What is the worst fandom ever?

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The fandom that's trying to start fights with other fandoms. :V

More seriously, any member of a fandom that sends death threats to anybody.

...So basically, all fandoms at some point. :V
The worst fandom I've found is one of the few I can feel fine about being entirely dismissive of due to its small size and similar qualities that mean its entirely possible to describe it as a coherent whole; the "Purity before Existance" fandom, which tends to unilaterally agree with its author Lance Lightengel on his antisemetism, doxxing, homophobia, hitler apolegia, and fascist creed.
The worst fandom I've found is one of the few I can feel fine about being entirely dismissive of due to its small size and similar qualities that mean its entirely possible to describe it as a coherent whole; the "Purity before Existance" fandom, which tends to unilaterally agree with its author Lance Lightengel on his antisemetism, doxxing, homophobia, hitler apolegia, and fascist creed.

The worst fandoms are ones that're centered around already toxic works and people. As much as people like to complain about certain fandoms there are at least people with common sense within them to prevent or heavily discourage bad behavior, but if your work is one that advocates for these behaviors it's already a lost cause. Other than that I don't really care about "cringe", it's usually harmless and I can chose if I want to view that content or not.
I'd rather not give any links to his website, both because he doesn't deserve the add revenue and because his adds are supposedly actively malicious, but Lance Lichtengel is the author of said book, Purity before Existance. He and his, it's honestly best described as a cult really, are centered around his political opinions (not even neo nazis, just the flat out thing sans an official membership in the defunct organization), his beleif in himself as God(this may have started as roleplaying but he does this everywhere and hasn't broken persona in years) and his book, which they defend with posts like
I like how everyone is insulting Lance's book when they haven't accomplished anything themselves. Like, I don't see you writing any books either and if u did it wouldn't be half as good as Lance's. You all think you're so great for some reason, but I don't see what's so special about all you condescending corrupt pieces of garbage.
incessantly and constantly advertise. It's "quality" is where he derives his authority from.

There are probably some worse fandom groups out there, but none of them have gotten to my attention by doxxing my friends and acquaintances.
I'd argue that it'd be the Yudkowsky crowd, BUT, Superwholock, Homestuck, My Little Pony, Gundam, and Rick and Morty are up there.
I don't like this thread, because I already know where it leads. It leads to people with the fundamental lack of understanding that most fanbases are large and diverse. @QTesseract has given one of the few definitive examples of what we could agree upon as a "bad" fandom. All other suggestions that aren't vague descriptions are likely going to be misrepresenting the vast majority of people within a fandom. "What fandom has annoyed/disgusted me the most" is the question people are really going to answer. The usual suspects will line in. MLP. Sherlock. Twilight.

Yes, the actions of individuals, small groups, or even large groups can be toxic. I also guarantee you that the majority of people in a fandom, regardless of what squicks you out, are people who just enjoy something. For example, I like MLP. I like the fandom, because it was very open and LGBTQ friendly. It gave me a light in a very depressing part of my life to engage with friendly and open minded people about simple, happy things. However, people are guaranteed to mention it as one of the worst and most toxic fandoms. They're going to say that everyone in it are degenerate paedophile trash, or horsefuckers. They're going to call it gross, wrong, and cancer. I've heard it all, seen it all before, on SV no less. Then they'll go and defend some other fandom they're a part of themselves by saying "it's only a small part of the fandom." They'll say whatever fetish is more popular or common in that fandom is justified for the same reason I'll defend the MLP community with, completely missing the irony.

That's why I don't like this thread.
I don't like this thread, because I already know where it leads. It leads to people with the fundamental lack of understanding that most fanbases are large and diverse. @QTesseract has given one of the few definitive examples of what we could agree upon as a "bad" fandom. All other suggestions that aren't vague descriptions are likely going to be misrepresenting the vast majority of people within a fandom. "What fandom has annoyed/disgusted me the most" is the question people are really going to answer. The usual suspects will line in. MLP. Sherlock. Twilight.

Yes, the actions of individuals, small groups, or even large groups can be toxic. I also guarantee you that the majority of people in a fandom, regardless of what squicks you out, are people who just enjoy something. For example, I like MLP. I like the fandom, because it was very open and LGBTQ friendly. It gave me a light in a very depressing part of my life to engage with friendly and open minded people about simple, happy things. However, people are guaranteed to mention it as one of the worst and most toxic fandoms. They're going to say that everyone in it are degenerate paedophile trash, or horsefuckers. They're going to call it gross, wrong, and cancer. I've heard it all, seen it all before, on SV no less. Then they'll go and defend some other fandom they're a part of themselves by saying "it's only a small part of the fandom." They'll say whatever fetish is more popular or common in that fandom is justified for the same reason I'll defend the MLP community with, completely missing the irony.

That's why I don't like this thread.

I agree that discussion of this sort is typically going to lead people to discuss what fandoms they personally dislike, rather than any sort of attempt at an objective measure of awfulness. Partially due to the fact that it's difficult to come up with an actual metric by which to compare this aspect of fandoms and partially due to the tendency to project our own bad experiences with individuals onto a larger group they're apart of. Like, the majority of most people within a fandom are completely fine and reasonable. Those individuals who give it a bad rep tend to be a part of a small but vocal subsection.

That being said, the closest criteria for an objective judgement of worst I can come up with is to look at fandoms with subsections that have committed genuinely immoral or illegal actions. Things like causing public disturbances, harassing people based on their association with the subject of the fandom, attempting to harm people for the same reason, etc. Even then, I think a distinction would have to be made between one-off actions of individual members and a pattern of behavior seen throughout multiple members. Of course, this method still runs into the issue of labeling the entirety of a fandom "the worst" based on the actions of a minority within it.
Mods should save themselves the headache and just lock this thread. It will lead to nothing good.

Anyway the worst fandom is the Roman one. Your city was sacked by both the Crusaders and the Ottomans! You call yourself the best fandom, hah!

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