving him a tired and relieved smile as she waved at the group.

But Yin wasn't what the warrior was focused on.

Rather, the entirety of his attention was on the small being sleeping in his sister's arms, which were wrapped around the child protectively as the sorceress gave her a concerned look before looking back hesitantly at her loved ones.

The blue rabbit and his girlfriend both recognized the creature of course, long suppressed memories of one of their more spectacular battles with Carl in the past roaring back to the surface, but both of them had been sure they would never see one again, so to say they were both shocked would be a bit of an understatement.

Especially since neither of them had been expecting the sorceress to bring back anything but knowledge in the first place.

Both sides stared at each other for a long moment, one in apprehension and the other in pure disbelief, before the chicken man finally broke the uncomfortable silence.

"What the hell is that thing Yin?" he demanded incredulously in a rather loud voice that had the child shifting and groaning restlessly in the pink rabbit's arms as she looked at her charge in panic, before he noticed an odd feature on the creature and recoiled in disgust. "EW! And why does it have five fingers!?!"


A blue beam of light shot from the irate spellcaster's finger and the rooster suddenly found his beak very tightly bound by an energy ring as Yin shot him a furious glare that immediately had him wilting before she gently rocked and shushed the moaning child until she was lulled back to sleep.

"Her name is Dinah. She's just had a very trying experience and needs to rest, which means we all need to be quiet. Understand?" the sorceress explained in a soft voice that was capped off with a fierce look that promised dire retribution if the girl in her arms was disturbed any further.

All three of her loved ones gulped and immediately nodded in agreement, and she dispelled the ring binding her boyfriend's beak shut as Yang stepped forward.

"Yin, what's going on?" he asked in confusion as he gave Dinah a once over and noted with some concern that she did indeed look rather ragged. "Why do you have a human with you? And how did you even bring her here in the first place? I thought knowledge was the only thing that could be gained?"

"What's a human?" Coop whispered very quietly to Lina, who sighed and rubbed her face in exasperation at this unexpected development.

"It's a long story Coop," she whispered back, her face morphing into a worried frown as she also took in the girl's sorry state, her own Maternal Instincts flaring up at the sight. "I'll fill you in later. For now, just know that me and the Wonder Twins over there came across these things before during one of their run-ins with Carl back when we were still kids."

The chicken man nodded hesitantly while the pink rabbit sighed and answered her brother's question.

"It's a long story Yang," she said tiredly, wincing and rubbing her temple at the pounding headache she'd had ever since coming out of the Trance. "Look, just let me get Dinah here cleaned up and put to bed and take some damned Tylenol, and then I promise I'll tell you and everyone else about what happened, ok?"

The warrior glanced at the child once again before nodding in agreement and the group all started making their way to the elevator to the house proper.

"You got any idea what's going on here Yang?" the rooster asked his friend as they both trailed behind the two women who were talking in low tones as they both fussed over Dinah while they walked.

The blue rabbit shook his head in the negative.

"Not a one buddy," he replied as he warily eyed the way his girlfriend's back arched in fury at something the sorceress had said, fire in her eyes and a snarl on her lips. "But I got a feeling that kid there is way more important than we realize."


As it would turn out, Yang was far more correct than even he could possibly imagine.

True to her word, as soon as Yin and Lina had cleaned Dinah up and sent her off to bed with some fresh new clothes courtesy of some magic and the sorceress had taken some much needed medicine for her headache, she'd sat down and told them all everything that had transpired while she'd been in the Trance.

How she'd nearly been consumed by the Light of Knowledge if not for the help of their souls, her nerve-wracking encounter with the vast Presence within the Light, the horrifying visions she'd been shown of that accursed Golden Light mercilessly consuming world after world, the monster's defeat at the hands of Yang, herself, and the Star Warriors, and finally, her arrival on Dinah's world and saving the girl from a band of mercenaries trying to kidnap her.

The pink rabbit's loved ones listened to her tale with rapt attention, their expressions tinged with shock, concern, and stunned disbelief, until they were all finally left gaping at the spellcaster as she finished her recollection while their minds struggled to digest the deluge of information.

"Wow..." Yang finally uttered dumbly, unsurprisingly being the first to find his voice as his sister chuckled weakly at his blunt assessment.

"Yeah, what he said," Lina agreed weakly, her usually confident and self-assured demeanor notably absent as she hugged herself timidly, thoughts of her Pa and their farm being devoured by the Golden Light filling her mind. "By the Ancestors, this is big Yin. Really big. I'm so in over my head I don't even know where to start."

"How about with just how reckless you were in saving that girl and bringing her here Yin?" Coop said sharply with a withering glare at his girlfriend as she flinched and looked away guiltily at his chastising gaze. "If what you all told me about your previous encounter with these humans is true, then you were projecting your spirit into an entirely different universe! Do you have any idea how dangerous using so much magic when you were so far away from your body could have been!?! And using the World Door spell on top of all that!?! Are you insane!?! That spell is incredibly taxing to use even under the best of circumstances, let alone during something like this! What is the matter with you Yin!?! I thought you were the greatest sorceress in all the land, not a first-year student playing with spells they shouldn't be!"

"Well, I mean, technically since she managed to pull all that off and make it back here in one piece with Dinah, that kind of would make her the best sorceress around," the warrior cut in weakly in a feeble attempt to come to his sibling's defense, only to shrink under the murderous glare he received for his troubles.

"Don't encourage her Yang," the chicken man growled through gritted teeth before turning back to his contrite girlfriend. "Well?"

Yin sighed and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"I know Coop. You're right, what I did was very reckless, and under normal circumstances I would be absolutely furious with anybody that pulled a similar stunt," she conceded quietly, wincing at the memory of the strain and discomfort she'd just barely managed to hide from those mercenaries, before her face firmed and she looked up at her boyfriend with fierce determination. "But I had to do something. I couldn't just sit there and let those money-grubbing vermin drag that poor girl away so their boss could do Ancestors-knows-what once he got his filthy claws on her. And I couldn't just take her to her world's authorities either, not after what she told me."

"Right. You said Dinah was some kind of Seer, correct?" the dog woman asked with a thoughtful frown as she crossed her arms and leaned back on the couch.

The sorceress nodded, a grave expression on her face.

"Yes, and an absurdly powerful one at that," she confirmed in a serious voice as she remembered just how thunderstruck she'd been when Dinah had first told her about her power and demonstrated it to her. "In all my years practicing and studying magic I have never seen or heard anything like it. She didn't just give me vague feelings or prophecies about what might happen that I had to work out, she gave me percentage chances about the likelihood of future events right down to the nearest decimal point! I could hardly believe my eyes when I first saw her power in action! I'm still having trouble believing it!"

The blue rabbit let out a low whistle.

"Damn, that's impressive," he commented with similar sentiments of awe as his sister nodded at him sharply.

"And dangerous," the spellcaster replied in a low, serious tone as she looked around at all of them sternly. "Very, very dangerous. Eradicus and the Night Master both would have spilt entire oceans of blood to get their hands on a Seer of such power. There was no way in hell I could risk her falling into the hands of whatever Villain was after her once I learned what she was capable of."

"And besides," she continued with an imploring look at the rooster, who gazed back at her impassively, "you heard what I saw. If nothing else, it's crystal clear that Dinah is very important in helping us stop the Golden Light, so I had to bring her here so we could try and figure out how she's going to do that. You can see that at least, right sugar beak?"

Yang and the farm girl both gagged at the sappy, hated nickname while Coop snorted at the blatant attempt to butter him up before letting out a resigned sigh.

"Alright Yin, I guess I can see where you're coming from. We do need to figure out a way to stop whatever this Golden Light is, and like you said, it's clear Dinah's going to play a big role in that. And even if it wasn't, I know I could never expect you to just abandon a child in need. That goes against who you are and everything you stand for," he conceded reluctantly as the pink rabbit gave him a relieved smile, before he looked up with a pleading expression. "Just please promise me you won't do something like this again, ok? I was worried sick..."

Yin flinched with a guilty expression for a moment before giving the chicken man a reassuring smile as she reached out from where she was sitting and put her hand on top of his.

"With any luck, I won't have to," she replied warmly as she squeezed the rooster's hand affectionately, getting a strong squeeze in return. "But I'll do my best to avoid something like this happening again. I promise."

Coop smiled and the two shared a loving kiss while the warrior and Lina were both torn between being charmed or disgusted by the display.

The blue rabbit let this continue for a few more seconds before he loudly cleared his throat to get the couple back on track.

"So anyway," he said awkwardly as he valiantly attempted to ignore the annoyed glares being sent his way, "about Dinah. Do you have any idea how she's going to help us beat the Golden Light? I'm guessing it has something to do with how impossibly good of a Seer she is?"

The sorceress's irritated expression melted away at the question and she sighed as she leaned back in her chair, deep in thought.

"That is almost certainly a big reason," she agreed as she rubbed her chin before giving her brother a reluctant look. "But unfortunately, I don't think it's the only one."

"What do you mean?" Yang asked in a voice full of dread, knowing what was coming but still praying he was wrong.

Unfortunately, his prayers went unanswered, for with a final, resigned sigh of her own, the pink rabbit dropped the bombshell, "I think Dinah and those other two warriors I saw are supposed to be our students, Yang."

The warrior gulped.

"Are you sure?" he asked desperately as he furiously wracked his brain for any way to dispute his sister's hypothesis. "I mean, none of those warrior's were humans. They were like us. Hell, Dinah's not even a rabbit!"

It was a weak argument, and he knew it.

Worse still, his sister knew it too, judging by the supremely unimpressed look she was giving him.

"Yes Yang, I'm sure," Yin replied bluntly, regarding her brother with half-lidded eyes as his shoulders slumped in defeat. "Even disregarding the fact that I heard Dinah's voice come out of the purple rabbit and was transported straight to her when I made contact with it, you know as well as I do that visions like these are often full of allegories and metaphors that have to be deciphered. I doubt, for example, that the Great Evil's true form is an actual, all-consuming Golden Light."

"And besides," she continued as she ruthlessly drove the final nail in her poor brother's coffin, "when I first saw the Star Warrior's I asked the Presence that showed me these visions if they were our future students and it all but confirmed it. I'm sorry bro, I don't like this anymore than you do, but there's no getting around it at this point. We have to find the Fox and the Spider and train them along with Dinah so we can stop the Golden Light."

The blue rabbit deflated like a balloon as he let out an explosive, put-upon sigh at realizing that his fate was well-and-truly sealed before muttering a string of foul curses under his breath while his girlfriend patted his back sympathetically.

"Fine," he ground out petulantly as he crossed his arms and scowled-not pouted, scowled-while everyone else had a good-natured chuckle at his expense. "I just don't get why jumping through all these hoops was necessary. Why couldn't we have just trained up some new warriors from our world? Why did it have to be a bunch of humans from an entirely different dimension!?! I mean, don't get me wrong, Dinah's power is definitely useful and it's great you were able to save her, but... was it really worth all this?"

The sorceress's smile faded and she cupped her chin in thought as she considered her brother's rather valid point.

"If I had to guess...," she began slowly after a long pause, "...it's probably because the Golden Light is either on Dinah's world right now or that's where it's going to strike first. And the reason our students are supposed to come from that world instead of our own is so we can try to stop it there before it can kill all those other planets."

Yang's face unexpectedly darkened at that and he opened his mouth, only to be cut off as the chicken man chimed in unexpectedly.

"What I'm confused about is why Dinah and the other two Star Warrior's showed up as creatures like us instead of as humans," he said in a puzzled tone as everyone else looked at him. "I mean, I get that these types of things often have some really vague and annoying symbolism you have to sift through, but you and Yang showed up in the vision as your normal selves, so why didn't Dinah and the other two?"

Everyone paused as they mulled that over for a moment, before the dog woman's face suddenly paled as a long buried memory returned to her.

"Um, guys," she said in a slightly panicked voice as she shot a worried glance at the guest room where Dinah was sleeping, "correct me if I'm wrong, but when we and Carl all got thrown onto that human world because of his stupid little plan, didn't we all start... changing into the 'local versions' of our species? Which were just dumb animals there?"

The blue and pink rabbit's had only half-a-second to process that statement and promptly turn stark white before a blood curdling scream sounded out from Dinah's room.

Swearing explosively, Yin immediately bolted from her chair, the others hot on her heels, and violently flung open the door to behold a cute, purple rabbit girl in the midst of an epic panic attack as she frantically examined and patted every inch of her body.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!?!" the little purple rabbit demanded tearfully as she looked at the shocked adults, before suddenly collapsing as she clutched her throbbing head, groaning in pain. "AGH, IT HURTS!!! IT HURTTTTTSSSSS!!!!!!!!"

Viciously cursing herself for being so forgetful, the sorceress immediately ignited her magic and raised her hands to cast a spell.

"Transfoomate!" she shouted as a blue beam of light enveloped the sobbing child, and in a flash the little purple rabbit was replaced by a very disoriented Dinah, who's pained groans grew even louder as her migraine abruptly worsened at the sudden transformation.

The pink rabbit quickly swooped down and enveloped the distressed girl in a warm, comforting hug, rubbing circles in her back with one hand and laying the other on her temple, the appendage glowing gently as her magic soothed the young Seer's headache.

"Shhh, shhh, it's ok. It's alright," Yin whispered softly in Dinah's ear as her pained sobs gradually died down at the older woman's gentle words and touch. "I am so, so sorry about that Dinah, but it's over now, I promise. You're safe here, just like I said you were. Hush now, that's it, hush..."

The other adults all looked on in concern as the girl finally calmed down in the sorceress's embrace and looked around warily, shrinking back in her savior's arms when she caught sight of them.

"Miss Yin, what's going on? What was that? Where are we? And who are these people?" the young Seer asked as the pink rabbit chuckled in amusement at the rapid fire questions, only to frown when Dinah suddenly hissed in pain and started rubbing her temples once again.

"The Numbers... they're going crazy and they're so fuzzy. I can't make sense of them..." she complained miserably as her grip on the older woman tightened, desperate for comfort.

Her frown deepening, Yin placed both her glowing hands on the girl's temples and began quietly whispering incantations under her breath, her eyes closed in concentration and her magic glowing brighter at the multitude of spells she was casting while the young Seer looked on in confusion but obediently remained still to let the sorceress do her work.

