Wheel of Reincarnation

Wheel of Reincarnation
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A spin of the dice will decide which hellish trials await the protagonist. Every life begins anew with a different spin, and everything will be forgotten if you die too early.
World 0 Year 0
You startle awake and panic for a moment, feeling nothing beneath your feet. Only confusion lingers in your mind, why is it that you must fear not being able to touch the ground? Try and recall as you might, only a thick, dark fog lingers in your mind. Once upon a time, you might have sworn to never forget something, but the promise seems so far away and so easy to break now.

The concepts of time as foreign as the promise, you float in silent contemplation until you are aware of something different. Although the previous concepts were vaguely familiar, whatever this is, it provokes a primitive instinct in your body, entirely foreign.

"I do not know what I expected, but a life of mediocrity was beyond surprising, especially for someone like you. Perhaps it was cruel to strip you of everything you once were and leave you like this," its last words are accented with something sharp in its voice, and, although you cannot sense its formless body, you feel its majestic presence pressing down on you.

"Forget it, you are incapable of speaking anyways, a simple soul without a body. Now, let us tally your achievements."

Something bright fills the area you are in and fills you with warmth as you've never felt before. It softly whirls around and plays with you, asking for you to let it in further. With a burst of light, the fuzzy feeling is gone, leaving only emptiness behind.

Age Criteria

+1 for living 19 years.

Total Skill gain

0.3 Languages
0.2 Mathematics
0.2 Physics
0.4 Chemistry
0.1 Biology
0.2 Reading

1.4 trait points

Total Stat gain -

0.2 STR
0.2 DEX
0.1 CON
0.3 INT
0.0 WIS
0.2 PRC
0.1 LCK
1.1 trait points

No impressive feats.
No legendary feats.
Current Trait Points - 3.5

As you didn't reach the required 5 Trait Points, only glimpses of past memories shall be retained and no new traits shall be unlocked.

A now familiar feeling of disappointment washes over you, condemning you for not fulfilling your goal. You are vaguely aware that emotions shouldn't be alive, but the dark cloud hanging above your head proves you wrong. The mist is lifting from your head, allowing greater clarity, but still too much to take action.

"You, as a creature, are utterly boring, and this greatly displeases me," its voice fills the space as it materializes a small wheel with images that are too horrifying for any soul to gaze upon.

"You, my dear, will be both blessed and cursed by luck. One moment you may find a legendary item, only to drop dead from a simple disease you thought was harmless. Perhaps you may not live long in some of these scenarios, but it will be much more entertaining this way."

"Fear not, it would be far too boring for you to die young, so the world will protect you until you are of age. The price of delaying a major disaster is simple, your parents will have to bear it instead, but they deserve it if they give birth to you," emotions of both pure love and hate swim in the air, chasing one another's tail.

"Great buildings of stone and even greater beings will be present in all of your lifetimes, and I shall choose to keep you as you once were to preserve our eternal brotherhood. The human form is the closest one that will fit you, but perhaps in the future, you may awaken as a demon or even a dragon.

"You've been such a lovely guest, even if you haven't spoken a single word. I hope the next time I see you, you will begin to materialize as something more than this simple soul, but it will take many reincarnations for that to happen. And when you finally complete yourself, I will be there to destroy you, as so many times before," the looming shadow of insanity begins to blanket the empty space around you, drawing you in its embrace and fading to black.

The small glimpse into the potential greater story isn't that important now. The truly important thing is dice and tables. I wanted to create a semi-randomized story with different characters each time, and what better way to let you roll for it. The general flow of the story will start with us skipping 10 years and beginning from there. We will go year by year, rolling different dice on hundreds of tables throughout the years and worlds, or so I hope at least. As this isn't a game but a novel, I can continue creating tables for everything you guys choose to do and explore different mechanics together.

General rule - Low is the worst possible outcome for you guys and high is the best possible outcome.

Strength - How physically powerful you are.
Dexterity - How nimble and flexible you are.
Constitution How robust you are and how much you can endure.
Intelligence How quickly you pick up certain things, your affinity to mana.
Wisdom - How closely you are attuned to other planes and gods.
Charisma - How good you are at making friends, at getting discounts in stores.
Perception - How good you are at spotting threats and traps, also affects how influenceable you are by foreign forces.
Luck - How lucky you are.
At 50 Luck, you gain a Luck Dice, allowing you to re-roll any table.

Every point of constitution you roll a d10 and add that much HP to your total
Every point of intelligence you roll a d10 and add that much MP to your total.

