[X] Plan Lucindia
+[X] Escort Roblix and his companion to Myrmidon's war tower
+[X] "I will escort you all to the war tower but afterwords I must ask for transportion to the Ecchlessiarchy's Monestary of Golden Light"
+[X] Chainsword
+[X] Shield
+[X] Backpack
+[X] Rosetta
+[X] Flower Petal Embedded in Glass
+[X] Name: Lucindia
[X] Plan Letenta
+[X] What do you decide to do? Escort Roblix and his companion to Myrmidon's war tower
+[X] What do you say to Roblix and his companion? I will escort you all to the war tower but afterwords I must ask for transportion to the Ecchlessiarchy's Monestary of Golden Light
+[X] (Equipment1) Field sututes
+[X] (Equipment2)Backpack
+[X] (Equipment3)Auspex
+[X] (Momento1) Rosary
+[X] (Momento2) A lock of a parents hair
+[X] Name Letenta