This continued for a while before Dinah stiffened and then sighed blissfully in relief as the Numbers finally began to calm down and her headache abated.

Opening her eyes, the pink rabbit still wore a puzzled and disturbed expression for a moment before her face softened and she smiled kindly at the beaming girl.

"Better?" she asked warmly, getting an enthusiastic nod and a grateful hug in response, which she gladly returned.

"Much better," the young Seer confirmed happily as Yin nodded in satisfaction, a pleased expression on her face, before Dinah glanced to the side and let out a little yelp of fright, her nervousness abruptly returning as she remembered they weren't alone, and all the adults laughed lightly as she attempted to hide behind the giggling sorceress.

"Now, now, none of that sweetie," the pink rabbit chided gently as she stood up with a reassuring smile and took the anxious child's hand in her own as they turned to face the other adults. "I told you before, you're perfectly safe here, and you promised you would trust me. Remember?"

Dinah nodded hesitantly and mumbled a quiet apology to the other adults with downcast eyes, which they all immediately accepted.

Guiding the nervous girl over to her loved ones, Yin gave her a fond look as she gestured to her brother, who was regarding the young Seer with a mixed expression on his face.

"Dinah, this is my brother, Yang," the sorceress said warmly with a soft smile as she gently urged the cautious child forward, who was still eying the somewhat impassive warrior before her anxiously. "He's a Hero like me and my partner in protecting our home from those that would wish our people harm. He can be a bit of an insensitive and irresponsible meathead at times, but he's actually a big softie under that macho exterior and one of the greatest warriors the world's ever seen. There's no one on this planet I trust more to have my back, which means you can trust him to. Even if he'll probably be constantly driving you up the wall."

Yang snorted and rolled his eyes as the rooster and farm girl beside him desperately attempted to stifle their laughter.

"Gee, thanks sis. I don't think I've ever had such a ringing endorsement before," he quipped blandly, sarcasm dripping off every word as his friend's choked even harder and his sister gave him a teasing smirk, before he looked down at Dinah, a tiny frown on his lips as she shrunk back from his scrutinizing gaze.

Seeing this, the warrior's features softened and he fought down his concerns and reservations with a mild rebuke at himself before kneeling down with an inviting grin.

"Hey there, kid," he greeted in a friendly voice as he held out a hand for a shake. "It's nice to see that you're doing better. From what my sister told me, you're one tough cookie, giving those mercs the runaround like that before she showed up. Most kids your age probably would've been pissing their pants in your shoes. You should be proud of keeping it together for so long."

Coop and Lina both snorted and chortled behind him while his sister sighed and shook her head, torn between being pleased or disapproving at the blue rabbit's well-meaning but vulgar attempt to cheer up the girl.

Crude or not though, it seemed to have the desired effect as the young Seer favored him with a weak smile and laugh before tentatively reaching out to grasp his hand.

"Thank you Mr. Yang," she said quietly as they shook, a small-but-sincere smile on her face, before her expression turned downcast, "but I wasn't really all that brave. All I did was run away until they herded me somewhere they could catch me without anyone seeing. And I wouldn't have even made it that far if it wasn't for my power."

"Besides," Dinah continued miserably, a fearful expression crossing her face at the memory of her near capture as she clung to the pink rabbit's leg for comfort, "I was... so terrified when those thugs were about to take me away to the Bad Man before Miss Yin showed up. I still am to…"

Yang glanced up at his sister as the girl trailed off dejectedly, a questioning look on his face as he mouthed the words "Bad Man" at her, getting a helpless shrug in response.

Filing that away for later, he instead put on a reassuring smile as he reached out and put a hand on the young Seer's shoulder.

"And that's perfectly fine," the warrior said sagely as Dinah looked up in surprise. "Everyone gets scared when stuff like that happens. Heck, even my sister and I still get scared sometimes, and we're both big time Heroes with years of experience under our belts. The important thing is not to let that fear overwhelm you and press on anyway, that's what true bravery is. And Dinah, from what Yin told me, you were very brave."

The girl blushed scarlet at the praise while the two women present both beamed at the blue rabbit and the chicken man gave his friend an approving smirk.

"T-Thank you Mr. Yang," she replied with a flattered if somewhat out-of-it smile, still a bit overwhelmed while Yang flashed a smug smirk and preened like a peacock at a job well done. "That really means a lot. Still, are you sure you'll all be alright if the Bad Man comes after me again? I wouldn't want to give you all any trouble after everything you've done for me..."

But the warrior just snorted dismissively and gave an airy wave as he stood up and looked down at her with a cocktail grin.

"Please, my sister and I eat thugs like that for breakfast all the time. There's no way that Bad Man or any other villain in this City would dare lay a finger on you while you're with us. Not when they know what Yin would do to them if they tried," he assured her breezily as Yin put a comforting hand on the young Seer's shoulder and nodded in agreement, holding up a fist glowing with magic for emphasis with a wink.

"And besides," the blue rabbit continued proudly as he puffed out his chest and posed dramatically with a supremely self-satisfied expression on his face, earning an amused giggle from Dinah and a fond roll of the eyes from the other adults, "in the extremely unlikely event that Yin doesn't get to them first, anybody that tried to hurt you would be dealing me. Me... and this baby!"

Summoning his sword in a blinding flash of light at that dramatic declaration, Yang held the bamboo weapon up high for everyone to see, looking for all the world like he'd just pulled it out of a certain stone.

Rather than the gasps of awe and wonder he'd been expecting, however, the only thing the warrior got was half-lidded stares from the other adults and a confused look from the girl.

"Mr. Yang... that's a piece of bamboo," the young Seer said slowly after a long pause, her own eyelids drooping as the rest of the adults all snorted and chuckled at her flat assessment of the blue rabbit's beloved weapon.

Far from being disheartened though, Yang merely huffed haughtily at his laughing loved ones before giving Dinah a knowing smirk.

"Oh? Are you sure that's all it is?" he asked leadingly before, with a quick flex of his Chi, the sword abruptly ignited in blazing blue flames and the girl's drooping eyes immediately shot wide open in astonishment.

"Cool! Is that your power, Mr. Yang!?!" the young Seer asked giddily as she excitedly eyed the flaming weapon while the warrior preened and his sister and girlfriend both smiled softly and shook their heads in fond exasperation at the blue rabbit's antics.

He always did love performing for his fans.

"One of them, yes," Yang answered with a pleased expression at the starry-eyed child. "With it, this 'piece of bamboo' becomes sharper and stronger than any normal blade and can cut through almost anything. And that's not all my weapon can do either."

Wearing a teasing smirk as Dinah eagerly begged to see more, the warrior happily obliged and began rapidly shifting his sword into various other forms for her amusement, much to the girl's delight.

Nunchucks, maces, warhammers, axes, knives, boomerangs, and more, almost every melee weapon imaginable was put on display for the young Seer's viewing pleasure while she clapped in glee and the blue rabbit's smug grin widened.

"And now, for the piece de resistance!" he declared dramatically before, with one final flash of light and a thunderous crash of splintering wood, Yang's sword transformed into a massive missile launcher that he rested on his shoulder like it was weightless while Dinah cheered and the rooster and dog woman both squawked in surprise and annoyance as dust and debris rained down on them from where the enormous weapon had crashed through the roof.

The sorceress was not pleased.

"YANG!" she admonished with a furious glare as the completely oblivious girl beside her continued to cheer, fists on her hips. "You clumsy doofus watch what you're doing!"

Far from being intimidated by his sister's anger, the warrior simply looked back at her with an innocent look that fooled absolutely no one.

"Sorry sis," he "apologized" cheerfully to his irritated sibling as he valiantly ignored the twin holes being burned in the back of his head by the fowl and farm girl, both of whom were now covered in dust. "But you know little old me. I'm an 'insensitive and irresponsible' meathead, so I just can't help myself sometimes."

The pink rabbit's nostrils flared and she opened her mouth to deliver an angry retort, only to pause as a pleasant sound reached her sensitive ears and she looked down to see the young Seer beside her giggling up a storm at her brother's comment.

Releasing a long-suffering sigh as all the fight drained out of her at the sight, the spellcaster eyed her triumphantly smirking brother sullenly.

"You are a very lucky rabbit, you know that?" she remarked blandly, letting out a testy huff as her brother's insufferable smile widened further.

"Yep," the blue rabbit replied cheerfully as he shifted his weapon back to sword form and turned his attention away from his grumpy sister back to the beaming child. "So what do you think, kid? Not bad for a 'piece of bamboo', huh?"

"Nope, that was awesome!" Dinah answered in a cheerful voice of her own as the warrior preened some more at the praise and even the other adults all cracked small smiles at her enthusiasm. "It's just like Miss Militia's power!"

"Miss Militia?" the blue rabbit asked with a curious eyebrow as the other adults all perked up and paid closer attention to the rapidly nodding girl.

"Yep!" she replied cheerfully as she adorably mimed holding a rifle of some kind. "She's a Hero from my hometown that can make all kinds of weapons to shoot the bad guys with just like you!"

"Huh, interesting. Maybe I'll look her up once we get your situation sorted out so we can compare notes," Yang mused thoughtfully as he exchanged a surprised and wary look with his sister.

Shapeshifting weapons weren't very common outside of Woo Foo, but then again the young Seer was from an alien world.

Maybe they had developed a similar Chi technique?

"She's really cool Mr. Yang! I'm sure you'd like her a lot!" Dinah continued on obliviously before a mischievous look crossed her face as the twin Masters focused back on her. "Of course, that's still not as cool as Miss Yin calling down lightning from the sky to smite those thugs that were after me. I don't think anything will ever top that."


Lina, Coop, and Yin all howled with laughter as the warrior toppled to the ground in shock at the smugly grinning girl's words, the sorceress in particular nearly doubled over with tears in her eyes, she was laughing so hard.

"AHHAHAHA!!!! Why thank you Dinah! That's very kind of you to say!" the pink rabbit said fondly as she playfully tussled the young Seer's hair once she'd finally regained her composure, getting a pleased giggle in response.

The blue rabbit grumbled petulantly at the smug look he was getting from his sister as he picked himself off the ground.

"Don't get cocky. First of all, I can do that too, so you're not special," he growled as he jabbed a finger at the innocent-looking spellcaster, both of them missing the look of surprise that crossed Dinah's face at his words. "Second of all, you got to her first so she's biased."

Yin merely stuck her tongue out at him as he bristled in response, only for the deeply amused dog woman to come up beside him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Now, now babe, don't be a sore loser. You've shown off enough already," she chided gently as she smoothly stepped into the role of mediator she'd been playing for 14 years now. "Quit hogging the spotlight and go clean up your mess so the rest of us can meet Dinah here, ok?"

Yang grumbled some more but reluctantly acquiesced his girlfriend's request as he stepped back and ignited his magic, gathering up the pieces of the ruined ceiling and making them whole again in a flash of light with a gesture and a muttered "Transfoomate", much to the girl's astonishment.

"Hey there Dinah," the farm girl said warmly with a kind smile as she kneeled down and the young Seer's attention was turned to her before she could ask the question that was on her mind.

"Dinah, this is Lina, a member of an order of warriors Yang and I founded to help us guard this land," the sorceress explained proudly as she came up behind Dinah and gave the other woman a fond smile. "She's also Yang's girlfriend and has been my best friend ever since we were your age. Me and her are basically sisters in all-but-blood at this point."

"Nice to meet you Miss Lina," the girl said shyly as she shook the older woman's hand, getting an amused chuckle and a reassuring smile in response.

"Nice to meet you too honey," Lina replied gently, a soft smile on her face as she favored the young Seer with an impressed look. "Yin told me all about what happened to you, and Yang's right. You were very brave. But it's over now, and I promise, you don't have to worry anymore. We'll take care of you until we get this mess sorted out and you'll be back with your folks in no time, alright?"

Dinah immediately brightened up at that and nodded eagerly as both women smiled in satisfaction at a job well done, failing to notice the way the warrior's face momentarily tightened in discomfort at his girlfriend's words.

"Thanks Miss Lina. I really appreciate that," the girl said earnestly before a curious look crossed her face. "So, are you a Hero like Miss Yin and Mr. Yang then?"

The dog woman gave a little self-deprecating chuckle at that.

"Oh no, nothing like these two," she answered humbly as she gave the twin warriors a proud look. "Yin and Yang have both basically dedicated their lives to fighting evil and protecting this world. For me, the Hero thing is mostly a side gig I do to help lighten their workload and pitch in to protect my home as much as I can. I'm mainly just a farmer working to get her Agricultural Engineering Degree."

"Now Lina, don't sell yourself short," the pink rabbit cut in with a gently chastising tone as she gave her honorary sister a proud, reassuring look. "True, you might not be on the same level as me and Yang, but you're still one of the strongest warriors in the world, and the work you do helps us both out a lot."

"She's right babe," the warrior concurred with a soft grin as he came up behind the farm girl and put a hand on her shoulder. "Every two-bit thug or lame, B-rank villain you put away is one less my sister and I have to worry about while we focus on the bigger stuff or take the chance to finally relax a bit. Our lives would be much, much harder without you and the rest of the Woo Foo Army, and I can't tell you how much we appreciate what you guys do for us. Never forget that."

"Awwwww! That's so sweet Yang!" Lina said happily as she stood up and gave her boyfriend a huge kiss, much to his embarrassment as he futilely struggled in her crushing grip while everybody else giggled at his plight.

"Linaaaaaa! Not in front of the kid! You're embarrassing me!" the blue rabbit whined petulantly, his cheeks flaming red as his amused girlfriend only tightened her grip even more and everyone's laughter got even louder.

"Oh hush you!" the dog woman reprimanded playfully as she started scratching her boyfriend's Sweet Spot, instantly ceasing his struggles as he melted in her arms. "Honestly, 14 years later and you're still hiding this side of yourself! The side that we all love the most! Well I'm not having it Mister! If I want to kiss my boyfriend, then I'm going to kiss my damned boyfriend and ain't you or anybody else gonna say a thing about it! Understand?"

"Yes dear," Yang complied obediently in a far off voice as his girlfriend grinned in satisfaction.

"Good boy," the farm girl said smugly as she rewarded him with a few hard scratches that had him moaning in pleasure while everyone else had a good laugh at his expense.