Spells use MP, weapon skills use stamina, which is 10/10 and can't be affected by raw stats.

Spells - They automatically do something unless the target resists with innate magic resistance.
-1 to their resistance for every point of INT you have.
+1 to their resistance for every point of WIS they have.

Combat - d20
Roll + Strength + Weapon skill + Weapon bonus
10 + Dexterity + Defensive Skill + Armor bonus

Weapon dice determined by weapon, active and passive skills.

Damage = Roll + Strength + Weapon skill + Weapon bonus
Damage Reduction = Dexterity + Armor Bonus

Learning Skills
Actively learning a skill - Roll a d10, if the number is higher than the current skill level, improve it by 1
Improving by use - You need to use a skill as many times as its current skill level to passively improve it.

Major/Minor Disaster
At the start of every Year that ends with a 5, you will receive a Minor Disaster. These will primarily inconvenience your life, as well as add new mechanics to deal with. First Minor disaster will affect your parents and not you. This is a d10

A Major Disaster is something that will kill you in one way or another. At the start of every Year that ends with 5, you will receive a Major Disaster. It is modified by your age and nothing else currently until you find life-extending items. This will range from outright death to deadly disease, losing one of your limbs, or even bringing doom to the entire world. The first Major Disaster will affect your parents and not you.
Year 5 Parent takes minor disaster.
Year 10 Parent takes major disaster.
Year 15 You take minor disaster.
Year 20 You take major disaster.

This is a d10+4, but it suffers a -1 penalty for every 10 years. Thus at Year 30 you will be rolling 1d10+1, with a 10% chance to instantly die.
In hard or deadly worlds your parent rolls at a regular d10. In easy worlds, he rolls a 1d10+4
Low dice rolls always have worse effects.
A table might sometimes have modifiers affecting it, whether it be stats or skills or other outside factors.

Reincarnation bonuses.

Traits unlock upon various factors, such as performing a mighty deed, reaching a particular skill level or specializing in one, or a combination of such factors.

+1 trait point for every 10 years lived.
0.1 for every acquired skill level.
0.1 for every acquired stat gain.

+5 trait points awarded for impressive feats.
+20 trait point gain on legendary feats.

There can be additional new stats such as sin or corruption. We can experiment with different systems, if you guys want to be crafters that craft legendary swords, we can certainly do that. Also note that you are not bound by your parent's craft, and you may choose any direction in life.
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Mechanics set up, you guys will get to vote a bit later down the story. Instead, we will go through 4 series of rolls to determine the starting point. As always, repeat dice rolls won't count and only unique ones will. (aka one person isn't rolling the 4 dice I need, but 4 different people)
So, here we go. Someone roll me a d6 to first determine the difficulty of this world.
Also ps I don't know how to shrink the tables on the site so if anyone could teach me that'd be great.

World Risk Level

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Not the greatest of dice rolls as you will be starting at a hard setting, but that's the fun of dice lol. What this means is that the world disaster is much deadlier and the state of the world is grim, if not half-destroyed already, surviving is going to be tough.

Someone mind rolling a d10 to see what world calamity is plaguing the world?

Hope the format encourages more discussion between me and all you guys.

1Demon Invasion
2Deadly Disease
3Undead Calamity
4Dragon Domination
5God's Descent
6Orc Warlords
8Goblin King
9Roaming Spirits
10Internal Conflict
I will take this roll
Nice, higher rolls always mean better results for you, thus spirits and eldritch horrors are the 2nd best thing to happen to you, perhaps you aren't as doomed as I thought.

This is the truly important roll as it represents whether you guys will be born to a slave or a king. The chances are slim to be the king's son, but it can always happen If you roll upper class.

1-6Lower Class
7-9Middle Class
10Upper Class
Here's hoping for upper class.
Truly a shame to be missing such interesting backgrounds as Slave, Mason, or even Gravedigger, but nice luck. The middle class is where a few of the richer people stay at, but it mostly features a variety of magical classes.

I'll need a d12 to determine who your parents are and what will be your upbringing.

7Folk Hero
Nevermind I lied, I will need two more rolls to determine if your parents fall ill and leave you as an orphan or what happens.

First table is for Minor Disaster which will reveal itself in story telling

1Roll on Major Disaster
6Loss of Acquaintance
10Roll on Minor Encounter

Second table is for Major Disaster. Normally you would roll this at a bonus for your parents, but it's a hard world and a hard life.

6Calamity Advancement
10Loss of Reputation
11Loss of Relationships