What is your wackyist alternate history idea?

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What is a wacky alternate history idea of yours?
Wacky alternate history ideas
Alright, what is your wackyist alternate history idea?

Let's start off with mine as a "example.":
In 1919, the Freikorp fail to retake Berlin from the communists, sealing the fate of the newly formed government. The Spartacist Revolution succeeds and Germany is now communist. The new Spartacist government stops peace talks in Versailles and continue the war. The French people and soldiers are pissed the war is continuing, and revolution sweeps the nation. With American and British troops sandwiched between two communist nations, America and Britain sue for peace. In Brussels, a treaty is negotiated where Belgium is divided between Flanders and Wallonia, with Germany controlling Wallonia, and France controlling Flanders. Germany keeps all there territory in Europe while German colonies go to the British. Any other peace treaty that involved the other former Central Powers remain in effect. The Treaty of Brest Livostk still remains in effect as well. With the treaty negotiated, France, Germany, and their puppets, form the Comintern, a military and economic alliance that protects all communist nations. Now this the weird part, the Comintern's greatest minds come together and create Steampunk technology. This new technology is quickly normalized in Comintern nations. With the new steampunk tech, the Comintern intervenes in the Russian Civil War on the side of the Reds, causing the Russian Civil War to end faster in Red victory than in our timeline. America and Britain freak out and try to develop there own steampunk tech to counter the Comintern's steampunk monopoly. With this, steampunk spreads throughout the world in a period called the "Steampunk Revolution." Also, a sort of Cold War erupts between the Western nations of America and Britain, and the Comintern in Europe.
Stop: Rule 2 Violation
rule 2 violation
1997 Israel is ISOT back to 7650 BCE. President Netyahu is forced to grow some balls and strip the Haredi of their wellfare priviledges and force them to do actual jobs

Israel becomes the good guys in this scenario by ending slavery and eliminating the noble classes. Exposing downtimers to modern ideas and technology causes a fast trend towards Secularization and Irreligion. This causes many Israelites to question the validity of Judaism

Humanity builds a space colony on the Moon by 7580 BCE. Vast majority of humans are Immortal Cyborg Gene-Enhanced Atheists

They build time portals to other timelines to forcibily bring down every Conservative and Religious institution

This results in countless Rightwing resistance groups secretly contacting and visiting other Timelines to create the One True Confederacy. Hitlers, Stalins, Maos, Trumps, Reagans, Wilsons, Leopold IIs, James Buchanans, Ivan the Terribles, Qin Shuan Hangdis and other Conservative leaders/civilizations declare war on Uber-Israel!

Billions die but Hundreds of Trillions of lives are save from death, sickness and poverty. OTC is exterminated obviously.
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