"He is so whipped," the young Seer whispered quietly to her savior in between giggles, getting a hearty chuckle from the older woman in response.

"Tell me about it," Yin whispered back as the two shared a giggle before the sorceress turned to her boyfriend, easily ignoring the glare her brother sent her way as she did so.

"And last but not least, this is my boyfriend, Coop," she said with a warm smile at the chicken man as he kneeled down with a friendly expression and shook Dinah's hand.

"Hey Dinah, it's nice to see you're feeling better," he greeted cheerfully, getting a radiant smile in return.

"Thanks Mr. Coop! It's nice to meet you!" the girl replied brightly as all the adults in the room smiled in relief and satisfaction at her improving demeanor. "Are you a Hero too?"

"Yeah, but I'm mainly like Lina here. It's a side thing I do when I'm not busy with my real job," the rooster replied airily before standing up and puffing out his chest in pride. "I mainly do seminars that teach kids the dangers of becoming a Villain so they won't turn out like me and help struggling ex-criminals turn their lives around."

"You're a former Villain Mr. Coop?" the young Seer asked in surprise and a little fear as she unconsciously shrank back from the chicken, before blushing furiously and shooting him an apologetic look when she realized what she was doing.

Far from being offended, however, Coop merely laughed and flashed her a reassuring smile.

"Yes, I am," he confirmed without hesitation as his expression turned downcast and a noticeable note of shame entered his voice. "When I was still a kid I made a very, very stupid mistake by getting involved with a big time Villain because he promised me something I wanted very badly. A lot of people almost got hurt because of that, and I'm still carrying the consequences of my mistake even today..."

The chicken man trailed off with a melancholy look as he glanced down at his chest and tightly gripped the area over his heart while everyone else looked at him in concern, before steeling himself and looking up at Dinah with a determined expression.

"Thankfully, Yin and Yang were able to slap some sense into me and pull me back to the light, and they've been helping me deal with my problem ever since," the rooster continued in a much a brighter tone as he shot a grateful look at the warrior and a loving one at the sorceress, getting soft smiles and thumbs up from both rabbits before turning back to the girl. "And that's why I do this. To make the most of the second chance they gave me by teaching kids the dangers of villainy and Dark Magic before they make the same mistake I did and to give former criminals hope that they can make a better life for themselves like I did thanks to Yin and Yang."

The young Seer gave Coop a soft smile and opened her mouth to tell him how wonderful she thought that was, before a certain part of his statement registered and she let out a confused frown.

"Wait... 'Dark Magic'?" Dinah parroted in confusion before shooting the chicken man an incredulous look. "But... Mr. Coop... there's no such thing as magic."

The adults all blinked and shot each other confused and incredulous looks of their own before Yang stepped forward cautiously.

"Um... yes there is?" he said lamely, an utterly bewildered expression on his face as he looked at the girl like she'd just declared the moon was made of swiss cheese. "How else do you think I was able to do all that awesome stuff with my sword? Or how Yin was able to save you from those mercenaries and bring you here? Or turn you back into a human?"

The young Seer blinked before a fierce scowl marred her features as she realized she'd been so distracted by the introductions she'd completely forgotten about that incident and turned to her savior with an accusing gaze.

"Hey yeah! What was that all about!?!" she demanded hotly as the older woman flinched at her heated glare. "Why did I suddenly turn into an animal person like you all!?! And for that matter, why are all of you animal people anyway!?! Miss Yin, I know I said I would trust you, but what is going on!?!"

Yin looked at her for a moment before sighing and nodding in acceptance as she kneeled down and put both her hands on Dinah's shoulders to steady her, staring deep into her eyes.

"Ok, Dinah. You're right, I owe you some answers, but I need you to promise me you'll do your best to remain calm, alright?" she implored the girl quietly, taking a deep breath as she braced herself at the young Seer's hesitant nod. "Ok, so... you remember how I told you that the Bad Man that's after you wouldn't be able to find us because my home is very far from your city?"

Dinah nodded slowly again, still confused at what this had to do with her question.

"Well... as it would happen, 'far away' is a bit of an understatement," the sorceress continued slowly, anxious expression still in place as the other adults all tensed in preparation for the bomb she was about to drop. "Dinah... you're not on your world anymore. Or your universe, for that matter. My home... is in an entirely separate dimension. One that seems to turn any 'visitors' into one of the local species for reasons I don't yet know."

The girl blinked and stared dumbly at the older woman for a long time as her mind desperately tried to process that statement.

"...Another dimension?" she asked at last, her stomach tightening at a rising sense of dread as the pink rabbit nodded in affirmation at her query. "You mean... like Earth Aleph?"

Yin cocked her head at that.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I don't know what that is," she replied apologetically, being careful to hide the sneaking suspicion in the back of her head as she shared a surreptitious glance with the other adults.

"It's... an alternate version of my world we made contact with after some Villain punched a permanent hole between dimensions. We can't travel there but we can send messages back and forth through the hole," the young Seer answered distractedly as all the adults shared a surprised look before she gave the sorceress a fearful expression.

"You'll... you'll be able to take me back, right Miss Yin?" Dinah asked anxiously, starting to hyperventilate in panic at the thought of never seeing her family again as the pink rabbit tensed in alarm. "I'm not stuck here am I!?! I'm going to see my Mom and Dad again, right!?!"

Yin immediately scooped the panicking girl up in a comforting hug before she could go any further, gently rubbing circles in her back as she gave the young Seer a kind, reassuring smile.

"Of course I'll be able to take you back honey," the sorceress assured her charge confidently with a cocky smirk. "True, the World Door spell is a very complex and difficult piece of magic, but I'm the greatest sorceress in all the land. Heck, I already used it once to bring you here, so using it to go back to your world shouldn't be too hard. Especially now that I'm not also projecting my spirit so far away from my body at the same time. Trust me Dinah, you'll see your family again, I promise."

Dinah looked at the sorceress searchingly for a moment before deflating like a balloon with an explosive sigh of relief as she gave the older woman a tired smile.

"Thank you Miss Yin," she said gratefully as she wiped her eyes clean. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate that."

The pink rabbit beamed at her and nodded in satisfaction.

"But this still doesn't make any sense," the girl insisted stubbornly as the smile slid off her savior's face. "Even if this is another earth, that still doesn't explain why you're all animal people or going on about magic. There's no such thing."

Yin sighed as she stood up and gently guided the confused Seer over to a nearby window.

"Well, for one thing Dinah, my world is not another Earth," she revealed to her shocked charge with an apologetic look. "Our two planets are very different from each other."

Dinah gaped at her for a long while.

"...Are you sure?" she asked dumbly at last, unable to think of anything else to say as the sorceress nodded in affirmation.

"Very sure," she confirmed quietly as she opened the blinds and pointed to the sky, the girl letting out a gasp as she followed the older woman's finger to see not one, not two, but three sun's and three moons hanging in heavens above.

Closing the blinds to keep the thunderstruck Seer from damaging her eyes staring at the suns for too long, the pink rabbit gently guided her to sit on the bed and waited patiently for the child to get over her shock.

It took a while.

"Wait... if this isn't another earth... then does that mean you all really are animal people!?!" Dinah asked in slight hysteria as she gaped at the aliens in the room with her.

Yin's eyebrow raised curiously at the question.

"Yes..." she answered slowly, still rather bewildered as to why the girl would think otherwise. "We were all born this way, and there are many more like us, and many other races as well. Why? What did you think we were, little one?"

"I... I thought you were all Case-53's. People whose bodies had been mutated by their powers," the young Seer answered faintly, her eyes still glazed over as she desperately tried to come to terms with the colossal shift in her worldview while the adults all looked at each other in alarm.

Having your body drastically mutated by magic was rarely a good thing, after all.

Before they could question her further, however, Dinah suddenly cut them off with a question of her own as a thought struck her.

"Wait... so if this really is an alien world... and you're all really animal people... then does that mean you actually have real, legit magic?" the girl asked with an awestruck expression, hardly able to believe it as everyone looked at her with a confused frown.

"Yes Dinah, we do," the sorceress confirmed with a slow nod as she ignited her magic and used it to mold a wide variety of shapes and images for the child, who stated in awe at the demonstration. "All the powers you've seen so far are mystical martial arts techniques passed down to my brother and I by our late father and Master, Yo, which we then taught to the rest of our friends so they could help us fight evil. On our world, anybody can learn this, provided they're willing to work hard enough."

"Woooooowwwwww..." the starstruck Seer replied with sparkling eyes and a goofy smile on her face, dreams of becoming a mighty mage that defended the innocent and struck down the Forces of Evil, one Villain and his henchman in particular, filling her head as the pink rabbit and the other adults chuckled knowingly at her expression.

All except one.

"Ok, ok, as nice as it is to see the sacred art of Woo Foo getting the respect it deserves, that still leaves one question," the warrior cut in bluntly as he snapped his fingers in the daydreaming child's face to bring her back to the land of the living. "Why are you so surprised that magic exists squirt? You already told us yourself that powers exist on your world. Heck, you even described one lady who knew a similar weapon shifting technique like mine. So why is magic such a stretch?"

Dinah blushed at the question and nervously fidgeted with her fingers in embarrassment.

"Oh well... you know... those aren't magic, they're just powers," she mumbled quietly in a weak attempt to defend herself as the blue rabbit's eyebrow arched up.

"Meaning...?" he questioned leadingly, earning himself one whopper of a stink eye as the girl harrumphed and crossed her arms grumpily at his continued probing.

"Meaning, they can't be taught or passed down like yours can," she growled testily with a petulant glare that did not phase the weapons master one bit. "They're just superpowers, unique to the parahuman that manifests them."

Yin and Yang both froze stiff at that statement, one in shock and the other in sheer, soul-crushing horror.

No... the sorceress thought with dread, her mind going utterly blank as it absolutely refused to accept the logical conclusion of what she'd just heard.

"Wait..." the warrior said slowly, an eager, malicious grin gradually spreading across his face as he hungrily eyed his quietly panicking sibling. "Are you telling me that your world is one with actual, legit superpowers on it!?!"

Please... Ancestors... no, the pink rabbit begged pitifully as the horrible knot in her gut tightened at the young Seer's nod.

"Yes..." she replied hesitantly as she eyed her distressed savior in concern and her brother in caution as he leaned forward with a truly evil smile on his face.

"So does that mean Earth has real superheroes and supervillains on it!?! With costumes and codenames and everything!?!" the blue rabbit all but demanded as Dinah leaned back at the crazed look in eyes and all the blood drained from his sister's face.

I beg of you, do not do this to me! the spellcaster implored the heavens one last time.

To no avail as, with one last concerned look at her savior, the girl sealed the older woman's fate.

"Yes, there are superheroes and supervillains with costumes and stuff there. Why?" she said in an anxious, confused voice, only to be nearly deafened by Yang's loud cheer and Yin's equally loud groan of the damned.

"YES!" the warrior cheered, a beatific smile on his face as he literally jumped up and down in sheer joy. "YES! YES! YES! Ohhhhhh, I am going to make your life miserable, dear sister of mine!"

"Why me...?" the sorceress sobbed in a tiny voice, face in her hands and tears running down her face at the pounding migraine she'd spontaneously developed.

"Awwww, cheer up sis!" the blue rabbit cut in brightly as he laid a friendly hand on his sister's shoulders and somehow avoided being turned into stray atoms by the murderous glare that got sent his way. "Look on the bright side! At least now you know you know you'll have an expert on the foes we're about to face with you at all times! One that's become a true master at the craft thanks to the many long and hard hours he's spent studying the absolutely vital reading material needed to gain the edge over such real and deadly adversaries. Quite a stroke of luck, wouldn't you agree?"

The pink rabbit stared at him, her face flat-as-a board save for a minute twitch under the eye.

"I hate you," she said at last after a long silence, injecting as much venom as she possibly could into the blunt statement while her brother simply beamed at her.

"Sticks and Stones, dear sister. Sticks. And. Stones," Yang replied in a sing-song voice as his sister's eye twitch became noticeably more violent.

"Hate you. So much." Yin growled furiously through gritted teeth before letting out another long-suffering groan and burying her face in her hands while her brother's laughter only grew louder and everyone else watched the scene with mixed expressions of amusement and confusion.

This was going to be a long mission.


So, finally back to the Worm stuff.

Again, sorry it took so long.

In hindsight, there were probably better ways I could have approached this, but hey, this is a practice fic.

So, live and learn.

I hope you guys enjoy.
To be honest this would have worked better as two separate stories with the Worm stuff showing in the sequel... if people actually knew what the Heck Yin Yang Yo! is.

If we just skipped right to the Worm part it would have been confusing. Sure there are several fanfics that are just set "Several years later" and don't explain a thing, but when making a crossover with such a little know series this was a compromise. And sorry to say this again but I hate when a story is several chapters in and then "Surprise crossover" happens.

It also acts as a tonal shift, to show readers that's not just a "Not Earth" alien planet but that the heroes, villains and even the powers are different.

And since you can watch the whole show for free online maybe a reader or two will watch a few Yin Yang Yo! episodes and get hooked? Just saying. 😀
Hello there, I found this site and this one of a hell (in the good way of the word) story just two days ago, its recent then part (chapter 7) and sweet lord that got me so hooked up! 🌟w🌟

I made an account in this place to follow it up and just when I was about to start from the beginning I found out the recent chapter and once again I ended up astonished and wanting more xD

I'm a long time fan of Yin Yang Yo! (even my username it's the surname I made for the twins in my pseudo stories that were left away on a hard drive and my burned down laptop x'D), it's cool to see the show getting more fan work outside fanfiction and Deviantart.

Now I'll be honest, this is the first time I ever heard of the Worm franchise, but eh nothing that reading the first chapters of this and getting to know the basics in its wikia (and this forum that I realized is about it, he he x'D) to be on track for whatever comes next!
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Hello there, I found this site and this one of a hell (in the good way of the word) story just two days ago, its recent then part (chapter 7) and sweet lord that got me so hooked up! 🌟w🌟

Wow you read fast.

made an account in this place to follow it up and just when I was about to start from the beginning I found out the recent chapter and once again I ended up astonished and wanting more xD

Thank you.

Now I'll be honest, this is the first time I ever heard of the Worm franchise, but eh nothing that reading the first chapters of this and getting to know the basics in its wikia (and this forum that I realized is about it, he he x'D) to be on track for whatever comes next!

Well good thing is Yin and Yang will be kinda new to Worm too so we will try to make things easier to understand.
Wow you read fast.

Thank you.

Well good thing is Yin and Yang will be kinda new to Worm too so we will try to make things easier to understand.

Yeah, when it comes to topics that I really enjoy that happens xD although... you mean it as in that I ready everything up to this or just chapters 7 and 8? 😅

No problem

I see

PS; still new in using this kind of comment system, that's why I haven't figure out how to cut your quotes separated 😅
Loved this! Really love how Yin whole vision to Scion rampage was played really stayed true to how big and dire this situation is, with all the woo foo warriors this new evil and threat will be the biggest challenge of their lives. Hehe in more ways than one it's going to be fun to see how Yin and Yang handle being mentors~

i'm especially looking forward to seeing what kinda relationship and bonds they forge with their three students, especially with Yins motherly instincts and desire to be a parent in the mixture.

Also that ending scene with Yang finding out they're dealing with a actual super hero/villain world here was perfect so them and so hilarious~
Don't know why I've actually found her in character as older Yin and love the twist with her wanting a kid.

Unless I'm mistaken, in the series she did showed a motherly side to that parody of the Smurfs and other cute animals, so makes sense that now as a grown up, that trait takes over (?) her and extends to every kid in the town and beyond xD
They were talking mainly about "Punisher Yin" as they called it.
AH! Well actually I enjoyed that touch too~ really shows that they've grown and developed and of course changed a bit over the years while still being the same person at heart. With Yins case really having a major button that when pushed LOOK OUT! It's a good touch to her older character and I don't mind it.
Chapter 9
Chapter 9:

"So let me get this straight, powers started appearing on your world after this Scion guy showed up over 30 years ago and started helping people 24/7? And no one knows how or why?" Yang asked incredulously a little while later after he and his sister had both had the chance to calm down.

They were currently seated in the living room so they could talk more comfortably, with Dinah sitting on the couch between Lina and a still grumpy Yin while the warrior and Coop both sat on chairs across from them.

"Yeah," the girl confirmed with a nod and a slightly nervous look at the sour-faced sorceress beside her. "All they know for sure is that when parahumans first manifest their powers they grow a new part of the brain called a Corona Pollentia that seems to control them, since if you mess with a Pollentia their powers usually go haywire if the cape doesn't die in the process. And that some parahumans get mutated or turned into monsters by their powers. They're called 'Case-53's' for some reason."

"Which is what you thought we were before we set the record straight," the blue rabbit mused thoughtfully before giving the young Seer a considering look. "And superheroes and supervillains started showing up not long after Scion?"

"Yep!" Dinah replied cheerfully, completely oblivious to the long-suffering groan the spellcaster beside her uttered as she quickly got lost in her childish glee. "Supervillains started showing up and making a big mess of things around the world so all the world governments started making their own superhero organizations to fight back! My country's hero team is called the Protectorate, which works closely with the Wards, a superhero program for kids, and the PRT, which are like cops that specifically deal with capes, to fight the bad guys! Of course, there are a lot of independent heroes and hero teams too! Like New Wave from my hometown! We call them Rogues."

"Wait, so even the government sanctioned heroes still have costumes, codenames, secret identities, and all that jazz?" Lina asked in surprise as the girl gave her an eager nod in confirmation.

Truth be told, while she wasn't as into superhero stuff as Yang and Coop were, she still enjoyed it from time to time and it was also fun to get in some good-natured ribbing on her honorary sister while she was at it.

But even still, the dog woman found it rather hard to believe that people with superpowers would bother with costumes and secret identities if they were legally employed by the government.

She, Yin, Yang, and the rest of the Woo Foo Army certainly didn't need to bother with such things now that they'd all been deputized by the Justice Orb to arrest and bring in criminals.

Hell, even her geeky boyfriend and his equally dorky partner-in-crime Coop agreed that trying to lead a double life would be far more trouble than it was worth, even if everyone didn't already know who they were.

So why would the Protectorate Heroes bother?

"Yeah!" the ecstatic girl replied excitedly, snapping the farm girl out of her musings. "All the government-sponsored Heroes have super cool codenames and costumes specially designed for them by the Protectorate! They're so awesome!"

The pink rabbit huffed and grumbled beside her.

"A ridiculous waste of time and money, you mean," she muttered irritably under her breath as her brother and boyfriend both shot her annoyed looks, and Lina gave a worried frown as the eager smile slid off the young Seer's face at her savior's dismissive tone.

"Miss Yin, why don't you like superheroes? I thought you said that's what you, Mr. Yang, and the rest of your friends were?" Dinah asked in a confused and slightly hurt voice, and Yin at least had the good grace to wince at the girl's crestfallen expression and tone before immediately moving to do damage control.

"It's not that I don't like Heroes honey," the sorceress assured her charge gently in a soothing voice as she put a comforting arm around the young Seer. "You're right, my friends and I are Heroes ourselves and I would never disparage anybody that wants to protect their home and people from those that would do them harm."

"It's just...," she continued slowly as she searched for the words to make her point without upsetting the child further. "...I'm not really a fan of the whole costume and secret identity thing. Not only do I find dressing up in tights and giving yourself a bombastic name silly and self-indulgent, but leading a double life is far more trouble than it's worth. It's stressful, time-consuming, and plays havoc with your personal life and relationships. Parahumans already employed by the government to handle crime like regular police officers shouldn't have to bother with such things. Their time and resources would be far better spent actually doing their jobs than worrying about looking or sounding cool. You don't need a fancy costume or title to be a Hero, Dinah. Just going out and helping others is more than enough."

Dinah bit her lip as she considered the pink rabbit's words.

"But what about Villains trying to go after the Heroes' friends and family? Isn't that what the costumes and secret identities are for?" she tried to defend a touch desperately as the older woman's face darkened at the question.

"If they value their lives, most Villains wouldn't dare try it," Yin replied ominously as she gave the startled girl a serious look. "Trust me little one. Cop Killers don't tend to last very long."

The young Seer gulped.

"I guess...," she conceded reluctantly after she regained her composure before crossing her arms and shooting the older woman a stubborn, defiant pout. "But I still think the costumes and codenames are really cool!"

The sorceress just sighed as her brother and boyfriend both laughed heartily at the child's declaration.

"That's the spirit Dinah!" Yang concurred brightly with an encouraging grin and thumbs up at the blushing girl's declaration. "Don't let this old stick-in-the-mud get you down! She might be right that going out and helping people is the most important part of being a Hero, but that doesn't mean you can't still have fun with it!"

The pink rabbit huffed but couldn't help but let out a small smile at the young Seer's enthusiastic nod.

"Yeah!" the chicken man agreed wholeheartedly as he leaned forward with an eager grin. "So who's your favorite Hero Dinah? And what can they do?"

Dinah immediately perked up.

"Definitely Alexandria!" she answered with a huge smile as the adults all chuckled at her infectious enthusiasm. "She's a member of the Triumvirate and the strongest Hero around when it comes to brute strength! She's also basically indestructible, can fly really fast, and is super smart too! Nobody's cooler than her! Well, except maybe Miss Yin..."

Touched, Yin smiled warmly at that and gave the girl a big hug while her brother and boyfriend both hummed in thought.

"Sounds like a classic Flying Brick," the rooster commented in a professional, matter-of-fact tone as he exchanged knowing glances with his fellow geek. "Not surprised one is one of the top dogs there."

"It's a tough combo to beat," the warrior concurred sagely before turning his attention back to the young Seer. "I'm assuming this "Triumvirate" are the big boy heroes on your world?"

"Yep!" Dinah confirmed with a cheerful nod. "Alexandria, Legend, and Eidolon are the leaders of the Protectorate and the strongest Heroes in the world! All the other heroes follow their lead and they're always on the front lines whenever big trouble shows up!"

"Huh, sounds like they're Earth's equivalent of you and Yin, Yang," Lina mused thoughtfully as the girl beside her let out a shocked gasp and turned to stare at the dog woman with wide eyes.

"Really!?!" the young Seer asked in utter disbelief as she turned to look at the twin Masters in awe. "You and Mr. Yang are the strongest Heroes on this world, Miss Yin!?!"

All the adults chuckled fondly at her starstruck expression as Yang puffed out his chest in pride.

"Well, not to toot our own horns," he said in a rather smug voice that was completely at odds with his "humble" words. "But Yin and I are kind of a big deal around these parts."

"Oh stop it Yang!" the sorceress reprimanded gently with a good-natured laugh before turning to Dinah with a kind smile. "But to answer your question Dinah, yes, Yang and I are this world's most powerful protectors, though we usually keep our activities limited to the City and its immediate surroundings. That's part of the reason we founded the Woo Foo Army, so other parts of the world would have warriors there to protect them since we can't be everywhere at once."

"Wowwwww," the girl said lamely, unable to believe her luck, before flashing a megawatt smile at the twin warriors. "I guess I really lucked out huh?"

Both rabbits' smiles weakened slightly as they subtly cast worried glances at each other before the young Seer suddenly frowned.

"Wait, 'Woo Foo Army'?" she asked incredulously to herself before shooting the two adults a questioning look. "Miss Yin, Mr. Yang... why do you call your hero team that?"

Letting out a small sigh of relief at the change of subject, the pink rabbit once again gave her charge a warm smile.

"'Woo Foo' is the name of the mystic martial art that gives us our powers, sweetie," she explained patiently, a wry look of amusement on her face at what she knew was coming as Dinah's expression scrunched up at the answer.

"That's a stupid name," the girl commented bluntly before she could stop herself, before her eyes widened and she clapped her hands over her mouth in horror at what she'd just said as the adults all laughed heartily at her frank assessment.

"We know. Believe me squirt, we know better than anyone just how silly Woo Foo can be at times," the warrior replied matter-of-factly as he and his sister both gave the young Seer reassuring grins to let her know they weren't mad, the older woman even giving the child a soft squeeze for good measure. "Hard as it might be to believe looking at us now, my sister and I used to be the laughingstocks of this town because of how ridiculous Woo Foo seems on the surface. Well that, and a major Villain hypnotized the whole world to forget all the times Woo Foo had saved them and think it was stupid in the past, but the silly names and techniques didn't help much."

"Nor did you two being a couple of arrogant, snot-nosed little punks obsessed with fame and glory either," the farm girl chimed in blandly with a smirk as her boyfriend and surrogate sister both gave self-deprecating chuckles in acknowledgment.

"Definitely can't forget about that," the blue rabbit conceded with a grin of his own before turning back to Dinah. "The point is, Yin and I had to work really hard, defeat a lot of bad guys, and deflate our ego's a bunch for years before we were finally able to earn everyone's respect and prove our art wasn't a joke despite how silly it seems sometimes."

"But why would you give it such a silly name in the first place?" the girl asked stubbornly, still confused as the twin Masters both snorted.

"Because honey, while the Founders who originally created Woo Foo were all genius martial artists and magicians..." Yin began in a long-suffering voice as her brother immediately jumped in.

"...they were also a bunch of eccentric old loons with a love of stupid puns and lame jokes. And we've been stuck with their ridiculous names, techniques, and artifacts ever since." Yang finished bluntly, expression utterly deadpan as his sister nodded in agreement and the young Seer winced.

"That must've been hard..." she said with a sympathetic look at the twin rabbits, who both gave her appreciative smiles.

"It was, for a while," the sorceress admitted forlornly before her demeanor brightened. "But that's all in the past now. We've both earned the respect and admiration of our peers and restored Honor to the name of our art, so there's not much more we could ask for now."

"Yeah, what she said," the warrior concurred with an airy wave before flashing an encouraging smile at Dinah and leaning forward eagerly. "But enough about us! Let's get back to you and your world! You're a parahuman too, aren't you squirt? And one with a really awesome power to boot! You want to be a hero like Alexandria when you grow up?"

Far from being excited or encouraged, however, the girl's face instead immediately fell like a rock and she hugged herself tightly as she shrank in on herself, much to everyone's surprise and concern.

"Dinah?" the pink rabbit asked in a worried voice as she gently placed a hand on the distraught Seer's shoulder while Lina looked on, equally worried.

"It's not awesome," Dinah said miserably, completely ignoring the two concerned women on either side of her as she looked up at the blue rabbit with a face full of bitterness. "I have the worst power ever Mr. Yang..."

Yang swore to himself internally as he desperately wracked his brain for a way out of this unexpected predicament without upsetting the child further and incurring the wrath of his sister and girlfriend.

Neither woman looked very happy with him at the moment, if the smoldering glares they were sending him were any indication.

"...Are you talking about that Bad Man that's after you because of your power?" the warrior ventured forth at last in a slightly shaky voice as he nervously eyed the two protective females flanking the distraught girl. "Because that's no reason to get down about it Dinah! I know what you went through was scary, but once he gets taken care of you'll be..."

"No, that's not what I mean Mr. Yang!" the young Seer interrupted as she furiously shook her head before looking at the confused rabbit with angry, tearful eyes. "I mean, yeah, that was definitely the worst thing to happen to me after I Triggered but it was far from the only one! Ever since I got it this fucking power of mine has been nothing but trouble!"

"Language, young lady," Yin reprimanded half-heartedly, only to flinch at the surprisingly ferocious glare that got sent her way in response.

"Oh shut up!" Dinah snapped harshly before looking away and crossing her arms petulantly, bitterness still written all over her face as the dog woman frowned and decided to step in.

"Now Dinah, be nice. You know better than that," she chided gently as she softly stroked the irate child's back to calm her before giving her a concerned look. "What's wrong sweetie? Why are you so upset all of a sudden? Kidnapping attempt aside, Yang's right, your power's an incredibly useful one that could help a lot of people. You'd make an amazing Hero with it. So why do you hate it so much?"

The girl huffed angrily and shot the farm girl a resentful look.

"Sure, it would be a great Hero power if it didn't keep almost splitting my head open every few questions," she hissed venomously as all the adults flinched at her words, memories of the young Seer's recent migraine coming back to the forefront of their minds. "I was bedridden for weeks with constant migraines after I first got my power before I finally managed to get a handle on it, and even then I still get chronic headaches from time to time! Hell, it's been acting up constantly ever since Miss Yin rescued me, and if it wasn't for whatever spells she cast my head probably would have exploded by now!"

The sorceress in question frowned at that as the young Seer continued to rant about her misfortune, a sneaking suspicion beginning to form in the back of her mind.

"But that's not even the worst part of it..." Dinah continued dismally in a much quieter voice, all the anger seeming to drain out of her to be replaced by pure sadness and despair as the pink rabbit snapped out of her musings at the child's utterly defeated tone.

Now deeply troubled, Yin's frown deepened as she put her arm around the now quietly sobbing girl while the other adults all looked on with equally concerned expressions.

"What do you mean little one?" she asked in a quiet, gentle voice as the young Seer's sobs grew louder at the question and she clung to the older woman for all she was worth.

"My power makes me see things Miss Yin," Dinah choked out miserably in response, terror filling her being as forcibly suppressed memories and nightmares came screaming back to the surface of her mind. "Terrible, horrible things happening to me and other people in futures that might have happened but never did. Except sometimes the bad futures I see in my visions do come true, so every time I have one I'm left constantly wondering whether or not whatever terrible thing I've seen will come true or if it'll just be another dud. And I've got no way to stop these visions or tell which ones are real or not and I'm always too scared to do anything about them because I'm afraid if I do I'll make the bad ones come true!"

All the adult's faces paled in utter horror as they stared unblinking at the crying child with shocked expressions.

"I'm scared Miss Yin..." the girl whimpered miserably as she looked up at the thunderstruck sorceress she was clinging to with wide, tearful eyes. "I'm so scared that one day, one of the bad futures showing something terrible happening to me or my family is going to come true, and not knowing when that's going to happen or if I'll be able to stop it is killing me. I don't know how much longer I can take it..."

"Oh honey..." the pink rabbit whispered softly as she pulled the distraught Seer into a comforting hug while everyone else looked away from the scene awkwardly, still too shocked to do anything else.

"I'm sorry Dinah," the blue rabbit apologized quietly as he sullenly watched his sister continue to console the crying child with more than a little guilt. "I didn't know. I was just trying to make you feel better about your power..."

Yin glanced at him and inclined her head in approval, a reassuring look in her eyes that told her brother she understood and that he was off the hook as Dinah gradually quieted down and extracted herself from the older woman's embrace to face him.

"It's alright Mr. Yang," she mumbled morosely as she dried her eyes with some tissues the sorceress had conjured. "It's just so unfair. Most other parahumans get awesome powers that let them be Heroes or at least can help them with their jobs or something like that. So why did I have to be the one that got stuck with a power that screws me over at every turn!?! And after everything I had to go through to get it to..."

That last part was said in a tiny, barely audible whisper, but Yin, Yang, and Lina's sensitive hearing picked it up anyway, and they all frowned and looked at each other in alarm at the implications of that statement.

"Dinah..." the pink rabbit said slowly as the girl in question tensed at the concerned and questioning tone in the older woman's voice, "...what are you talking about? What exactly did you 'have to go through' to get your power?"

The young Seer swallowed a thick lump in her throat as a painfully fake smile that fooled absolutely no one stretched across her pale, sweaty skin.

"N-Nothing. I don't know what you're talking about Miss Yin. Forget I said anything," she answered in a shaky, desperate voice as Yin's eyes narrowed and her face grew stern.

"Dinah Cassandra Alcott..." she growled warningly in a low, ominous tone that had been the bane of many a misbehaving child as Dinah flinched at the dreaded Full Name and fidgeted uncontrollably under the older woman's piercing gaze whilst silently cursing the Student ID card she had in her pant pocket, "...do not lie to me young lady. What is it you're not telling us? Answer me."

The girl desperately looked around at the other adults for some support, only to find them all gazing back at her with equally stern expressions, and she let out a defeated sigh as she resigned herself to the fact that she wasn't getting out of this one.

"Parahuman powers... don't just manifest out of the blue," the young Seer began slowly, a pit of dread forming in her stomach as memories she dearly wished to forget started to claw their way back to the surface. "In order to have a chance of getting powers... something bad has to happen to you first..."

The adult's stern expressions all melted away to be replaced with shock and horror as they looked at each other with wide eyes.

"How bad...?" Coop asked faintly, not really wanting an answer but at the same unable to stop himself from posing the question as Dinah sucked in a breath and squeezed her eyes shut tightly.

"... Really, really bad," she answered fearfully, her hands balled into white-knuckled fists as she furiously fought to keep the terrible memories at bay to avoid breaking down completely. "'Worst-Day-of-your-entire-life' kind of bad..."

The chicken man and his fellow geek both cursed viciously under their breath as a horrible realization struck Lina.

"But... wait..." she said slowly as she covered her mouth with her hand and looked at the downcast girl with saucer-sized eyes. "If every parahuman has to go through something like that to get powers, and you're a parahuman, then that means... oh Dinah."

The young Seer nodded sadly and the two women immediately swooped in and enveloped her in a massive hug, whispering soft apologies and reassurances to her as the rooster and Yang both looked at each other with bitter sullenness, their earlier enthusiasm completely forgotten.

"But wait, I'm confused," the sorceress said after a while as she and her honorary sister broke the hug, both women still looking at the child between them with deep concern. "After I rescued you from those mercenaries, the way you talked about it made it seem nobody should know about your power..."

"Nobody should," Dinah confirmed with a sad nod, her mood still sour. "After I recovered from my Trigger Event, I never told anybody about my power except a few friends at school, and none of them believed me despite people with powers being everywhere at this point. Crazy, huh?"

"Wait..." the pink rabbit asked breathlessly as she stared at the girl in wide-eyed disbelief and the other adults all tensed up at the child's words. "Are you telling me that your parents have no idea at all that you went through something so horrible?"

The young Seer nodded again, confused, before her face paled and she began frantically waving her arms about in a panic as Yin's face darkened forebodingly at her answer, the other adults not far behind.

"It's not their fault!" Dinah insisted desperately at their intensely disapproving looks. "Mom and Dad had nothing to do with my Trigger Event! Please, Miss Yin, you have to believe me!"

The sorceress's expression softened considerably at the girl's panicked desperation and she bit her lip as she thought about how to proceed before gently taking her charge's hands in her own.

"I believe that you believe that your parents had nothing to do with this," she began gently as she stared deep into the child's eyes, imploring her to believe she only had her best interests at heart. "But unfortunately, Dinah, that doesn't automatically make it so."

"Please Miss Yin!" the young Seer begged pitifully, tears flowing freely down her face and terror filling her heart at the thought that she'd never see her parents again because of her big fat mouth. "Please don't blame my Mom and Dad for what happened to me! They're the greatest parents in the world, and they've always done their best to keep me safe and happy despite how bad the city we live in is! They'd never do anything bad to me, I swear! Please, I'll do anything to make you believe that..."

"Shhhhhh," the pink rabbit softly interrupted Dinah's desperate babbling with a gentle finger to her lips and a kind smile. "Hush now, little one, and let me finish, ok?"

The girl nodded slowly and Yin gave her another reassuring smile before continuing.

"Listen Dinah, you know I only want what's best for you and to keep you safe, which means making you sad or taking you away from your parents is the absolute last thing I would ever want to do, correct?" the sorceress asked quietly, giving a pleased smile at another nod from the young Seer.

"However," she continued in a serious tone, her face and voice becoming apologetic yet firm as she internally winced at the way the child tensed in fear but pressed on regardless, "your safety and wellbeing are still my responsibility, and as much as I don't want to suspect your parents of anything bad, you must admit that the fact that something so terrible could happen to you with them apparently being none the wiser is... concerning."

"No," Dinah insisted vehemently as she fiercely shook her head in denial. "You've got it all wrong, this is not their fault! You just don't understand..."

"Then help me understand," the pink rabbit cut in with a pleading voice as she gently cupped the girl's face in her hands and raised her head up to stare deep into the child's eyes. "Dinah, please, listen to me. I know how much you probably don't want to talk about what happened to you. How much you probably just want to forget about it and deal with it on your own. Believe me, I know that feeling better than anyone, because it's something I've struggled with all my life. Ask anyone here and they'll tell you the same."

All the other adults in the room nodded grimly in confirmation, earning a thankful smile from the spellcaster before she turned back to her young charge.

"So I know what I'm talking about when I say that bottling up your problems and emotions like that is not healthy," Yin continued as she implored the young Seer to believe her. "As scary and painful as talking about things like this can be, not talking about them is almost always worse. Because all those scary, nasty feelings and memories you just want to ignore and not think about? They don't just go away if you lock them up in a box and pretend they don't exist, Dinah. They fester and eat away at you from the inside out, making you sad, angry, and miserable all the time and ruining your relationships with those you care about by making you lash out at them constantly when all they want is to help you."

"And I don't want to see that happen to a sweet little girl like you Dinah. You have to let these things out at some point to truly get better and move on with your life," the sorceress finished with utter sincerity, naked concern and worry written all over her face as Dinah looked back at her with a conflicted expression. "So please, I am begging you, little one. Let it out. Let it out and help me understand what's happened to you so I'll know how best to help you. And so I'll know who to blame for it and who not to blame. Please."

The girl was silent for a long time, face scrunched up and eyes shut tight as a furious battle was waged inside her while the adults all watched with bated breath, before finally she looked up at her savior hesitantly.

"If... if I tell you... do you promise not to tell anyone else?" she asked slowly in a tiny, vulnerable voice, still warring with her anxiety as the pink rabbit smiled warmly.

"Of course, sweetie. I promise, whatever you tell me, I will not breathe a word of it to anyone, anywhere, ever, without your permission," Yin swore as she crossed her heart before speaking the eternally binding words. "I swear it on my magic."

The sky rumbled above at her oath, causing the young Seer to jump in alarm at the unexpected noise as Coop and the dog woman beside her both gasped and the warrior scowled.

"Ok sis, I get what you were trying to do there, but was that really necessary?" the blue rabbit demanded harshly as his sister merely smirked at his disapproving frown.

"I think so. How else was I supposed to prove to Dinah how serious I am about never breaking her trust?" the sorceress replied nonchalantly as her brother sighed in exasperation while the parahuman in question looked on in confusion.

"Miss Yin, what's going on? What was that?" Dinah asked nervously, still a little spooked as the pink rabbit chuckled and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"That Dinah, was the most unbreakable promise I could ever make. One I only ever give to someone when I want them to know with absolute, 100% certainty that I will never go back on my word," Yin answered with an amused smile before her expression became more serious. "For you see, little one, if a magician makes an oath on their magic and fails to uphold that oath, then their magic will abandon them... forever."

The girl gasped.

"You mean you'd lose your powers if you broke your promise to me?" she asked in a stunned voice, shocked speechless as the sorceress nodded grimly in confirmation.

"I would," she replied without an ounce of hesitation as the child gaped at her, utterly flabbergasted.

"But... but why Miss Yin?" the young Seer questioned dumbly, still barely able to find the words as her mind desperately struggled to comprehend why this woman who'd only known her for a few hours at most would be willing to do such a thing for her. "Why would you go so far for me? We just met!"

But the pink rabbit just smiled softly and shook her head.

"Because it's my job as a Hero and a Woo Foo Master to help those in need however I can," she answered in a warm, kind voice as she graced her young charge with a radiant smile. "But more importantly, because I'm asking you to put a lot of trust in me by asking you to open up about this despite the fact that, as you said, we only just met. So I figured it was only fair for me to show you just how seriously I take that trust, and that I rightfully be punished should I prove unworthy of it."

"So I ask you again Dinah," Yin continued quietly as she held out a hand to the dumbfounded child with an encouraging look. "Will you help me understand what happened to you so I can help you to the best of my abilities?"

Dinah looked back and forth between the sorceress's hand and her gentle smile for several long moments, still unable to believe what was happening, before her body relaxed as she finally accepted the truth and she hesitantly took the offered appendage.

"Ok Miss Yin. Ok. I trust you," she said softly with a grateful smile as the pink rabbit beamed at her, before glancing nervously at the other adults.

Immediately getting the message, Yang, Lina, and Coop all got up and walked into the kitchen to give the two some much needed privacy as the girl gave them a thankful nod before she beckoned Yin closer and started whispering in the older woman's ear.

"I wonder what they're talking about?" Coop asked the others quietly, unable to contain his curiosity even as he winced at the way his girlfriend's face paled and her expression became more and more horrified at every word the young Seer spoke.

"I don't know. And more importantly, I don't want to know," the dog woman whispered back harshly as she jabbed a stern finger into the chicken man's chest. "Even if Yin hadn't put her magic on the line for this, that girl is still putting a lot of trust in her right now. And we both know that woman would sooner slit her own throat than ever betray a child's trust. So you had better keep your curiosities to yourself, you hear me Coop? Because if you do anything to mess this up for them, so help me..."

"Ok, ok, jeez!" the rooster backpedaled desperately with hands raised in surrender as the farm girl continued to glare at him fiercely, fists on her hips. "I was just thinking out loud is all! I would never do anything like that to my girlfriend, you know that Lina!"

Lina huffed while her boyfriend's frown deepened as he watched his sister scoop the now sobbing child up in a fierce, protective embrace, tears openly flowing down the sorceress's face now as well.

"You poor child..." the warrior's sensitive ears heard her whisper as the pink rabbit talked a little louder than she probably should have in her emotional state. "I am so, so sorry..."

"One thing's for sure..." he muttered to his friend and girlfriend as he turned away and tuned out his sister and her young charge as much as possible. "There's no way in hell Yin's going to let that girl out of her sight anytime soon. Not after this."

Coop and the dog woman both nodded sullenly in agreement as Yin and Dinah continued talking in hushed tones for a little while longer before the sorceress finally bade the other adults to return.

"You feel better now honey?" the farm girl asked gently as she put a hand on the girl's shoulder, whose eyes were still a bit red and puffy.

"Yeah, I do feel a bit better now," the young Seer replied with a weak smile, earning herself a much brighter one from the older woman. "Miss Yin was right, talking about it did help some."

"Glad to hear it squirt," the blue rabbit said sincerely before he shot his sister a mischievous look. "Now if only Yin here could take her own sage advice then we'd be golden."

Lina and the chicken man both chuckled knowingly at that and even Dinah had a good laugh at her savior's expense as the pink rabbit snorted.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up you guys," Yin muttered with fond exasperation before turning back to her young charge with a kind smile. "But regardless, you see what I'm talking about Dinah? Letting this stuff out feels a lot better than just bottling it up all the time doesn't it?"

The girl nodded shyly, the relief on her face apparent as the sorceress beamed at her before continuing.

"We'll keep at it, just the two of us, until you're finally ready to put that incident behind you for good," she declared confidently with a proud smirk as she playfully tussled the young Seer's hair, getting an amused giggle in response. "And remember, this will always be our little secret. Absolutely nobody else will be involved unless you want them to be, ok?"

Dinah nodded again, much more enthusiastically this time, earning herself another radiant smile from her savior before the pink rabbit's face grew serious once more and she leaned back on the couch, thinking hard.

"Still, this is very concerning," she said as she rubbed her chin, deep in thought, before shooting the girl beside her a questioning look. "And you said that every parahuman has to go through one of these 'Trigger Events' to get their powers?"

The young Seer nodded sadly.

"That's right," she confirmed with a downcast expression as all the adults grimaced. "Not a lot of people know about them because parahumans really don't like to talk about their Trigger Events. I didn't know anything about them myself until I had one and did a lot of research about capes online when I got my power. There's even a rumor going around that the trauma caused by Trigger Events is the reason why there are so many more Villains than Heroes…"

Everyone's frowns deepened even further at that revelation and a calculating gleam appeared in Yin's eye as she shot Dinah a concerned and considering look, something her brother immediately took notice of.

"I know that look," Yang muttered quietly under his breath, his magic carrying his voice on the wind so only his sister would hear him as the sorceress's ear flicked in acknowledgment. "You just figured something out, didn't you?"

The pink rabbit briefly glanced at her brother and gave a tiny shake of the head as her eyes flicked the girl beside her, and Yang nodded in agreement.

They would discuss it later.

"So much for us getting to have some fun with this comic book world," the rooster commented in bitter disappointment, completely oblivious to the silent exchange as the dog woman huffed and shot him a smoldering glare.

"Oh really? I never would have guessed that after Dinah was brought here after almost getting kidnapped and enslaved by some power-hungry bast- beast and his money-grubbing little flunkies," she spat coldly as Coop flinched and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly at her acidic sarcasm while Dinah just sighed.

"Yeah, and all the Villains running around aren't even the worst part…," she said sadly, a note of dread entering her voice as the adults all tensed in alarm at her words and the fear creeping into her expression.

"What are you talking about squirt?" the warrior asked slowly, reluctant at the prospect of receiving even more bad news yet knowing there was no escaping it at this point.

The girl sighed again at the question before looking at them all with a bone-deep weariness.

"Twenty years ago, a terrible Monster appeared…" she began as all the adults listened with bated breath and mounting horror as the young Seer regaled them about the greatest threat Earth Bet had ever known.

The Endbringers.

A trio of mysterious, immensely powerful, and seemingly indestructible monsters, Behemoth, Leviathan, and the Simurgh had each appeared out of nowhere one after the other and, for reasons known only to them, begun a systematic campaign of genocide with the apparent goal of nothing less than the slow, painful destruction of the entire human race.

Cities were sacked, nations were left in ruins, and Heroes, Villains, and helpless civilians alike were all slaughtered without mercy under the beast's relentless onslaught.

Nobody knew where the three monstrous siblings had come from, how they'd gotten so powerful, or why they were so hellbent on causing so much pain, destruction, and misery.

About the only thing Earth Bet did know for sure was that for whatever reason the Endbringers stuck to some odd schedule where they would each take turns attacking a target location once every 3-4 months, and that on a good day "only" a quarter of the defending capes would be lost during an attack and whatever city they were protecting would "merely" be heavily damaged instead of a complete writeoff.

"...Wow," the chicken man said dumbly when the young Seer had finished her tale, unable to articulate more through his shock as he shared a terrified glance with the farm girl while the twin Masters both looked on with faces carved from solid granite. "That's uh… quite a pickle you guys are in there Dinah…"

Dinah nodded sadly as she leaned into Yin for comfort, the older woman having put her arm around the child in the middle of her recounting to steady her.

"Yeah, it is," she agreed forlornly as she stared off into space, her eyes glazing over in remembrance. "Even when they're not doing anything the Endbringers still manage to ruin our lives. My Uncle Roy said that Brockton Bay used to be a thriving Port City, but when Leviathan showed up all the ships stopped coming in and everyone lost their jobs, which is why my hometown is the 'Cape Crime Capital of America'."

"Right… you mentioned when I rescued you that your uncle is the Mayor of the city…" the sorceress mused quietly, giving the distraught girl a sympathetic look and squeeze as her mind worked a mile a minute trying to shift through everything she had learned.

The young Seer nodded.

"Yeah, he is," she confirmed as she let out another sad sigh in sympathy for her poor Uncle. "He tries to hide it whenever he comes to visit, but Uncle Roy always seems so tired, sad, and angry every time I see him. Especially when he's talking to Mom and Dad when they think I've gone to bed and aren't listening…"

"I don't blame him," the blue rabbit muttered sardonically, not envying the beleaguered Mayor of Brockton Bay one bit. "From what you've told us, it's a miracle the poor guy hasn't given up and thrown in the towel completely by now."

Dinah chuckled weakly.

"Uncle Roy's always been stubborn," she said fondly with a wry smile before sighing as her expression turned downcast once again. "I thought if anyone would be able to protect me from the Bad Man, it would have been him. But even there I wasn't safe…"

"Ah ah ah ah," the pink rabbit interjected quickly as she poked the girl in the side and wagged a gently chastising finger at her young charge with a faux-stern expression, getting an amused giggle in response. "None of that now, Dinah. I told you little one, you're perfectly safe here. That Bad Man can't get to you anymore, and once me and Yang take care of him he won't be able to hurt you or anyone else ever again. Remember?"

The young Seer nodded sheepishly in response, completely missing the brief grimace that appeared over Yang's face at his sister's words.

"Yes Miss Yin, I remember. You're right, I don't need to be scared of him anymore," she replied with a hesitant smile, getting a much wider one in return as Yin beamed at Dinah and playfully tussled her hair.

"Good girl," the sorceress said approvingly with a proud look at the giggling girl as she batted her savior's hand away, in good spirits once more. "Now, it's been a long day and you've given us much to discuss, and I'm sure you're tired and hungry after everything that's happened. So, how about I fix you up a nice hot meal to make you feel better before you turn in for the night? That sound good to you sweetie?"

The young Seer's face lit up and she gave the pink rabbit an enthusiastic nod.

"Yes please. I think I'd like that a lot, Miss Yin," she replied gratefully with a tired smile, eager to get away from such unpleasant topics as her savior nodded and smiled warmly at her in turn.

"I could use some grub myself," Yang commented with a wry grin as he stood up and stretched mightily to get the kinks out of his back, his spine cracking like a machine gun as he did so, before glancing at the rooster and farmerette. "You guys want some dinner too?"

Lina snorted and shot her boyfriend a teasing look as she got up as well.

"Just so long as you and Coop leave the cooking to me and Yin," she replied bluntly, her playful smile widening at the grumpy expressions that crossed her friend's and boyfriend's faces. "I don't want either of you anywhere near the kitchen with a child in the house."

"Oh come on. We're not that bad," Coop grumbled petulantly with crossed arms as the two women chuckled at his and the warrior's expense.

"They really are," Yin whispered none-too-quietly in Dinah's ear as the child snorted and giggled uncontrollably while the blue rabbit and chicken man's frowns deepened.

"You know what? Why are we even complaining about this?" Yang asked the rooster beside him before a malicious grin split his face. "If you two are volunteering, then by all means, Yin, Lina, go in the kitchen and make us a sandwich."

The girl's quiet giggles immediately burst into full-on fits of hysterics at the warrior's bold comeback, the young Seer baying and howling with laughter as the sorceress and dog woman both gaped at the grinning blue rabbit, positively thunderstruck that he would dare go there, before their faces rapidly twisted into ugly scowls.

"Boy…!" the farm girl snarled viciously, eyes blazing as she furiously stepped forward and opened her mouth to deliver a truly blistering rant at her smugly grinning boyfriend, before being cut off by an equally smug Coop.

"Now, now, Lina, fair's fair," he chided with a mocking finger wag as he stepped between his friend and the two irate women. "After all, you and Yin were the ones being stereotypical first."

"He's right Miss Lina," Dinah chimed in cheerfully with a mischievous smirk of her own as she moved to stand beside the two men while Lina and the pink rabbit both growled. "You and Miss Yin are the ones who started it."

"Atta girl squirt!" the blue rabbit said proudly as he and the chicken man both playfully ruffled the giggling girl's hair while the two women both glared daggers at her.

"Traitor," they hissed accusingly at the young Seer, getting naught but a smug smile and a stuck out tongue in response.

"Well, I mean, if this is really that much of an issue, then Coop and I could still go make dinner…" Yang suggested leadingly, only for a triumphant grin to split his and the chicken man's faces as he was abruptly and violently cut off.

"NO!" Yin and the dog woman both shouted at the top of their lungs in a blind panic as they frantically waved their arms about, only to blink and groan in exasperation as the warrior, rooster, and Seer all collapsed into hysterics.

"Damn it, they got us," the sorceress groused in annoyance as she pinched the bridge of her nose before looking at her honorary sister irritably. "Looks like they win this round Lina."

"Looks like it," the farm girl muttered petulantly in agreement as she crossed her arms and glared sullenly at her insufferably smug boyfriend and friend.

"Oh my God, that was hilarious!" Dinah declared cheerfully, still clutching her stomach and wheezing with laughter as she beamed at the blue rabbit when the adults all focused on her. "You're really funny Mr. Yang!"

Yang cracked an appreciative grin at that as both women's faces softened considerably at the child's obvious happiness.

"Thanks Dinah," he replied in a sincere tone as he inclined his head at the girl. "Always nice to have someone who appreciates my comedic genius. Of course, it certainly helps that I've got such good straight women to work off of."

That last part was directed at his sister and girlfriend with a friendly wink, earning him
soft smiles as the two women nodded in acceptance at the warrior's peace offering.

No hard feelings.

"Well, I think we've kept Dinah waiting long enough," the pink rabbit remarked blandly as shot her honorary sister a wry grin. "Come on Lina, let's go make everyone a sandwich."

Lina snorted and chuckled with a self-deprecating smile of her own as she followed Yin into the kitchen, everyone else trailing close behind, chatting amicably with each other as the atmosphere seemed to lighten just a little.


A few hours later, Yin and Lina both sighed as they sat down on the couch again, their respective boyfriends eyeing them with some concern.

"Dinah all squared away then?" Yang asked quietly as he glanced at the guest room door, relaxing slightly as both women gave him an affirming nod.

"Yes, she should be fine now," the sorceress assured him gently before shooting a worried look of her own at Dinah's room. "For tonight at least."

The warrior grunted.

"We all knew it was going to take more than a day and one conversation for her to get better sis," he pointed out glumly, getting sad nods from everyone else as they thought back to the dinner they'd all shared together.

While the girl had seemed happy and in good spirits at first glance as they ate and chatted about more pleasant, trivial topics like her school or Yin and Yang's various exploits, none of the adult's had failed to notice the subtle ways in which the young Seer still seemed… off.

The subtle tension in her shoulders and the tightness in her smile, the way she constantly glanced at the doors and windows and jumped at any unexpected noise or touch, how she absolutely refused to not be within arms reach of at least one of the adults at all times, especially Yin, it was crystal clear to all of them Dinah still had a long road to recovery ahead of her.

It had taken the pink rabbit and dog woman quite a bit of coaxing and reassuring to get the jittery girl off to sleep, even after Yin had used her magic and skill at macrame to whip her up a set of brand new and extremely comfy pajamas, and in the end the sorceress had still needed to cast a subtle sleeping spell on the young Seer to ensure her rest would be peaceful and nightmare-free.

"I know, but it still just breaks my heart to see her like that," the pink rabbit replied forlornly, ears drooping, before her expression rapidly darkened and her eyes lit up ominously as a chill permeated the air. "I swear to the Ancestors, when I get my hands on the bastard that tried to hurt her…"

Cutting herself off, she placed her palms together and slowly breathed in and out several times to calm and recenter herself as everyone looked on in concern.

"Yin…?" the blue rabbit and farm girl both asked worriedly as their sister opened her eyes again, and Yin winced at their worried expressions before giving them a reassuring smile.

"It's alright guys. I promise, I'm not about to fly off the handle again. Really, I'm ok," she said with a soothing voice, and Yang and Lisa's faces both softened as the dog woman put a hand on her honorary sister's shoulder.

"So what now?" the farm girl asked quietly, receiving a grateful smile from the sorceress at the change of subject before a frustrated frown crossed her face.

"'What now?', indeed," the pink rabbit mused in consternation as she rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Honestly, I knew things were going to be bad from what I saw in my visions, but never in my wildest dreams did I think things would be that bad."

"Tell me about it," the warrior muttered sardonically. "This 'Earth Bet' is a total shitshow, what with all these villains and ineffectual heroes running around. It's like the Eradicus War all over again."

"I'm honestly more worried about these Endbringers than anything else," Coop cut in with a serious expression. "From the way Dinah talked about them, they actually sound worse than any Night Master. Cruel and Power Hungry Eradicus and my old teacher might have been, they at least still had understandable motives and reasons for what they did and wanted to actually rule over something once they'd crushed all opposition to their rule. These things seem like they just want to cause as much pain, death, and suffering as possible purely for the hell of it."

"Could they be the Golden Light Yin saw?" Lina asked warily, a deeply worried frown on her face as she recalled the terrible fate that had befallen all those world's unfortunate enough to cross the ravenous Light's path.

"I doubt it," the blue rabbit immediately replied as he reached out and gently took his girlfriend's hand in his own and gave it a soft squeeze to reassure her. "While the Golden Light's True Form is probably very different from what Yin saw in her vision, there should still be enough similarities for us to pick up on, and none of the Endbringers sound even remotely like a match for it. Not to mention their modus operandi doesn't match the Light's either. From what Yin told us, it didn't draw things out when it attacked those planets like they are. It just destroyed them and moved onto the next as quickly as possible."

The dog woman nodded slowly as she and the other two warrior's regarded Yang with considering looks.

"So if they're not the Golden Light, then what do you think they are?" the farm girl asked curiously as her boyfriend frowned and leaned back in his chair as he considered the question.

"...My best guess at the moment is that they're the Golden Light's servants. Some kind of vanguard it sends ahead to soften a planet up before it moves in for the kill," the warrior replied uncertainly after a few moments of thought as his sister pursed her lips at his answer

"Perhaps, though I doubt that's the whole picture. After all, if that was their only purpose then there are surely more efficient ways to go about it," Yin pointed out shrewdly as her brother shrugged in helpless frustration at her words, acknowledging his sister's point but unable to come up with any better explanations, before the sorceress in question sighed and a worried expression crossed her face.

"But honestly, it's not the Endbringers I'm most concerned about," she continued with a concerned glance at Dinah's room as her boyfriend and surrogate sister both blinked in shock and her brother sat up straighter at her words.

"You finally ready to tell us what you figured out when we were talking to Dinah?" the blue rabbit asked knowingly, expression serious as his friend and girlfriend both shot him confused looks while his sister just sighed.

"'Figured out' is probably a bit too strong a word," the pink rabbit began slowly, biting her lip in frustration as she searched for the words to voice her thoughts. "But when I was casting spells to try and help Dinah with her migraines and figure out what was wrong with her, I sensed a… presence of some kind latching onto her."

All three of her companions immediately sat bolt upright in alarm at that admission, faces tense as they alternated between rapidly looking back and forth between Yin and Dinah's room.

"You mean like Dark Chi?" the rooster demanded sharply with a fierce expression, looking about two seconds away from breaking down the young Seer's door as his hand unconsciously moved towards his chest before his girlfriend hastened to reassure him.

"No you guys," the sorceress replied gently in a soothing voice as she motioned for her fellow warriors to calm down. "Trust me, whatever this thing was, I am absolutely positive it was not Dark Chi. I know the stench of that stuff better than almost anyone, and if it had been Dark Chi I would have exorcized it from her immediately. Relax."

Coop, Yang, and Lina all sighed in relief and leaned back in their seats as the tension slowly bled out of them at the pink rabbit's reassurance.

"That being said, whatever this thing was, I doubt its intentions are benevolent," Yin continued with a severe frown as her companions stiffened again at her admittance. "While it didn't feel as outright volatile and malevolent as Dark Chi, it still felt… wrong, somehow. Like some kind of cold, sterile, unfeeling, alien thing that wasn't supposed to be there. Worse still, when I was scanning it with my magic I could feel it trying to scan me back before it got spooked and retreated after I started pushing harder. And that's when the migraines that Dinah's power was causing her finally subsided…"

Her companions all tensed as they caught the meaning behind the sorceress's words.

"Wait…" the dog woman asked breathlessly as she gave her best friend a wide-eyed look, "...are you telling us you think this thing's the source of Dinah's power?"

The pink rabbit nodded grimly.

"At the very least, I'm certain they're very closely connected," she confirmed with a frown as she crossed her arms over her chest. "And after what Dinah told us every parahuman has to go through to get their powers, well, suffice to say I'm more than a little suspicious."

The warrior groaned.

"Great, that's just wonderful," he muttered in exasperation, bitter sarcasm dripping off every word as the blue rabbit buried his face in his hands. "Powers are caused by some kind of parasite that's attracted to pain and suffering, and our future student's already been infected by one. Lovely."

"Doesn't that mean we should try and get that thing out of her as soon as possible?" the farm girl cut in as she cast an intensely worried look at Dinah's room while her surrogate sister sighed.

"That's just it Lina! We can't!" Yin growled in helpless frustration as she rubbed her face to calm her fraying nerves. "We have absolutely no idea what this thing is or how it works. The only lead we have is what Dinah told us about the Corona Pollentia, and apparently parahumans almost always die if you try to mess with it and their powers go completely haywire even if they do survive. There's no way we can risk it without more information."

"So, what? You're saying we should just leave this thing in her and hope for the best then?" the chicken man demanded harshly as everyone winced at his accusatory tone before his girlfriend reached out and put her hand on top of his, a sympathetic expression on her face.

"Unfortunately, yes," the sorceress answered reluctantly, her voice gentle but firm as she unflinchingly stood her ground at her boyfriend's thunderous scowl. "I get it, Coop. Believe me, I don't like this any more than you do and I understand your concerns better than anyone. But we can't risk doing anything drastic and putting Dinah's safety in jeopardy until we get a better idea of what we're dealing with here. You know that, chicken nugget."

The rooster stared at her for a long moment before letting out an explosive, frustrated sigh as he realized the truth of his girlfriend's words.

"Just… please keep an eye on her and let us know if her condition gets any worse," he requested in a weary voice as he took off his sunglasses and rubbed his eyes tiredly, revealing their brilliant, baby blue color as the pink rabbit smiled at him softly.

"Oh trust me sugar beak, after everything that's happened today, I'm not letting that girl out of my sight anytime soon," she promised with a wry smirk, only to blink in surprise as Coop chuckled and shared a knowing look with Yang and Lina, before putting it out of her mind.

"In any case, I think our path going forward is clear," Yin continued in a serious tone as her companions' faces all sobered up once more. "Yang and I need to go to Brockton Bay so we can find this 'Bad Man' that was after Dinah and take him down so he can't hurt her or anyone else ever again. We also need to find our other two students so we can start training them to face the Golden Light and gather as much information on parahumans and the Endbringers as we can. These things are all connected somehow, I just know it, and we need to figure out how so we can find out what exactly the Light is planning and put a stop to it before it's too late. Agreed?"

The dog woman and chicken man both nodded grimly, their lips pressed into thin lines as they gave the sorceress determined looks, but much to her surprise, her brother frowned and shook his head.

"Yeah, about that sis," the warrior cut in with a stern expression as his friend and girlfriend gave him equally perplexed looks. "I really wish you hadn't been so open with the promises to Dinah, because I'm not sure how much we'll be able to keep them."

"What?" the pink rabbit asked dumbly with a flabbergasted expression, still caught off guard by her brother's sudden objection as his frown deepened.

"Think about it, Yin," the blue rabbit said with a slightly exasperated expression at his sister's confusion. "We still have this World to worry about, in case you've forgotten. We can't just drop everything to go try and solve another world's problems! Taking care of this one is hard enough!"

Yin's eyes widened and her cheeks flushed in embarrassment for a moment at her brother's words before she shook her head and gave him a reassuring look as she gathered her thoughts.

"Yang, you're worrying too much," she assured him gently as he gave a skeptical grunt. "It's like you told me, most of the City's Villains are either dead, retired, or locked-up at this point, and the Woo Foo Army should be more than capable of handling the ones that are left. The town and world will survive without us for a few months or so."

"She's right Yang," the farm girl piped up in support of her honorary sister as she flashed her boyfriend a cocky smirk. "Coop and the others will keep things under control while you and Yin are gone, and once I'm finished with finals I'll be back to pitch in as well. Everything'll be fine, don't worry."

The rooster nodded in agreement and gave an encouraging thumbs up at that, but Yang merely frowned again before shaking his head in denial.

"I appreciate that you guys, I really do, but no offense, I'm not sure you'll be enough to keep things safe without me and Yin here," he replied tersely, his tone apologetic but stalwart as the other three warriors all scowled at him.

"And why is that, may I ask?" Lina growled testily, a definite warning note in her voice as she crossed her arms and glared at her boyfriend, who merely huffed and leveled an unimpressed stare at her.

"Yuck," he replied instantly, and that single, blunt word immediately snuffed out any fight in the others as they all adopted shocked, worried looks whilst glancing nervously at each other. "This would be a perfect opportunity for him to try something, and none of you are a match for him, Lina. Only Yin and I are. You and the rest of the Woo Foo Army would only slow him down at best. You know that."

The sorceress and dog woman both cursed viciously under their breath as they desperately wracked their brains for a solution or counterargument while Coop stepped in cautiously.

"Maybe… you and Yin could take turns going to Earth Bet while the other stays behind to guard our home?" he suggested hesitantly, only to deflate as the warrior shook his head.

"No, that still leaves too much of an opening for Yuck to take advantage of," the blue rabbit insisted stubbornly, albeit with an unhappy look on his face. "Yin and I have always needed to work together in order to beat him, and even then it's still a close thing. Not to mention I'm not comfortable with one of us heading off to such a dangerous world without the other so we can watch each other's backs. It's too reckless."

The pink rabbit scowled.

"Well, what would you suggest we do then, Yang?" she asked stiffly, doing her damndest to keep the frustration and irritation out of her voice at her brother's admittedly valid points as the man in question sighed and gave her a tired look.

"You all are probably going to hate me for this…" Yang replied quietly as everyone tensed at his words. "...but I think the best course of action for now would be to focus entirely on information gathering and finding our other two students so we can start their and Dinah's training ASAP. We'll only be able to make short trips at a time to search for them and gather info, no more than a few days at most, but once we find them we'll need to bring them here and put all our efforts into training them up for the Golden Light's arrival. Everything else is going to have to wait until that Monster is dealt with, assuming we even survive until then."

Yin, the farm girl, and the chicken man all frowned severely and shot each other distasteful looks before turning back to the warrior.

"Yang, I understand where you're coming from, but there's no way that would work," the sorceress said slowly in as reasonable a voice as she could manage. "Even if I hadn't already promised Dinah we'd do something about the 'Bad Man' she still has a family back on Earth Bet that must be worried sick about her. We can't just force her to stay here with us and train for however long it takes until the Golden Light shows up! She'd hate us!"

"Not to mention that you're other two students probably have families too and likely won't appreciate being taken away from them and dragged into another dimension by two strangers to fight a war against an Eldritch Horror," Lina cut in cooly with a reproachful glare as her boyfriend gave an offended huff and glared right back.

"Ok, first of all, I never said we were going to abduct them and drag them here to train against their will. Stop putting words in words in my mouth Lina," the blue rabbit growled testily at his girlfriend who stared back defiantly. "We'll obviously do our best to explain what's going on and get them to come to the Dojo of their own free will. We'd never be able to train them properly otherwise. As for Dinah… well, that's trickier, but I'm sure once she realizes what's at stake and how much this world depends on us, she'll come around. She's a smart girl, after all."

But his fellow warriors evidently didn't share Yang's enthusiasm, judging by the thoroughly unimpressed looks they were giving him.

"Yeah… somehow I doubt Dinah's going to take that as well as you think she will bud," the rooster commented flatly with half-lidded eyes as his friend glared at him hotly.

"Well too bad. She's just going to have to suck it up until the Golden Light comes or we can figure out a better solution," the warrior snapped harshly as Coop leaned back in surprise and the two women's expressions both grew thunderous.

"What is the matter with you Yang!?!" the pink rabbit demanded with a furious growl, her eyes lighting up in warning, which her brother easily ignored as he matched her glare with one of his own.

"I should be asking you the same thing Yin," the blue rabbit shot back coldly as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I would have thought that little temper tantrum you threw a few weeks ago would have taught you better about rushing in half-cocked and letting your emotions get the better of you, but apparently not. A shame."

The dog woman snarled as Yin's hackles rose in shock and fury at her brother's accusation, and the farm girl immediately leapt to her honorary sister's defense.

"That was over the line Yang," Lina reprimanded harshly as she stared down her unrepentant boyfriend with a furious glare. "This isn't anything like that. All Yin's done so far is make a suggestion, and in case you haven't noticed, your little 'plan' ain't exactly airtight either."

"Yeah, dude, what the hell!?!" the chicken man agreed wholeheartedly as he gave Yang a disappointed look as well. "Don't you care about what Dinah and the rest of those people are going through!?!"

"Of course I do Coop!" the warrior shouted back in frustration, his own eyes lighting up. "But as much as it sucks, the fact of the matter is that our world has to come first! These are not our people, and Earth Bet is not our world, which means they're not our responsibility! Hell, the only reason we have to get involved at all is because apparently the Golden Light's going to eventually find its way here once it's done with Earth Bet."

But his sister was having none of it as she crossed her arms and gave the blue rabbit the coldest stare he'd ever received from her.

"I'm very disappointed in you Yang," the sorceress said flatly as her brother flinched at her icy tone and the sheer disappointment in her voice. "I expected better from the one who screwed my head back on straight and stopped me from making such a terrible mistake with Smoke and Mirrors. Shame on you."

Yang hesitated and bit his lip as he looked away guiltily from his sister's intensely disapproving glare for a moment, before his face firmed and he drew himself back up to stare defiantly at his incensed sibling.

"And we won't be able to help anyone if we get ourselves killed spreading ourselves too thin trying to solve everyone's problems on two worlds. Nothing good ever comes from trying to play the big, messianic savior," the warrior countered sharply with a heated glare of his own as the rooster and dog woman watched the furious staring contest between the two powerhouses with bated breath, before the blue rabbit suddenly sighed and continued in a much quieter, somber tone. "I know that better than anyone…"

The pink rabbit's eyes widened and her angry scowl immediately morphed into a shocked and deeply concerned expression as the farm girl gasped and Coop winced in sympathy.

"That's what this is about? Oh Babe…" Lina exclaimed with a hand over her mouth before her face softened into a tender look as she gently took her sullen boyfriend's hands in her own. "How much longer are you going to keep beating yourself up over this before you finally forgive yourself?"

The blue rabbit sighed wearily as his tired eyes met his girlfriend's soft, worried ones.

"Until the day I die, probably," he answered morosely as the dog woman gave his hands a gentle squeeze and his sister reached out to put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Yang, look at me," Yin instructed quietly in a compassionate but firm voice, giving her brother a fierce, determined expression when he did so. "How many times do we all have to tell you this? Eradicus's resurrection was not your fault."

Yang laughed humorlessly.

"That's not what you and Dad said at the time," he pointed out glumly as his sister quietly cursed herself and her father before soldiering on.

"And we were both wrong. As we have told you many times already," the sorceress reminded him forcefully before sighing and continuing on in a much gentler tone. "Yes, your motives for accepting that 'secret quest' from the 'spirits of the Woo Foo Elders' were… less than selfless and yes, you should not have lied to me and Dad. But, not only were you just a partially-trained 11 year old child at the time, you also still believed you were doing the right thing and following the wisdom and instruction of our honored Ancestors. There's no way you could have known that those 'Elders' were actually Eradicus's minions trying to trick you into bringing them and their boss back."

"She's right Yang," the chicken man cut in quietly as he took off his glasses to give his friend a sympathetic look. "Absolutely everyone was 100% sure Eradicus and his forces had been vanquished for good centuries ago. Even the old bat didn't have the slightest clue that overgrown turkey's goon squad were still hanging on to the Mortal Plane or that it was possible to bring him back. So why would you have ever suspected anything?"

But the warrior just grunted and shook his head.

"Tell that to all the people whose entrails got strewn all over the street when Eradicus invaded the city for that bastard's sick amusement," he muttered stubbornly as everyone's faces fell at the bitter self-loathing in the blue rabbit's voice.

"Yang…" the farm girl started softly, only to be cut off by her boyfriend's raised hand.

"Don't, Lina. I appreciate what you and everyone else is trying to do for me, but please. Don't." Yang said in a quiet but firm voice that brooked no argument as his girlfriend nodded sadly and withdrew. "Regardless of how much Eradicus's resurrection was 'my fault' or not, the fact of the matter is it was still a mistake. A mistake we can't risk repeating by trying to babysit two worlds. Our responsibilities here have to come first."

"That doesn't mean we can just do the bare minimum on Earth Bet and ignore it otherwise Yang," the pink rabbit countered softly, her tone sympathetic but still unwilling to back down. "Helping as many people as we can, in any way we can, is our responsibility as well. And in spite of what you say, it's clear that Earth Bet and her people are connected to our world in some way. I wouldn't have been guided to Dinah otherwise. We can't just abandon them bro."

The warrior scowled, unable to refute his sister's argument yet at the same time not seeing a way out of their current predicament.

"So how are we supposed to make sure we don't come back to a City of flaming ruins because Yuck or some other villains decided to try something while we were gone?" he questioned pointedly as his sister sighed in helpless frustration.

"I don't know," Yin admitted reluctantly as she frantically massaged her temples to stave off her oncoming headache.

The four warriors sat there in silence for a while, each furiously racking their brain for a solution to their problem, only to start at the unexpected sound of a throat clearing.

"Um… actually… I might be able to help with that…"

Startled, everyone looked up in surprise to see a familiar cockroach wizard smiling back at them sheepishly.

"Hi everyone," Carl greeted with an awkward wave as everyone continued to stare at him with wide-eyes, still too stunned to speak. "I couldn't help but… overhear your conversation, and I might have a solution to your problem."

"What the hell!?! Carl!?! What are you doing here? How are you here?" the sorceress demanded loudly, her shock rapidly giving way to anger as the insectile wizard coughed nervously into his fist. "I literally just got those improved protection spells set up a few days ago!"

"Yeah… about that…" the roach man answered slowly, looking ready to bolt at any second as he nervously eyed the irate spellcaster. "After that TOTALLY OVERPRICED babysitting bill you hit me with, I… might have snuck in a few backdoors when you forced me to help you set up new protection spells…"

The pink rabbit's eye twitched rapidly as her three companions all just sighed and shook their heads in exasperation at Carl's poor impulse control, before taking several deep, calming breaths and leveling a stern look at the cockroach.

"This better be good Carl," Yin warned coolly as the insectile wizard fidgeted anxiously. "What's this solution then?"

"Ihaveawayforyourfriendstocallyouifsomethinghappenswhileyou'regone!" he blurted out fast enough to impress Mammon as the sorceress's angry expression morphed into one of surprise, then skepticism.

"You do?" she asked doubtfully with a raised eyebrow as the roach man breathed a sigh of relief before letting out an offended scoff.

"Of course I do! Don't you remember that I'm the one that created the machine that sent you to that other world all those years ago!" he grumbled petulantly before leveling a chastising glare at the pink rabbit. "Honestly Yin, you should have more faith in me than that."

But Yin merely stared at him with a flat, unamused glare.

"Don't push it," she growled, giving a meaningful look towards the door as Carl fidgeted nervously under her stern gaze.

"Um… yes, well… anyway…" he continued awkwardly before shaking off his nervousness and raising his glowing hands with a demented grin. "BEHOLD MY GREAT CREATION!"


And with a flourish of magic, two objects that bore a strange resemblance to pocket mirrors appeared in a flash of light and the insectile wizard floated one over into the puzzled sorceress's waiting hands.

"Carl… what is this?" she asked curiously as she flipped the device open to see that it was indeed a pocket mirror, albeit one that curiously had a little keypad on the bottom piece instead of any makeup.

"That, little Missy, is an ingeniously enchanted little mirror that can be used for instantaneous communication no matter how far apart you are from your friends!" the roach man answered proudly before rapidly typing on the keypad of his own mirror. "Simply enter the number of who want to dial into the keypad…"

The pink rabbit's mirror suddenly lit up for a brief moment before Carl's smugly grinning face suddenly appeared on its reflective surface.

"...and presto!" he exclaimed giddily as his voice came out of Yin's mirror perfectly in time with his words, the cockroach's image perfectly mimicking the real thing's movements. "You can instantly talk to your friend and see where they are or what they're doing no matter how far away they are!"

"So what do you think? Pretty good huh?" the insectile wizard asked as he closed his mirror and preened like a peacock. "I know, I know, I'm a genius. Hold your applause, please."

The others stared at him flatly.

"...It's a magic flip phone with an extra video call feature," Lina said bluntly after a lengthy pause, her eyes half-lidded as she crossed her arms and gave the roach man a blank stare. "How exactly is that supposed to stop Yuck or some other villain from wrecking the City while Yin and Yang are gone?"

Carl winced and deflated a bit at the dog woman's rather blunt assessment before quickly recovering and drawing himself back up as he gave her a reassuring smile.

"It might appear that way to the untrained eye Lina," he countered smugly as the farm girl snorted and rolled her eyes, "but I assure you, that mirror is far more than a simple flip phone. For you see, when I said that this device would allow you to talk to your friends regardless of distance, I meant it! Whether it be in another country, on another planet, or yes, even in another dimension, Time and Space themselves mean nothing to my wonderful little mirrors! Not bad for a mere, 'magic flip phone', huh?

Everyone's eyes widened at the insectile's wizard's bold proclamation and they stared dumbfounded at the inconspicuous little mirror in the sorceress's hand while its creator looked on in supreme self-satisfaction.

"Carl, are you serious!?!" the pink rabbit asked with a thunderstruck expression, her incredulity only growing as the roach man nodded in affirmation.

"100%, sweet cakes," he confirmed cheerfully as he haughtily inspected his nails, positively thrilled at getting the chance to show up the "world's greatest sorceress" for once. "I told you already, I'm the one that designed the machine that sent us across dimensions, remember? You really think that after that, a mere interdimensional communication device would be a challenge for a genius like me?"

"But… but how in the world were you able to combine all the necessary enchantments without the mirror becoming unstable!?!" Yin sputtered in disbelief, a note of jealousy and desperate pleading entering her voice as her normally brilliant mind struggled to figure out how Carl had accomplished such an impressive feat through her shock.

The insectile wizard grinned and opened his mouth in preparation to launch into a long, boastful lecture on how he'd created such an amazing device, only to be immediately cut off by a certain, stone-faced blue rabbit.

"Knowing Carl, I'm assuming it involved a lot of explosions, cursing, and bruises," Yang drawled flatly as the roach man scowled, cheeks flushed, and Lina and the rooster chuckled at the warrior's rather blunt assessment, before his expression grew more serious. "The only thing that really matters here is whether or not these things actually work. Are you sure those mirrors can do what you say Carl? Have you tested them?"

Carl huffed and crossed his arms grumpily.

"Of course, I've tested them Yang! What kind of incompetent hack do you take me for!?!" he snapped irritably, before his eyes widened and he frantically waved his arms at everyone's rapidly drooping expressions. "WAIT, DON'T ANSWER THAT!"

The sorceress sighed and shook her head with a tiny grin before turning to her brother.

"Well?" she asked expectantly as the blue rabbit pursed his lips in thought for a long moment before finally relenting with a tired sigh.

"Alright sis," he conceded quietly as his three friends all smiled in triumph. "I'm still not entirely comfortable leaving the City for such a long time, but at least this way our friends will have a way to call us so we can get back here quickly if something happens."

The pink rabbit and dog woman both beamed at him and leaned over to plant a big kiss on each cheek as Yang grumbled and Coop chuckled at his friend's predicament before Yin turned back to the insectile wizard.

"Thank you Carl. Truly," she said with a sincere smile as she bowed deeply to the surprised roach man. "I don't know what we would have done without you."

Carl blinked in shock before coughing awkwardly into his fist.

"N-no problem Yin. Always nice to have someone appreciate my genius talent," he replied, somehow managing to keep a haughty grin despite stammering over his words as everyone else chuckled and shot him indulgent smiles before his face softened into something more melancholic. "Besides, after hearing about everything that poor girl was going through, I couldn't just sit back and do nothing. I'm a father too, you know."

"Indeed," the sorceress replied with a deeply approving look. "Kevin's lucky to have you Carl."

"Ah stop it Yin! You're making me blush!" the insectile wizard said bashfully as his cheeks turned a flaming red and he started swaying side-to-side at the praise while everyone else rolled their eyes fondly at the overly effeminate display.

"You're welcome," the pink rabbit responded kindly, before her gaze suddenly sharpened and her gentle smile became much tighter as she abruptly yanked the surprised roach man toward her with her magic. "Now then, about these back doors you snuck into my wards…"

Carl gulped at her overly sweet tone.

"Please don't hurt me," he begged in a rather deadpan voice as Yin's burning blue eyes bored into his for a long moment before abruptly losing their foreboding glow while their owner chuckled.

"Tell you what," the sorceress said with a good-natured smile as the insectile wizard looked on in confusion at the surprising warmth in her voice. "You promise not to do it again once we put up new wards and teach me how to make those wonderful little mirrors of yours so I can add them to the Woo Foo scrolls, and we'll call it even."

The roach man gaped at her, speechless.

"R-Really?" he stammered out, positively thunderstruck. "You want to add my invention to your sacred scrolls!?!"

"Of course," the pink rabbit replied with a laugh, amusement dancing in her eyes at Carl's expression. "They're incredibly impressive and useful little devices after all, even if they're undoubtedly too time-consuming to make in large numbers. But for a small force such as ours, they'd be perfect. I would be honored if you would allow me to add them to the scrolls."

She bowed her head again as the insectile wizard started making odd choking noises at the praise before glancing back at her brother.

"That is, if my fellow Master doesn't have a problem with it?" Yin questioned leadingly, giving a pleased smile when the warrior smirked and flashed her a thumbs up.

"So what do you say Carl?" she asked as she turned back to the roach man, who gaped at her in shock a moment longer before an enormous smile split his face.

"Are you kidding me Yin!?! YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" Carl shouted in glee as he began to do a happy little dance in the air as everyone looked on, amused. "OH, HAPPY DAY! After so long of nobody taking me seriously, somebody finally recognizes the power and genius of me, CARL, THE EVIL COCKROACH WIZARD, AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!"


The sorceress just smiled and shook her head.

"Yes, yes. You're very smart and very evil, and we're all in awe of your magical prowess," she said indulgently, as the insectile wizard preened like a peacock while her fellow Woo Foo Warriors snorted in amusement. "But it's getting late, and we've got a lot of planning and preparations ahead of us now, so why don't you come back and help me with the wards and adding your mirrors to the scrolls first thing in the morning, ok?"

The roach man beamed at her.

"You got it Yin!" he agreed happily before waving at them all. "Ok bye everyone, I'll see you all tomorrow! Oh I can't wait to tell Kevin and Gabby!"

The pink rabbit chuckled warmly as Carl poofed away.

Never change, Carl, she thought fondly to herself before turning back to the others, who all got up from their seats.

"That was nice of you Yin," the farm girl said with an approving look as she walked over to her honorary sister, who shrugged.

"I wasn't lying. Those mirrors would make an excellent addition to the scrolls. Besides, after helping us solve our predicament like that, I figured Carl deserved a reward," Yin replied nonchalantly as everyone else nodded in agreement, before her expression turned slightly remorseful. "And I was a bit of a jerk to him last time during my, ah, episode, so I think I owed him an apology as well."

Lina smiled proudly at that and pulled the other woman into a warm hug.

"Well, at least you're learning from that," she said approvingly as her honorary sister eagerly returned the embrace. "I'm very proud of you Yin."

The sorceress's cheeks flushed slightly before she gave the dog woman a grateful smile.

"Thanks sis, I really appreciate that," she responded with a soft, sincere smile, before exiting the embrace and letting out a yawn as she stretched. "But it really is getting late and we've got a busy few days ahead of us now, so we should all probably get some rest."

"I hear that," the blue rabbit chimed in with a yawn of his own as he walked up to his girlfriend. "I'll see you tomorrow babe."

The farm girl smiled and the two lovers shared a deep kiss.

"Good night Yang," Lina said warmly before she turned to leave as the chicken man walked up to his own significant other.

"You too Yin. Don't worry we'll get through this," he told the pink rabbit reassuringly as he went in for a kiss of his own, which she happily returned.

"I know we will, chicken nugget. Good night," Yin replied warmly as the rooster nodded one last time before he also turned to head home.

Once Coop and the dog woman were both out the door, Yang sighed and gave his sister a tired look.

"You know, when those coupons smacked into our faces all those years ago, did you ever suspect that our lives were going to get so damn weird," he asked her sardonically as the sorceress barked out a short, humorless laugh at the question.

"I thought that some amount of weirdness was to be expected, yes, but never in my wildest dreams could I have anticipated things would get this strange," she answered wryly before her face softened and she put a reassuring hand on her brother's shoulder. "But don't worry bro. No matter how weird, complicated, or dangerous things get, I'm sure we'll find a way to pull through in the end. We always do."

The warrior sighed.

"I hope you're right sis," he muttered quietly as leaned into the pink rabbit, for once foregoing any complaints in favor of simply taking comfort in his sister's warm embrace as he prepared for what lied ahead.